This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

148th Sitting 17/10/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, put the music on and turned out the light.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise...

Liz started off with daffodils, primroses, narcissi and all sorts of spring flowers all around her and a narrow deep stream running alongside. There was somebody with her that she thought she had known called Ian. He was leading her over to a church where there was a feast going on like a village harvest festival, lots of baking, a friendly rejoicing sharing feeling. He then wanted to take Liz beyond that to a large field with a black and white horse. Liz climbed up on it and he climbed up behind her and they went galloping off then they were flying through the sky going into a star system and they seemed to become very small amongst all the stars. Liz got the impression the stars were forming a kind of spider's web spangled with little parcels of food that were wrapped in web silk. She felt this food was our experiences, all the quintessential experiences of our lives on this enormous web and the spider was feeding on this experience, these parcels of food and out of this spider were coming more spiders, baby spiders that were weaving webs and the same process was going on and on. It was as if every time we immerse ourselves back in the world of experience this experience was being parcelled up like a beautiful drop of golden water. Liz felt the gold was like the gold you have round the heads of saints. It was like all the goodness of the experience was this wonderful food that kept this universe of stars going and back at the human level was the enjoyment of the church harvest festival feast...

I started off at the edge of a cliff like Beachy Head. It was grassy and the cliff face chalky and I saw a lighthouse down below with a light shining out going round and round. I watched the light beam sweep across the sea lighting up boats out in the distance. I then started to get bigger, I was sitting on the edge of the cliff and my feet now touched the sea below me so I stood up and walked out into the sea until it came up to my neck. The sea then disappeared and I found myself in a dessert on dry sand. I could still see the beam of this lighthouse now sweeping across the sand. The beam of light hit a pyramid and stopped. The light seemed to be going into the pyramid and from the pyramid the light came out at a different angle towards another pyramid and from that one to another and then another and then back to the first. It was like a square of pyramids connected by light beams being fed from the lighthouse. I wanted to stand in the middle of the square and when I did this I started to change into a lighthouse but I wasn't emitting any light as I was receiving light from each pyramid. I felt I had roots running down into the Earth. The light was travelling down me into these roots and then into the Earth in different directions until each light beam came back up to the surface in various places over the Earth. Another lighthouse appeared wherever it came up and the process started over again...

I put the music back on and we continued our session...

I soon saw bright blobs coming and going.
Then I saw brief images of smiling faces. I didn't recognise any of them except one of Princess Diana. It was as if she was walking away and turning round smiling.

I then kept drifting in and out of sleep for most of the rest of the session.

Liz began to speak after the last tune on the CD.

'Gordon... I feel as if I have a cleric, clergy... confusion, Confucius... I'm being told something to the effect that the very wise don't say too much, listen to the sound of silence. I seem to be surrounded by moths drawn to my light. I have a feeling a person can be a light like a lighthouse, a beacon, without saying anything. Standing in the silence, sitting in the power'

'I have a Thomas... I have these tools in my hand like drills and screwdrivers'

'Sheila, something about Wesak the Buddhist Festival'

'I have a lot of images of butterflies and moths and then being pinned down, someone collecting them and impaling them'

'It's as if I'm behind this dust cart, mechanical trucks, enjoying the mechanisms, the mechanical nature of these large beasts. It's like a big cement mixer. Now it's like being on a racing car circuit'

'I've got this image of a nest of bird's eggs, a collection, many beautiful things in nature are often destroyed by a strange form of love, love of collecting. Another example of our desire to impale the winged beauty. The fleeting beauty of the world, creatures that live on light. The wonderful mystery of germination of eggs, rare and beautiful perfect things and our desire to control and to grow, to possess. We're destroying them trying to immortalise these transient forms and in impaling them and fixing them we rob them of their light and so it is with the child. Controlling and fixing, impaling and conditioning. Trying to hold onto that, to fix that being, little by little we rob them of their light. To truly love and commune with the essence of a living thing we need to passively observe, to pay attention, to be with, without controlling. To listen, observe, enjoy, to have that detached interest without the inquisitive need to fix and control. To be content to witness the unfolding. We need to let the forms of life reveal themselves in their own way in their own time to allow them to present themselves in their full glory, to pass by, to dwell with us in whatever way they are able to present themselves and to desire nothing more than to witness and in that bearing witness we're filled with love, we acquaint ourselves with the meaning of love, we become immersed in the fabric of love and love is the matrix, love is the fabric, the cloth on which all living forms impress their temporary manifestation. When we become like the cloth, when we immerse ourselves in the cloth we allow those living forms to pass through us to let their essence penetrate us. Love isn't something we do, it's that quality of being, the medium through which the living form presents itself and in that state of being in which we find ourselves, at one with the underlying fabric, we are in love, we do not love but we exist in love and love is the nature of our being. In that state of love, we love and are at one with all things. All things pass through us and we rejoice at their being and allow them to be'

'I have Douglas... I think he is telling me how the sculptor tries to create the form of the living thing and tries to breath into it with love to give it that life, that quality and in that sense the sculptor's art is engaged in an act of love'

'Someone called Robin... and Sally'

'I think all these people are emphasising the point that true art is inspired where the artist has lined themselves with the field of love, with identifying of the underlying power of love. A great work of art has the artist on fire, inflamed. The soul of the artist is quickened, kindled, vibrates with the matrix of love, is resonating and reaching that level. The work will be inspired, we call it true art'

'I just see the fine wire of attunement, the aerial we all have to attune to that vibration' 

'We are passengers on the train of life and the beautiful view that we see fleeting past the window we can enjoy, there's many more to come, we can sit back and enjoy. We know that the record of all places that we fleet through, they're recorded, they're there for always, recorded into a fabric, no need to hold onto them. We pass through but the countryside remains the trace of the journey'

'I have the name Rayner or Rain... and Marigold'

'It's as if I'm in the most beautiful meadow, corn flowers, golden children, so many beautiful beings around here with so much to say but the overriding message is that of light and love and beauty and harmony interweaving all the voices into one beautiful symphony with one fundamental sound of ohm. It's as if all the forms coalesce into one great drop, one great pearl, one essential being. That is the great mystery, out of the one comes many and many are one'

'I feel as if I'm being spun now into a cocoon and this is the time to draw back now and say goodbye, thank you friends'

'I've got Janet holding out a white narcissus for Vajralila'

I played a tune while Liz came back.

Then I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...