This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

216th Sitting 30/01/2020

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG and the Magnetometer was running.

I did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...

After about 30 minutes Liz began to speak...

‘Seem to have got a man with me, looks like Elizabethan dress, cocked hat with a feather in it and pantaloons. I think he wants to talk about the snake in the garden, the Garden of Eden...’

Me... ‘He’s very welcome to if he wants to’

‘The apple, the whole notion of human fallibility based on a lie. There is no snake there’s only the kundalini energy, the spiritual energy arising and because it was a source of power the priesthood wanted to appropriate it themselves to deter the rest of the general population from having access to that inner spiritual wisdom which makes all men equal, which is the source of liberation, freedom. So early on my men abused that power and insight to have power over others, they created the myth, set up on a path of convoluted evolutionary disadvantage of the human race, a mistake which can be corrected. I've seen enough in my time to convince me the lies that were perpetrated in the name of spirituality were merely the foolishness of foolish men, diverging from the path of true evolutionary advantage and truth. I called on all good men of good will to investigate for themselves in the banned sciences of alchemy and the esoteric teachings, to follow the inner spiral which is the snake energy leading to their own conscious development so truth may become evident in themselves and not merely lip service in the books and pulpits of others. I have little truck with the conventional wisdom, the teachings that subjugate men to lives of misery. For me the world was a great adventure, seas to explore, skies to conquer, wonders that would never cease to amaze, a whole panoply of creation and yet I've seen the majority stuck in hovels in a mistaken belief in their inferiority, their poverty, their deprivation. I say take the apple and take a bite and eat the apple whole, seeds and all. The apple is a good apple. The tree of knowledge is the tree of liberation. The tree of inner knowledge is the pathway to achieve that liberation. Follow the spiral staircase and it will lead you to heaven. You've never left the Garden of Eden. You are hoodwinked into believing that you have been expelled because of mortal sin... what poppycock, what rubbish, what unadulterated sacrilege. I would give you my vows of wisdom, they’re there for you to find in all the books, all the readings, in the esoteric teachings. Take these to heart, let these be your bed fellows, let these help you on your path to liberation, these pearls of wisdom, many of the books banned by the church. The Pentecostalists approach the direct contact with spirit, allowing the snake out of the mouth, then the kundalini fire to rise up. There have been many sects that have endeavoured to direct human consciousness by a direct contact with the larger spiritual consciousness which is God, direct experience. They have remained as sects, as schisms, as aberrations. Now the time is coming when every human being has access to these pathways, to the esoteric knowledge, to the pearls of wisdom, not in secluded libraries but via the internet, the World Wide Web, Indra’s pearls, Indra’s net. So, a new era is dawning again when many may reclaim their birthright and the grip and the shackles imposed by the old religions loosen their hold as many discover for themselves the spiritual truths and the experience of those same truths. Daniel went into the lion’s den and was not eaten; the miracles of faith are for everyone to experience for themselves. For every human being the path of sainthood is assured and the miracles that accompany that path. For everyone that sets foot on the spiral path of true knowledge, of true spiritual growth, may experience for themselves the miracles that were reserved for the saints, for the few and far between but soon many will pass those pathways, will tread in their footsteps. For some the path is a slope, an uphill path. For some the path seems fast and easy but for all the path is there and for all the path is to be trodden and for all I wish you joy on the journey’

‘I have a cobbler... he seems very happy making these shoes and boots, these are for people to walk, to tread and he’s indicting the footsteps, the path but to be of service, to make the shoes good shoes. These are leather shoes that will last so people can tread their paths in life and he’s very happy in the craft of making these fitting garments, fitting footwear to help people in their daily life. It's a good work, a grounded work. Very happy working in this way in the shop. Lots of sweets, sweet meats, just an abundance of all things that are needed and the treats, the good things, enjoyable things, a healthy life, the life of service, of creating, of making things that benefit others. You can see, and they wear these shoes and they fit and it helps them, it’s comfortable and they can bring them for repair and I have the tools and the craft and I'm happy using it because I know it benefits others and it helps them to lead the life they want and tread in the footsteps of others who have also lead good lives. And that’s the work of the cobbler, that’s the life I found myself in, the life I created for myself. I would say I'm a self-made man but good fortune put me in this role, in this shop, in this trade. And I grasped the fettle and I accepted my role as my good fortune. I'm not saying that it’s for everyone to be a cobbler but whatever path, whatever fortune bestows on you, if it be of service to others, take it up with your full heart and you will find the joy of serving the greater good, the good of all and I know that leads to happiness, to contentment. I have been blessed with the leather, with the shoes as a cobbler with the nails. He who may be blessed with the metal, with the corn, with the bricks, with the mortar, with the books, with the schools, with the children, with the sheep, with the cloth, with the wool, with the cows, with the milking, whatever role is there in which you find yourself or which opportunity presents to you, take it up with a full heart, with gratitude and enjoy the opportunity to serve the greater good’

‘They say the flowers the field they toil not neither do they spin but Soloman in all his glory was not adorned like one of these but the human species like the ants and the bees is a social community knitted together with bonds of communication, interaction and necessitates taking on of various roles and together the organism of humanity survives very well but then that social order breaks down, there is confusion and loss and the species dwindles. The goal of community, of society is the enable the fulfilment of the evolutionary potential and the human organism and the humanity, a super organism with a super consciousness and each unit, each human plays their part as our friend has said, in joyful service to the greater good. So, know that each of you has your part to play and be grateful for that part whatever part is bestowed on you, whatever opportunity to play your part is given to you, play it with good grace with your full heart, with joy in your heart for in this way the evolution of humanity progresses along the spiral of evolutionary potential. And in that day humanity as one will be transformed. A jewel among the stars, a jewel in the crown of creation. And there will be great rejoicing amongst the angels who watch over you’

‘I still seem to be sitting with powerful people... who am I not to be great... that’s what they’re saying...’

Liz was now back with it and said she could feel somebody coming in at the end, they weren’t distinct as an individual but the shape of the form she could feel as they talked through her, she could feel a merging and then it was as if she was sitting in a circle with them. It was almost like somebody Liz knew but she couldn’t see clearly, it was as if they’d lost their face. They felt like elevated beings making Liz feel small and that’s when they said... ‘Who are you not to be great...’

We then recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...

Liz found herself on a quarry tiled path leading to an enormous lake or pool with a wonderful iridescent rainbow bridge going over it and she waited on the bridge for someone to come towards her. A girl with curly hair and a beautiful face came dancing towards her, a delightful child. Liz then saw her in a swan type throne made of pearl and there were other beautiful children around her, a great feeling of fun and joy. Then they were sitting in a meadow making buttercup and daisy chains...

I started off seeing bright sparkly rain against a dark background coming straight down and then it started to become distorted looking like white noise on a TV set. Then I gradually saw a baby appear in its cot with mother and father each side of it and I got the impression it was me. There was a bright white light beaming down on it and as the mother and father spoke, they too created beams towards the baby but they were a dim grey colour and I noticed the bright white beam was getting dimmer. Then I saw the child at school and more dim grey beams were going to it from the teachers and the white beam was getting dimmer and dimmer. I then got the idea that if that was me, I could see what the light looked like now and I saw a very dim light shining down on me so I tried to make it brighter but I couldn’t. Then I saw a bucket of soapy water and a scrubbing brush and got the feeling that I had to put in the work to get that light brighter by cleaning it myself...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...