We had another sitting with Zoom.
Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.
Liz did the opening prayer and again included asking for information about the process of dying and what happens after we die.
I soon started to feel myself being controlled and the communication began...
‘All enquiries will be answered for we can sense your frustration. There is a fine line between your understanding and that what we can give to you. You base your understanding on the life that you lead and that what you have experienced, you are limited by what you can experience and yet a part of you is playing another part, another role in your development and is outside of what you perceive to be yourself. This part of you can relay information to you, it is up to you to how you interpret that information. We as a communication can bring through answers. Clear your mind of all preconceived ideas and allow a new understanding to come through. The physical world is a brief experience, a brief passing of experiences, and yet it builds up within yourself a form of understanding which enables you to move on’
‘At the moment of death, you lose contact with your physical world, you regain contact with that what is outside of yourself. You have always been connected to that what is outside of yourself but for the first time in your physical memory you will have full control of your living consciousness, that what lives within you, that what motivates you, that what gives you the passion to develop yourself, to become something better and to help others. You reach a new state of mind and you see life from a new perspective, a perspective new to you at that point in time. Your memories are fading, your physical memories are fading. You are becoming more than you have ever been before and yet you feel the same. At this time, you are presented with various situations which help you to adjust, help you to adjust to a new environment, an environment of feeling, and environment of thought. That urge to do something better, to improve yourself is at its strongest at this point in time. You are given the opportunity to look at yourself as a physical being, see what you have done, see the pathway you have trod and the interactions with others and your effect on others and on the environment in which you have lived. Each day is seen from a new perspective, a perspective of possibilities, possibilities that were taken and those that were missed. You pay particular attention to those possibilities that were missed. We know that you will soon be back, soon be a part of the physical world once again and you want to do better, you want to be more aware, more aware of the possibilities that are presented to you. You as a physical being can do no wrong and you will understand this. You will feel good about yourself for you will know that you have completed once again a physical lifetime and your history has been recorded. Another stepping stone has been taken as you move forward in life. There is nothing to fear, nothing to confuse you, everything seems simple in what you understand as a spirit world, a non-physical world. You are pure consciousness with a task in your mind and when you are ready you will be helped to choose a new journey, a new physical journey that will help you to grow even more, to complete a new step. Do not worry about how you lead your physical life for you are looking at it from your own physical perspective. When you see it from a spiritual perspective you will be pleased, you will be grateful for the opportunities that have been given to you and you will know that this is an ongoing experiment. Make the most of your life while you hold the physical form and know that you will return a better person, playing your part once again in a constant evolving world’
‘Your greater self never grows tired, for the greater self is life itself and motivates you through the darkest of days. When your physical body grows weary the greater self is supporting you, giving that urge to stay alive. Help one another, love one another, play your part to make this world you live in the most beautiful world you can imagine, for that is what it is, you have merely closed your eyes to the true light of life... Thank you, thank you my dear friend, please continue with your experiments’
Liz... ‘Thank you friend’
I felt back with it then Liz tuned in...
‘A small man came forward in a rather baggy brown suit with a microphone and he’s dancing around, being a little bit of a comedian. The suit he’s wearing has got large squares on it, not very bold but in a faint white weave, because he’s small it feels a little bit large on him but I feel he’s on a platform. I'm seeing a car connected with him, I don’t think he was driving himself, it feels like a taxi, a large black car. Getting a feeling of Travis there and Daisy. I’m thinking that this is Colin Fry I'm seeing but I want confirmation that this is him. As I'm asking, he’s showing me a book, could be a bible, it’s like he’s holding it and the pages are open, he’s been ruffling through it. Actually, as I’m seeing it looks like an A to Z or an almanac of some sort, a reference book to find a place, that’s why the taxi is there’
As Liz was relaying this information it made me think of when Colin Fry did a trance demonstration at Three Bridges Spiritualist Church. I told Colin the week before that I would be going with my brother and his wife and he asked if I would pick him up from his house on the way which I did. I was a taxi driver at the time and picked him up with my taxi. It was white not black but was a large estate car. Not being familiar with the area he directed me to the church. You could say Colin was being an A to Z. Also, I’m pretty sure there was a bible on a lectern in front of Colin when he was doing the trace demonstration. There’s a good chance Travis and Daisy were there that evening as they lived in the area and always attended Colin’s trance evenings when they could. I’m not sure what colour suit he wore that evening but I remember getting to his house early and he came to the door with no trousers on just the jacket saying he wasn’t quite ready yet which I found funny at the time.
'I'm just getting an image of an older woman, I don’t know if it’s his mother or somebody else but she’s got grey or whitish hair, a slight Victorian feeling about what she’s wearing, a black cardigan and a white blouse with a lacy collar. I think she’s a grandmother or a great aunt. I'm seeing a bag which makes me think of my grandmother, that’s a Catholic connection, connection with a convent'
‘I'm asking if it is him can he give me some information that you will recognise. As soon as I say that I am getting an image of a top hat upside down with money going into it, don’t know if it’s a collection thing or just something funny. Just popped an image in my head of a goldfish bowl with goldfish in it. I keep coming back to the microphone, if it is him it’s almost as if they want to sing a song like a karaoke or something, like old fashioned songs, Widdicombe Fair just popped into my head and Uncle Tom Cobbly and all, old songs. I don’t know if this was something this person did or would like to do but it’s like encouraging people to join in like at a Christmas party, a gathering. Giving me the sense of a puppet on a string’
When Colin did his trance evenings at his place, he didn’t charge but there was a biscuit tin that was handed round for people to put what they wanted in. It’s possible that Liz misinterpreted a biscuit tin for an upside-down top hat with money going into it. Then she interpreted it as a fish bowl. If Liz had just said ‘I am getting an image of something with money going into it, like a collection’ That would be good evidence. This shows how a medium’s interpretation can change the message into something else. At Colin’s séances we used to sing old fashioned songs at the start to build up the energies but we never sang the two songs Liz has mentioned. Again, these could be the songs Liz associates with old fashioned songs.
‘I'm asking for a more serious contact; I want to know that I’ve got a real contact and he’s come up behind me with more serious garb on, his reverend garb, but there’s a part of him that wants to turn the dog collar into a cravat, almost like he’s dressing up as the gentleman with the top hat again, he doesn’t want to be very serious, he’s urging me to lighten up’
About ten years ago Liz and I saw Colin doing a clairvoyance demo in Brighton. This was the first time I had seen Colin for about ten years and I was surprised to see he had become a Spiritualist Minister and was dressed up as a reverend. This was something he would never have done when I first knew him as he didn’t like the idea of Spiritualism being a religion.
‘Now there’s the top hat being tapped with a magic wand as if your dad is around but I can’t see him. I’m being shown indigestion tablets and getting the word dyspepsia. I’m being taken back to Andy Pandy, post war early television. Got the name Sally’
I can’t think of any connection with indigestion Tablets or Sally.
‘I'm feeling your dad’s here and he was just handing me Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum’
I can’t think of any connection with my dad and Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum.
Afterwards Liz remembered that during a meditation in the week she felt Colin come through and asked for a sign that it was him. She got the word 'Spearmint'
‘Seem to be going back to the 1950s, see an old gramophone, one of those old pieces of furniture gramophones, dark brown wood, plays His Masters Voice records, 78s. Got an image of chairs like you’d get in a church hall or village hall, very simple chairs that you stack, connected with meetings, gatherings’
This isn’t ringing any bells for me.
‘This lady is still here and she does remind me of my grandmother, I didn’t think it was at first but it could be. I get the feeling from her that this sort of stuff would have been the fires of hell. Taboo. It's that Catholic feeling, burning of the books. I’m still seeing Colin Fry and I think he’s brought her through for a reason. It goes very deep and is possibly one of my blocks, that fear of excommunication, fears that are there because this area is taboo. Colin did come through when I was doing a session earlier in the week and he showed an image superimposed on himself of Jesus with the crucifixion, the crown of thorns. It was that image of the suffering side of mediumship, the persecution side. I think that’s why he’s giving me that feeling of lighten up, you’ve got to have some fun with it because there’s been a lot of heavy stuff associated with mediumship and a lot of suffering. It's been closet stuff, it’s had fear associated with it. That's why he brought a levity to his performances when he did it in church halls and spiritualist centres, he kept it light. Too much solemnity reminds people of the fiery furnace. Fears that are in the human soul because of that background that many people have, fears that these areas are taboo. The art of performance. Mediumship is a form of counselling for the soul’
‘I'm getting a sense of a grey elephant, maybe Joan is around too’
‘I think they are drawing my attention to the Christmas gifts, that part of the mediumship, the gifts they put out for children at Christmas, you told me it was one of those that hurt Colin’
Me... ‘Yes, that’s right’
When Colin was doing a Christmas Tree Séance one of the materialised spirit children opened up one of the presents brought by a sitter which was a toy that lit up when being played with. The child did play with it and the light that shone caused the ectoplasm to shoot back into Colin causing haemorrhaging. He later showed me the scare on his stomach.
‘You’re tampering with energies but you have to know what you are doing. You have to be tough; you have to toughen up because it’s not all plain sailing and the frail human form is opening itself up to energies it might find difficult to connect with. It's like the communion wine I'm seeing, having communion, communion with spirits, communion wine, communion with Christ, the blood and the body of Christ. You have to connect at the highest level, you have to take that on. If you become a vehicle for light, for Christ then healing and all things are possible but you have to prepare the way for opening that light, accumulating that light, connecting to that light. That's key, that’s fundamental if you want this form of mediumship which we are working towards. Preparation is all important to be a vehicle to accommodate these energies, to transmit, to be a transducer for the energies, it’s as if spirit can only go so far. Miracles can happen, do happen but the more robust manifestations of physical mediumship require much preparation and attunement which is why it doesn’t happen overnight. Just put Stuart Alexander’s name in my mind. I know Colin was a carpet layer and he’s showing me the carpet laying. To come out of that into the front view facing audiences is a big step. But it’s that absolute connection, and it’s a two-way process, they can come so far forward but the work has to go on here and it’s that build up the commitment and trust but when it happens it’s like a light that suddenly switches on but it’s like in building, before you can switch on the lights the circuitry has to be put in, the electrician has to put all the wiring in and test it and certify it safe otherwise you can get fires or blow fuses or get electrocuted. So the circuitry has to be connected up to the mains supply and when it’s all tested and certified then you can flick the switch. An amazing light, and there’s a lot behind the scenes. The house buyer goes in, flicks on the light, doesn’t realise all the work that’s gone on beforehand. Sometimes it’s generations of work, background to the electric power supply but that’s just an analogy allowing the spiritual powers to manifest through the human body at full blast, with full power, not in a dim way that so often happens. Counselling for the spirit is good, is necessary, serves a purpose but the manifestation of full phenomena is another issue. That's serious stuff and behind the frivolity, the fun aspect of it, there’s a lot of work going on in the background and a lot of suffering behind it, generations, it’s in the human psyche because it can create in some wonder but in others fear and when people are afraid, they attack and the forms of attack are many, disbelief, persecution, disempowerment, accusations of fraud, not always possible to protect the medium from these forces, from the fears generated by phenomena but if you are willing and ready, we are ready to work with you. You have to be aware of the process and the blocks to the successful wiring, your own fears of making that connection. Who was it said our greatest fear is not that we are small and insignificant but that we are great and powerful? You have the keys to the gates and the choice to open the gates, it’s yours and you alone can know if you have truly made the choice. We watch and test the water, we have our dip stick to test the degree of commitment, to test the readiness for the full wiring, the redness for the installation of full electricity in your human house. But every little step along the path if not in your lifetime, the work you do progresses to beyond, but the time is coming when these miracles will be seen again and will transform belief, transform the current human paradigm. A time is coming and there will be many, the wiring of the human house is part of the plan, little by little, one generation to the next, the infrastructure has begun and will carry on. Thank you for your attention’
Me... ‘Thank you’
‘We are still at the stage of morse code you understand, ha ha... we haven’t got to the real optic fibre connection, ha, ha... That’s The Diamond for you’
Liz was in fits of laughter.
I’m not sure if Liz just found what was said funny or there was some influence from Colin as he would sometimes break out in fits of laughter for no apparent reason when he came back after a séance.
I then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...