This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

165th Sitting 27/03/2018

It was Liz and me this week.

We had the room setup as usual but we used a longer running CD.

At 7.35pm I did the opening prayer then turned out the light and put the music on...

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise and talked our experiences at the end of the session.

Liz didn't start speaking until the last tune was playing, she had been in a kind of body asleep mind awake state...

'Encouragement... I've got someone who wants to give some words of encouragement...'

Me... 'Okay... they are very welcome to come through...'

'It's like gardening or weaving a thread, as you tend the garden, when you pursue your weaving, the garden flowers, the cloth magnifies, the work is rewarding with something beautiful, something that pleases and benefits. You put in the effort and that effort yields something beneficial, something of value, something to delight, to share with others but the work is often arduous and has to be maintained. There are months in the garden before the fruits of your labour are seen, before the trees and shrubs bush out and grow big and the cloth, before it looks like a piece of worthy fabric, hours of threading, weaving, changing the wool, changing the thread, often alone and with patience and the work reveals results. Know that every step you take, every time you sit, every time you prepare to meet that allows us to walk with you, to develop a little further. The progress is slow but sure. Know that the task you undertake with the attitude to bring truth and beauty, understanding into the conscious world is a blessing. We are happy to cooperate, we welcome and acknowledge the devotion to the task. Willing workers are needed to bring forward the understanding and the knowledge that we wish to share. Remember that in the garden many things will thrive but some will need to be replaced, it is trial and error as any gardener knows. You learn by making mistakes and every little effort brings its rewards. Being ready to make changes, to adapt to changing weather, to changing ground conditions, all this feeds into the garden, development. And sometimes for the weaver the cloth, the pattern jars, the thread is not quite right but thoughtfully and skillfully changes are going on. Allow yourselves to be led by us as a guide dog leads the blind. We will help to remove the obstacles from your path, we will help you to negotiate them, keep you safe'

'Gordon... I feel the eyebrows, bushy eyebrows'

'Good enough is good enough. Not a question of striving for excellence. Good enough to allow us to work. Good enough for the task in hand'

'Cooper... the name Cooper'

'Birds singing their song, it comes naturally, the naturalness of the song is inbuilt and everyone has an inbuilt song, an inbuilt way to express, to communicate and each song is individual. Let the natural song pour forth, find your own song, your own way of expression. The black bird sings like the blackbird, not like the blue tit or the crow. Each individual is recognised by their song, by their form, by their means of communication or conveying the meaning of their message. Be natural, allow the intrinsic way of communicating to develop, to emerge'

'Consolation... consolation comes with true communication, consolation comes with the spirit. Our wish is to console, to bring consolation for the world and encouragement'

'A sedentary life is a wasted life... go out there and get stuck in, do things, make mistakes, learn, learn how to do better until you are good enough, you'll know when you are good enough. You are good enough when you are doing your best'

'Some are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, others have to struggle to achieve but the struggle is worthwhile as it develops character, it develops muscle, spiritual muscle'

'I'm being shown the swans on Swan Lake, I suppose the grace and beauty... the swan does its best by being completely at ease with itself completely fulfilling its task of being a swan. The task of being a human, we know what that is intrinsically. Be natural and fulfil your natural role and in that you are doing your best and being fully human. We harvest the sole, we harvest the human soul, we want you to be yourselves, to be as fully human as you are able to be, and that is the delight of God and of all creation'

'I have a host of friends they seem to be clapping and that seems to be the finale'

Me... 'You're getting a round of applause'

'I get the feeling joining the friends is like joining the army'

I put a tune on to help Liz feel back with it.

Liz felt like there was still someone with her, she felt giddy.

She saw a friend called Jenifer Baker who was at school with her when aged five.

As Liz was coming back she had a strange feeling of being from egg to chick to chicken to old hen. It was as if every stage of our journey we are accompanied by friends, others, other little chicks and as we go on with other things and so it goes on into the spirit world, we're never without friends. People whose lives we've contacted and impinged upon they are all still there, it's a shared journey.

We then talked about our Rainbow Bridge exercise...

Liz started off on a bank by a river with lots of daffodils being blown by the wind. There were boats, lots of people, a bit like Cambridge and lots of birds everywhere. Liz walked along the bank looking for a quieter place to cross. She saw someone she knew on the other side who had died and came to a quieter place with a bridge to cross. It was a brick bridge with an asphalt surface and Liz crossed over to her friend and they went into a beautiful garden quadrangle at a college, a place of learning. There was a fountain in the middle and the water was flowing out of two large cupped hands, they were opening up to the water and Liz was contemplating this, the opening up to, the learning, the learning comes to you, you don't have to seek it out...

I found myself on a sandy beach on an island. I watched the sun slowly sink down over the sea and felt cold as it disappeared. I wanted to get closer to the sun again, I didn't want it to disappear. I wanted the heat of the sun and as I thought this a rainbow came over the sea from the sun onto the beach and I walked down to it and into it. I felt myself moving in the rainbow towards the sun feeling warmer and warmer. It was a nice gentle heat, not burning. I was now inside the sun and became one with it, I was the sun and it was a wonderful feeling, warm, relaxing and expanding and I felt connected with everything else. I felt connected with everything that the sun was lighting up and I could see all the beauty of the planets and the life on those planets in wonderful detail as if it was all a part of me...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...