This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

104th Sitting 11/05/2016

We had the room setup as usual.
I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, tuned off the light and put the music on.
We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Liz started off at a red brick tunnel like a storm drain and was going to go down it but then thought she didn’t really want to and noticed lots of ferns growing next to it and was fascinated by the greenness and colours and noticed there were bubbles with rainbows around them. She then suddenly found herself in an enormous rainbow bubble and she didn’t have any shape or form it was like she was with everything and could float anywhere. She was just consciousness with no form or body. She found it interesting to be nothing and no one but just there and in everything, a sense of incredible freedom just flowing with everything without being anything. Liz then went out of it; she was having experiences and conversations but couldn’t remember them when she found herself back in the bubble. Liz then thought of a white bird, free flowing and then the bird turned into a figure, a white robed man and she thought about asking him about freedom and just being but then thought she wasn’t content just to be, she felt she had to have an embodiment somewhere…

I started off looking into some water and it was like somebody had pulled a plug as it was spiralling down towards a plug hole. I got the urge to jump in and go with it and found myself spinning round and round. I could see what looked like musical notes spinning around me. I was expecting to get sucked down the plug hole but just stayed in one place spinning round and watching these musical notes which then changed into thin wires which became entangled forming a thick black cable which then became a spiral around me lifting me up out of the water as it spiralled higher and higher. Then it stopped, it continued to spin round me but didn’t get any higher. I then saw people in other spirals around me; some were higher than me, others lower. I got the feeling that this was where I was in life on my spiritual pathway and as I thought this I felt someone speaking to me, saying that I had progressed to this point and to get higher I had to get rid of various fears, beliefs and ego. I had sometimes managed to get rid of these fears temporarily but had brought myself back down again to this level but each time I did that it gave me more confidence… Then the black spiral became chrome plated and the area around me became brighter and lighter. I saw white birds flying around me, it was a wonderful feeling and the message continued saying that sometimes I would get a boost like this which would help me to get rid of fears and move forward. I was told to recognise these boosts and act on them accordingly. Then as the music ended I got a glimpse of who was speaking to me and it was a young girl, about five years old…

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

I felt pressure on my forehead and around my right ear.
The room started to look brighter to me and then became blobby.

Liz started to speak about halfway through the music CD…

‘Rags to riches… Rainbow people… I had the broken egg shells and a bird emerging, it’s the breaking out of the prison… The surprise of people when the transformation takes place, to have left behind the dross, the old suit of clothes, the rags. I think it’s because it’s like a piece of theatre, like in Pygmalion, you can re-educate, just a question of changing the part you are playing. You can step from the beggar girl to suddenly a duchess and the teacher is just belief, just believing that you can, trusting, trusting of transition. It’s like children believe in the abracadabra, the magic, they can change the crying face into the happy face just by saying abracadabra’

‘We have miracles all around us when we consider the birth of a baby, the miracle of birth and yet we imprison ourselves in a fixed state of belief that we’re stuck, there’s no hope, no exit, no possibility of transformation. Others may be happy, may be wealthy, may have the freedom to travel but we’re fixed, doomed and that is such a perversion of the truth’

‘You have to know that there is no mountain too high to climb, no river too deep to cross, no path too difficult to travel along, everything is possible’

‘Heroes and heroines can play their part. Even the heroin addict can become the heroine not a victim of habit’

‘Rolls to play, it’s just a little costume, a little contrivance, fancy dress, you can put on the costume and you can take it off again. You just have to become aware that it is a costume, one that you’ve chosen to wear. You can un-choose it, discard it. You don’t have to wear a costume at all, you can walk free, that’s the scary thing’

‘It’s the syndrome of the bird in the cage and when the door is open it cowers in the corner too scared to immerge, preferring the safety of the prison, the safe constraints’

The music ended and Liz continued…

‘The key to it is love, you take the Quasimodo, entranced, bewitched, in love with the beautiful girl. The hunchback becomes noble; the despised becomes a hero through love, through selfless devotion. Quasimodo and Esmeralda in the Hunchback of Notre-Dame’

‘I have a sense of Cuthbert and the name Tony; it’s like looking at lots of pebbles on the floor’

‘Would you like to ask anything?’

Me… ‘Yes… We talk about becoming love and letting go of fears, what would you say is the best way of identifying our fears and the best way to get rid of those fears?’

‘Love… imagining a crystal ocean, a state of unfettered bliss, an absolute devotion, cultivating the love, cultivating the desire for this union with absolute bliss. Love can be in the form of an ideal, a person, a divine, a god, whatever but the love, that is cultivated so that becomes the complete focus, everything else drops aside. That becomes the dominant motivation and when love of the living God, love of the absolute, the divine, the crystal clear purity, truth, when that becomes dominant the rags fall away, the rags being the fear and you have the riches. So it has to be cultivated, the desire, in whatever way. The lover sings songs and poems to the beloved, pictures her face, her hands, her feet, worships the ground where she treads. The astronomer loses himself in the glory of the stars in space, devoted to reading the messages in the stars; the naturalist bathes in the beauty of the glory of the living things, the miracle of life, the passion and the love. The pursuit of that can drive out fear. That’s where people take all sorts of risks because that desire becomes the driving and motivating force and then there isn’t any room for fear. So love is the way, to cultivate love’

Me… ‘So it’s not a case of identifying and getting rid of fear it’s more a case of working towards love and becoming love and the fears will naturally fall away’

‘Yes when one is in a state of love, when one has aligned oneself with love through desire, through motivation towards that then love casts out fear’

Me… ‘So how can we work towards love in a physical reality, in our daily lives? What should we be trying to do to move ourselves up more to this love?’

‘To open the heart is to consciously wish for wellbeing for oneself and for those around as though they are also oneself. Whatever is best for me, the best for others too, the best for all, for I, for you, to cultivate that feeling and the empathy. There are ways of actively doing that through prayer, through reading stories of the heroes, of those who have devoted their lives to others, to have an ideal; these arouse in the living spirit, in the human heart a possibility of love. Even reading about these heroes who have devoted themselves to service, to selfless deeds, that can arouse the motivation, the possibility and then to actively seek, to love and to wish well to everyone even those that hurt you which was the Christ message to turn the other cheek, to love your enemies and that has to be cultivated because empathy will help you to understand that even your enemy who seems to hurt you is a human, is trying to do the best they can. Walk in their shoes. Even your enemy wishes for happiness, wishes for comfort, has things that will allay their fears or make them feel at peace. Wish that for them. If your enemy who hurts you, who is mean to you, was in a state of perfect bliss he wouldn’t hurt, he wouldn’t offend, so wish him in that state and that is cultivating love in your heart. Then the highest love to love the love of the living God, love of the miracle of live. Appreciation is also love, to appreciate, to adore, to cultivate those feelings of enjoyment and wonder. The child has an unconditional sense of love and wonder so to become childlike in the appreciation of what is around will open the heart but if your heart is heavy and this is difficult then the intent to ask for the gift of love, to have an intention to become loving, have an intention to rise towards love and those things that will help it will be drawn to you if that is your desire to open your heart’s centre, to rise on the wings of love, to drive out fear, to rise beyond fear, to be elevated above the level of fear into the reality of love. If that is your wish keep wishing, intending, asking and grace will grant this wish one way or another, it will happen in the fullness of time, whatever you ask for in the name of love and the name of truth and the name of freedom is already yours but in the fullness of time it will be revealed to you, yourself will be revealed to you because you, I, we are love. All that’s hiding it is the ragged old cloak, the garment we’ve donned which has got in the way and we hate these old rags’

Me… ‘So we’ve allowed these old rags to build up since incarnating and living a physical life have we?’

‘Yes and we are full of self-loathing in these rags, they’ve imprisoned us, we just don’t know what to do with them, shake them off, it’s our sense of doom and imprisonment but let them be but aim to open the heart like the thirsty man longing for water, he’s drawn towards the oasis, to the well and when he reaches it his thirst will be quenched. To all who call out who cry out for love, love will open up to them and embrace them. The experience of love in which they live will happen, that will be like walking through a door, like the walls around them melting away, one day they will open their eyes and look out and know that they are in love, that they are held in love, that there is nowhere else for them to go, just like opening up your eyes and seeing what was there all along and that’s like the abracadabra, the rags turn to riches in the blink of an eye’

Me… ‘Is it possible to become love and lose all fears whilst still in the physical reality?’

‘It is possible but few achieve this but it can happen and it can happen spontaneously but the call of the world when one is immersed in the physical reality at present, that it’s very easy to go from the sublime to the ridiculous very quickly, to oscillate. To stabilise the fear free state takes some practise and that’s where the prayer and the meditation and the constant disciplining of the mind can help to work towards that threshold beyond which it’s very difficult to fall back, so many have glimpses and moments of selfless devotion, rapture, love but fall back into the old habits of negativity, hatred, delusion. There are those who by grace are transformed and the transformation seems to be fixed but that’s very few and often that’s the result of a lot of previous work but for many at present stabilisation of that state, of those glimpses is necessary because the pull of the universal unconscious at present which is fear based is predominant and without due attention and guard it’s easy to be sucked back so that’s where the stabilisation and meditation and prayer are constant re-affirmation of intention. Remembering is important to stabilise one’s position in the state of love. So for most people it will require some work and stabilisation. Once many people have worked towards this and achieved a certain threshold is reached and there will be a switch in the human psyche from the fear based to a love based and then that’s plane sailing, it’s the beginning of the overall transformation, the rags to riches, but it’s like those strong swimmers that have seen where they are going, have to still work hard against the current until the waters, until the conditions make the last laps easier. When sufficient are all swimming in alignment towards the sea and suddenly the flow will become smooth and even as if those swimmers have suddenly transformed the medium in which they are swimming and the turbulence is left behind so from the turbulent flow we come to the free flow, the unobstructed flow. A little bit like from the ordinary electricity conduction to super conduction, no resistance. It’s doubted that that could take place at room temperature but with love the switch would be instantaneous. That’s where we’re going, the resistance is the fears and blockages and they will fall away’

Me… ‘I suppose for most people who live in this physical world the thought of becoming love just doesn’t come to them they just go about their daily lives building up fears and beliefs. What is there to motivate them, to work towards becoming love themselves?’

‘An acknowledgement of the dissatisfaction that sometimes stirs their soul. An acknowledgement of the boredom that they feel, of the hollow, to face the darkness that they feel at times, the nightmares. For the most part these things are suppressed with distraction, externalisation, all the nightmares are out there in the bombings and the disasters. So the nightmare in our heart is suppressed by seeing it played out on the external and it distracts us from the acknowledgement that these wars and these rapes and savage acts are in our heart, are in us. But the point of nausea and disgust, to become more aware of that and to question what it is, to not accept but it has to be like this. So the dissatisfaction of accepting that this is how things are and should be is the beginning. So the more people are encouraged to query, is this a good way to be? Does it have to be like this? What do you feel about this? To acknowledge the feelings of disgust, distaste, do you care that you’re eating meat from animals who’ve never seen the light of day, who’ve lived cheek by jowl with each other in cramped conditions, does that food feel wholesome? To question that’s education but then to allow for the feelings of ummm rather than just accepting and ignoring. So facing a little bit of the darkness and realising the jarring in one’s own nature and that can then set for a desire for something more and a desire for beauty and harmony. So again it’s education, to open the eyes of people to what is harmonious and beautiful. To encourage appreciation has to be because the soul will resonate with that. That is an education, so then the desire for what is beautiful and good and harmonious, love for the living God, love for what is good, what is true, what is right, what is beautiful, what is kind, considerate. The human soul will be drawn towards that as preferable to the disharmonious, to the cruel and then the compassion for the suffering of the disharmonious and the cruel will also arise, the compassion for the travesties, the sadness. These are all feelings of the heart. So it’s not dismissing the darkness it’s acknowledging it, accepting one’s own contribution to this but desiring more, wanting to transform, to wipe away the tears, to bring joy but to befriend the tears and to befriend the troubled because by befriending and kindness towards that it’s also facilitating the transformation because many a troubled soul has been healed by a kind word and lifted by a kind word and the same applies to our own self, useless to chastise oneself for one’s arrogance, for one’s ignorance, for one’s conceit but to accept these, to wish for better, to wish for the best, because all these sides, the dark and the light are all part of the human condition, part of our experience. It has to be acknowledged but having seen the rags and decided that we want the gold and then we see the rags change to gold, when we decide strongly enough that it’s the gold we want and not the rags but the status quo is that we don’t believe sufficiently in the gold and we’re wedded to the rags at present because the rags is what we’re used to, it’s the old familiar. So to let go of the rags for the gold, until we are absolutely sure and certain the gold is there for us we cling to the rags. So it’s the cultivation and the belief of the gold, the cultivation of the love and desire for the gold, for the beautiful, for the good, for the love, the kindling of that so it becomes the predominant picture in the mind, then it becomes more real than the rags and you can let go and the rags will disappear. At the moment our love is fragile, our goodness is fragile, the fragility of our goodness is because we haven’t invested in that desire for it strongly enough. We’ve been wedded to the violence, to the horror, to the greed, to the negativities, they’re the old familiar’

Me… ‘Difficult to let go of’

‘Yes, we’ve forgotten until we remember and by remembering we re-embody, we reinvest in goodness. Then it will become robust and healthy in us and the rags will fall away. For many it’s easy to say just love, live in love, let go of fear. Easy to say that but for most of us those are words, theories, our bedrock. Theories are what we’ve been born into, it’s our reality so until we change that reality consciously by developing a new paradigm, by remembering the other reality, remembering another reality that we have been forced to forget, that we’ve divested ourselves of, we no longer think we belong to, remembering that is a labour for us but we are given glimpses, reminders, but it’s for us to stabilise those reminders and to allow that to become the main motivating factor, main intention, main guiding light of our life. So there is a work and reconditioning to be done for the majority of people. Grace can give intimations in the experience but for most people they can have that experience but they will fall back so the experience will give them the motivating force to persevere in the transformation but the person has to work for it themselves, to facilitate that change but there is help and so acknowledging that we are not alone, that there is an incentive beyond us in the larger consciousness system, in the larger reality we’re being pulled towards that so once the conscious intention has been made to awaken, to recondition, to realign one’s reality with goodness, with love, there is help and the universe will facilitate every endeavour, and although there may be fallings along the way, maybe times of dearth, people will feel they’re falling back into the old habits, it’s so difficult, a new pull will happen, a new opening, a new reminder’

Me… ‘This help that is beyond this reality and helping us in this reality, is there at the same time also negative energies that are beyond this reality which are trying to hold us back, stop us from moving towards love or is the negativity only within this physical reality?’

‘The negativity is only from ignorance of the true status and ultimately the path of wholeness and integrity. There’s nowhere to go to be outside of love so any interference with the whole pattern, there’s only a blip and a blemish and a transitory turbulence based on ignorance but there is ultimately only one and that one is all and all contains within it the good, bad and the ugly but it’s all contained within love which is the all and the nature of the all is beyond anything that we can know but malevolence is just a misapprehension, a misappropriation of energies and it has no lasting or enduring power. True knowledge and wisdom will see beyond the dualities. So I guess the answer to your question about whether malevolent forces exist not just in our physical reality but in others, or the old hermetic tradition that says as above so below, so we resonate with much that is rippling through the universe but these are transitory stages and states of being and beings but we are all evolving in love and towards love. Much that we call evil is due to our judgement not to our wisdom. Our wisdom says there is nothing and nowhere to go to be outside of love, that everything is real, everything is as it is and there’s no judgement in love, all is as it should be and all is true, just has to be seen from its full perspective rather than the limited conditioned and judgemental perspective that we operate in in our current physical paradigm. You see when you look at the birds and the bees and creatures on Earth they all have their ways, their devious ways of outwitting each other and living and surviving and we don’t make judgements about the way they are and go about things but the human mind has developed in its Machiavellian thinking patterns and condemns and praises, makes judgements, but this is the very partial nature of our thinking. We are as we are but we can choose to operate in different ways, we have that facility and to better and to cooperate more, to be more cohesive, to be kinder and there are ways that we can operate to make things better but to castigate and to judge is a human device, we don’t really do it to animals, we don’t judge the lion for ripping its prey, for taking a mother animal away from her babies to eat to feed its babies, we are as we are and it’s all true but if we’re not quite happy as we are being here in our human status we can change it, we don’t have to stick with it but without judgement we can just register that it doesn’t feel quite nice or right or happy or conducive and we can change it but part of our mind will blame and castigate but that’s the human mind working, making divisions, but it’s all good, it’s all the way it is. If we could see from a higher perspective all these judgements and conditionalities would just fade into a blur, they’re not very important in the bigger picture but we are like ants in a great forest and it’s difficult for us to see the whole. Whatever I am saying is partial, the best of my understanding but bound to be limited. When January comes we put on warm clothes, we cover ourselves with garments. When summer comes and the sun is out we take off those clothes and all I can say is that the summer is coming and the sun is coming and the time for taking off the clothes is coming and it will happen… that’s all’

Me… ‘That’s good to know, thank you for answering my questions with some very interesting answers’

As Liz came back she sensed she had her Uncle Bernie with her.

Once Liz was feeling fully back with it I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise. 

I had felt very cold when the communication first started and towards the end I felt a strong pulling from my forehead and right ear towards Liz…