This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

84th Sitting 27/10/2015

We had the room setup as last week which will now be our usual setup.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the rainbow bridge exercise…

Liz found herself in the dark by a sparkling sea with stars above it. There was a moon surrounded by a rainbow aura. It was magical and peaceful and Liz felt she was in Scotland at Iona. She then found herself getting in a boat and someone who she felt she knew was rowing it. She felt a warm rain falling on her, it was like golden rain then suddenly she was in a whole shaft of gold, there was gold all around her, everything was golden. It had gone from dark to brilliant gold light like the sun. They seemed to be going to an island of rainbows and when they got there it was harvest time; there was golden bracken and trees, all the colours of autumn. They walked through the harvest fields and were joined by more people who told them this was their harvest. Then they walked up to a golden temple full of fruits and flowers. It had pillars of lights and in the middle a fountain, a baptism fountain. Liz was given a baby to hold and she took it into the fountain and was joined by all the other people, all in the fountain together. The temple was heavenly with music and choirs everywhere. It was like a place that contained everything that was heavenly, gems and jewels, a place of healing, a place of calm and a place of baptism. Liz felt this was home and a place she could come to. She felt she was here and there at the same time…

I started off looking out of the window of a house into the front garden. It was grey, cloudy and raining and I saw people walking slowly by on the street looking very sad. Then I looked across to the other side of the street and noticed the sun was shining and people were walking up and down with a spring in their step looking very happy and contented. I felt I wanted to join these happy people in the sun and then found myself standing in the middle of the road; the rain was behind me and the sun in front. I looked up and down the street and it went on forever with thousands of people walking up and down each side. I started to walk along the sunny side passing people who all smiled and greeted me while on the other side everyone was looking down not acknowledging each other as if in their own world. An elderly Chinese man approached and I asked him why the people on the grey side of the street didn’t come over to this side and he told me they could but they were all in their own self-created states of mind due to negative thinking, oblivious to the wonderful life that was just a few steps across the street. He said that when they begin to question for themselves that life could be better they will glance over to this side and then we can get their attention and help. We can invite them over but they have to make the first move…

I put the music back on and we continued the session.

The atmosphere started to flicker to me then it went light and misty with a few waves and swirly bits followed by bright blueish blobs in front of me.

Liz remained quiet during the session.

When the music ended I asked if there was anything to say.
Liz then began to speak…

‘Just gold, I have the sense of gold, it’s like a twig, a dark skeleton, leaves of gold and the laburnum comes to mind… Golden, harp of gold, golden harp, gold has this special symbolism, gold is also a quality, speak with a heart of gold, golden opportunity… Genghis Khan always favoured gold… Gold has a special note, a special cord, a special vibration and to follow that golden mile leads towards a reality that underpins this reality, the reality in which we have our sovereignty… Gold, it was the alchemists dream to turn lead into gold but the transformation of this base reality into its full spectrum, full resonance, brings it into line with the meaning of gold, golden. It shines; it reminds us of the lustre, the brilliance, the light… Gold on the inner planes is the gold of real value that brings us into line with the ultimate reality, with the whole; the outer gold is a gross reflection, a reminder of the inner gold which is the real treasure… That’s all’

Liz didn’t feel she had been asleep during the session but had been in an altered state of some kind.
I had remained awake throughout this week.

Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…