We had another Zoom meeting from our homes.
Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.
At 2pm Liz did an opening prayer then started to tune in.
This is what came through plus my notes that I did afterwards...
‘Young man or teenage boy, mob of wiry, sandy hair, bushy, more on the top of his head, blue eyes, freckles, tall, a friend of yours, Robert. A connection with cheese, a grocery store. He did a paper round with a bicycle. Long tapering fingers. Might have been in the choir with you, an instrument, plucking strings, harp or guitar. See him in a garden surrounded by flower pots, nothing much growing in the pots. He knows you quite well, been around a long time. A dog with him like a golden retriever. He wore a brace on his teeth. He had a church connection with you. Mumps, glandular, glandular fever, neck swollen. He was taking driving lessons. Christine. An ornamental mirror. Candles, tall church candles. Memory of somebody pulling a horrible face’
I can’t remember this boy from the description or the name. I don’t know who Christine is. I did work in a grocery store and I did do a paper round on a bike but can’t think of a connection with this boy. Liz already knows I was in the choir and the memory of somebody pulling a horrible face. I will see if my brother can remember anything about the boy.
Update... My brother didn't recognise this boy either but he did confirm some of the evidence for our relatives that has been coming through each week.
‘A lady, I think it’s your mother, quite slim, whitish hair, looks a little bit like your grandmother. She knows this boy, he used to deliver the newspapers. Someone’s throwing bread crumbs to the birds in the courtyard, garden. Your mum pegging up clothes on the washing line’
This all describes my grandmother but not my mum.
‘Valerie. Black cat, someone’s giving it a saucer of milk’
Valerie is the name of a friend’s mother who passed away recently. She had cats years ago but I can’t remember the colours.
‘Something to do with mending fences. Looking over a lot of gardens, to do with when you were very young, all boys are one boy, the boy that pulled a face, the nasty boys, this boy is showing his angelic side, wanting to mend fences for you, remind you of the good friends. Boys play pranks but it’s not malevolent. Your mum was aware you were troubled by things like that and she’s smoothing it like butter on bread, smoothing it out. Life isn’t always a rose garden, there’s ups and downs, you have to spread it evenly, it all spreads out in the end. Your mum is being very even tempered, very fair person, she liked to keep things harmonious, keep a smooth surface but she overlooked the ripples and turmoil underneath because it was painful to look at. She didn’t always want to recognise the troubles too much, preferred to see the smooth surface. She's stirring a cake mixture, she liked to do things like that but she’s wanting to apologise in some way that she didn’t always take your fears and concerns to seriously, she would quickly deal with them and shrug them aside. She realised you were more sensitive. She was more concerned with keeping the house nice, making a nice home, looking after you but the problems, the emotional ups and down she gave a short shrift to some of that because it wasn’t important to her from an adult point of view. She just saw the nice side in children, she didn’t want to see the difficult sides. She didn’t read psychology books, that wasn’t her thing, she didn’t know how to read people's emotions. It wasn’t that she didn’t know how to but she didn’t have the vocabulary and the skills to deal with the more unpleasant, difficult things. So as long as everything was running smoothly the world was fine, didn’t want to look too much at the dark side. Goldilocks and the three bears, she felt a bit like Goldilocks, trying to find something that fitted her just perfectly but when people got angry, she got scared and ran away, she didn’t want to face the big problems’
This describes mum’s character, especially the last bit as I remember when she had arguments with my dad she would often run out of the house and go for a very long walk then return when things had calmed down.
‘After she died, she got a lot of help and healing. See her with nuns, spirits that are helping her, like a convalescent home. She was surrounded by such a lot of love and care and it really helped her. Her dying was not easy for her, she had a lot of fear as she didn’t like to face things that were unpleasant. She’s saying ignorance was a blessing sometimes. She still feels like a little girl leaning, she’s surrounded by children’s books, Noddy and Big Ears, ABC, an awful lot to learn but it’s wonderful. It feels to her like she’s in a kindergarten again and it’s wonderful. She's had contact with your dad but not a lot at the moment. She's reaching out her hand but he hasn’t quite located or linked with her yet. She's still being helped. Not quite ready yet. She has apples in her hand and it’s like Adam and Eve, the apple is temptation. She wants to meet him with all of love when the time is right. She feels much lighter than him, he was a more complex character. She reminds me of Vera Lynn’
This makes sense to me.
‘A large man, looks a bit like Brian Blessed, a giant of a man, fee fi fo fum. Now he’s appearing normal, not like Brian Blessed, got a bald head and round face. Reminds me of Dan who used to sit with us. He’s round like a balloon, a bit of an actor, saying we’re all here, all round you. Reminding me of somebody I knew at school who took part in the play Noah’s Ark. See all these people on the ark saying we’re with you, we’re on a journey all together. We're on the dry land, they’re on the sea of spirit. We have to set up this new world, this is the importance of it getting the message through. It's like a new start, a new age of transition, a lot of disasters. They are emphasising the importance of holding firm, it’s like we’re on this little island but we’re safe. Although there’s going to be storms and things, we have to stick to it, to cultivate what we’ve been given, we’ve got this terra firma and we must tend it. It's no good getting lazy, no good just waiting for things to develop. Plants need watering, they need tending, propagating, you have to take cuttings otherwise they’ll just die out. You've got to work at it, to maintain this opportunity, this island, this dry land, this terra firma, this foundation. You've got a foundation but you have to build on it so it will spring up green everywhere, new shoots, new growth. Fruits that people can gather, can eat. They are throwing us lifelines, sending us telegraphic wires, connecting with us, coming as close as they can. We have to stabilize the wires, make our connection to our telegraph poles. Don't let the wires break, keep the transmission lines running clear. They'll give us instructions, give us what we need to make those plants grow, to establish heaven on earth’
This very much sums up some thoughts I’ve been having recently about mediumship development.
‘Donald Duck, Walt Disney films, Peregrin, that’s also a boy's name, albatross’
Not sure what this is about.
‘Your mum’s waving at a wicket gate, she’s in her safe space, she’s waving a white flag saying all of love, wanted to say happy birthday. Jar of pickled onions. Sailor, sailor Sam, sail away home, swing low sweet chariot’
‘Travis. He’s saying hello old mate. It's like he’s opening a briefcase, a music case. If music be the food of love play on. He’s got a music stand, pretending to be a choir master, think he wants to orchestrate us. He's a conductor, he wants to orchestrate this work for us. Daisy, Daisy give me your answer do... He’s showing me a school tie, red and black, old school tie, he’s trying to tell me we’re in school, he’s going to be a schoolmaster, says it’s going to be fun, marmite, some people love it some people hate it, but discipline is important, he can’t emphasise this enough. Seeing a blackbird down by his feet with a yellow beak, singing such a beautiful song. Take it easy and enjoy every day but for this work the discipline is important, he can’t underestimate that. He's getting out a tape measure, he wants to be a tailor, cuts the suits to the right size. If you want to attune to spirit you’ve got to get your suit right, fitted, you’ve got to fit. I think they’re planning some magic. It's not all sweat and tears, it’s fun. Image of a merry-go-round with horses. You’ve just got to experience, when you haven’t got it quite right you get those dizzy effects, that’s the importance of the discipline of tailoring, of cutting your cloth carefully, measuring things quite right so that you know what suits you, it’s got to suit the person, be the right fit. It's not one suit fits all, that’s the old idea in mediumship, one suit fits all, you have to do this, then this, then this... no, no, no measure carefully, each person is different, different requirements, different measurements. Spirit has to work with each person individually, we have to make our own adjustments, no good taking an off the shelf approach. You can take an off the shelf but you’d have to mould it carefully, you’d have to cut and trim, yes people do that. He's giving me a piece of holly and Christmas cake, saying Christmas is coming up... wonderful, thank you very much, makes me feel like crying as I can really feel you’re there. You can be a silly old schoolmaster if you want, old school tie and all that but we know that you’re our friend and that you are working with us and that is brilliant, thank you so much and thank you all our friends in spirit’
Travis is one of the original members of the Mercury Circle and has also sat with Liz and me in the Mercury Light Circle. He passed away about two years ago and recently connected with Liz again via mobile phone. Here’s an excerpt from Liz’s email about what happened and also the reply from Daisy who used to be married to Travis...
on Tuesday I was meditating and tuning into spirit, and asked for help with my mediumship. I wondered if I had a mediumship guide, and I wondered if Travis was now my mediumship guide, as he had appeared in a dream, and directed my attention to a diamond shape in flowing water, that was filled with light and the light was so bright that I could hardly see. He had also presented himself in quite a few of my mediumship readings recently, and seemed to help with bringing spirits forward. So I asked Travis, in my meditation, to give me a sign if he was my mediumship guide now. I thought of the sign of a daisy, as Daisy is a living contact we have with Travis. But then I thought that there are daisies everywhere at this time of year, and I see them in the grass and growing by the roadside. So I dismissed that as a sign, and asked him for a diamond, as I thought diamonds are not a common feature in my life.
Two hours later, I checked my mobile phone and to my surprise I noticed two missed calls from Daisy. I couldn't believe this. I thought that it was either a coincidence, or a sign from Travis, and maybe he had contacted Daisy. So I rang the number back, but received no reply. Instead I got a text message saying: " who is this?". So I replied, reminding Daisy who I was, and why I was ringing her. I got another text message back, saying "I don't understand what you are talking about." So I texted back: "Are you Daisy Tiley? because that is the name I have for this phone number and the name that appears with these calls." I got a message back saying: "I am not Daisy". So I sent a text apologising for troubling the person.
So I presumed that Travis must have sent these two calls as a sign that he is indeed one of my mediumship guides now. I presumed that Daisy's mobile phone has either been stolen, or disbanded, and the number recycled, and someone else has that number. Is that the case Daisy? Is this phone number no longer your current phone number?
This does seem to indicate that Travis is actively around, and doing physical mediumship!
Reply from Daisy...
Good to hear from you and interesting events happening for you.
I think Travis has joined the Diamond Group and they are helping you with your mediumship. The Diamond Group was the group where Magnus was the main communicator. Magnus is Colin Fry’s guide. The diamond light shape also made an appearance with my current healing circle in Manila last Saturday. So yes, they are all pretty much around. I do not have that particular phone number anymore as it has been locked as I have not used it for over a year now and perhaps the number has been recycled. And yes, it was a way of proof that Travis has probably used that number to synchronise with the evidence you sought. Remember, asked and it will be given, knock and it will be answered. I have been sitting online with a group from Australia and Travis, Colin and Freddie have been showing their faces via transfiguration of the medium’s face. I’m glad Travis is around and guiding you too!
Once Liz had withdrawn and felt back with it I had my turn and soon felt myself being controlled and the communication began...
‘There’s many, many ways to bring through something which coincides with valuable evidence. Each answer given represents an imbalance of personal thought. We are all with you, we are all contributing to the overall development of this circle, this experiment that you take part in, for it is an experiment and you will get results. Do not worry what the results are, you have been given the ability to record and to dissect information that is presented to you’
‘The creation of an event is a wonderful process. We begin with a thought, an image in the mind and as that image becomes clearer a form of recognition greets your mind. You begin to find the words that describe that event and you build up a picture for yourself. In doing this you are able to transmit that what you see, that what you understand for somebody else who will put their own meaning on your interpretation of the original thought. There are many answers to every question, you have to decide which answer is appropriate to you at this point in your development. As you grow, as you grow wiser, as you grow closer to your true self you will discard some of those answers and you will begin to create a new understanding from a new perspective’
‘Every plant begins as a seed. A seed that relies on the help of others. A seed that requires nutrition. That seed has its own mind but it needs the help of others to provide. You are all looking for that help, and that help is there, you merely have to unlock your own way of thinking to receive that help, allow that help to bring you more into focus with your true self’
‘You can feel the warmth of your spiritual friends, you can see them but you can’t touch them, not in the physical way that you understand but the physical world is a small part of your life. Reach beyond the physical and you will indeed touch those who move close to you for they are your friends, they are connected to you with love, with understanding, for they know how you feel. You are never alone when you look beyond your physical world and you begin to understand the connections to all that is life. You put your own words, your own understanding to what you experience, you create your own picture in your mind but behind that picture is the strength of love, the strength of understanding all things, all of life. We are here to help you all and you will receive that help even if you do not perceive that help for that help is yours... thank you’
I felt back with it after a few seconds.
Liz did a closing prayer, thanked our friends and sent out healing to the world...