We had the room setup as usual and Liz was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.
We now have blackout material over the computer so the room is back to full blackout conditions.
I did the opening prayer at 7.50pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued into the session...
After about 30 minutes Liz began to speak...
‘Seem to have a strong image of daisies... It’s made me wonder whether Travis is around. Something to do with sledges and toboggans. Getting a feeling of muslin dresses, very feminine lightweight muslin summer dresses, old fashioned, white with little daisies in them. Seeing ladies, girls with a picnic on a lawn, picnic hamper’
Me... ‘Can you see what they’re eating?’
‘As you asked me it looked like a sort of custard tart, and berries, strawberries, tall glasses with straws, like a bit of an old-fashioned scene, men in white cricket gear, like a village scene, I've got tuppence, reminds me of Agatha Christie. I’ve got dijon, like the Dijon Mustard... Teddy-bear's picnic’
‘Just got a feeling of Harry Edwards then, it’s taking me to the garden party at Burrows Lee in Shere, his Healing Sanctuary’
‘I’ve got Jane, I wonder if it’s my cousin Jane, she worked with children... I think they are all here to help Lucy... Harry Edwards with a stethoscope’
‘Keep getting the word tisane... don’t know if that’s a tea or a poultice, infusion of berries. I had berries in this arctic wood in the rainbow. Bilberries, cranberries or crab apples’
‘Getting an image of an old-fashioned gramophone with a fluted trumpet, horn, 1920s. The BBC and His Master’s Voice... funiculi funicula, Italian songs... confetti, wedding... got a feeling things were very dull at the time, very dark, grey streets, deserve to brighten things up... I'm watching people from behind with bags on their back pulling barrows and... think I might be seeing from around about my grandmother’s time, people had a lot of children and mouths to feed. Medicine, they didn’t have a health service, you relied on folk medicine and it was the case of the strong surviving. Being shown bread and butter, bread and dripping, fresh peas, people growing stuff. Lot of smoke, bronchitis, lot of lung problems. I can feel my grandfather was distraught, all the children, he didn’t want to be a burden. If you were ill you couldn’t work, very difficult for the family. I can feel that sense of turmoil, despair. It's a miracle all the children survived. I can feel my grandmother, I can almost see her face, makes me feel very emotional, she’s smiling, she loved the babies, children’
Me... ‘You could ask her a question if you wanted to’
‘I think she said all survived on love, she would hold them if any were ill, warm water, plenty of water, keeping them hydrated, like gripe water, warm water with a bit of sugar in it’
‘Keep seeing this brown river...’
Music CD ended.
‘Got a sense of a large railway station, feels rather scary, big and busy, drab, old-fashioned carriages... got the sense of my grandmother there at the station with small children, maybe when she went to join my grandfather, carrying children everywhere, keeping them close at all times, the difficulties, they managed, that sense of wanting to keep all the people you love close to you was very strong my grandmother, bound all the family together to survive, impulse to hold the family together, connections, those emotional connections are so strong, they are still looking out for all of the family, large and dispersed as it is, generations down the line. Grandchildren, great grandchildren, great, great grandchildren. Chickens and eggs...’
‘Being shown a Christmas tree, full of lights and presents, symbol of Christmas, a family time dedicated to the new child, Christ child again born in difficult circumstances but surviving to be a great healer and it’s all to do with the healing power of love, that love is the greatest healer, to nurture and to hold and to affirm all living things, to bless, ask and you will be given, ask and ye shall receive. So I'll ask all these healers here for healing for Lucy and thank you for your presences, wonderful to know you are there. And the saying that not a sparrow shall fall from its nest that your father in heaven shall know of it, and every small child is a blessing and potential marvel in the world, worthy of life and healing. Good to know that behind all our struggles, to survive in this world there is an army of helpers and healers behind the scenes supporting us, still drawn to us by bonds of love, connections, even fleeting connections that we’ve made with those great healers endure, sustain us, give us strength to persevere. Thank you all... and Raymond... Violet, like the flower’
I played a tune to help Liz feel back with it.
We recalled our Rainbow Bridge exercises...
Liz was in a lovely grassy meadow with buttercups and daisies. She walked down to a river and reached out to the other side. There was a large stripy hot air balloon with carnival type people around it, lots of clowns and children. They pulled Liz into the basket to join them and it went up into the air and she felt like birds were pulling it along. Liz then found herself changing into a bird, a snow goose and flew far up into the sky over into the Tundra, the Arctic over fir forests. She was going towards a hut where there was a Shaman with dark platted hair and a bear skin. It was snowy and when Liz landed the ground she found she had a toboggan. The Shaman was making potions out of berries and things gathered from the woods, he said everything you need for healing is here in the woods. He showed Liz how to put her hands over the kidneys for healing. He was making a clear yellowish healing liquid from blossoms and showing Liz other things...
I started off watching men dressed in yellow mackintoshes and hats, a bit like fishermen, walking up a yellow slope which looked like cheese. Then they faded away and I saw a huge cat looking at a piece of cheese with a mouse the other side. The mouse went up to the cheese, ate a bit then gave the rest to the cat. Then I was in a factory watching men in white coats and hats stirring large containers full of yellow liquid and adding various ingredients then pouring them into channels which flowed out of the factory and into a stream which I followed. Either side were grassy banks with daffodils and the stream eventually flowed into a large pond which became yellow too but then cleared and some white ducks appeared on the pond and one by one they swam under the water and came back up yellow. They all then swam around the reflection of the sun and I got the impression something was flowing from the pond into the sun...
I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...