This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

40th Sitting 18/07/2014

We sat on Friday this week.

The room was set up as normal but we didn’t turn the magnetometer and computer on upstairs as there was a thunder and lightning storm going on while we sat.

At 8.30pm we started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise.

Liz found herself on a brick edge of a beautiful pool covered with water lilies. To her right was a long wrought iron bridge. She couldn’t see where it led but she did see a funeral procession going over it. They were all dressed in black with pillbox type hats. Liz decided to fly over the bridge and she saw the man in the coffin sit up and look at her. He was wearing striped pyjamas. Liz reached down and pulled him out of the coffin and they flew together over to the other side, over an amazing landscape and into the distant hills. There were rainbows and fountains everywhere. Suddenly they found themselves in an enormous library with huge arches, then it shifted into a courtyard full of fountains and rainbows then back into the library again. The man wanted to stay in the library which was full of beautiful old books and so much learning he was overwhelmed. Liz introduced him to a white haired gentleman, a wise man and she left them talking before she took off, flew through a window and back to the lily pond where she crash landed like a duck…

I started off on a stony beach with lots of low grey cloud making it difficult to see anything clearly. I kept getting flashes in my eyes. (Maybe I was thinking of the thunder storm going on at the time?) I found a rickety old wooden bridge with steps disappearing up into the grey cloud. I wasn’t sure if the bridge was safe but put my faith in it and made my way up the steps. At the top I found a rope bridge which went down sharply almost touching the water then I found it a struggle to get up the other side but some hands reached down to me and helped me up. The hands belonged to two men dressed in white robes and as I stood on the other side I found the atmosphere dazzling as everywhere was a bright white mist. The men told me I wasn’t yet ready to see the other side clearly but when I was the mist would clear. It was now time for me to return so I slid back down the rope bridge had to pull myself back to the other side…

I did the opening prayer and put the music on.

I felt light headed.
I felt touches/pressure around my right ear and the back of my neck.
It looked lighter to me around the ceiling.

Liz was seeing moving white shapes. They were all different sizes. Some were spinning like catherine wheels, some moving horizontally and some coming towards her.

I was seeing a few blue blobs.
My arms were cold and my hands felt buzzy.
I felt pressure on my forehead.

Liz was hot.
She was getting the sensation of a structure like a door frame in the centre of the room, then it changed shape like an upside down roof, then it was streaming like molten metal and then looked like a tunnel.

To me the room now looked very dark but in the centre of the room was wavy movement like a net curtain moving in the wind.
I had lots of cob-web feelings on my face.

I got a strong sensation of something to my right.
There was a bright glowing to my right and it felt cold there.
I felt tickles down the right side of my neck.

I felt a pressure around my left wrist as if something was gripping it.

Liz got the feeling a cloak had been place around her and felt she couldn’t move.

I had a similar feeling and I perceived it as if someone was taking a mould from me.
I was held very still.
I felt warm but it seemed like the atmosphere around me was cold and I could feel it on my bare arms.
I felt a prod on the side of my right leg.
It kept going dark above me like a shadow moving across the ceiling.
I got a sweet smell like lilies.

Liz had a fleeting sensation of tall Swiss houses, like children’s fantasy houses in a valley.

The atmosphere to me now looked bright and misty with pin-pricks.

Liz felt a cob-web over her head.
She saw strange patterns like looking down on patterns made by sunflowers from a great height, a bit like crop circles or the patterns on a butterfly’s wing.

I felt tickles on the left side of my face.
It looked to me like the room was full of strands like fibreglass matting which then changed shape and it was like looking through a tunnel.

Liz was aware of what she perceived to be a mahonia bush to her left.
She felt something in her hair again; it was being pulled and twisted.

I got a fleeting sensation of a postman emptying a letter box then throwing the bag of letters over his shoulder and walking off.

Liz got the sensation of a crown of thorns being placed on her head.

The room was looking lighter to me.
I got the feeling there was a group of people to my right.
I saw one of them as a black man swaying along to the music. I said hello to him in my mind and he just smiled at me.
I felt a light touch on my right arm.

I felt something cold running down my right nostril and it felt like it was moving onto my cheek.
I picked up an ozone smell.

Liz got the name Hillary and a picture of a lady in 40’s or 50’s type cloths and felt she was in a department store.

The music ended.

The session seemed to have been unaffected by the thunder storm which carried on till about half way through.

Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

During the healing I felt the room was expanding and was like being inside a church. I then got the sensation of organ music playing…