This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

234th Sitting 11/02/2021

We had a Zoom sitting and Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer as I tuned in.

I was soon controlled and the communication began...

‘What really is it that drives you to look for answers, what is it that drives you to look beyond. You are in a physical world living a physical life and yet something is telling you there is more, something is pushing you to the limits of your imagination to paint a picture for yourself of something greater, something beyond and yet all of the time you have this picture presented to you in all that you see. You believe you are living a physical life and because that is your strongly held belief a physical life is presented to you. What if you were to change that belief? What if you were to believe you were living a life beyond the physical and in the spiritual world? Your beliefs are so strong that they hold you to the physical until a point is reached in your understanding where you can take yourself out of that world, receive information that is beyond the physical and live a dual existence with the physical and spiritual’

‘There is a purpose for your life in the physical world and you will live that life, but you can also enjoy the beauties and the gifts that are just beyond your reach by letting go of that belief, by loosening that belief, by creating a new belief, by developing that feeling within yourself that connects to all of life. You are a part of consciousness, connected and yet at the same time locked within a physical world. You have chosen to be this way and as you live your physical life you are growing, you are becoming something more, something different and in changing yourself you have the ability to let go of beliefs’

‘Try to see every physical situation as containing opportunities that will hold you in the physical world and also opportunities that will allow you to soar above the physical world. Look at the situation from many angles, many directions. Do not see it as merely a part of your physical world, see it as a learning opportunity to expand your awareness into all states of existence. Use your mind, use your imagination, create for yourself something that makes you feel comfortable, something which satisfies your curiosity. Only you can create a new picture. There is no right or wrong way to create this picture, only your way, only your unique interpretation of information free from beliefs, free from fears. Practice this and see what develops in your mind’s eye. There are many clues all around you in your physical world and you will recognise those clues as signposts. When something unusual happens in your daily life take note, keep that thought in your mind and build on that thought. You have the ability to create so much more’

‘Do not live under an umbrella, take it away and feel the rain. You do not need to protect yourself from any information, be a sponge and soak up all that is available to you and use your own mind to interpret that information. Thank you, thank you my dear friend, please continue with your wonderful experiments and we will return again thank you’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend’

I came back with it then Liz tuned in and after two minutes began to speak...

‘I’ve got somebody coming forward and the immediate feeling he gave me was like feeling like a big puffball, somebody quite large, he felt like Billy Bunter. I'm seeing him in his late 20s or 30s, it’s hard to tell but I think he’s younger than 40. I feel he is a mechanic, but I know he feels uncomfortable in his body, he feels too big and he doesn’t feel very attractive. But he feels competent, he likes working with his hands, he likes the grease. He’s not very clean, he doesn’t mind being dirty, he’s a good person but feels a bit like a fish out of water sometimes in normal society. In the garage he feels comfortable, he feels at home, it’s like his domain’

This sounds like someone I used to know in the late 70s. He was very big and worked as a mechanic in a Ford Dealership in Hastings. I was there as part of a college course learning about mechanics and spent a lot of time working with him on cars and lorries and going out with him in the breakdown truck to rescue cars. 

‘He's giving me the sense of a brick. I think he was building something, a connection with a brick dropping. I get a sense of a single brick but it was in connection with a building project. In showing me this he gave me the sense of an accident’

I think he may be trying to get across that the Ford Dealership has now been demolished.

‘I feel he had stomach issues, I get the sense of greasy outside and greasy inside, he liked eating the wrong things. I think he wished it could have been a little different and I don’t feel he would have had a romantic life and he would have liked to. He really liked you, you were a friend, it’s almost like he wants to lean on your shoulder, I think you helped him, you gave him confidence. People thought he was clumsy but he wasn’t, it was just that he was big and it made it difficult for him to move easily but he wasn’t clumsy in his work’

This describes him very well.

‘He was wearing fingerless gloves. He's giving me a sense of a motor bike or a bike, I’m almost feeling the hands on the bars, a big bike. He liked the vibration, gave him a sense of power and release. He’s giving me the sense of pebbles and sand like Pevensey beach’

I don’t remember him having a motor bike. The pebbles and sand could connect with the garage being close to Hastings beach.

‘Getting a sense of a home life which was rather formal, I'm seeing silver spoons and cups and plates. I feel he lived with his mum, in his mum’s house, a house that was kept very nicely and formal. I don’t think he felt he fitted in because it was all nice and lady like. I feel he was loved, he was doted on and looked after but he felt uncomfortable at home. I feel that his mum cosseted him, getting an impression of a tea cosy on the tea pot and he was a bit fussed over like that, he felt like he was being wrapped in a tea cosy. He didn’t really want that; he wanted his freedom and independence and do the boy thing. I feel his dad wasn’t around’

I don’t know anything about his home life but if it was as Liz has described then he would have felt uncomfortable there and more comfortable at the garage working on lorries and getting dirty.

Me... ‘Can you get a name for him at all?’

‘Just before you said that I got Ned, I don’t think that was his name, it could have been Dan back to front. I just get another Michael. Because you asked for names, I’m getting a whole lot of them, ha, ha... I just get lukewarm’

I never knew his real name but everybody called him Jumbo.

‘He’s giving me a sense of model aeroplanes that you make out of balsa wood, he liked making things, he had his own room, a boys own room but he had to go down for tea, but it wasn’t his cup of tea, ha, ha... He liked the burgers and the can of beer or can of coke, he liked being in the garage' 

I don’t know anything about him making model aeroplanes but he did like his burgers. It’s interesting Liz mentions beer and Coke as I remember him saying he didn’t really like beer and much preferred drinking Coke with a dollop of ice cream. At the time I was surprised he admitted something like that; being a teenager I thought all real men drank beer. 

‘It's like he had to be his dad as well, he was two people, the little boy and his dad, the big man, but he took the big man to literal ends by becoming very big. He just wants to tell you what a good friend you were, it seems a soppy thing to say but he really loved you, perhaps you represented the father he didn’t have, something kind and supportive that liked getting dirty and messing around with cars rather than tea cups, ha, ha... but I don’t know if you realised how stifling it can be but I know he loved his mum, he knows she did her best and did right for him but what he missed, well he made up for it himself but he’s getting on fine, he’s bobbing along, I'm getting a sense of a bobbing that’s spinning along, it’s like a reel that’s being wound. He's played out his life, he’s gone over it. I think he felt he’s been plodding a little bit but I’m sensing there’s an opening, he’s wondering what to do next. It's like a fat suit when you do nursing or in medicine to understand what it feels like to be overweight you have to put on this fat suit which is incredibly heavy and he just feels as if he’s taken that off, he’s stepped out of it and now he’s just beginning to sense oh gosh I can lead a different sort of life now. It was a bit like a prison and I think he’s just getting used to that feeling, I can see a long road ahead and it’s winding, that’s the sense of the cotton reel I thing, unwinding before him, a future development, something new beginning to unfold. He's not quite sure what it is yet but it’s like setting out on the motor bike on a journey along a road you don’t know, exploring, a sense of adventure. It's like he’s been held back and now he thinks he’s got free. He's giving me the sense of looking at a spider’s web, all glistening and silver when it catches the light, you don’t actually see the strands until the water is on them, the light is on them and then you suddenly see it, you didn’t see it before. It's like it was there all the time, all these possibilities. It's like he’s come out into the light. A bit of a wow moment, I can do it now, I can go places, I can do things, it’s like a new confidence in himself, he’s shaken off that limitation, that sense of failure, inadequacy, discomfort, not being right somehow. It's like he’s forgiven himself in a sense because he felt he only lived half a life, he didn’t really get to the proper end of it but he can see that he did his best in the situation he was in, he can see that now, there’s nothing that he needs to be forgiven for’ 

‘I feel that his mum is still here, it’s almost like he wants her to know that he loved her, he’s saying I did love my mum, I do love my mum which makes me think she may still be here. He's giving me the sense of a silver haired lady with spectacles, shortish hair but curly. Seeing her sitting and reading’

It’s unlikely his mum is still here as she could be over 100 now.

‘He's making me think of Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall...’

‘He's a lovely man and I'm going to say thank you for making your presence felt, I hope I've conveyed some of what you wanted to say, and thank you to your mum too, God bless you both’

When Liz felt back with it I did a closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...