This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.
We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...
Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...
...Nick Pettitt
170th Sitting 24/05/2018
We had the room setup as usual.
I did the opening prayer at 7.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise then continued on into the session...
Liz began to speak about 30 minutes after the opening prayer...
'Got the name Sydney Web, it's to do with writing... cobwebs... he's servicing an old motor car... interpreting old ideas into a new more streamlined form, correspondence, ink... he's showing me the power of the pen, to target things, you push ideas forward more powerfully when they are written into the web, that's the cobweb... conveying ideas, transporting... social change... custodians of valuable information... books are just forms of transmitting information... Marxist ideas, assimilate the true form, important to keep reissuing fresh ideas, as they get misplaced and garbled. Just because they're old or ancient ideas doesn't invalidate them, they keep surfacing, they need reiterating so the true meaning doesn't get lost. They have to come through fresh again and again, resurfacing, same ideas in different forms to fit the times. Don't worry about repeating old ideas as it comes through in the new ink, in the new form. The web has new punch, new pith, new focus, is refreshed. Give a new urgency, timing, the ideas surface according to timing when the time is right, according to need'
'Pulsar, pulsar a type of star, a star forming'
'A sense of someone in a tall top hat, a bit like a magician, face looks like Fredrick Myers, a bit of a beard'
'A sense of not cobbled stones or crazy paving but like overlapping tiles, like a pavement of scales'
'A sense of a long stork, a bean stork, tendrils coming out of it, a climber like a vine, winds round and round leading me into the Jack and the Bean Stalk story... I get the word forgiveness, tender vine, the tendrils, to do with forgiveness, forgiving past deeds. I'm seeing these tendrils reaching out from the vine to do with forgiveness, the connections. I have the sense of this vine being tied to many things connected with these tendrils and until all is forgiven the vine is tied, still connected to all the other vines and tendrils until all is forgiven'
'I can feel the presence of someone like a school teacher, I think the school teacher wants forgiveness for being callous, for not setting an example, not being kind. He can't escape the consequences of his actions, unkindness corrupted lives, corroded lives, cruelty corrupts, kindness constructs, kindness cures'
'If I could pour oil on the wounds of the ones I love and kiss their feet I would, Mr. Macintosh... I will learn to help and heal, I want to repair a redress all the hurts, all the pain, it's mine to repair, one to recompense, I will. I will work to wipe away the tears and to make a clean slate, thank you for listening'
'I was the Oggar and Jack was just a lad who wanted to explore, wanted more than I could supply, was willing to give... I humiliated him'
'Many hands make light work, many helping hands around... there's a lot of help in the work of forgiveness, not to worry, they are willing to help, many children glad to help and forgive, schools of forgiveness and these are the light workers, many are children'
'When the Saints come marching home... songs of salvation'
'I keep getting TT... double T...'
Me... 'Is that connected to anything?'
'Don't know, keeps coming through as terrible twos, but I think it's TT. Tom Thumb or Teeny Tots... Time Traveller'
Me... 'I was just thinking Time Travel'
'Did you ever feel diminished or humiliated by a teacher?'
Me... 'No, I don't think so'
'I've someone here called Thelma, been here all along and someone I identify as Kathleen Silver, silver white hair, very blond and frizzy, tied back... connection with teaching and art'
'Coming back to ink wells... Getting Sydney Sheldon as a writer... cast iron or castaway... climate change'
'Wild swans, indicator species'
'Random names... Harvey, Princess Alice, strong sense of diamonds, girl's best friend... sable fur, diamonds, wrongful exploitation of the worlds resources, wrong values leading to decimation, balance will be redressed'
'We're over and out, I get the sense his masters voice, the record's over, thank you friends'
I played a tune to help Liz feel back with it.
We then discussed our Rainbow Bridge Exercise...
Liz started off flying above the River Cuckmere, the winding estuary as it goes into the sea. She was joined by a flock of birds like wild geese or swans. They were turning around and going upside down like cork screws in the air. They were watching how the river merged with the sea then came back inland and made their way to the North Pole. Liz was shown the melting ice and was told this was all in order, it was being monitored to bring the awareness of what we are doing to the Earth, our interaction with the Earth so that we can work to correct it and it will be corrected. The swans were like angels, angelic beings orchestrating and implementing various phenomena to highlight what we are doing to the Earth but it was all in order. Liz got an incredible sense that our Earth was being looked after and re-balanced...
I started off seeing wide rimmed 50s style glasses then I saw scientists in white coats looking very intelligent and they were wearing these glasses and looking up at me. Then I was flying above the countryside looking down and getting higher and higher, going through the clouds and out into space as I watched the Earth disappear into a dot and other stars and planets passed me as I accelerated away from the Earth. Then I came to a place where there were no stars or planets, a kind of black void. I could see all the stars and planets like a clump of lights in the distance. I then came to a barrier and could go no further, it felt like an egg shell and I got the feeling I was in a giant egg, the stars and planets were the yoke and the void was the egg white. Then I found myself outside the barrier and I saw that it was indeed an egg, one of several eggs in a nest at the top of a tree. There were many more nests of eggs at the top of the tree and many more trees spreading out into the distance all full of nests with more eggs in them. I looked up and saw what looked like angels, angelic beings flying above me and they came down and turned into black crows before sitting on the nests. I looked into their eyes and they had a kind of knowing look as if they had a greater understanding of reality. I then started moving away from them, up into the sky, through the clouds, into space, past the planets and stars and into the void again stopping at the shell where I got the impression of eggs within eggs, within eggs, like Russian dolls...
Once again we found several similarities between our two visualisations.
I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...
169th Sitting 08/05/2018
We had the room setup as usual.
I did the opening prayer at 7.50pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued into the session...
Liz started to speak about 50 minutes after the opening prayer...
'I've got this expression of putting the cart before the horse. I was thinking it refers to the seeking of evidence in parapsychology, where the cart is all the experiments and statistical data but the horse is the experience, the person experiencing, the phenomenon and that is what's pulling and delivering the data but if you put the data as primary you miss out the importance of the actual person who is receiving the information and that's the important component in the study. Without the horse, or the person the information has no significance'
'Just getting the term stochastic resonance'
'I keep getting an image of Sandra Jackson a girl I was at school with'
'The Colourists, a particular group of artists in Scotland'
'Got the impression of William way below... I get the feeling there's a lot of interference... Silver... there's a Donald...'
'I started off with the Reverend Dobbs, it was like reflections through the looking glass, a sense of a double universe, a reflection, you can just walk through the glass, walk through the boundary, this boundary realm which is actually very active. The spiritual reflection of us is just beyond this boundary it's just a question of stepping through the looking glass, meeting the reflected self, passing through the barrier but there can be lots of interference. There are times when it's easier to pass, times when you can glide through, like osmosis. It's as if I'm shaking hands with someone across the barrier. Whenever you shake hands there is an information transfer'
'Got a Catherine'
'Now I've got somebody here, a Quaker... conquest or Constantinople, lots of Cs... cuneiform writing... Edison... can't make a mistake... frayed ends... someone saying I'd rather not give up yet... not Constantinople but constant and stable, secure funding, testing hypothesis... keep getting the word matches, like match sticks... seeing a Swan Vestas match box... strike a match... prudence, perspective'
'Consider the country you come from, someone strange tries to make themselves known. There's a varied reception. How do they make themselves known... introductions. They stand out and they look different. Initial tendency is to ignore, avoid, fear, reject. Imagine that person changes their attire, adjusts their appearance so they begin to look like everyone else, a little more acceptable, not true, camouflage, masking the reality of their foreignness... dilemma. But after a reasonable period, the Trojan horse person, camouflaged, begins to feel accepted and comfortable and then begins to reveal more of his identity and the reception is different, people listen and appreciate a little more, show a little more empathy because this person is actually in many ways like them. That's how presenting a strange phenomenon in a form that's acceptable to most people, for they can identify it as explicable, familiar, allows the possibility of deeper consideration and understanding of it. So, revealing it through the medium of science, a commonly accepted methodology and vocabulary can help to lessen its foreignness, its occult association because the occult is that which is dangerous and foreign. But the jargon of science, the laboratory, the everyday common experiences, explicable experiences are acceptable. So, the occult adopts a Trojan horse disguise to help lessen the negative associations, fear rejection, out of hand rejection but don't put the cart before the horse, the purveyor of the experiences is an ordinary human being worthy of study, consideration and seen as part of the normal human type and can be much more accepted'
'Terence Rattigan, he's Somerset born, these names keep dropping in... blue moon... somebody telling Jewish jokes, Rabbi Blue maybe...'
'I have some Indian faces, red Indians and the sense I'm getting is they are groups of people who are considered necessary to segregate them, ghettoed, but gradually they're in the process of their normalisation, their integration into the larger group, their uniqueness becomes something valued, the unique gifts and offerings that they bring into the whole human pool become valued once the strangeness barrier is overcome... perhaps this applies to the paranormal, all the gifts that mediums bring and psychics and as these phenomena become integrated into the normal and acceptable study of science and into the general parlance of everyday communication and experience of what it is to be human, this will be valued and the gifts it brings will be treasured rather than rejected. I think the message I'm getting is that the person has to be studied, the person is important and when the person experiencing this phenomenon is understood and valued the phenomenon itself will be valued and understood in a different way. A cart in front of a horse won't go anywhere but if the horse is given plenty of hay and water then attached to the cart respectfully and allowed to pull that cart to its destination then the cart load of data will arrive where its meant to be and stored and valued and delivered appropriately'
'The word cuneiform keeps coming back'
'A sense of this narrow pipeline through the barrier through which communication, a tune, like a telephone wire, it's more like a straw, a pipe, a conduit, a flow, information flow'
'Keep getting the words repeating, Strawberry Fields forever, combined with wanting to keep the communication flow going, it's a narrow tube, I think there's a lot of interference, butterfly wings, a connection with chaos'
'I'm back to Edison, light bulb moments, how many Jews does it take to change a light bulb?... I can only say thank you for trying to get through and I'm being a bit opaque, thank you for trying... a sense of old coins, Queen Victoria, Royal Mint...'
'Have the name Ethel'
'I think we've come to the end...'
I put a tune on to help Liz feel back with it.
We then discussed our Rainbow Bridge Exercise.
Liz started off with an enormous blue sea and blue sky and that was the boundary, the horizon, the sea merged into the sky, an incredible sense of blueness. It was as if one was the reflection of the other, a reflected self. Then out of the blueness came transparent blue people moving towards Liz and Liz was moving towards them across this barrier, a two-way flow, a very strange experience. Then Liz wanted to go into the blue and find something more concrete as this was formless and she found a dessert island with palm tree beaches and Hawaiian people living very simply, just enjoying and sharing the fruit and the nature and the sky. It was very peaceful, Liz felt very good and just held onto the blue...
I started off watching a long, wide snake on the ground going between my legs and I turned round to see it disappearing into the distance so followed it into a hot dry dessert where it wriggled its way through warm soft sand. I did the same and we then came to a large lake. The snake went into the water to cool off and I did the same. Under the water were more snakes and they were all enjoying the cool water and eating the vegetation growing from the lake bed. It was a wonderful feeling of sharing, peace and harmony. Then I saw something flowing into the lake above me and went to the surface to see it was a waterfall of liquid mercury that was solidifying as it hit the cool water into coin like discs that sunk down and into the lake bed as if fertilising it to make the vegetation grow. I wanted to find the source of this and found a ladder that took me to the top of the waterfall where I saw a city. There were huge buildings like banks and businesses and I saw flowing from them all this liquid mercury and got the impression that this was money that had been made by these huge businesses and corporations. The atmosphere felt stressed and unpleasant. I sensed greed and fighting and the wanting to accumulate wealth for oneself. It was the complete opposite to the wonderful sharing, peace and harmony of the lake and I found it funny that all this money was just turning into fertiliser for the vegetation in the lake...
I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...
168th Sitting 02-05-2018
We had the room setup as usual.
I did the opening prayer at 7.50pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...
17 minutes after the opening prayer Liz began to speak...
'My friends are writing in Arabic on the ground, on slate and I think they want me to talk about the delta T, about time'
Me... 'That would be interesting'
'They have shown me in terms of music, the fundamental which is a lower frequency but with a lot of power. And then they are showing me the harmonics, the overtones which decrease in power as they go up in frequency. So the very high frequencies, the top overtones are a shadow, a reflection of the fundamental with less power, less light. If you think of this in terms of light there is a lot of light and power in the fundamental but the reflections as they go on in a complex and evolving system where the fractals are broken off. Think of them in terms of the harmonics of the overtones. So the light in the higher frequency levels, in the furthest overtones is dim, dim in comparison with the fundamental but the fundamental is slow as it seems lower frequency contains within it all the harmonics, all the other frequencies, it contains within it all time, all the delta Ts, and so it is very high resolution, low frequency but high resolution, everything is held within it, but the overtones, the top set, the furthest reflections are dim in comparison and we are in an overtone, a fractal, a reflection, a reflection of the original fundamental of the original light and our purpose is to bring some of that light, that understanding, to bring more light into that overtone, into our range, into our frequency, into our delta T universe which we call our physical. To bring that light in to give it more definition, more power. To bring, to transduce some of the original power into that so all through us, all the overtones will have that much more power, resonance. Our role is to brighten the dim light as it exists in our sleeping semiconscious physical universe. To transduce that light so that at some point all the music of the spheres, all the overtones will be bright and clear and suffuse permeated with that original light and all shine brightly the music and then would be sublime, all times would be as one time and the dimmest reflection will be bright in comparison with what it is now, will come to life, will enlighten and that is the meaning of enlightenment, spreading through all universes and our role is to act as that transducer of the fundamental light which is there enfolding, holding all of these reflections in ways that we don't understand but the musical analogy I'm being given by my Arabic friends might serve to explain the paradox of us feeling very slowed down in our Earth time frame, but actually in the afterlife, in the other more rarefied atmospheres time seems slow in comparison with our time which is almost counter-intuitive. I see that the one, the fundamental holds within it the resolution of all time scales, but its own beat frequency is low when we think in those terms of frequency because it's a fundamental, it holds within it all the higher frequency overtone. So the dimmer light frequencies as it were, the overtones which are reflections, time seems to go faster in them because their delta T is actually operating at a higher frequency but the fundamental knows it all because it has all of these within it but its own beat is that which contains all the other frequencies and so its time is timeless in comparison with the higher frequency beats of the overtones. If that can make sense it's almost for some reason counter-intuitive to our perception but that's why the musical analogy of overtones which are contained within the fundamental may help with the understanding of this... I would like to thank my dear brothers in spirit for showing me this'
Me... 'Yes, thank you'
'I think I have Julian... Ha, I think he's saying "got it" he's showing me a watch... I don't know if he's trying to show me something about radioactive decay... I have a feeling he's reminding me that all clocks have a finite setting and they run down into the fundamental and fade until the next evolution, until the next beat of the gong. This is the understanding of the ohm. This is the significance of the breath of God. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God, all things that are made come from the word, the original sound, the ohm'
'There's a Lillian...'
'We all have to learn as a lesson to trust in the underlying structure and intelligence of the universe and to prioritise our work as to bring light, to enlighten our Earth. We are the eyes of the Earth and to realise there is enough for all if the bounty and beauty of the Earth is evenly shared, we do not need to accumulate, to own, to acquire, all is freely given. The Earth is given, our lives are given, we do not need to take or acquire or struggle. All these things are natural when we trust in the intelligence of life we can perform our real task as human beings which is to enlighten the Earth by being transducers of light from the original light, to intensify the reflection that we are, to embody, to amplify, to focus. Our work is spiritual work while in the physical. It is not to acquire, take what is already given, to accumulate. It is to walk freely, to share, to distribute evenly the natural bounty of the Earth, to do our work as transducers of light, this is spiritual work'
'The expulsion from Eden was a myth generated to rationalise the erroneous belief in strife and conquest and acquisition. Personal enrichment and power which deep down we knew was a wrong path, was antithetical to our true purpose on the Earth, but which we chose. The expulsion from Eden was a myth, we were never expelled from Eden, we chose to leave of our own free will to experience the erroneous gratifications, not of the flesh but of alternative motivations, variations on the fundamental theme, off key. However the innate desire for harmony, to ring true is still there it has never left us. We chose to divert from the path and we can choose to return to the path when we have suffered enough from our disturbance, from our disharmony. The choice is ours. Those who wish to choose but find it difficult will have the help from those who have advanced along the path already and they will help with the return when that return is desired with sufficient strength. Those who have already returned to the path will be there to support and guide. You are not alone in your desire to return, you have the help from the fundamental, of the universe, from the helpers, from all those who are resonant with truth, you are not alone. Your desire is aligned with the will of the universe, you will return. We who have returned or have never left, we are like the piano tuners, when we hear the instrument playing out of tune our natural response is to tune the instrument, this we do. Those of you who are sensitive and respond will be tuned fast, those who are stiff and resistant will take longer but all in the fullness of time will be tuned and the instrument will be played true, it is inevitable. The tuners work hand in hand with those who have created the instrument. We who love you bathe in your trust and your blessings and your love as you bathe in ours. We are all one, held in the great fundamental, in the great truth, in the great ohm'
'I have Suzy here, my friend and she's saying "say it how it is Liz" she's beaming, she's with me in spirit, we danced together. She's remembering a dance we did on time, I can't remember the details, she's showing me the clock'
'I've got somebody who says they are Yellow Feather... This Indian seems to be working with wood, with an axe. Don't know if he's carving or shaping the wood. I see him with one band around his head, loose leather trousers, bear chested, long black platted hair. I think he's making wooded sculptors, totems, religious symbols. He's showing me these objects imbued, they were used objects but they were imbued with a certain vitality imparted by his axe, by his intent so that they graced, they carried a portion of his spirit so it helped to earth it and all those who came into contact could share of it. It helped to earth or fortify the meaning of connection to the fundamental or source or great spirit. I've got the word Philadelphia'
'I've just seen a funeral cortege, old fashioned cars, people in top hats, flowers, horses. A rather public funeral. I don't see carriages just horses and cars... just keep seeing large gates, wrought iron gates. Feels like I'm looking at Westminster Abby or Buckingham Palace, I'm in London. Now I'm going to the blue sky, blue and gold... Got the words... My heart is in the Highlands where I long to be, sense of the kilt and the bagpipes...'
'Got this ridiculous image of I want to roll the world into one little ball and eat it whole and it reminds me of the old Hindu saying... I am this world and I eat this world, who knows, knows
'I keep getting Marigold and I would like to say now as we come to the end of this session, I'd like to thank all our helpers and to share with them all the love and blessings of the universe, for ourselves and for them'
Me... 'Thank you'
'Thank you all and God bless everyone... love and blessings to one and all'
Liz had a picture of a great stag.
I played a tune while Liz came back with it.
We then discussed our Rainbow Bridge Exercise...
Liz started off walking through a field of brown onions. A rather plain field and in the distance were hills and a sense of a rainbow light. As she walked towards the hills Liz got immersed in this rainbow mist and came to a dividing point, a bridge. On one side was this brilliant landscape of fruit trees and flowers, lots of colours and on the other side were fields of toil, of onions and corn. Then two Arab men came towards Liz and showed her the fields of harvest on one side and then the toil on the other side and said it was the irregulated religions that had imprisoned us in a philosophy of work and hardship which had dulled down the native hue of these plants and they showed Liz that in a different light these onions were beautiful, suddenly everything looked green and bright. They showed Liz that although this was a lower vibrational level there was no difference in the light potential. Instead of being ground down in this philisophy of hard work, if we were aware of the spiritual nature of each blade of grass and hold in mind the intrinsic beauty and light within every single growing phenomena it would transform our world into one as beautiful as the higher vibrational one. Then they were in a courtyard and the Arab men started writing on slates a triangle and Liz realised they were writing the delta T, they were teaching Liz about time. Liz felt they were telling her something important so she started to speak...
I started off with a question in my head about the communications we get through mediums and how this information can differ from medium to medium especially about reincarnation and I wondered how we can know what information is correct and I then found myself in a giant library full of books which then changed and I was floating with lots of dim lights around me and got the impression that this was a library of experiences, every experience every living thing had ever had and I wanted to gather all these experiences into one and ended up holding a ball like a cricket ball which contained all these experiences. Then I saw that I also had a similar ball inside me and everybody had these balls inside of them and each one held their own experiences which affected the way they interpreted reality. Everybody had their own unique way of interpreting based on their own experiences and this was why information coming from spirit can be distorted by our own experience base while we are in this physical reality because we are interpreting it in our own unique way. It's not that it isn't true it's our own truth and it's not until we move into the next world that we can see all these truths together as one...
I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...
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