This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.
We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...
Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...
...Nick Pettitt
170th Sitting 24/05/2018
We had the room setup as usual.
I did the opening prayer at 7.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise then continued on into the session...
Liz began to speak about 30 minutes after the opening prayer...
'Got the name Sydney Web, it's to do with writing... cobwebs... he's servicing an old motor car... interpreting old ideas into a new more streamlined form, correspondence, ink... he's showing me the power of the pen, to target things, you push ideas forward more powerfully when they are written into the web, that's the cobweb... conveying ideas, transporting... social change... custodians of valuable information... books are just forms of transmitting information... Marxist ideas, assimilate the true form, important to keep reissuing fresh ideas, as they get misplaced and garbled. Just because they're old or ancient ideas doesn't invalidate them, they keep surfacing, they need reiterating so the true meaning doesn't get lost. They have to come through fresh again and again, resurfacing, same ideas in different forms to fit the times. Don't worry about repeating old ideas as it comes through in the new ink, in the new form. The web has new punch, new pith, new focus, is refreshed. Give a new urgency, timing, the ideas surface according to timing when the time is right, according to need'
'Pulsar, pulsar a type of star, a star forming'
'A sense of someone in a tall top hat, a bit like a magician, face looks like Fredrick Myers, a bit of a beard'
'A sense of not cobbled stones or crazy paving but like overlapping tiles, like a pavement of scales'
'A sense of a long stork, a bean stork, tendrils coming out of it, a climber like a vine, winds round and round leading me into the Jack and the Bean Stalk story... I get the word forgiveness, tender vine, the tendrils, to do with forgiveness, forgiving past deeds. I'm seeing these tendrils reaching out from the vine to do with forgiveness, the connections. I have the sense of this vine being tied to many things connected with these tendrils and until all is forgiven the vine is tied, still connected to all the other vines and tendrils until all is forgiven'
'I can feel the presence of someone like a school teacher, I think the school teacher wants forgiveness for being callous, for not setting an example, not being kind. He can't escape the consequences of his actions, unkindness corrupted lives, corroded lives, cruelty corrupts, kindness constructs, kindness cures'
'If I could pour oil on the wounds of the ones I love and kiss their feet I would, Mr. Macintosh... I will learn to help and heal, I want to repair a redress all the hurts, all the pain, it's mine to repair, one to recompense, I will. I will work to wipe away the tears and to make a clean slate, thank you for listening'
'I was the Oggar and Jack was just a lad who wanted to explore, wanted more than I could supply, was willing to give... I humiliated him'
'Many hands make light work, many helping hands around... there's a lot of help in the work of forgiveness, not to worry, they are willing to help, many children glad to help and forgive, schools of forgiveness and these are the light workers, many are children'
'When the Saints come marching home... songs of salvation'
'I keep getting TT... double T...'
Me... 'Is that connected to anything?'
'Don't know, keeps coming through as terrible twos, but I think it's TT. Tom Thumb or Teeny Tots... Time Traveller'
Me... 'I was just thinking Time Travel'
'Did you ever feel diminished or humiliated by a teacher?'
Me... 'No, I don't think so'
'I've someone here called Thelma, been here all along and someone I identify as Kathleen Silver, silver white hair, very blond and frizzy, tied back... connection with teaching and art'
'Coming back to ink wells... Getting Sydney Sheldon as a writer... cast iron or castaway... climate change'
'Wild swans, indicator species'
'Random names... Harvey, Princess Alice, strong sense of diamonds, girl's best friend... sable fur, diamonds, wrongful exploitation of the worlds resources, wrong values leading to decimation, balance will be redressed'
'We're over and out, I get the sense his masters voice, the record's over, thank you friends'
I played a tune to help Liz feel back with it.
We then discussed our Rainbow Bridge Exercise...
Liz started off flying above the River Cuckmere, the winding estuary as it goes into the sea. She was joined by a flock of birds like wild geese or swans. They were turning around and going upside down like cork screws in the air. They were watching how the river merged with the sea then came back inland and made their way to the North Pole. Liz was shown the melting ice and was told this was all in order, it was being monitored to bring the awareness of what we are doing to the Earth, our interaction with the Earth so that we can work to correct it and it will be corrected. The swans were like angels, angelic beings orchestrating and implementing various phenomena to highlight what we are doing to the Earth but it was all in order. Liz got an incredible sense that our Earth was being looked after and re-balanced...
I started off seeing wide rimmed 50s style glasses then I saw scientists in white coats looking very intelligent and they were wearing these glasses and looking up at me. Then I was flying above the countryside looking down and getting higher and higher, going through the clouds and out into space as I watched the Earth disappear into a dot and other stars and planets passed me as I accelerated away from the Earth. Then I came to a place where there were no stars or planets, a kind of black void. I could see all the stars and planets like a clump of lights in the distance. I then came to a barrier and could go no further, it felt like an egg shell and I got the feeling I was in a giant egg, the stars and planets were the yoke and the void was the egg white. Then I found myself outside the barrier and I saw that it was indeed an egg, one of several eggs in a nest at the top of a tree. There were many more nests of eggs at the top of the tree and many more trees spreading out into the distance all full of nests with more eggs in them. I looked up and saw what looked like angels, angelic beings flying above me and they came down and turned into black crows before sitting on the nests. I looked into their eyes and they had a kind of knowing look as if they had a greater understanding of reality. I then started moving away from them, up into the sky, through the clouds, into space, past the planets and stars and into the void again stopping at the shell where I got the impression of eggs within eggs, within eggs, like Russian dolls...
Once again we found several similarities between our two visualisations.
I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...