This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

107th Sitting 01/06/2016

We had everything setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Liz started out in a meadow with dandelion clocks, buttercups and cherry blossom petals falling. It had a serpentine path going through it, going on and on in a snake like zig-zag towards the sea. Liz wanted to get to the sea so started slithering along the path like a snake but then thought she really needed a bridge and found she’d created an enormous aqueduct and she flew up over it getting a wonderful panoramic view. Then Liz thought the whole purpose of this exercise was to reach out to the spiritual side and she then found herself reaching out to Jesus and being drawn towards this figure who took her hand and led her to the Garden of Gethsemane. Liz felt this was a sad place to be and was then aware of the tree where Judas had hung himself and Jesus explained that the doubt to have faith in the spiritual reality, the divine nature of the human, led to the state of Judas betraying that inner knowledge in favour of worldly power. He explained the need to become like a little child again. The more you have, the more you acquire in this world, the harder it is to allow yourself to totally be immersed and to be led by spirit. He said when a child is born it completely allows itself to be led by the mother and when a child is born to be a royal like Prince Charles, or a pauper, a farmer’s son, for a baby it’s all the same, it gives itself up to the mother and the family, allows it to guide and provide everything that’s needed and even as we grow up we’re given everything that we need to fulfil whatever it is we’re meant to be doing if we allow that process we can allow ourselves to be guided by the spirit within but that often gets blocked…

I started off sitting on a porch drinking a cup of tea looking out at fields, meadows and woodland, feeling very much in harmony with the world. I then became aware of a sound; it was just one musical note being played constantly like a hum. I didn’t know where it was coming from so I got up and walked out onto the fields which then started rippling towards me like ripples in a lake. It made me feel light-headed and unsteady on my feet. I decided to make a humming sound myself but using a different note, one not in tune with what I was hearing to create a discord and as I did so it created more ripples in the fields moving away from me which interacted with the other ripples causing weird patterns in the fields making me feel even more unsteady and then the wind got up and the air was filled with leaves and other debris flying around. I then became aware of a figure standing with me looking biblical with long white robes and he explained that the humming sound I hear was the music of the Earth and we all need to stay in harmony with that one musical note. He said we can easily cause upset and disharmony in the Earth by playing the wrong note. Then he produced a flute and played a note that stopped the wind and the ripples as everything went back to feeling harmonious again…

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

The room started to look flashy to me with lots of movement going on and then I started to see blobs coming and going.

I had a fleeting image of somebody standing and reading from a book with children sitting around them.

Both Liz and I drifted off a few times.

Liz began to speak…

‘Kedgeree… I have an image of a small, slim black person with a large afro hair do’

‘Gordon Square, Carlisle’

‘I got a sense of someone hunting a hare, crouching down’


The music ended and Liz continued…

‘Carpet slippers, I’m at the mad hatter’s tea party, through the key hole, the queen, the queen with Prince Charles, Buzby, comments on the coronation, kaleidoscope, Glynde’

‘Something about French farmers, a lot of jumbled up words, turnip… it’s like I’m looking at a ploughed field, a lot of chalk… Pauline… a sense of somebody playing a flute… pernicious anemia… fendagast’

‘Got a sense of a collaboration going on, a sense of Dad’s Army, Clive Dunn… keep getting pictures of people on a stamp, Elvis Presley… I’m not sure if this is all noise’

Me… ‘Can you ask for a clearer picture?’

‘I got a clear picture now, a bottom of a wall, seems to be like a castle, with blue bells, a bit like Herstmonceux Castle, seeing lots of people and a carriage’

Me… ‘Is it a horse and carriage?’


Me… ‘When I got married I had a horse and carriage to Herstmonceux Castle’

‘I’ve got Roger, Ronald… I’ve got William Waldegrave again, a lady in a dress, conquest’

‘Suddenly just got this sense of curtains, silk curtains... I’ve got the British flag, a feeling of being in a photo booth and there’s a crowd outside, a lot going on, a lot of activity’

‘It’s like looking on the news reel of the assassination of Kennedy, that motorcade in sepia colour, that’s juxtaposed with the coronation on television’

‘The Sistine Chapel’

‘I’m just asking if there’s a common thread, I seem to be all over the place… David… question, question… perhaps you need to ask a question’

Me… ‘Okay… a long time ago I heard someone say if you don’t like someone it’s because you see in them something you don’t like about yourself. Would you say that was true and could you elaborate on that?’

‘Projections resonate, project onto others and resonate with those qualities in us that maybe jar, yes that’s very often true’

Me… ‘So if we love ourselves would we not then find any faults in others?’

‘In the state of love aligned with the universal state of lovingness yes everything becomes a reflection, reflected in that totally non-judgemental benign acceptance, what is known as the unconditional positive regard’

Me… ‘What can we do to reach this state where we totally love ourselves?’

‘To become as little children and then to allow, to open up to the universe. There are many paths, many helpful ways to facilitate that allowing, letting go, to cultivate that state of openness, but there’s a lot of baggage, a lot of resistance sometimes, so mindful awareness of one’s own conscious state is important. To know one’s own state of consciousness, to befriend whatever is in that consciousness and to gently observe and inquire as a friend into one’s own consciousness. That’s a beginning just to be aware. Serving oneself like a kind teacher, like a kind mother gently noting without judgement, a sense of gentle enquiry, gentle interest, curiosity and to be able to read between the lines what is real and what is false, what is projection, what is misapprehension, what is helpful, what is not helpful, what leads to happiness and wellbeing and what creates conflicts and dismay is to observe and to note with interest and to learn, to survey the sense of self with certain circumspectness allowing but not necessarily believing everything, identifying with everything, just watching and at some point a sense of compassion for the self, a sense of realisation can arise’

Me… ‘Do we bring baggage in with us when we incarnate into this physical world or is it something we pick up along the way?’

‘The root being, the innate human spirit is pristine, has no baggage as such but that baggage is acquired, put on like a coat, picked up, maybe even desired, habits of lifetimes. The naked spirit can choose to clothe itself in different guises but some of those guises carry quite a lot of dirt if you like, heavy with grime and difficult to cast off again but the unconditioned, the spirit is always there but the coat is so heavy and it only sees itself in the coat so the true nature is forgotten and it’s just the coat that’s seen and that’s why carefully observing that coat, how it feels, how it moves, can sometimes lead to the intimation of the hidden spirit beneath it, or enthusing it, a sense that there is something more. Once that spirit is sensed it can be liberated, it can be co-opted to help to lift off the heavy coat. The coat won’t lift itself off but the abiding spirit when it is recognised and co-opted, solicited, that can help to cast off the coat’

Me… ‘What causes us to clothe ourselves in this coat?’

‘Camouflage, a desire to fit in with a common paradigm, a desire to belong and a misuse of the human mind and intelligence and it’s that erroneous and malfunctioning mind that has to become aware of its malfunctioning and then it’s that mind that can co-opt the spirit that can ask then for the help to take off the coat, to cast off the habit. So that’s why the skill of mindfulness being watching one’s own mind, observing, becoming aware of its working and of its operation can help to catch it in the act because it’s the mind that creates this coat so by being aware of the mind’s modus operandi can catch the coat weaver in the act and stop the spinning of the false yarn and allow the self to become naked again like a baby’

Me… ‘I suppose once the self has become naked again it would perceive things differently, like other people and physical objects around itself’

‘Yes the small child looks at those around often with that unconditional love but as it grows later that unconditional love then becomes disrupted with expectations and flashes of anger and all the paraphernalia of emotions that it justifies and the love can get lost on the way, the child becomes later angry with parents, angry, resentful, frustrated as well as the more positive emotions but a lot of habits are required that mitigate against that unconditional loving positive regard and some of those emotions or clothings that are acquired by the child are reflections or resonances from the parents, from those around them and learns these modes and ways of seeing and viewing and judging and falls away from the original state of acceptance and allowing and the unconditional positive regard… I keep coming back to events of the queen and the crown and a sense of royal family but that’s covered over with the sense that everyone is a royal, is a sovereign and that everyone wears a crown, has that potential to be sovereign, that we are all equal, equally born, noble. The royal baby is no different from the baby in the manger. The baby in the manger it was said was a king, it’s the potential of the Christ, Christ the king, the royal, the sovereign, the sovereign self, in each and every human, happy and glorious everyone, majesty everyone, no one more than another’

There was a pause.

‘I have a sense of someone a bit like a mermaid, Dravidian, but it turned into someone who looks like Princess Diana. A sort of Mediterranean type rising out of the city of Constantinople, all the different flags of the nations just being dissolved. I just get a sense of the great happiness of sea creatures and mermaids living in that wonderful medium, water, amphibians, and I guess that is a state to be of the human consciousness to be equally at home in the physical plane and in the spiritual plane, on land and in the sea of spirit’

Liz started to come back and once she was feeling back with it I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…