This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

Update 23/04/2015

Liz is now on holiday for three weeks... We'll be sitting again mid May...

65th Sitting 14/04/2015

We had the room set-up as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We started with the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Liz found herself climbing a series of rocks up a steep waterfall with rainbows coming off the cascading water. It was Swallow Falls. She found it hard work climbing so turned herself into a moth and fluttered up to the top where there was an enormous plain and the whole sky was arched with rainbows everywhere criss-crossing each other. Liz wasn’t sure where to go and then sensed two beings coming to take her forward then realised they were her wings so she flew up and up into the sky and came to a huge opening like a cavern, a great door in the sky. Inside it was like a holy place, a great chamber. There was a woman there with a kind of oriental belly dancer dress on and she was covered in coloured jewels. She was very attractive with long dark hair and noticed Liz admiring her jewels so asked her to sit down with her talking and gesticulating about all the pathways. As she shook her hands many moths came out with iridescent wings like rainbows and she said that all of them are going off on different paths, each of them is going off on its journey for the day to find honey and experience. Then she showed Liz how at night-time she could turn into an enormous tree where all the moths came back to roost. She said at night they come back and bring me their secrets, all the nectar and all the knowledge they’ve gained goes into me and my roots go deeper into the earth. She started to shake herself going into a dance like a gyrating belly dancer. It was the dance of all the information that had been gathered from all these different aspects of being, all the different pathways, they were multitudinous and they were all valid. The deep knowledge from each pathway came back to roost in the tree of life. She then pointed up to the sky at the Sirius Star saying this is where we come from. It was the Dog Star and the little black and white dog that Liz often sees is the connection and Liz should carry on writing about it. Then it was time to come back so Liz turned herself back into a moth to return…

I started off walking up a cobbled street in what appeared to be Victorian London. There were horses and carriages passing by and many people milling around. I felt I needed to get to the river Thames so asked a man for directions. He told me to turn right at the end of this street and sure enough that took me to the Thames Embankment. Everything now looked like it was in the 1960s and cars had replaced the horses. As I stood at the edge of the river I saw a rope bridge being lowered down to me but it seemed to end half way across and wasn’t suspended by anything. I couldn’t see what was on the other side. All I could see in the distance were rainbows dancing out of the water. I climbed onto the bridge and heard people behind me encouraging me to run across so I did and found I was still running on something invisible where the bridge ended. Then I found myself on the other side. It looked and smelt like everything was made from sweets and chocolate, it was very spongy underfoot and the trees were made of chocolate covered in green sweets, and brightly coloured sweets made up the flowers. I noticed a lot of children playing and hiding behind the trees. There was a path through the trees which led me to a cave made from honey comb. Inside were brown robed monks and they took me to a lady sitting on a throne wearing brightly coloured clothes in contrast to the brown monks. I asked her what this place was and she said it was one of the places where children who die suddenly are taken to and they stay in this happy atmosphere until they lose their confusion and are able to realise what has happened to them and start to settle and move on. She added that whenever I hear of a child passing suddenly I should visualise this place which will help them make it here. It was now time to return so I closed my eyes and visualised myself back in Victorian London again…

I put the music back on and we continued the session.

It was looking quite flashy and lively in the room to me.
I felt a light touch on the top of my left ear and then again on my right ear.
I then had several feelings and pressure pops around my right ear on and off throughout the session.

Liz was starting to drift off; she said she was suddenly very hot.
I felt cool.

It was now looking bright and blobby in front of me.
I had a pressure on my forehead.
Then I felt something tight around my right foot and ankle like something was wrapped around it.

It now looked very dark in the room to me.
I sensed someone to my right and saw a black silhouette of a person stand up from a crouching position then disappear into the blackness of the room.

Liz was feeling the presence of the lady she had met in her Rainbow Bridge exercise.
She got the name ‘Butterfield’ and then continued…

‘Shiny, just like goblets, golden cup, buttercup… before that there was a sense of a horse, a girl riding it, pale colour horse, Colossal or Colossus…’

‘Stepping stones… it’s Caroline, counting the days… I get the sense of a swallow, a bird high up. I get yellow, Terrence, testimony, a few months till the testimony, marble… Lots of feet, like boots, all over, climbing, in the way of each other… Can’t count, ques, Q, U, E… I just get the feeling of the density like these little insects, midges, there’s countless points of reference, countless beings, all pointing, all the footsteps on the path, all the ques, the signs. So where do we look? Well, in ourselves, it’s our pointing, our speaking, our interpretation… I’ve got the picture of many people there, Sheila and the others, many minds, a crowd; it’s like a gardener’s sweet peas. I get the picture of Mendel, the mutation, to get the clear message is not too easy, the light trying to form a strong stork, a strong conductor, a conduit, it’ll come and I do get the feeling this subject has so many influences, so many conditions, but there’s some wind optimum, some confluences and then the conduit will flow very clear and true, channelling… I get the original arm chair, yes, just lay back and let it happen, to be ready at the right time. Rubicon again the rightness evolves the threshold… Once you’ve got over the hump it’s clear sailing and there’s a big effort to help. I sense they are all smiling and waving, very pleased. I think Joan is there in this lovely diaphanous dress, like a very fine muslin, pale blue and golden hair and Diana. They are clapping their hands… Potter…’

The music ended.

Liz continued for a while…

‘Waving bye-bye, bless you all, it’s like a fence now, gallop back, grey cloud…’

Liz said she found it hard to let go. I told her to take her time and then she said…

‘Back in the garden of Earthly delights…’

Liz had had a spaniel dog with her. At times she felt she had been the dog.

She was now back feeling fine and did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…    

64th Sitting 07/04/2015

We had the room set-up as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

We started with the Rainbow Bridge visualization exercise…

Liz found herself being pulled by a rope on a rope bridge very high up above a great gorge and there were rainbows everywhere. She was being pulled towards snow peaks, it was like Switzerland, very snowy and people were tobogganing and having fun. Liz then saw an enormous Christmas tree with very little decoration apart from a star on the top. She felt she had merged with the tree, it was a symbol of Jesus somehow and from that she seemed to turn into a brown bird flying over valleys and great vistas getting further and further above it looking down on the mountain tops. She found herself being drawn to the Isle of Iona and then changed from a brown bird to a brown robed monk. There was a great feeling of fraternity there with the other monks, a very friendly and loving community. She then found herself taking a journey over to Holy Island to see her friend who was living in a cave. She found him with his feet in the sea fishing as he always was at sunset and sunrise. Liz had a message for him to move to Rome but he empathised the sheer beauty, simplicity and wonder of being there bound with nature. He wanted to stay there. He felt one with nature and he valued the solitude. It was now time for Liz to return which she did simply by thinking about it…

I started off flying an old clapped out aeroplane looking for somewhere to land. I couldn’t see the ground as I was in thick cloud, then it cleared and I saw a large beach beneath me and managed to land before the plane’s engine gave up. I felt a bit disorientated as I climbed out, there were cliffs behind me with 1000s of birds sitting along the top looking at me and I felt they were thinking why is he flying that plane when he could just fly like us? Some of them flew down to me and explained that if I really wanted I could fly like them without a plane. So I tried and took off with them. They said I didn’t need to flap my arms as that was just a belief; I just needed to use my mind to take me anywhere. I flew around for a while enjoying the freedom and flew over the sea. I saw an island with just one massive tree in the middle and felt drawn towards it. I landed on a branch and saw other people sitting on branches. As I sat there I felt I was one with the tree. I could feel the roots going into the ground getting food from the soil and I felt all the other branches reaching out to the warm sun. It was a wonderful feeling and I remained there for a while before taking off again, this time I flew into the sea joining the fish swimming under the water and found I could still breathe easily. Then I shot out of the sea and flew back to the beach knowing I no longer needed the plane to take me home…

Once again we found many similarities in out visualisations.
We were both feeling a bit light-headed.

I put the music back on and we resumed the session…

Liz started to drift off.

I heard two soft clicks above me.
I felt a pulsating feeling going through me.
There was a hissing sound in my right ear which came and went during the session.

I saw waves like energy moving around the room.
Both of my arms felt cold and fuzzy.

Liz woke up with a start and started to speak…

‘Vacuum, freeze, deep freeze, vacuum under the ice… those ships sailing to all places… links, Lincoln…’

My right leg was very cold and fuzzy.

Liz then dropped off again and came back about ten minutes later with some more words… 

‘It’s a Van de Graaff  generator, it’s got this great crystal, spark igniting… Not here to entertain, we have the truth, raven, raven glass… This is the whole universe, stargate, this great crystal, crystallised structure held, gliding through space, all happening simultaneously… Slipping through the space… The nodes connection point… Galileo, swinging through the spaces, contact all times… Can take a fraction, it’s not of time… Time’s an illusion, if you were talking Swiss cheese… Crystallisation is time and space, fractals growing, continue, it’s dimensionless, throw away the rulers and compasses… Slip through the nodes and glide like a fish, swim in the sea… Crack, it’s a spark in this crack of ice, ice crack… It’s as if we strike a match in the night, it’s ghostly illumination, looks fixed, only a chunk, just endless reflections… You try and hold the wind in the palm of your hand… The ideario snake, it’s swallowing its own tail…’

‘Corpus callosum… Charlie density, I have a feeling they are telling someone, maybe someone will join us? He doesn’t know yet’

‘Frickersy, Francis, sounded like something, cook, looks to me like a very intricate doily like a lace, network. I get this compass like an old fashioned instrument, a gyroscope, measuring devices and they are useless on this sea’

‘It felt like an invitation, stop asking questions, jump right in the sea, you have to be there to know it… and they say that’s all very well… Contemplate, yeh, yeh, it’s the quantum, how, stop asking questions… Easy… Swiss cheese, just look through the hole… dive into the sky’

‘Crossword puzzle and the answers are upside down… clues… anagrams… these are just temporary devices for holding the mind, for fascinating the mind… The real work, the true seeing is underneath this going on in the spaces, behind, the back of the page… Real seeing is behind so don’t get too caught up in the crossword puzzle, everything’s known…’

I had a strong sensation of someone to my right.

The music ended.

Liz said a few more words…

‘Stella information… hands washing over… over and out’

Liz took a while to feel completely back with it.
She felt heavy like she had been held down, strapped to the chair.
She had been hot and cold at times during the session.

Once back and feeling fine Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise... 

63rd Sitting 31/03/2015

We had the room set-up as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.
We started with the Rainbow Bridge visualisation.

Liz found herself on a steep hillside, a valley. There were mounds of grass and she was jumping from one to another while down below she saw a stream in the valley crossed my many bridges. Liz could see lots of huts and white goats on the side of the hill looking very pastoral and then her eyes were drawn to the top where there was a white coated figure looking like Jesus smiling and waving at her. Liz felt she had to go to him and realized she could go straight over by transforming herself into a dragonfly. She felt the translucence of her wings as she flew over and perched on his hand. He looked at her very lovingly then Liz was looking through his eyes over the valley. He told Liz he wanted to take her to a special place and they found themselves walking through beautiful woodland, a grove with fruit and nuts on the trees and there was wonderful music going through the trees. He said everything is here that you need, you don’t have to work for anything. Suddenly crates of ginger beer appeared like what Liz had just bought for her mum. He told her that this was a reminder of what you do for your mum, it’s done with love and the things that you do on Earth with love increase your spiritual muscle, give you real strength which you bring here. He then took her to a clearing where there were dancers engaged in an amazing dance like a kaleidoscope all standing on each other’s shoulders making the most amazing pattern, changing constantly and flying up through the trees creating forms in the sky like starlings murmurations with all the colours of the rainbow. He said that here you can create whatever you like as your spiritual strength is converted to creative energy. Liz then thanked him and transformed herself back into a dragonfly and flew back…

I started off walking over yellow grass and then noticed everything was yellow including the sky and me. After a while everything became the correct colour before changing back to yellow again. I saw some horses galloping towards me but they were all different colours. A white horse stopped next to me so I climbed up on its back as I felt it wanted to take me somewhere while the others were happy to remain eating yellow grass. We trotted off and soon the proper colours of everything returned. We came to a shore line and I saw a white bridge leading over to an island but the horse decided to swim across with me on its back. As we crossed I noticed Victorian looking people crossing the bridge in both directions. We eventually reached a stony beach on the island and the horse waited there as I got off to explore. I went through a patch of fruit trees picking and eating the sweet fruit as I went. Then the colour of everything started changing again, first orange then red before returning to the proper colours. I then found a circle of shiny, smooth marble, walked onto it and sat down in the centre for a while now feeling a little light headed. A big bird like a pelican landed in front of me with a piece of paper in its beak. It read ‘Always look beyond the colours’ and I sensed more communication coming from the bird about how we should try and look beyond what we see and use our feelings more as there is a much deeper meaning to everything in the physical world. It was now time to return so thanking the bird I found the horse which took me back…

I put the music back on and we continued.

Liz got an impression of her cousin Susan.

I felt something tickling in my right ear and felt tightness around it.
It felt echoy like a mug had been placed over it.
These sensations continued on and off throughout the session.

The room was looking red to me then I saw bright blobs in front of me coming and going.

My right foot went cold.
I felt a vibration under my left foot then that went cold as well.

Liz felt her right foot go cold. It felt like a breeze and she said it reminded her of a feeling like peppermint.

I picked up a wood smell briefly.

Liz found herself on the Thames Embankment by Temple Station where the law courts and a plaque for the war victims is…

Liz continued…

‘…a sculpture, Cleopatra’s Needle… the contrast of the sculptures of Moreau with Wordsworth’s poem upon Westminster Bridge… this contrast of the sublime and the ugly, ridiculous war, the gas, the struggling bodies and then the uplifted poem on the bridge… two sides of the coin’

‘I have this feeling of this enormous chess board and the sense that living life is like playing a game, taking on the different parts or moves but ultimately is to maintain the king, majesty. To hold onto the majestic, that feeling of majesty, of sovereignty in whatever you do. Any game, any part of a game, it’s all a game but the important thing is to hold onto the king, your majesty, a supreme player, that’s what I am, that’s who you are, that’s the I, all the others are fragments of it and they’re moving only to defend, to bring its final position, the sole survivor, the majesty. All the other players are moving, the king is still, the king is the witness to all those players, acting out their parts’

‘It’s Sheila holding a black cat and the name Pushkin. I’ve got this sense of a low wall, we’re either side… It’s like she’s showing me something like orange peel, I’m getting marmalade and tortoise shell. I’m wondering if Sheila is surrounded by cats... I’m getting the feeling of a basket… I was trying to ask her about her writings and I got the feeling she doesn’t mind, she said you decide. It’s like she’s in a bit of an airy mood, she’s doing this cat’s cradle dance over the wall, she’s being quite funny… you decide…’

‘Got an image of pistons, piston power… got a feeling of chestnut’   

‘There’s a big blob in front of me and I get captain…’

‘I got Sophie, Sophie was a black cat and I got George’

Liz was now very hot.
I was cold round my legs.

Liz continued…

‘I got Terrance… and stamp… I see big boots and spindly legs… going back to the war, soldiers, gas’

‘I have this great wave of pity, this unendurable suffering, I just say take her to the light, offer it as a gift, no rhyme or reason, it’s the dark side of experience’

‘I just had this feeling Sheila’s sowing silk parachutes to lift people up into the light when they are stuck, they begin to see the light, they have a parachute of gossamer like silk, very light, fills with the buoyancy of air, can take them to the islands for healing’


‘I got the image of a clock, now I seem to be flying like a great goose. I get the feeling of this circadian clock going round and round… these rotations are important… tick tock’

‘I got Chartwell or Flimwell… deep well, I think we’re talking gravity, it’s spiralling down… a vortex… I got this image of a great tree blossoming, tree full of birds and creatures… somebody’s raising their cap, it’s like a captains cap’

‘These great nets made of knotted rope used to be full of shiny silver fish… trawling…’

There was a loud click/thud in the room. We’ve had a similar noise twice recently both at the same time at the end of the session.

The music ended.

Liz continued for a while…

‘There are so many connections but there’s only one sea… so many connections but one fisherman…’

‘I’ve been playing on the swings with Susan… and the see-saw… thank you Susan…’

Once Liz was feeling back with it she did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…