This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.
We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...
Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...
...Nick Pettitt
172nd Sitting 21/06/2018
We had the room setup as usual.
I did the opening prayer at 7.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We started with the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise then continued on into the session.
Liz got the name Derek and the colour khaki.
After a long pause Liz started speaking again...
'I got the name Carruthers, got a tall knotted stick like a branch that’s been cut with bits sticking out of it... nests, black bird nests... just wanting to acknowledge... polished linoleum, lavender polish, someone who worked hard... gorse, prickly... seeing a message, it’s a bit tattered... lots of torn fragments, sort of mementos... sense of picking up these tatters, birthday messages, clearing the decks for what comes next... like beam me up Scotty... like stepping of an airplane onto the tarmac, a new place... Uncle Bernie... all waiting at the passenger lounge, at the gates, like going on holiday... noticing these amazing flowers, wonderful colours, like corn flowers but bigger... got Carruthers again, he's got a dog like a spotty Labrador, Dalmatian, throwing things... tin of Golden Syrup, green and gold, a lion... I sense Carruthers was something to do with teaching, a head teacher... a public school'
' My mum and dad reminding me of skylarks, in the gorse bushes... they want their ashes scattered...'
'This jar, this empty jar was a life, it's empty now, been recycled, all the fragments can be recycled, they are like tattered fragments and the inhabitants have gone, stepped off the airplane, stepped into a new reality, a new adventure like a holiday, gone onto a great welcoming party, friends, relatives, contacts all spreading out, all filling a new space, and the things that stand out are the beautiful things. They are reminders, memories, they come like messages'
'Get the sense of somebody wanting to send a postcard, wish you were here, thinking of you message. All the old clothes are recycled, all gone, it's okay'
'A little terrier dog'
'There are so many people... Ivy... wearing pearls, piano... Terrence or is it terrier...'
'It's the flowers... should never underestimate the primacy of flowers. Flowers are reminders of the spiritual heritage, of the brightness of the gems in the hem of a new gown, a gown of creation. There's signposts, it's not just that they attract butterflies, bees, insects that are drawn, they are receptacles of light, store and emit light, concentrated emitters, focusing the sun in palatable doses. The sun is an embodiment of a greater spiritual light and from his great outpouring these jewels, these diamonds that are flowers crystallise out and they are found in their various emanations and forms throughout all phases of being, all planes. It's like a note that's being struck and the harmonics and resonances echo, reverberate at all levels. Flowers are the embodiment of light and people are welcomed into the world with flowers and celebrated as they leave the world with flowers and on their birthdays and all remembrance points there are flowers on their way, at their feet, and many of their steps and journeys. The flowers are to be fostered, are to be tended, are to be adored, are to be cultivated and treasured, they are the real jewels in the crown of life. You cannot look at the sun directly, your eyes will be blinded by the brilliance of light but you can look into a flower and there is the image of the sun which is gentle and will not blind. So, from the daisies on your lawn at your feet to the roses in their magnificence, each and every one is to be glorified, to be adored, to be cherished because they are reminders, echoes of a greater light. So, to cultivate a garden is a form of worship, there are many ways to adore the light, to pay tribute. To cultivate a garden is just one'
'And I see these elderly persons shuffling off their mortal coil, getting ready to depart, surrounding them with flowers, it’s a reminder as our light ebbs it reinforces in us the joy to come, the glory of light, helps us to hold onto the link with the greater reality that awaits us. We remember it, we reach out to it, it provides the link so the first thing I see when I land are the flowers and then the faces of those I love and they are full of flowers and I know that I am going home'
'I have a man, a sort of walrus moustache, he's Max Kade and he's telling me that I shall use his machine, and to give his love to Isabel, he loved the flowers. It's the EEG machine, mind mirror Max Kade invented with Jeffery Blundell'
'Have a French connection... ah my French connection concerning the garden, yes, I can understand, it's Nichole my friend, she created with the money from her parents, from Suzy and Claude, a memory, yes it's good so thank Nicole for the wonderful tribute of flowers, a botanical garden... thank you to all our spirit friends and to Mum and Dad, Claude and Suzy, Max and Mr. Carruthers and uncle Bernie and everyone, love and blessings to you from us. We receive your benediction... that's all'
I played a tune until Liz felt back with it.
Then we discussed our Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercises...
Liz had been walking on flagstones towards a bridge and was just reaching out to people on the other side, asking them to join with her and draw near...
I saw a man playing a flute. He had a flat cap on and a long coat. Sitting around him were many Chinese boys sitting cross legged on the floor listening to the music. He started walking amongst them and they looked up as he walked past, some were laughing and some were crying. Then he started to float up into the air, circling above them going round and round, getting higher and higher like a spiral and as he went up he left a trail of musical notes spiraling below him. He eventually reached a ledge and sat down on a chair and the spiral of musical notes that connected him to the Chinese boys below changed into a glass spiral staircase and one by one the boys started walking up it and as they did so they aged. By the time they reached the top they were old men with long hair and beards and they stepped onto the ledge thanked the man and disappeared into the distance. Then the man seemed to dissolve into nothing along with the spiral staircase...
I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...