This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

187th Sitting 10/01/2019

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise then continued on into the session...

About 45 minutes after the opening prayer Liz began to speak and I turned the music down...


‘It’s come like in a fairy tale, this golden globe, like a carriage, like in the Cinderella Story. An upside-down world. It's like a world that’s a reflection of this one. The dominant theme seems to be from rags to riches. It doesn’t matter how impoverished your state of living in this world, when you pass into the reflection of this world on the other side there’s the transformation, your cloth of rags becomes cloth of gold. All the beauty that was hidden here, where things can feel ugly and debased at times, leaving people wanting, hollow inside. When you pass the threshold there is heart's desire. What is the desire of your heart? Can you put it into words? Many people can’t put it into words, it’s just a sense of something missing... radiance, richness, beauty, love. Love at the centre. It's as if as you cross the threshold you are restored to your true and beautiful nature and all that was missing, all of which you were bereft... love, richness, glory, is around you, is with you forever. That transformation is so wonderful that you must ask why would anyone be afraid to take that step over the threshold. That kingdom is present, even in this physical world in which we may feel bereft, the kingdom is just an arm's length from us like looking in a clear pool you can see the reflection, like seeing the sun on the water, the reminders that this our heritage is never lost, just an arm’s length, a hair’s width away... a blink of an eye. And if your longing will take you, you’ll find sometimes when you sleep and dream, you can enter into that la-la land where all that you’ve longed for adds up to a deep level that you cannot even put into words, is manifest. Allow yourself the luxury to step into that world in which you truly belong, your heritage, your rightful place. Cast off your rags and step over the threshold, put on your shoes of glass through the mirror. In dreams you can enter, have a taste, a reminder. All that is yours already, waiting for you to return now’


‘Frogs can turn into princes and the savage beast can become a friend. All this is due to the power of love. Love is the missing ingredient in your life, the life of many. The love you understand is but a shadow of the richer fields surrounding you. Love is the state of grace in which all things have their being. Love is the matrix out of which the world was made. In your cocoons, in your disguises, in your clothes of rags, your strange attire that you adopt for your physical incarnation. You have shut yourself off from the font of your strength and your wisdom and your loving. You have made a barrier, a blockade, so you believe in the scarcity, the meagerness and the lack and the emptiness and the triviality and the waste, the poverty, the belief that you are without the things you need, the things you cannot even put a word to, this inchoate inner longing. Not till you shed your cloth of rags, your heavy disguise, your self-abasement. Not until you lay that impoverish being that you call the self at the foot of God, at the altar of reality, at the gate of truth can a grace come to you and clothe you in the glorious array which is your own soul’s splendour. The rainbow of your essential nature. Not until you have laid your bare and meagre bones at the foot of creation and said I renounce this pauper of this false and imprisoned self, my offer to relinquish, to give to you all that I have been falsely adorned with, that has weighed me down, my burdens, my sorrow, my self-hatred and loathing, my greed, my ugliness, my selfishness, my self-absorption, my fear, my smallness, my inadequacy. All this I lay down, I cast off, I step away from. I ask for healing, for the healing of my soul. I ask to be clothed in the cloak of love, in the blessing of my birthright. I give myself to the creator to render me in my primal, pristine form to wash me in the waters of eternity to restore my soul. There is nothing I can do of myself, this self has deceived and mislead me, has lied to me, has given me false council, has led me on a wild and fearsome goose chase. This self I renounce and I ask to be forgiven for all my false beliefs, for my folly, for my errors and to be restored to my rightful place. To be corrected at the deepest level for the mask and the illusion to be washed from me. I ask for the baptism in the fire and the grace of spirit. Only when I see, lie impoverished state and lay down in abject humility and ask for help, ask to be restored. Only then will grace come to rescue me, restore me to my rightful state. When I have truly renounced the Cinderella, the fog, the beast... only then can I discover and step forth as glory, Gloria’

‘Naked as a babe you come into this world and naked as a babe you leave again but in-between the beginning and the end your sojourn in this world there are many births and deaths on a daily basis in which you can become naked and enter your kingdom. Before this world was the kingdom and after this world is the kingdom and every day there is the kingdom for you to enter when you cast off your rags and become naked, a new born. Let every day be a new beginning, let every day be a birth and a death and a restoration. For the kingdom of heaven is here and now. All that stops you from entering is yourself’

Me... ‘How can we stop our self from preventing us entering the kingdom?’

‘By seeing the poverty of the self, by acknowledging its smallness and limitation in the form in which we operate in this world for the most part by recognising how we stand as a shadow blocking the light of spirit as an obstacle in the way of the light of spirit. By recognising all those limitations that we have allowed to limit and to fragment and distort our thinking and our mind, the fears, by self-enquiry, by being ruthlessly honest as to the nature of this persona we adopt and having the courage to let go of it, to renounce it as a facade, as an impediment and to ask for forgiveness and healing. True self-love is the love of the true self, what most people call self-love, or loving one's self is loving the facade, loving a self that is distorted. That is a barrier. To truly love yourself is to love the self that is true and that true self will be revealed when you step naked and unadorned and open yourself to spirit, to the creator, in absolute humility as a naked child acknowledging the deep ignorance and misconceptions that have led you astray but this is a work of deep self-enquiry in order to recognise that those things that we took to be attributes, adornments were cheap baubles, were temporary devises that cut us off from the source, that cut us off from our true richness. When in all humility we open ourselves to spirit, to life then all will be revealed’

Me... ‘How do we know that we are perceiving our true self and not the distorted self that hides our true self?’

‘The emptiness and light of the true self is a vast space, a shining, a pure connectedness in which there is no separation from others, from all of life. It is an immersion and a freedom and a clarity and a boundlessness. It is the clear water that is at the grand state of being. Empty and full without a face and yet seen in every face. It is as if you have stepped into a sea of light and dissolved and yet you are the sea of light, you are still you but in the sea of light and there is no separation, you are the light’

Me... ‘So is the true self still an individual personality?’

‘The true self is at once an individual being and all beings. It is the inside and the outside, there is no separation. It is again as if the drop of water has fallen back into the sea and yet the drop still knows itself but also knows all drops and their being in the sea’

Me... ‘Thank you’

‘The difference between the intellectual knowing and the experience is like the difference between reading a book about a beautiful meal and eating the meal. When one is hungry the meal tastes wonderful. But can you imagine the man who has hoarded so many books about food and yet is not truly hungry for the food, enjoys the illusion of food. And one day he feels the pangs of hunger and the hunger becomes so strong and he knows that the books with the pictures of food and the descriptions of food cannot satisfy this hunger, this hunger is of a different nature, the hunger is for the real experience of food but in order to buy the meal, in order to have the food he realises he has to pay for it and it means selling, giving up all these books but the desire, the longing for the experience of the wonderful meal is so great that he makes the decision to sell all his books, to give them up because this is the only way he is going to get this meal. It's a bargain, I will give up my bits of paper, my false idols for the real thing, but he’s torn, he’s loved these false idols, these books, these illusions for so long it's very difficult because supposing the meal is an illusion, it won’t satisfy this hunger, it’s not really there. Books are real, he has the books all lined up in his library, can read them every day, shows them to other people they say oh, wow, fantastic, but he knows deep inside it’s not the real thing but one day that longing, that hunger is so strong he has the strength to throw the books on the bonfire, to give them away, to let go of them, and as he does that they turn into nuggets of gold that will pay for the meal. Then suddenly a cordon bleu chef appears and places before him a table laden with the most wonderful meal and he eats it, he tastes it and he savours the reality of food that satisfies his hunger, the most wonderful taste and flavour and this table will never be empty, he knows this cordon bleu chef who can create out of nothing a feast, will never fail him. This feast, this food to satisfy his deepest hunger is there for him now forever and the taste, he wonders why he ever doubted. But you see he had to renounce all the artificial, the false idols, the false facsimiles of food before he got the real thing. But it was the hunger in him, the desire to taste true food that allowed him finally to make the wrench from the security of the images, the books, the intellectual appreciation of food to the experience that will never leave him, that would sustain him with the truth of food for ever’

Me... ‘I suppose you could say the same about knowledge, you could have many books on philosophy and that sort of thing but to truly go out and experience life and gain your own knowledge is far better’


‘I’ve got the word Sedona I have a feeling it’s a pathway of self-enquiry, it’s a method, maybe a method for peeling away the layers of fears and obstructions that separate ourselves from our full and true being, the Sedona Method’


‘I just say thank you to all our loving friends, for their presence, and Freddie too’

Me... ‘Thank you, yes they’ve all done very well tonight’

I played a tune to help Liz feel back with it.

The room suddenly looked darker to me.

We then recounted out Rainbow Bridge experiences...

Liz started off reaching out over a rainbow bridge to the other side then became aware of a large yellow globe in front of her like a great sun. It came towards her and then manifested as a golden girl with platted hair, almost like a cartoon princess. She led Liz into a fairy land full of fairy tales and there were people in rags casting off their clothes and there were really beautiful people trying to lead them and bring beauty into their paths, into their lives. Liz also saw upside down people like reflections and she had a feeling there was a world of great beauty interpenetrating our world of beggars...

I started off reaching out and saw a chain of people in a circle linking hands with me and Liz. Then they looked more like a paper chain which then turned to gold. There was a fountain of white mist in the middle of the circle filling up the room. I saw myself get up and walk into the circle and I could see in the mist black two-dimensional shapes like people moving around and I saw Liz walking around as if sleep walking. I tried to make these black shapes come alive and they turned into dummies that just stood there and were lifeless. I turned around to see a lifeless dummy of me in my chair so sat back down and then the dummies all came to life...

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

During the communication I was drifting off a bit then heard a few words in my head which Liz then said. When I was asking questions, I felt elevated like I had raised my vibration, I felt I was in a different place.
Liz also felt she was in a higher vibration.