This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

113th Sitting 27/07/2016

We had the room set up as usual but now have the addition of two pine wardrobes at the far end of the room after asking the team if that would be okay at the last MLC on 22/07/2016.
I had my chair between these wardrobes.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the first tune on.
We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Liz started off by an enormous water fall coming down tiers of rocks with rainbows in it. Fairies, elves and nature spirits were playing in it and Liz wanted to join them as it felt so happy. She asked them where they came from, who created them. They pointed towards the sun and Liz saw a great sun being, a yellow presence like an angel with large sleeves enfolding all of us and then this sun being became an enormous sheet spread out and Liz was shown how every layer of reality was like a sheet. She was shown the owls and the owl reality had its own sheet and the oak trees had their own sheet. Liz asked if human beings also had their own sheet and the reply was yes they have their own sheet but these sheets intermingled. Liz saw it like different parts of an orchestra, all the instruments had their different musical score but they all came together to form this one music. It was like all these separate sheets on which each different species was inscribed or created were also all interacting but over and above it all were all the colours of light that came together to make white light. Liz was shown that at the higher level in the white light you can be aware of all the other colours of the spectrum and can enter into each one but at the same time maintaining the awareness of the whole of the white light that unites everything whereas where we are, we inhabit one level and it’s very hard for us to see the other levels, the other sheets…

I started off with a wire fence in front of me. I wanted to go through it but couldn’t think how. Then when I touched it it felt very soft and fragile, I found I could pull it apart and make a doorway. I then felt a bit fearful of going through it as it was pitch black on the other side but built up the courage and jumped through. I then found myself plummeting downwards and below me I saw clusters of light like looking down on cities from an airplane at night. I was heading towards one of these light clusters and when I landed I saw that the lights were candles. They were being held by people in long dark hooded robes who were slowly walking around me in a circle. I held my arms out each side of me and saw silvery threads coming off my fingers and connecting to each person. I had to turn round with then to prevent the threads getting tangled up. Then these people all turned into American Indians and were dancing around me as everything became lighter and they blew out the candles. Then they changed again into morris dancers and then into ballet dancers and finally into human butterflies. They took off into the sky taking me with then until we reached the hole I had made in the fence. I went back through it and was welcomed back by a group of people some of which I recognised as friends and family who had died…

I put the music back on and we continued our session.

It soon started to look flickery in the room to me, it was darker to my right and I felt pressure on my forehead and right ear.
I started to see bright blobs coming and going in front of me and decided to try and become one with the bright blob and as I did so it seemed to come closed and appeared to have arms that were outstretched to me and held my hands. I felt a wonderful feeling of love and just felt very happy and appreciative to be in this place and able to sit in these séances like this. I could just make out a human form in the blob which reminded me of Ghandi and after about a minute I asked it to go over to the other side of the room and hold Liz’s hands which it did. Then it moved to the centre of the room and the form within it seemed to be looking at both me and Liz at the same time.

After a few minutes Liz started to speak…

‘Teresa, Teresa… lots of messages… alderman, messages from the aldermen… something to do with create space and that reminds me of the Amazon self-publishing’

‘I seem to be looking at the folds of a large dragon’

‘Naomi, Higgins, Felix, William… I think they’re just introducing themselves; it’s like a community, a congregation. I’m asking is there a speaker or a priest…’

‘It’s Roger… I’ve got the name Pettigrew, just got a sense of smooth pebbles, I’m just asking if Roger is going to talk, what’s the subject?’

‘Smooth surface like well-worn pebbles, all the edges smoothed… smoothing away, well-worn. I get the feeling that it’s to do with the purpose of our… we’re becoming like smooth well rounded pebbles worn by all our experiences so we’re perfectly smooth, no harsh, sharp edges. Ultimately all those well rounded pebbles become like the grains of sand, become uniform, dissolve. So the nature of reality, it’s a little bit like melting the icebergs back to water, back to the medium that they grew out of… does the pebble mind disappearing? No, it rediscovers its true nature. It can be both the infinite and the infinitesimal; it can be both the pebble and the sand. It’s this ability to transform, to live, to be both one and many. It starts with shifting position, shifting centres and each pebble has its centre of gravity. It can shift into another centre of gravity, that’s the first step to transpose the being into another, shift perspective, to be able to simultaneously experience different states of being, different realities. Start by shifting the centre of gravity, slipping sideways, falling. You do that when you fall asleep and you can do that consciously. This is for those who wish to know the truth, one of the ways… The pebbles on the beach and the precious gem stones on the neckless, circle of stones, string of stones, pebbles like stepping stones, being like a neckless the beginning and ending coming together, all is one… it’s Clive telling me this…’

‘To pass through the halls of mirrors into the full mansion, that exploration into infinity, we each have our unique and precious place and our part to play in the harmony of the whole. I have the word heart, the heart of creation, it’s a name, heart, the opening of the heart, open your hearts’

‘I’ve got William and Leslie’

‘There’s just the final word… how beautiful are the feet of those who tread the path of the lord. Feed my sheep… That will be all for now’

‘I get the feeling that the food is ambrosia and it’s the nectar of truth’

The music had finished and Liz asked me to put a tune back on while she came back with it.

She continued…

‘I’m still getting all these names… Silvia, Terrance… I just feel like there’s a community around, wonderful people, soul mates. Look forward to being with them and spending time with them. Privileged to be in their presence, so good to know they are there’

‘Got the name Sheila, she’s staying in contact, something to do with Sophie’s sister; perhaps her sister will need a helping hand?’

Liz came back with it.

She had been in a sort of parallel state. She didn’t go to sleep but it was like she was coming out of sleep, coming back as if she had fallen sideways, a strange sensation to start with.

I remained awake but my thoughts had momentarily drifted into dreams at times.

I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…

112th Sitting 13/07/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm turned out the light and put the first tune on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise.

Liz found herself by a little stream and there were children paddling and playing with coloured stones and gems. She was with them holding onto some of these stones and suddenly realised the nature of the colours in the stones, it was like a code, they were inherent in everything, the same sequence of colours like a repeating pattern, a key that was in all phenomena. It was like suddenly she saw the mathematics behind everything, behind the children and the stream, it was like a dream reality, insubstantial, held together by a mathematical code, an algorithm that was repeated in everything. Liz felt the weight of it, the connections; it was both very light and insubstantial but terrifying in some way. She wanted to close her eyes and sleep on it then found herself in darkness. She could shut it out but knew that the multiple realities were there and she could open her eyes again and then the children were there with bubbles, all the colours had turned into bubbles that were growing and breaking. The whole universe was like a great bubble; it appeared in all its intricate colours and forms and then disappeared again. Liz wanted to go back into the darkness to contemplate, to just be with the underlying reality in the darkness. She felt this tiny thread appearing like a spiral and it seemed to turn round and round and become more intricate, this thread was leading to everything again. Liz realised she could open her eyes and make anything appear like a kaleidoscope, any phenomenal shape or dimensional reality. She could close her eyes again and open them to bring another one into being. They were all there according to what Liz was looking at and she could also cut them out by going to sleep. It was like a sleeping and awakening, it was a troubling existential experience of realising she didn’t know anything somehow, it was all too much, she wanted to sleep on it but it was all still there to ponder on, she could create or uncreate it at will…    

I started off in a children’s playground and decided to go on the roundabout so pushed it round and sat on it looking out at everything spinning past as I went round and round forming a blurry repeating pattern which became quite hypnotic and almost like I was seeing a different reality or looking at this reality in a different way. Then somebody stopped the roundabout, helped me off and walked with me out of the playground. I couldn’t see who it was but had a feeling they were in hooded robes. As we walked we seemed to get bigger, taller and when I looked down it was like a model village beneath me. We kept growing until eventually the Earth was the size of a football and then it disappeared altogether and I found myself in a black void. It was suggested I sit down which I did and then found myself sitting on a wooden chair in a candle lit cave. There were other creatures in their like large cats roaming around. I was given a mirror and asked to look into it. At first I couldn’t see anything it just looked dark then I started to see a succession of different faces coming and going one after the other. I was told that this was how different people perceived me, we think we know what we look like but really everybody sees things in their own way. Even though we are all in the same reality we all perceive it differently…

Once again our two visualisations had many similarities.

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

I soon started to see bright blobs coming and going in front of me.

I had a tickly sensation in my right hand and left foot for about two minutes.

Liz was very hot.
I felt cool and then suddenly felt very cold in my knees.

Liz began to speak…

‘Aeroplanes, turbulence… canvas, canvas bag, there’s shoes in the bag’

The music CD ended and Liz continued…

‘Seem to have airmen talking… they are discussing something, a black box recorder, they’ll find it… taken to a place’

‘Got the name Clive again’


‘The wings of the morning, seems to be a lot about flight and the Pacific Ocean’


‘It’s like looking through a viewfinder on a rifle, it’s got a cross piece’

‘Watching people on the ground’

‘Caliphate, kangaroo court, shoebox, testimony’

‘I’m just asking who’s there to interpret what’s going on, take me up a notch… Gandalf, Gadolfi’

‘Somebody wants to hold the world in the palm of their hand, it’s like going on the fast train, it’s a bird’s eye view. Just like broken pieces of an aeroplane, testimony, tabarinth, monocle, mojo, muppet. Got a uniform with stripes on the arm, aircraft personnel.  I just like to ask what it’s all about, what I’m being shown, some clear information to… light bulb, illuminate, shed some light on the matter, it’s like looking at a map, it’s like a jigsaw all in pieces, terra gold’

‘Somebody wanted to say sorry… very upset’

‘Records, fragments of a letter, looking at a ration book, a licence, getting the word sorry, sorry, sorry… I just want to hold all this in my heart, I don’t know what it is, there are greater understandings, greater beings in whom all these happenings and events are seen and understood and it’s imperative to go to the greater understanding, see beyond tragedies, events, the madness of Earth. These are little dramas, lessons to be learnt, there are ways to realign with the higher purpose and greater understanding. There are those who love and who see and who understand, who hold all in the palm of their hand, in wisdom, in love and in gratitude we align ourselves with them, they are us, they are the greater part of us, be with them, there’s nothing to forgive, in a world in which everything is allowed all is also forgiven, live and let live, that’s all for now’

‘Feel like I’m coming down from a tree of golden apples, I’m coming back to the roots, I’m sitting on the ground and if an apple falls on my head I’ll discover the laws of gravity’

Me… ‘And you’ll have a bump on your head’

‘Got the name Ozymandias from the poem Ozymandias King of Kings…’

Liz slowly came back with it and then I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

Liz was picking up fragments this evening and gave them out as she got them trying not to put her own interpretation on them.
She had remained awake throughout but despite trying to stay with it I had drifted off several times…

111th Sitting 06/07/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the first tune on for our Rainbow Bridge visualization exercise…

Liz started off looking into some deep, dark water like a bottomless well. There seemed to be a reflection on it of a tower, like the Tower of Pisa. Liz then saw the tower outside of her in the outer world and she started to climb it and at the same time saw in the sky galaxies and rainbows and lights, like the Northern Lights. The tower was leading to light that was calling her. It was like a spiral as she went up with honeysuckle, going round and round and when she got to the top it had an enormous platform flooded with this light looking out over an enormous landscape. Liz had a sense of perspective being able to see wide and far encompassing everything. Liz was encircled with other beings holding hands; she was part of this circle dancing in the air above the tower and this vast panoramic landscape. There were threads connecting Liz and all the other beings and each were part of another circle, it seemed to go on and on, interconnected. At the same time Liz realised there were more towers and more levels, a sense of never ending ascent. Liz also realised there was nowhere to go, this was all here and now, it was just a question of the mind opening up to the reality of the whole, the whole of us, a feeling of completeness and journeying at the same time, infinite regression and infinite expansion like a fractalization going on and on, all held within a single unity…

All I could see at first was green felt-like material everywhere then I suddenly realized I was on a snooker table and I was one of the balls. It felt like I was inside the ball and I remained upright as it rolled across the table. I could make the ball go in any direction and hit other balls if I wanted to. Then another ball hit me from behind and I went speeding across the table towards the corner pocket and down the hole finding myself plunged into darkness going down and down until I slowly came to a halt and then started going up. As I went up I seemed to be spiralling round and up, I felt I was passing people and events as I ascended but I wasn’t sure what they were. Then I stopped and found myself hovering in mid-air. Looking around I saw some of the other balls also hovering but some were higher than me and others lower. Those that were on the same level as me drew closer and soon I was surrounded by a mass of balls at the same level and then all the balls disappeared leaving us all standing on a flat piece of land and I noticed we were all holding maps with routes marked out on them. We looked at each other’s maps and saw some of us had similar routes as if we would meet up at points along the route while some were quite different. Suddenly everything went very dark and then light again and I found myself as a new born baby in a cot. It felt like my memory was fading then I noticed a string of coloured balls stretched on a string in the cot above me which gave me a reminder of the snooker balls and where I had come from. The feeling I got was that as I lived out my new life I would sometimes get brief reminders of where I had come from presented to me…

Our two visualisations had several similarities this week.

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

The atmosphere looked charged and flashy to me.

Liz got the name Carol, something to do with clemency or the bells of St Clement.

I felt something tickling my right ear.
I started to see silvery blobs coming and going in front of me.

Liz continued…

‘I get the name Debi or Deborah. I had the name Deborah Mairesse and a silver nutmeg’

‘It’s like I’m looking at a bible, it’s open at Ezekiel, it’s the chariots, wheels within wheels, wings, wings of the morning’

‘It’s the words of the poem…

“How beautiful they are, the lordly ones
Who dwell in the hills
In the hollow hills.
They have faces like flowers
And their breath is wind that stirs amid the grasses
Filled with white clover.
Their limbs are more white than shafts of moonshine.
They are more fleet than the March wind.
They laugh and are glad and are terrible:
When their lances shake, every green reed quivers.
How beautiful they are
How beautiful the lordly ones
In the hollow hills.”

 ‘The message is to stabilise’

‘Got the sense of long corridors, like a honey comb, they all seem to… like a labyrinth, very perplexing, seems to be some dead ends, the larva trying to find its way, feels a bit lost but it will find its way instinctively, it will immerge at the right time, just keep eating, hope there’s an answer’

‘Salvador Dali, he’s a painter, his paintings are bizarre dream images, a bit scary, the landscape of the unconscious can be quite scary but it’s safe when you know that the self instinctively knows the way home, where to immerge. The self instinctively treads the right pathway through the maze, through the images, it’s just a journey, just trust the right way will be found and the butterfly will immerge from the caterpillar at the right time, or the adult from the embryo, from the immature form, trust, perceiver. The images are instructive, they’re puzzles but they can reveal some of the knots to untangle, the problems that need to be solved, the dilemmas, the lessons to be learned, questions to ponder. Don’t dwell too long at each landmark, trust that it will resolve, note and allow a resolution to happen in its own good time. Tell it like it is’

‘I got the words of various lullabies, they’re the words of comfort, lullabies of childhood, like…

“The October winds lament
around the castle of Dromore
Yet peace is in her lofty halls
My loving treasure store

Though Autumn leaves may droop and die
a bud of spring are you sing hush-a-by
loo,la-lo,la lan
sing hush-a-by loo la lo”

'Somewhere a voice calling William, came with the words Sevenoaks, Sissinghurst’

The music CD finished and Liz continued…

‘I had, how old are you, 94, I don’t know if that’s correct. I have this picture of a man, brown face, very mild with spectacles, thin rimmed. Before that I had a globe or pot, I thought a chamber pot but it was pink and blue, lovely colours, seemed a quite treasured friendly object’

‘Wilkinson or wilkinton… Norfolk, Norfolk farmers, large arable fields… I get sand, Sandhurst, Sandie, little terrier dog. Something is either colossal or collapsible or calamity. Got the feeling of a large crash of people, they’re all welcome but it’s hard to disentangle. Cybil, Cherry, Rudolf’

‘Edith again, Edith Cavell’

‘I come back to a nutshell, something in a nutshell, I started off with a silver nutmeg… What’s in a nutshell? Truth? The truth in a nutshell, what shall we do with it? Crack it open? Swallow it whole? It’s the kernel in a nutshell, you have to crack it open to get to the kernel and the kernel has to germinate, has to grow, it becomes a tree of knowledge, a tree of life, so we have the question, do we have to have a nut to get a tree or do we have a tree to get a nut? What came first nut or tree? They both came together, the tree is in the nut and the nut is in the tree. No separation, it’s an illusion of time, one comes out of the other, they are both inextricably together, all one…’

‘Any questions?’

Me… ‘Yes, what is a good way to explain to somebody who is reaching the end of their life and are worried about dying, what’s a good thing to say to them to relieve their fear?’

‘Trust… trust the process. It’s part of life, happens to everyone, the greater part of you knows what to do, it will all be alright, just trust. Your body knew how to grow from a seed, knew how to develop, carried you through this and that, knew how to sleep, knew how to wake up, knows how to die. Just let it happen, just let go and trust, your body knows, you know, it’s alright, you are safe. We are held in a wisdom, a loving knowing and we are all at home in this knowing although we don’t always know it or that the knowing knows… allow’

‘I had May, just a feeling she wanted me to tell Kate that she loves her’

‘No spectacles needed here… keeps repeating gypsy… just keep getting more and more names, Thomasin, keep getting stabilize and table turning’

‘The name Roger just came… a connection with Sandie and the shelter, a sense of something purple and green… sugar… knead… something velvet like a cloak… monks wood’

Once Liz was feeling back with it I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

Liz had remained awake this week whereas I had drifted off several times during the session.

110th Sitting 29/06/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We started with the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Liz found herself standing in a great expanse of golden water. The sun was making it golden like an early morning sun. Liz knew she didn’t have to go anywhere as she was connected with this sun and at the same time was connected to an island which was the centre of everything. She was also at the same time in her woods where the marsh marigolds were. It was if she was in a number of places and the connection was the sun, and Jove, Jupiter and Jehovah were all one. It was like she was taken up into the sun’s energy and the sun became a being. She was introduced to the being which was an elderly man, pink cheeked with golden white hair and spectacles, very jolly and smiley. A jovial Jupiter he reminded Liz of someone she knew, joviality was the key. The whole feeling was not to be too serious, not to take oneself too seriously, it was all a game and fun and that was okay. Liz questioned why she was seeing this being like this and realised it was just her archetypal interpretation, it could have been anything. The being then showed Liz the lambs and they were frolicking around, having fun and then Liz saw a Godlike being surrounded by monkeys and the message was that we human beings in our present stage were like monkeys and the being looked benignly at the antics and the squabbling and chaos and devastation these monkeys were causing with their mischievousness. We think of ourselves as evolved but to these higher beings we’re just like monkeys but it’s okay they have us under control. The importance is keeping the connection of this sun energy because that’s the source of our strength. It’s a very small part of a much larger puzzle, the picture is much larger, we’re unaware of the extent but the sun is our connection to it…

I started off remembering a dream I’d had a few nights ago where I’d been sitting at a desk in front of a mirror which had a small red light shining out from the centre and I’d noticed how the reality I was in kept changing each time I moved in front of the light. This was as much as I could remember from the dream so I decided to continue it and stared directly into the red light to see what would happen next. I then found myself getting sucked into the mirror and going down a tube at great speed head first. It was a bit like lying on a toboggan and I seemed to be passing historical events as I went. Suddenly I stopped, the tube disappeared and I found myself standing on the ground. I tried to see where I was but my eyes wouldn’t focus on anything at first, then slowly I started to see things and noticed a strange looking tree that reached up into the sky out of sight, it had no leaves, just twisted trunks. Then I saw a pyramid about one metre tall and as I watched, it disappeared into the sandy ground. Next I saw a silver stream flowing with liquid mercury. I put one foot in it and it felt cold. When I took my foot out it had a coating of mercury which had set making my foot look like it was chrome plated. I was pleased with the look so dipped the other foot in too. I then jumped over the stream and found myself on a surface like the sides of a matchbox, my feet making sparks as I ran across it. I had to stop when I came to some curtains hanging down in front of me. There was a gap in the middle which I peered through to see people sitting looking up at me like an audience in a theatre. I was drawn towards a lady with a big hat and she held some old fashioned glasses to her eyes to see me and said… ‘What are you doing here, we’re not ready for you yet, go back immediately’ With that I felt myself shooting backwards past all the things I’d seen and ended up back at the desk in front of the mirror but I was pleased to see I still had silver feet…

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

Once again I soon noticed flashes behind my closed eyes but I didn’t see them with my eyes open, instead I saw wavy white images moving around the room followed by bright blobs coming and going.
I felt a strong pulling from my forehead towards Liz and this made me feel very tired. I then struggled to stay awake for the rest of the session, drifting off several times.

Liz started to speak…

‘Mrs Edith Gaskell just popped into my mind and a connection with Ealey in Cambridgeshire, Cambridge cathedral. She says she was something to do with politics… a connection with cough mixture… Drummond Smith, Anglican Church wardens, they looked after their gurks’

The music ended.

Liz continued…

‘A signpost pointing to Sudbury… restoration drama, kettle drum, coming of age, considerable expense, gravel, grey, I have all these lovely colours, they’re all sun-washed like happy colours, stripy deck chair material like a faded rainbow, Mrs Gaskell, craft, Crowborough. A sense of their being a family… happy family dramas, settings, the sort of family like Virginia Woolf wished to depict in her novels, just a faded age gone by, just like the stuff of dreams. Just get a sense of the impermanence and fleeting nature of all these things we take very seriously, very involved in them but they’re like fading dreams. It's a bit of an effort to disentangle, like undoing knitting, the stiches just slip off the needles, it all unravels, just get the unravelled yarn, it can be made into a new garment. It’s of little consequence, all seems to be big drama, big issue at the time… don’t dwell on it, so what’s the message? It’s just like painting pictures, you’ve got a canvas and you paint a picture but you can then just white it out, start all over again. You can remember the first picture and maybe some of the others, some of them are good and some not so good, the point is you don’t have to go on painting, there’s other things to be done, the sort of things you don’t even think about while you’re painting these pictures because it’s like you’ve just been shown to paint in one way, it’s a rather narrow genre, style, well you can try different styles but it’s all just based around the canvas and paints, you don’t think that there may be lots of other types of ways of expressing, other ways of creating, of delineating, other ways of behaving, being. You don’t think about it at the time, now it’s suddenly like a song, music you’ve never heard, a whole new arena, whole new experience, whole new way of being. You never thought, never crossed your mind but it’s wonderful, it’s like a lid that’s been taken off, like as if you’re a pressed flower and suddenly the juices have been put back and you’re whole again, the juices of life and you’ve become a flower where you were desiccated, dried up, pressed, compressed, one dimensional, suddenly you’re filled and whole and what you really are. How can you convey the fullness? It’s as if someone’s never sung before, suddenly found a voice, a song and the octaves; it’s not just one octave it’s hundreds and thousands soring in this song and shadows what we thought was love, pale insignificance compared with the vastness of the arms of the universe, of the universal. They spoke of God’s love but whoever on Earth experienced even a fraction, a spoonful of the true nature, the taste. So the message is don’t believe what you are told, what you think, don’t put too much weight on your imperfect understandings, tread lightly, let go and all will be revealed in the fullness of time, not of this Earth but this Earth is a launch pad, a train, a space rocket, into such unheard wealth adventure, don’t be afraid to step off the train and into that landscape in the fullness of time… Thank you Edith, is that all? It’s enough for now…’

‘I’ve got a lot of ladies here, Mary… another time maybe… I think I’ll call them ladies of the ladder, they’ve climbed… I’ve been trying to climb up to them… They say behind every great man there’s a good lady and many of these ladies have been hidden in convents or in house wifely rolls, knitting circles, hidden but their true nature can only be known after… Francesca, Deirdre… It’s a sort of sisterhood. You wouldn’t think that they can have such influence but I think we have to thank them for coming because they carry us still… It’s a good feeling… People that are quietly praying for us, that are supporting us hidden behind the scenes but their strength and their inner wisdom is guiding, subtly infolding us, trying to help, hidden help so thank you all…’

Once Liz was feeling back with it I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…