We had another Zoom meetup.
Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.
Liz did the opening prayer while I tuned in.
I felt myself being controlled and the communication began...
‘Freedom is a state of mind devoid of all fears. Freedom, you all have that opportunity to reach that point in your physical world, during your physical life. You have created for yourself fears that hold you back, fears that hold you to one form of interpretation. Without fear your mind is open, you see from all angles, all possibilities, each situation that is presented to you. There is no value in fear, yet why do you all possess these fears that follow you around during your physical existence and beyond, for you take these fears with you when you leave your physical body. Beyond the physical these fears remain a part of your being. The physical world is an opportunity to remove those fears, to recognise those fears and to recognise the crippling effect of those fears on your mind. The road to perfection is a difficult road, a road full of obstacles, tight corners. There are no maps to refer to, you walk blindly guided only by your feelings, your feelings of negativity and positivity. Use those feelings to guide you through life. When you feel negative you know you have taken a wrong turning. Look back and see where you went wrong. There are many signposts along that road, try to notice, try to see those signs, try to feel those signs, feel their presence, feel their help, feel their guidance. You may choose to ignore or you may choose to take notice. Only you can decide. You may not see what lies ahead but you can look back and see where you have come from, you can see if you have changed, if you have become something new, something better, something with less fears hanging around your neck, dragging you down. For as you bring positivity into your life you begin to hold your head up high, the world will change for you and you will become more receptive to those signposts. The love in your heart will guide you and the knowledge you have built up within yourself will create a new you, a stronger personality’
‘Learn from all mistakes, learn from all wrong turns and build up a knowledge within yourself of the true pathway, a natural pathway, a pathway free of frustration and negativity, a pathway paved with your own love and the love of all those who are with you moving onwards through life towards the next challenge. There is no end to growth, there is no end to evolution. Keep your head above the clouds and feel all that is within you and all that is available to you. A pathway has many steps, you have already begun and each step brings with it new opportunities. There is no rush, you do not need to run, you need merely to guide yourself with your own knowledge, your own experience. Nothing is impossible when you are free from fear, nothing holds you back. Thank you, thank you my dear friend, please continue...’
Liz... ‘Thank you friend’
Liz then tuned in and began to speak after a couple of minutes...
‘Nick, I'm sensing someone who is a medium coming forward. I got the name Alan but the Alan I associate was a name of a medium I knew, so I’m just thinking it’s a medium coming forward. I'm experiencing this person, he’s not old, could be in his 40s, brown hair, shaven face, feels quite a young face, a round face, a pleasant face. Wearing a grey suit, a tie, the fact that he’s wearing a suit and tie makes me feel he was demonstrating, quite formal, although the suit feels casual, not ultra-smart. Quite relaxed but a genuinely friendly feeling. He's just put cheddar cheese into my mind. I'm sensing this person on a platform and I sense he could have been on TV. I'm sensing an older woman with him or around him and it’s as if she’s got her hair in a net or curlers, she feels older with a round face, dark hair but it’s looking grey and she’s quite plump. Reminds me of Helen Duncan but I'm not sure that she is. For some reason her hair is tied up in a net which gives her a slight feeling of Ena Sharples, rosy-cheeked. I'm with this gentleman at the microphone on a platform which makes me think he demonstrated in Spiritualist churches. He's giving me a sense of going to people, like he sees a light around them then goes to that person. Is this a particular person you can recognise?’
Me... ‘It’s not no, it’s not ringing a bell’
‘He’s just said Easter. He's giving me a sense of shaking hands with people, there was an Easter occasion, you were at some sort of gathering. I’m sensing that this could have been a gathering you were at with Syann’
Me... ‘We used to go to the Bristol Spirit Lodge but I can’t remember an Alan there’
‘No don’t hold on to the name Alan, that was just to make me realise this person was a medium. I’m seeing Joan as well so it could have been with Joan. He’s just put a strange phrase in my head, the grass is greener on the other side, I'm not quite sure what that means. He gave me the feeling that he was one of many, it wasn’t just him on the platform. This could have been a workshop. He’s giving me the sense of a fence, a fence around a building, a taxi, somewhere you drove to. I’m seeing a belisha beacon and a zebra crossing. The person, his face reminds me of Dan who used to sit with us, it was that sort of face but it wasn’t Dan. Beside him was a thin young man with longish blond hair, sitting on the platform as well. I just got a name Edith, a connection with Portsmouth. Rosy, rosy is a feeling I'm getting, takes me to rose tinted spectacles. It's almost as if he’s trying to say regarding the spirit life, the grass is greener on the other side, that things are better there, we’re seeing it through rose tinted spectacles. He's saying I've been up there on the platform delivering messages, painting a rosy picture’
Me... ‘Are you able to get his name at all?’
‘As you said that I got Clement’
‘Somebody is talking about suffering, that suffering doesn’t necessarily end but there’s a certain anguish of soul, that this is the place to sort it out, hook line and sinker. He's saying that we go for all the spiel, all the rosy things, that we’re going to be better off and we don’t need to make much of an effort but he’s showing me hard graft, like in a gym with ropes, an assault course, trials and tribulations. But here, this is where the assault course is, in this physical world and in order to be free, to get to that green grass on the other side we have to go through the assault course, toughen up spiritually, you have to be a soldier in this life, a warrior to train yourself to meet with equanimity, the hurdles, the swamps, the difficulties, the negative things that come your way. To get that inner strength, that resilience, that inundation of light, that spiritual energy that will allow you to surpass, that’s the word he uses, to surpass these obstacles. This is the opportunity. If you try to lead a life wrapped in cotton wool, the easy life, you don’t take risks, you avoid the pitfalls, tread round them all the time, if you don’t face the dark places, you don’t learn that resilience. This world was created in a pattern of dark and light, of love and hate, opposites, the situations we find ourselves in cause us to swing from one extreme to another. A middle path that avoids extremes is not really a path at all, it can be an avoidance, a sitting on the fence, that’s why he was showing the fence, you need to swing like the pendulum to feel the full breadth and depth of the emotional vocabulary that exists in this physical realm of light and dark, contrasts, extreme contrasts that will toughen up your spiritual muscle. It's not easy to expose yourself to the stench of disease, of war, of hatred, of emotional neglect, of desolation, all these emotions that are experienced because of the story, life, the circumstances that are created in this world for experience, that are experienced. You can only surpass what you have gone through, what you’ve experienced. It's not overlooking, it’s not avoiding, surpassing, saying I've been there, I've been in the swamp, I've been in the pit of despair, I've been abandoned, I was crucified, I surpassed that suffering. Those who surpass have calibre, can be calibrated against the great master Christ’
‘For some reason he’s just given me a terrier dog, he’s come back to his position on the platform, a wire-haired terrier and this dog is eating shoes, chewing at somebody’s boots, won’t let go’
‘I’m going to say thank you to this gentleman, I’ll call you Alan’
Me... ‘Or Clement’
‘Or Clement, thank you for your presence, thank you for speaking, God bless you, good bye’
I then did the closing, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...
I still can’t place who this was. I did wonder if it was Tony Stockwell who I went to see at a trance workshop along with all the members of the Mercury Circle about 18 years ago but the evidence doesn’t really tie up. Maybe it wasn’t anyone to be recognised but just a someone who wanted to give us a spiritual message, some of which seemed to be an extension to what had come through me.