This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

49th Sitting 30/10/2014

We had the room set up as usual and started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise at 8.30pm.

Liz started off walking on dry caked earth clods, like stepping stones, over paddy fields of rice and the water was seeping up between them. She then came to the edge of some very clear water, a shallow river. Liz waded in and made her way to a wicker bridge that had sunk down into the water. She walked over it passing lots of Chinese girls carrying things. One was very playful and excited and came up to Liz, grabbed hold of her and dragged her to the other side. There was an orchard of plum trees and they went up some steps leading up to a temple, an old building which then changed to a very modern high tower, all glass like a communication console. There were many people at computers; it was all to do with communication. The girl was showing Liz something out of the window. Rainbows were coming out of the consoles, all the communication was coming out like rainbows everywhere and they were forming into bubbles. Liz wanted to get into one of the bubbles and travel but she was held back by the girl who told her just to watch. The bubbles were multiplying; growing and smaller bubbles were coming off them forming aggregates and complex shapes like a fractal system. Liz wanted to go out with them as they were almost like flying craft and then she then got the feeling the bubbles were other universes. As she watched they grew more and more complex and coalesced into one big bubble which burst. Liz then had to get back quickly so returned by turning herself into a moth and flew back…

I started off walking over rocks next to a river. It was cold and frosty, the river looked frozen and I saw penguins huddled together in groups. To my left was a large suspension bridge and as I approached it I felt myself getting bigger and the bridge looked smaller. I walked over it and noticed the atmosphere getting brighter and warmer as I returned to my normal size. The other side looked bright and colourful, almost cartoon like with many rainbows in the air. There was a pathway of steps leading up to a kind of oriental castle, looking a bit like the Royal Pavilion in Brighton. I ran up them and entered a courtyard where I saw lots of monks walking around with brown robes and Friar Tuck haircuts. I was drawn towards a monk or priest in white robes with long white hair and beard sitting on the grass. He had a tea light candle on his hand lit with a tall bright flame and handed it to me asking that I take it back to bring light to the dark places on the Earth…

I did the opening prayer and put the music back on.

I was aware of a lot of light building up in the room each side of me.
It was misty and then more like strands or a web.
I saw black shapes moving about.
Then I saw bright blobs moving around in front of me, coming and going. I could still see them with my eyes shut but they didn’t seem to move until I opened my eyes again.

My legs suddenly went very cold.

Liz felt energy coming in from her left, like three dimensional feathers, an interference pattern.

I felt a light touch on my right elbow and a pressure on my forehead and sides of my face.

I saw an image of a Highwayman.
Then I heard the name ‘Veronica’

Liz was being shown images and impressions and tried to verbalise them.
The voice recorder picked up only some of this as she was in an altered state some of the time and speaking very softly. I’ve transcribed as much as I can make out on the recording…

‘I got the years of Christos… Jesus’s miracles all being much simpler… which world you pitch your activity in, you relate to the Christos, the Christ level, it’s just very simple, it’s where you have your… where you pitch your activity in… Your desire in the make believe, dream world, mundane… of the greater reality… just a shift of focus… It’s the teaching… because children, they’ve not fixed their mind yet, their focus can be guided to be able to perceive and draw on the sun and the Christos’

I felt like I had fallen asleep then woken up but it was a dream and I woke up a second time and everything seemed sharp and clear like my senses had been heightened.  

Liz got the impression of part of a piano key board and she heard a word which she felt was an anagram for A Minor.

I was feeling lightly controlled at times and my arms were moved about.

I got the impression of snow on the ground but as I looked I saw it was actually white foam made up of millions of bubbles, and then it disappeared.

I was now freezing cold all over.
I felt a light touch on my right hand.

Liz continued…

‘I have an image of a building seven stories high… It’s like looking at a belisha beacon, different colours; I think this is like going up, pitching your level… I’m looking out of the top of the building trying to home in on a cave… the cave seems to be made of mud, a brown cave, sort of earth… Dark brown people, sun baked… Seems to be a civilization like Aztec, Indians, Amazonian… They have nothing, no cloths; they have this amazing communication like telepathy. They all seem to be doing different things but it is all connected, earth caves, dugouts… The Earth is important to them. I’ve got trees, not a lemon but similar… I like these people, it’s like their life is a smile… Now I seem to have gone into a land of… it’s very beautiful but slightly different, Eskimos… That way of living, as one with the Earth… I need to come back to it; you see they had their computers in their heads… We’ve weakened the connection; we’ve put it outside ourselves… We need to get it back on the inside… I got the image, all those bubbles, they got too many and fragmented, then the ability to coalesce into one larger bubble is much weaker, it’s weakened. If they remained fewer, more robust, not fragmented so much, stronger inside, then the coalescing into one big one is much stronger, more enduring… Fragmentation weakens ability…’

Liz was getting a strange sensation from her midriff like an umbilical cord pulling away and she also had a pulling from her head.

I drifted off and came back with an image of polished red pebbles… I had the feeling I was being told to put them somewhere?

The music ended.

Once Liz was feeling back with it she did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

The healing felt very strong to me and I drifted off a couple of time while Liz was doing it. At one point when I came back I saw what looked like a silhouette of a small thin man crouching down and looking up at Liz. I got the feeling it was Gandhi and as I thought that I felt a cool fuzzy sensation on my leg…