This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.
We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...
Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...
...Nick Pettitt
215th Sitting 23/01/2020
Liz’s friend and medium Cheryl sat with us and we rearranged the room slightly. Liz and I swapped places and Cheryl sat between us to my left and to Liz’s right. Liz was in charge of the light and music and also did the prayers and healing. We didn’t use the Mind Mirror EEG but did have the Magnetometer running.
We all sat as mediums allowing spirit to work with us in whatever way they wanted.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We all did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...
The room soon started looking lighter to me and then a bit mottled.
After about 20 minutes Liz began to speak...
‘I’ve just got this feeling of overwhelming regret from someone and I think it’s Cyril my dad and it was not recognising, not realising fully the reality of the spiritual nature of us, his spiritual nature and mine, that we are spirit while alive and paying undue attention to the personality and the physical world and not realising the primacy of spirit and it was like he would have done things differently, different emphasis. But that knowing and that teaching and helping people to realise the reality of their spiritual nature and the illusory nature of the world, that it’s not what it seems, is so important and he thinks he would have acted differently in lots of ways’
I noticed a pin-prick light floating down from the ceiling and Cheryl saw it too.
Cheryl and I also saw bright blobs floating around both with eyes open and closed.
After about another 20 minutes I felt myself being controlled and a communication started...
Liz turned down the music.
‘Good evening, good evening...’
Liz/Cheryl... ‘Good evening friend, welcome’
‘Once again we come into your room, we begin to bring through words that will help you, help you to better understand yourself, better understand the world that you live in and that what surrounds your world for you are all beginning to form an interest. Your mind is ignited with possibilities and you have experienced for yourself much that for you seems unnatural, not of the physical world and you begin to wonder what it is, what is really behind all of this phenomena, the voices, the words, the sounds that you hear. We in the spiritual world are working with you and we are becoming a part of you for you are not so very different from us. We blend with you and we become a part of you working as one. You bring forward the words of spirit but you also have your own thoughts and they too become very much a part of the message. You see yourself as a physical being but you are so much more. You spread out into the world of spirit, you are a part of that spiritual world and you yourself have all the information inside of you, you merely need to connect to that spiritual part of yourself, that larger part, that higher self, that part which is the real you. You have experienced that connection and you continue to experience that connection because it is a natural connection. There is nothing special in a connection with something which is a part of you. All on your side can find this connection, can reconnect to the true you, you merely have to let go of those beliefs that hold you to the physical world and you will begin to experience so much more and this will enhance your life on the physical world, it will allow you to see so much more, to feel so much more, to understand one another on so many different levels. We speak to you from within yourself for we are a part of you, we are not in a distant place, there is no place, there is merely one evolving consciousness and you are a part of that consciousness. Within that consciousness is your experience of a physical world, a world designed for you but modified by you. You see your world as you are, you see your world as a reflection of you and you create that world, you are consciousness creating consciousness. Take yourself out of your physical world, try to understand from a new perspective, look down on yourself, see that physical being as a part of you, an extension of you, an extension that has been placed in a physical world to grow, to experience, to use all of your physical senses to build up a character, to build up a personality and to be faced with situations that help you to grow, help you to learn, help you to become something more, something that you can bring back to the world of spirit’
Liz... ‘Friend can I ask a question?’
‘You may yes’
Liz... ‘Why is it so difficult for people to break through into a firm conviction of the spiritual nature, why is it that miracles or amazing phenomena that are mind blowing and make you realise that this world is not what it seems, why aren't these more common. It seems almost unfair that many people go through their lives completely caught up in the illusion of being a completely physical being with nothing more, that they’ll just dissolve into the earth and that there’s nothing that continues. Why is it that these experiences that a few of us have which make us believe in spirit are so few and far between it seems very unfair somehow?’
‘Those experiences are there for those who are ready, ready to expand their understanding. Each individual in your world is at a different level of understanding, some can accept these phenomena whereas others play a more tuned in part to the physical world. They do not need to be distracted; they merely need to focus on the physical world. They are still evolving, they are still making choices, they are still interacting with one another, they are still using the love within them to spread to all who they meet. There is no need to have a knowledge of the spiritual world to be productive in the physical world, you merely need to do the best with what you have’
Liz... ‘So are you saying that being unaware of our full nature while in the physical world is a necessary part of our consciousness development?’
‘For some people this is shielded from them and yet they still have that inner feeling that there is more to life, there is that motivating force within them that pushes them forwards, they can feel the love within themselves as they live their life, they can feel when they are doing things right, when they are being productive, when they are increasing the quality of their consciousness’
Liz... ‘But many people live lives of agony, not just physical agony but mental agony’
‘Sometimes these situations produce the best learning opportunities. You are perceiving them from your viewpoint. They are in a state of mind where they will eventually break free and will become something greater. They are learning, they are experiencing. All of physical life is experience, there are many experiences to be had, there is no point in an easy life, you need challenges, challenges are brought to you and you will find yourselves in situations that may seem unfair but only from the perspective of the physical world. A time will come when you will look back on your life and you will see how you have created within yourself a stronger connection with your true self. You have opened your eyes and begun to understand the part that you play in your wonderful physical world’
Liz... ‘Sometimes it feels as if a mistake has been made in the evolution of human consciousness in the physical world as if it’s got trapped’
‘You are all constantly making mistakes in your world, again you are learning from these mistakes. Your world is a perfect environment for the state of consciousness at this point in time. You have all created the conditions of your Earth and together you will work as one lifting the vibration of your world but evolution is a slow process and as you rise up so you also descend, there are no easy answers but as long as you grow, as long as you learn then all of consciousness will benefit. Try to understand the larger picture, the physical world is just one small part of a larger picture, the physical world is painting its mark on that picture and many other worlds also add their marks. A greater picture is created and that greater picture will constantly evolve, thank you’
Liz/Cheryl... ‘Thank you friend’
‘Will you replay your music for a while’
Liz turned the music back up just as the last tune was ending.
Liz then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.
Afterwards we recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...
Liz was going through a muddy, flooded field towards an enormous river and she wanted to swim in it. She went in swimming on her back looking up and saw what looked like a female goddess on a throne and then it was a male god like Jesus and kept changing from male to female. Then Liz felt there was two of her and this entity was holding her hands, it was very much like the coming together of the male and the female...
Cheryl was standing on the bank of a stream tuning in to her guides...
I started going over a bridge and felt there was a crowd of people with me expecting to see something. Then we saw fireworks going off over the other side of the bridge. Then my mother appeared and gave me some encouragement for the mediumship work I was doing and regretted not liking or being interested in it before she had died. She now saw the point of it from a new perspective...
Interestingly my mum’s message was similar to what Liz got from her dad during the sitting.
214th Sitting 17/01/2020
We had the room setup as usual, Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG and the Magnetometer was running.
I did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...
After about ten minutes Liz began to speak...
‘Charles... Charles Twist... It’s the numbers, number crunching but it was only a superficial... an icon, a graph pad, a game to play, an intellectual game to cover up the lack of engaging with the actual experience that was created by the pattern of numbers. I became so transfixed with the number patterns and the joy of manipulating them, the pride in being able to calculate and concoct various sequences and paradigms from numbers. I lost the appreciation of the form of the experience, of the feeling part. The grains of sand on the sea shore you can count but the feeling of the sand trickling through your hand, any amount is beyond count, the feeling, the joy of wriggling, of wrestling in the sand. I feel the want, the loss of that capacity and for the distance. I appreciate what I lost, the opportunity to grasp. If there is a next time, I'll make sure to set my compass to the south. It's tying me in knots, the numbers. Taken out of context there is meaning, context is so important for understanding, for appreciating, a knowing. Out of context the meaning and significance is lost. That is why so many people are now lost because they’ve lost their sense of context, that sense of connection, immersion in the tapestry of life, the tapestry of pattern, of shape and form, the interplay of the information grids, a sequence of numbers. Out of context has no meaning, no vitality. A thread from a blanket or a tapestry on its own is absorbing under the microscope, you can see so many threads so many patterns that out of the context of the environment the whole of it, its meaning is lost but while enmeshed in the whole blanket or tapestry it has meaning and significance. Without that one thread a tapestry would be poor, lacking its full expression, its perfection. Let me speak for all the individuated threads, disconnected out of context. Open up to your environment, to your place in the world, to the world around you, to the pattern, the whole, don’t get lost in the intricacies of numbers, lovely though they are’
‘Mary Phillips... baskets of flowers... It’s to do with worship, the flowers are to do with the church. It's that devotional celebration that’s shared and the congregation, the recognition, shining of the brass of the candle sticks, waxing, the care of the alter, the sacraments, the challis, the font, all the pews, the cushions. But the flowers give that life, they bring the outside in in a beautiful way reminding us of the freshness, of the bounty of this world, this Earth. The belonging to a congregation, to the assembly of souls recognising the supremacy of spirit in whatever form. It's a blessed assembly, a coming together, amplifies the vibration of love, the reminder of our connection. The hands that have gone into the building of the chapels, the hands that go into the polishing of the sacraments, the hands that go into the lighting of the candles, the hands that go into the writing of the books and the sermons, the psalms. All a part, all sharing and the language of love, all celebrating the glory of creation paying homage to the creators beyond our knowing but who we know in our soul. Don't despise the churches and the chapels, the places where souls go to meet their maker, these are the challises of light, have the potential to be challises of light in our dark and ignorant civilisation that is not civilised’
‘I’m being shown the beasts, the animals, the hyenas that come, but we know how fire, the light keeps them away, warns them off. Those lights shining brightly pierce the darkness of the uncivilised, that which is unruly and bestial’
‘Auntie Sophie is showing me the candle sticks. In so many religions the lighting of the candles, shining of the light is so important. Keeping the fire burning... it’s symbolic and the symbolism goes very deep... light shineth in the darkness and the darkness knows it not... Jesus said I am that light, those that know me follow me and become one with the light’
‘Constance, I have the name Constance Smith... I was a wild thing playing with the world with my toys, oh I've learned the hard way, oh... from rags to riches, wouldn’t go there again, what a mistake... mistaken... but I have the opportunity of putting it right now, I can cross it out, do better next time and I'm learning the way, it’s good, I've let go of it all. Help I didn’t really get before I passed, I've had plenty now and I was ready to repent. I was a wild thing, a lot of love though and it’s with me still, so loving you all, take heart that your excesses and your mistakes are forgiven ha, ha, and forgotten. Not so important as you think, drama queens, drama kings, ha... shake a leg, you’ll put it right in the end, don’t give up, just admit to your failures, ha, they don’t matter that much. Shake it up baby, I did a lot of things to shake it up, I got shaken up, shaken out, so I get straightened out from being a crumpled cloth to being a pristine white sheet... a good life now, I can see where the wrinkles and creases came, I can see the way to smooth them out again. So I'm talking to you now and admitting I'm sorry... I was angry and bitter and confused and a wild thing but I know you understood and you didn’t hold it against me... Thank you all’
Me... ‘Thank you’
‘Got a name Michael... Is there a Michael that’s meaningful to you?’
Me... ‘Well there is... can you get anything else about Michael?’
‘I did get a round sense of wheels... oil cloth and spanners and dungarees... seeing him down on his knees... for some reason it’s like a bread basket with a dog in it and the dog seems to be like a sausage dog, dachshund, long dog... I’m seeing a sort of cobbled path, could be yard... and something that looks like horse shoes, bit like a farrier. Michael’s saying something about singing or music’
Me... ‘I can’t place him at the moment from what you’ve said but maybe something will come back to me’
‘Got these velvet curtains coming down like a stage, whether that’s a sign that I'm creating a theatre or a story, whatever it is it’s closed the curtains now... I keep seeing a music stand for a conductor but nobody’s playing and the curtains are closed’
(afterwards I remembered several things that tied up with much of what Liz had said)
‘I keep getting the name Patricia, and the name’s gone into Patsy... got a surname Hodgson’
‘Earlier I kept getting Robin Hood... a connection with a forest, like Jack and the Beanstalk, big trees’
‘My Uncle Charlie appeared earlier in connection with my cousin Martin... Roger Rabbit... It was a book, Who killed Roger Rabbit, and that cousin Martin had written, had done a book of the film or something, I'm just feeling Uncle Charlie want’s... encouraging him to do another book, that’s the connection... sorry I'm not getting it clearly... perhaps it’s poetry? I keep getting a tree and poetry... a stage setting, drama... should write for the theatre... being given a spaniel dog, a dog and something to do with potty training, dog being toilet trained’
‘Somewhere, somehow Susan is watching over this...’
‘I’m asking for some sign that there’s some truth in all of this and I’m getting a telephone call... I’m going to get one or I should make one... get this feather in a cap... painted lady, that’s a butterfly, there’s a bit of an emotional feeling about that, a fluttery feeling... stillness and solitude is important...’
‘Silver, over and out... he’s pouring me a nice cuppa tea out of a nice brown teapot’
Me... ‘I’ll have one as well...’
‘Ha, ha... we’ve done a good job, thank you all, thank you for helping, God bless you all’
Liz was back with it.
We recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises.
Liz started off with a low red brick wall and crossed over it into a field full of irises and pools of water. She made her way to a large pond. A swan came towards her with a crown on its head and it glided across the lake reminding Liz of Swan Lake. She saw Kate on the other bank and they both became part of this ballet. It was a wonderful elevated feeling, very right brained, the expression of absolute precision in beauty and movement, perfection in creative excellence without effort. It was like a lesson and teaching but enjoyment too and Liz was enjoying it with her...
I was sitting at the end of a bridge, it felt like I was in a wheelchair and was waiting for anything to come over the bridge towards me. I saw a black panther slowly walk towards me with bright red eyes. It looked a little bit scary and to me seemed strange that something scary should be coming from a spiritual world and I tried to change it into a white panther but couldn’t do it. I felt a bit worried as it approached me but it jumped up on me and began affectionally licking my face. I hugged the panther and felt the love coming from it. It then changed to a man in a hooded white cloak who told me there was nothing to fear here, only your own fears can make you create fear...
I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...
213th Sitting 09/01/2020
We had the room setup as usual and didn’t use the Mind Mirror or Magnetometer.
I did the opening prayer at 7.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...
Liz began after 35 minutes and just before she began, I saw large blobs of bright light in front of me which lasted about five minutes.
‘Seems like a zip fastener, it’s tightly stuck, trying to open. When the zip opens, through it you can see the brilliant sky, it’s pink and blue, this clarity of light. The zip opens and the old garment, worn garment of flesh and hair, the human raiment falls away. You can step through it like a new-born child, like a baby, like being born again, coming out of a nut, the kernel immerges naked and tender, open to the elements now, like a blanched almond, sweet and tender. Once you’ve escaped there’s no turning back, it’s just onward, a new beginning. Like being a child or teenager again just enjoying what’s coming next, a sense of adventure like Alice in Wonderland, curiouser and curiouser. Something about a comb, there’s a comb in my hair. Don’t need a handbag any more, can let go of all that baggage. Nice not to have the muddle, not to have the confusion. These clear vistas, a stone path, like walking on pebbles. No pain...’
‘Seeing someone in a long stripy dress, Arab type kaftan, vertical stripes, brown and black and white, coming towards me... It occurs to me it’s Lawrence of Arabia. Aware of very white teeth’
‘Just an enduring pathway, enduring sense of adventure, an enduring adventure, enduring as in endurance. Once you’ve got through the zip, undone the dress, stepped out of it, stepped out of the dress of flesh, the cloak, you are enduring, it’s an ongoing progression, adventure and there’s exploration ahead, the unexpected, a sense of excitement, unbelievable, sense of perpetual continuity, it’s like waking up into the dream but knowing there’s no end to it but a bit weird like Alice in Wonderland, things changing’
‘I’m seeing a cactus, a bit like a dream, sort of creating it... Susan and Tony... got the word parsimony, parsimonious, it’s making me think I’d like a prayer book, it feels quite good to have a prayer, the lord’s prayer will do. A prayer can help stabilise when things are changing to give a reference point and to help to focus... The lord is my shepherd I shall not want. Yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil for though art with me, my rod and staff they comfort me. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall live in the house of the lord for ever...’
‘It’s as if I'm looking forward not backwards... I know when I’ve rested by the still waters there is so much surround sound, out of the silence I know that I can conjure up whatever music I love and the concert halls will be open to me. There's so much I have to learn, I hate leaving you all behind, it’s a new journey that I have to take, grasp while the iron’s hot, an opportunity to let go and to go forward with a new spring in my step. No spectacles necessary, everything beautifully ordered now without me having to do anything. I can feel it’s going to be alright. There's safety in numbers so when the crowd of well-wishers come, I feel they will, I shall embrace them and enjoy all the love and friendship and the new learning together, I've got a lot to look forward to and so will you, I know now that death is not the end, not what we think. My mind is crystal clear, not at all confused now’
‘It’s the blackbird singing in the dead of night, spread your broken wings and learn to fly. All my life I've been waiting for this moment to arrive’
‘I’ve got the frog man and Christabel... I'm just thanking all my friends, all my family and the lovely knees and steady on Stan...’
‘Got the name Gilbert... seeing toadstools and a Noddy and Big Ears, that’s a connection with Patrick... somebody saying salutations, very sedentary, not so good being sedentary’
‘Got a feeling of stitch in my side, left side like a tight band around my midriff... cowslip...’
‘Got a sense of a lacey edged table cloth, doily and Woolfie, Miss Woolford who died recently, a colleague, she’s asking if she can help... oh yes Woolfie died recently in the DGH, I said to Woolfie you can help my friend Kate now... there’s a sense of pearl, pearly gates or mother of pearl? Pearls of wisdom? Woofie would certainly be providing the prayers, she sang in the church choir, she loved music’
After a pause Liz felt back with it.
We recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...
Liz was reaching out over the bridge to her friend Kate who had just passed over. Liz felt there was a large golden-haired girl, with her hair in plats, playing in a beautiful meadow, rolling over freely and dancing around a bit like a rag doll. Liz recognised this girl as Atheni and asked her to help Kate with her transition...
I went down a brick tunnel which turned and came back up and I could see bright light at the end of the tunnel. I wanted to go into the light but couldn’t so just waited in the tunnel to see if anything came out to me. Then a bright shining ball came out towards me, about the size of a tennis ball and I grabbed it and held it in my hand. There were dazzling rainbow colours moving in the ball as if it was alive and I got the feeling this was the spark of life that we all had inside of us but the physical body had left this one and now it was just a memory of the physical life. I then found myself going into a building with a sign saying something like ‘Always open to everyone’ and I saw thousands of these balls on shelves like a library all containing past lives that could be accessed by anyone. I then saw someone about to begin a new physical life and another ball being created for them...
I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...
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