This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

62nd Sitting 17/03/2015

We had the room set-up as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.30pm then turned the red light off and put the music on for our Rainbow Bridge visualization exercise…

Liz found herself splashing through a marshy field full of wheat and barley. She was running fast and came to a vast expanse of open water full of misty light and rainbows. There were marshy bits of ground like stepping stones crossing it and Liz felt she had to get to the other side where she could see buildings like a sanctuary, a healing place. There were lots of marsh birds around her and Liz followed a bird hopping on different clods through the water. A heron was flying with her and Liz noticed a black and white bird in front of her and one of its wings was skew-wiff. Liz picked it up as it looked like it had a broken wing. As she held it the heron went faster and faster and Liz found she was flying behind it still holding the injured bird. They came to a large clearing of oaks on the other side and there was a circle of people in white gowns. They were faceless, indistinct and Liz felt they were holding some sort of force field. She found herself in the middle of the circle holding the bird and they urged her to pass it round the circle. They told Liz it was a healing circle for healing animals and when they gave the bird back to Liz it was fine. They told her she could bring any animal there. She had had a dream in the week where she had met a cat that had injured its paw and they said she could have brought it to be healed. All she had to do was think of this place and she would be there. Liz asked if the same applied to humans and they said it wasn’t centred there but Liz could find healing everywhere in nature, from trees, plants, rocks and water. This would give her the healing energy. Liz then returned to the marshy field by thinking herself back…

I started off sitting on a wooden park bench and in front of me was a tree with a black crow sitting on a branch. I walked up to it, held out my hand and the crow hopped onto it. I found that holding the crow made me turn into a crow and I got the impression it wanted me to follow it. We took off and I followed over countryside, busy towns and then out to sea getting faster and faster. I saw various islands below and we seemed to be heading for one that had a tall round tower in the middle. We landed on that island and I then turned back into human form and made my way to the tower. I entered through a large wooden door then climbed a spiral staircase and could hear piano music. At the top I entered a room with polished wooden floor and a man playing a grand piano in the centre. He invited me to sit down next to him and we both played the piano. He told me how important music was to the physical world and how people are often inspired by spirit to write music. Everybody benefits and receives healing from music as it makes them feel good. Different types of music affect people in different ways and there’s a type of music to suit all people’s tastes. I saw shelves full of sheet music around the room and he said this was all music that was going to be sent to the physical world to inspire composers. When it got to time to go I looked around for the crow and found it sitting on the piano. I thanked the man, said goodbye then picked up the crow and flew back to the park bench…

Once again we found many similarities in our visualisations.

I put the music back on and we continued with the session…

It started to look bright and blobby in the room to me.
I got a brief image of my gran’s face.
I saw several people briefly throughout the session but no-one I recognised.

I got a few tickles and fuzzy feelings around my feet and ankles.

Liz got a big letter ‘H’

My face felt cold on the right, not a breeze but a kind of coldness creeping over my face.

Liz was seeing black and white newspaper cuttings, they kept changing. She saw a man who looked like he was on holiday with baggy trousers. Then she saw people in the forces and a jeep, some sort of parade.
I asked her if she could read any headlines.
All she could make out was the letters ‘LOB’

Liz continued to see newspaper cuttings and saw a boy scout.
She got the name ‘William’
Then she got ‘Cheeseman’
Liz asked for a date and saw 1940 flash up on a screen.
She got the words ‘Carpet baggers’

I drifted off for a while.

A hiss/scrape noise came out on the recording which neither of us heard at the time.

Then a loud tap in the room which woke me up!

Liz got the name ‘William’

Then she got a message…

‘Tell Tina this comfortable man was very tired… and something about sweet fruit, he was showing a piece of jewellery, looked as if it was silver, a pendant of some sort, had either amber or ruby in it, something red/orange. It was strange, not a cross but it had a loop in it, it was rather an odd shape, a bit like a loop or hook…’

Liz got ‘Nancy’

She kept getting ‘Waldergrave’

The music ended.

Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…

61st Sitting 10/03/2015

We had the room set-up as normal.

At 8.40pm I did the opening prayer, turned off the red light and put the music on for our Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise which we did next…

Liz started off at a river looking like the Thames in olden times, green banks, trees and lots of people about. There was a metal industrial looking bridge with a rainbow going over it. Liz saw people crossing it and noticed a woman with chestnut curly hair like an Alice in Wonderland character. Above the bridge was a cable with car tyres dangling from it on pulley wheels and the woman went whizzing over it on one of these so Liz did the same following her. They went on and on and noticed the rainbow seemed to be mixing with the bridge. There was a bird overhead and Liz then found she was suddenly flying with the bird getting higher and higher. Liz felt very lonely as there were no people about. She was lost in a vast expanse and felt she wanted to be with people. It was a sense of being nothing, nowhere, no-one. Then she found herself landing on the other side of the river but the people were transparent and everything seemed strange, only the blue sky above felt real. Liz then found herself lying on her back in a beautiful meadow. She felt she had been lifted there by people and had felt hands easing her down. She could smell the flowers and watched a white cloud in the sky. Liz felt it was important to concentrate on the sky as that was reality. The meadow seemed cartoon-like, unreal like a scene from Alice in Wonderland. Suddenly a helicopter appeared above her and lowered down a lifebelt which Liz put on and she was hoisted into the helicopter. She sat behind two men who said they were taking her to the Snow Mountains then flew there and landed. Liz thought it looked like Tibet and she knew she would meet a teacher there and he appeared wearing a black skull cap with long white hair and beard looking old but young at the same time. He was in a cave surrounded by scrolls and told Liz that all teachers like Jesus and Buddha came from the same stock, they were from the same source, it was all written down and Liz was on the right track and should hold fast to what she knew and understood. These teachings were very old and came through from different people from different quarters, different periods but it was all at root the same information. The scrolls were all there and Liz had access to it. What Liz was picking up was glimmerings of the truth. She was not to be swayed by other people that don’t understand. It was now time to come back and Liz just closed her eyes and imagined herself back finding herself on the riverside when she opened her eyes…

At the start I couldn’t decide if I was in a cave or a church. I settled for the church and walked up the aisle towards the altar. There was nobody else in the church and just before reaching the altar I saw a flight of steps disappearing down into the ground so I went down them getting lower and lower until I found myself standing on a hard clay floor. Then I felt like I was spinning getting very dizzy and disorientated. Eventually things became clearer and I found myself sitting on the ground in a cave surrounded by a circle of dogs laying down looking at me. They were all tan colour and looking a bit like German Shepherds. Then they all morphed into Buddhist monks with orange robes. Each one had a piece of paper with just one word on it and they spoke out the words in turn. They were words like peace, love, harmony, information, knowledge, teachings, etc. I then realised I had a book on my lap and all these words and others were in the book. The monks explained that all knowledge and information could be found inside me, inside my consciousness and this applied to everybody. There was no need to search outside for answers, just look within. Everything was connected and we all had access to all information. I then noticed cords connecting me with all the monks and a cord going upwards from the top of my head. The cords seemed to pull the monks towards and into me then I felt myself moving up the cord finding myself back in the church…

Again we both shared similarities in our visualisations almost as if we had both experienced the same thing but perceived it in our own way.

I’d had a pressure on my forehead and Liz had had tickles in her hair.

I put the music back on and we continued the session.

Liz was now seeing pin-pricks around the room.
I thought the atmosphere was looking grey and misty.
Then I got bright blobs in front of me, coming and going.

Liz got the image of a king chess piece and the words… ‘Only he who speaks without words is a master’

I had a tickle on my right foot.
It now looked lighter to my right near the door.

Liz had the sense of something radiating in the centre of the room with spokes coming from it like a web or mesh. As she looked she saw bright blobs coming and going on parts of it as if people were slipping through.

I felt something on my forehead which seemed to be running down my face.

Liz saw a deep crimson colour in the room.

Liz had a strong sensation of something over her head like a branch of a tree.
She had an image of an armadillo.

Liz got the name ‘Nancy’

I had dropped off for a while and came back with a dream of looking through the base of a glass bottle. I was trying to see something but couldn’t see clearly though the misty glass.

Liz was getting cold round her legs.

I was seeing a few flashes in front of me.

Liz could smell a cake cooking.
Then I picked up a sweet smell which was just like a cake cooking.
It lasted about 30 seconds.

Liz got a single high note in her left ear.

I heard a soft click to my right.

Liz was now very hot.

I drifted off again for a while and when I came back the room felt bigger and darker.

Liz saw bright spots like stars all over the room.
She then saw soft fuzzy images in the middle of the room like birds and felt like she was surrounded by a flock of birds.

Liz got the name… ‘Iris’
She asked if she wanted to say anything and got the word ‘Sneeze’

Liz got the feeling of a television and communication. Then it was like looking at a semi-circle of people sitting in chairs.
She had an image of someone with short dark hair pulling a face.

She got the image of a standard lamp.

Liz then got… ‘Lily Rose’ someone she recognised who had passed recently.
She then realised it was her who had brought the smell of cakes. She also had connections with television and communication.

There was a loud click in the room as the music was coming to an end.

Liz then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…


At the time we thought the cake smell might possibly be connected with a birthday cake and Liz did some investigating...
A few days later she found that on the day we sat 10/03/2015 in was the birthday of Lily Roses twin great grandsons...

60th Sitting 03/03/2015

The room was set-up as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm then turned out the red light and put the music on for our Rainbow Bridge visualization exercise which we did next…

Liz found herself facing a muddy lake edged with reeds with lots of wild fowl nesting there. She saw a wooden bridge leading out to an island with a pagoda like a temple on it so made her way over it meeting a large heron on the other side that welcomed her. Liz then walked to the temple meeting a large black cat at the entrance which reminded her of a dream she had had about a black cat that could transform itself. Then the black cat at the entrance changed into a black man dressed in an African tribal robe of wonderful colours. He had greying hair and a severe face but his eyes were warm and he was friendly and held out his hands to Liz. The whole island was full of amazing birds, ducks, peacocks, squirrels and other animals everywhere. The black man was surrounded by snakes and told Liz there’s nothing to be afraid of in this reality, they don’t hurt you. He showed Liz how he could shape change and turned into a white man like Rasputin with magnetizing eyes and Liz realised he was a white spider she had met in a dream. He said all these animals are just transformations that we can turn ourselves into, there’s nothing to fear, there’s no hurt or harm in them. We can learn a lot from just watching, observing and being with them. He told Liz she was learning and her dreams were part of the learning experience. It was then time to go back and Liz returned over the bridge but felt his presence still with her…

I started off in a sandy dessert and got the feeling I needed to run so started running across the sand dodging cactuses. I became aware of two sets of footprints each side of me that got closer together until they were side by side so I decided to follow them. They led me to a large lake then disappeared in the water. There was an island in the middle of the lake so I swam out to it and saw the footprints continued on the island taking me into a forest. There were several people in the forest and I stopped to talk to an old tramp sitting against a tree. Asking him where this place was he said he didn’t know but it suited him just fine. I continued following the footprints then stopped to speak to another man who was dressed as a Roman centurion. He kept telling me to be careful where I went as I might find trouble. I said that I felt safe here but he insisted trouble could turn up anywhere. I continued on regardless still following the footprints which led up a hill and I saw two people standing at the top, a man and woman facing each other holding hands and speaking. I got closer and heard they were reciting the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ I heard them say ‘blessed are the peacemakers…’ I stood there for a while listening and they carried on reciting various scriptures and spirit messages. Then they spoke to me explaining that they were the keepers of all the communications that had come through from spirit since time began and they’ve memorized them exactly as they had been originally transmitted without all the man-made alterations that had happened over the years due to continued re-writing and translating. They said that continually repeating them to each other empowers the original messages and keeps them alive and in the minds of all life. I sat down and listened some more as they started again and noticed they were now surrounded by thousands of listeners stretching out as far as I could see. I figured those furthest away couldn’t possibly hear them and must have been tuning in telepathically somehow. As I listened I recognised a few extracts from some of the communications received in the Mercury and Mercury Light circles. The music was now ending so I left the scene retracing the footprints at super-fast speed skimming across the lake and back to the dessert…

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

It was soon looking bright and blobby in front of me.
I saw waves of mist and lots of movement in the room.
The room looked pink to me and then it was purple colour.

I saw a bluish flash to my right.
A click came out on the recording as I reported the flash.

Liz was aware of white/blue shapes and structures in the room.
She saw a flash in the middle of the room in the shape of a cross.

I was seeing blobs of mist moving around the room.

We both picked up a cool feeling over our faces at the same time.

Liz had the visual sensation of ropes going past her.

I saw another flash to my right.

Liz thought the room now looked silvery blue.

Liz got the name ‘George’ she felt he was connected to paving stones and then she got ‘George is in love with Betsie’

I suddenly felt very warm around my right ear.

Liz got the name ‘Daphne’ and the sense of a crown and diamond.

Liz continued…

‘I got this sense of a gown, a ceremony or coronation, crown… I’ve got these linked hearts… An eternity ring… I’ve got this picture of railings and things being fenced in, all very official and proper. The feeling is the love is outside all, much greater, expansive… Love is greater than all this, transcends it, the pomp and the glory…’

I felt a pressure pushing down the top of my head and I heard a whistling/buzzing in my right ear.
I felt a tickling in my hair.

Liz continued…

‘I’ve got a large dark car, looking very official…’

‘I’m being told a sort of love story, someone who had a very ordered and grand life but the most important thing was very simple and that was this love… just wanted to show that this love, that out of everything that was the best, the thing that shone…  the garden, the rest is grey paving stones… pretentions…’

I felt a pressure on my left leg. It felt like someone was sitting on my knee.

Liz got the sense of a face looking at her, handsome youngish man, and then he was doing a dance with a top hat on. He was like a master of ceremonies at a circus. Liz thought it might be Freddie and I pointed out that it was Freddie singing on the CD at the time which Liz hadn’t realised.
Then I started getting a few images of him.
Liz then saw him doing a trick, producing a rabbit from his hat.

Liz continued…

‘I’ve got Hayda… something to do with the gardens… fruit trees… I got a picture of golden apples… so many apples, surplus to requirements… telepathy and table turning… I’ve got Bally, Bally-something, like an Irish town… I can’t get the whole of it’

‘I had a Paul and I think he had downs syndrome and I think he was saying thank you. We raised a glass to him after he died…’

‘and I have a Caroline, sheila's come through for her before’

‘I got Daphne, pointing to the night stars, dazzling, the great universe, the great mystery… seek and ye shall find... it’s an endless adventure, outward and inward at the same time, what you see outwards in the stars and the universe is just a mirror of what is inside. It’s all there, dimensionless, diamond’

The music finished.

Liz then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.