This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.
We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...
Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...
...Nick Pettitt
149th Sitting 24/10/2017
We had the room setup as usual.
I did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise...
Liz started off at a large estuary with a great bridge like the Seven Bridge over it which was busy with traffic and people. Liz didn't want to join the traffic and people so she swam across but a hand was reaching down trying to get her up on the bridge. She took no notice and carried on swimming reaching the other side. Then Liz wanted to explore in her own way, she wanted to explore the wild places and found her way to a hut where there was a group of people sitting round a fire and reading to each other. There was someone there Liz knew who had died, Phil De Mayo. He welcomed Liz and said the light of spirit was like the light that drew moths to it and people are drawn to this light, the Christ light. He spoke of the importance of building this light up within ourselves, allowing it to come through and radiate and become more and more light that will draw people to us. That was part of our purpose, to learn and they were reading about how to let the light shine and working with that. He emphasised the importance of facilitating this light into our lives, bringing it into the world and allowing it to shine...
I started off watching a man dancing like a ballet dancer and then saw he was dancing on a round wooden table and was only about ten inches high. The table was inside a room that had paintings of people on the walls, all types of people doing different things. The dancing man then jumped off the table and went into one of the paintings becoming the painting. Then I looked at another painting of a soldier and the soldier came out of the painting and onto the table where he started to march up and down. I then realised that I was also in a painting and when the soldier returned to his painting I jumped out of mine and onto the table. I stood there not sure what to do as all the other people came out of their paintings joining me on the table. We linked hands and formed a circle then the table and room disappeared. We were now standing on a vast expanse of grass and were joined by more people who formed more circles around us. We all looked up to see a hand with a paint brush coming down from the sky and it began painting trees and houses, ponds, rivers etc on the grass around us creating a beautiful scene...
I put the music back on and we continued our session...
I soon started to see bright blobs in front of me coming and going.
I watched them then fell asleep and woke up half way through the music CD.
The room now looked very black and then it looked like a light was shining from my right across the room casting shadows from objects like large stones standing up.
I then sung along to the music to keep myself awake.
Liz started to speak just before the music CD finished...
'I have Francis here... he just wanted me to mention the great silence'
Me... 'Is Francis somebody you know?'
'I don't know, he's come before... I have a feeling the great silence is this space in which we prepare for receiving the messages from spirit. I'm just enjoying the silence, it's being brought to mind that it's a necessary stage'
'I have these colours flowing through me. It's because in the silence you wait to hear Newton's apple fall and you can feel these colours like many butterflies and moths. They interpenetrate you and they are flying through you. Like being wrapped in the finest silk scarf but I'm all space'
'I have the name Darren... Dinky toys, seem to be holding a crane, Meccano, I'm being taught the essentials of construction. As children these things come naturally with no effort. As the child sits in that silence, is receptive, the skills and the learning, the innate knowledge of how things work, what is to be done, flows through the child because the child is an empty space. We can show, we can work with the child to help the child reclaim all those elements of knowledge and learning that resonate with the personality inherent in that child. It's like a software program, just needs switching on. We push the buttons allowing the child to acquire naturally the knowledge and the attributes and skills that are needed for this lifetime. It requires the passive observance of the child allowing the child to be in the silence, in that space'
'Jacaranda, a special tree, a special plant, its fragile within the flower and the fruit. All together the plant, the tree emerges from the seed and grows and fruits and blossoms with no teaching, effortlessly in its own time. The invisible forces of nature, unseen, in the quiet time are weaving their spell, working, encouraging, facilitating the tree to become a tree with its particular properties and so it is with a child. The human teachers would work in arrogant ignorance, interfere with our natural processing, the natural process of development. The child tree becomes stunted, becomes something other than what it is meant to be. A pear tree should not be a plum tree, nor a fig tree nor an oak. Each human being has his or her own quintessential nature, properties. Needs to develop in order to shine forth with its native hue, the totality of its being. To flower in the dessert or in the ice or on the mountain or in a marsh. Humans struggle and believe that this struggling and difficulties and the stresses and strains of acquiring all this knowledge, all these skills, is necessary to the perfection and to become what is desired by others. The struggle is often because what the person is trying to become is not what is natural to the person but what is impressed by the will of others, the suggestions of others. To discover the pattern of growth that will be easy and natural and harmonious requires sitting in the silence, developing spaciousness, listening, attentiveness, allowing, allowing the natural forces of nature, the gifts of the presences of the wise one that surrounds all living things, to have their assistance, to have their help, to have their encouragement, to have their gifts. The gifted child is a child who allows the innate listening to come to the fore, to predominate. The gifts are given by the whole, this is a gifted world, humans are gifted with humanity, gifted with life, gifted with personality, gifted with skills and the gifts are the natural given encouragements, presents from the whole of life, from the whole spiritual congregation of beings that surround every living thing. Every living creature is an amalgam of an infinite number of forces interacting, interweaving. These forces may emanate with entities, the entity is just a vortex of forces, of qualities at the centre of this web of vibrating beings, as the human being. Let him sit silently listening to the resonances, the vibrations of the various silk threads of the web in which he exists and the gifts of the food parcels of thoughts, of talents, of skill, of inspiration, of qualities will pass into him, will defuse into his being naturally. He will absorb those powers, those qualities, those ideas, those skills that are necessary to his fulfilment'
'The child is conceived; do you think you have to do anything to conceive the child apart from what comes naturally and instinctively? The child grows; do you have to do anything to make the child grow apart from those things you do naturally, to eat, to exercise, to breath? The child is born; do you have to do anything to give birth apart from allow nature to take its course? The child suckles at the breast; does the mother have to do anything that the milk is produced and that the child feeds? This all happens naturally, the child slowly awakes into awareness of the world, into responding, into understanding. Do you have to do anything apart from what comes naturally so the child begins to show interest, begins to investigate, to explore? The stages of development happen naturally. Teeth fall out at the age of seven, puberty starts at twelve onwards without you doing anything at all. Knowledge will come to the child naturally and in due course. The current system of education is concerned with preparing a work force, a socially dependent class of human beings who will maintain the status quo, the belief system and structures and endeavours that have been put into place by the proceeding generations and many of these are misconstrued, many of these are involved in the production of armaments and defence and the production of those things. This distorts the potential for full flowering of the human tree, misdirects the energy, misdirects the life force, so instead of becoming a being full of light and love, full of qualities, the human being becomes a stunted miser full of misperceptions, full of darkness, diminished and limited. And most humans do not shine with light but shrivel into gloom. So, the times of change are coming and we predict the great stillness, the great silence. What this is, what this will be will become apparent. This will be a condition that will be anathema for many but may be an awakening also for many for each one will respond to it in their own way but the germ of the possibility of awakening is in the great silence'
'I've got all these dancers around me, I've got Margot, Rudolf... I can almost hear them saying tell it how it is... Valentino... Cressida...'
'Got that feeling again of chiffon scarfs, whirling through me, beautiful pastel rainbow colours like you get in insect wings. I have this sense that we're being interpenetrated with these beings, they're flowing through us all the time, they are there with great beauty instructing, assisting, demonstrating, sharing. It's like soap bubbles when they coalesce into one big bubble'
'I'm being shown this enormous Christmas tree all lit up and my sense is it's not just that Christmas is coming it's the sense of gifts, that these radiant beings are wanting to share gifts with us, the gifts of spirit and the birth of Christ. The birthing of the Christ in us so that we all become the sons and daughters of God, so that we become what we truly are'
'Francis again and I can only say thank you to our friends in spirit for wanting to share gifts of the spirit, wanting to impart and to be with us, to allow their presence to be felt and to help us to perceive truly in your beautiful colours. Thank you friends, all love and blessings from them to us and us to them'
'I feel we are being fed with nectar, Ambrosia creamed rice, they're saying not rivers of blood but rivers of peace, they're bringing us rivers of peace'
'Got the name John or Johnson'
'Had a picture of a little boy, Terrance, playing with toy bomber aircraft and soldiers interjected with the words fair trade'
'I sense we have a lot of stars with us, they've never gone away. I think they just wanted to let us know they were there... Diana, Freddie... all working with the light, that's the fair trade. So it goes from Terrance playing with soldiers to the fair trade and they are working on it big time, very positive, quite a ray of hope... I think we should leave it there'
I played a tune then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...
148th Sitting 17/10/2017
We had the room setup as usual.
I did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, put the music on and turned out the light.
We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise...
Liz started off with daffodils, primroses, narcissi and all sorts of spring flowers all around her and a narrow deep stream running alongside. There was somebody with her that she thought she had known called Ian. He was leading her over to a church where there was a feast going on like a village harvest festival, lots of baking, a friendly rejoicing sharing feeling. He then wanted to take Liz beyond that to a large field with a black and white horse. Liz climbed up on it and he climbed up behind her and they went galloping off then they were flying through the sky going into a star system and they seemed to become very small amongst all the stars. Liz got the impression the stars were forming a kind of spider's web spangled with little parcels of food that were wrapped in web silk. She felt this food was our experiences, all the quintessential experiences of our lives on this enormous web and the spider was feeding on this experience, these parcels of food and out of this spider were coming more spiders, baby spiders that were weaving webs and the same process was going on and on. It was as if every time we immerse ourselves back in the world of experience this experience was being parcelled up like a beautiful drop of golden water. Liz felt the gold was like the gold you have round the heads of saints. It was like all the goodness of the experience was this wonderful food that kept this universe of stars going and back at the human level was the enjoyment of the church harvest festival feast...
I started off at the edge of a cliff like Beachy Head. It was grassy and the cliff face chalky and I saw a lighthouse down below with a light shining out going round and round. I watched the light beam sweep across the sea lighting up boats out in the distance. I then started to get bigger, I was sitting on the edge of the cliff and my feet now touched the sea below me so I stood up and walked out into the sea until it came up to my neck. The sea then disappeared and I found myself in a dessert on dry sand. I could still see the beam of this lighthouse now sweeping across the sand. The beam of light hit a pyramid and stopped. The light seemed to be going into the pyramid and from the pyramid the light came out at a different angle towards another pyramid and from that one to another and then another and then back to the first. It was like a square of pyramids connected by light beams being fed from the lighthouse. I wanted to stand in the middle of the square and when I did this I started to change into a lighthouse but I wasn't emitting any light as I was receiving light from each pyramid. I felt I had roots running down into the Earth. The light was travelling down me into these roots and then into the Earth in different directions until each light beam came back up to the surface in various places over the Earth. Another lighthouse appeared wherever it came up and the process started over again...
I put the music back on and we continued our session...
I soon saw bright blobs coming and going.
Then I saw brief images of smiling faces. I didn't recognise any of them except one of Princess Diana. It was as if she was walking away and turning round smiling.
I then kept drifting in and out of sleep for most of the rest of the session.
Liz began to speak after the last tune on the CD.
'Gordon... I feel as if I have a cleric, clergy... confusion, Confucius... I'm being told something to the effect that the very wise don't say too much, listen to the sound of silence. I seem to be surrounded by moths drawn to my light. I have a feeling a person can be a light like a lighthouse, a beacon, without saying anything. Standing in the silence, sitting in the power'
'I have a Thomas... I have these tools in my hand like drills and screwdrivers'
'Sheila, something about Wesak the Buddhist Festival'
'I have a lot of images of butterflies and moths and then being pinned down, someone collecting them and impaling them'
'It's as if I'm behind this dust cart, mechanical trucks, enjoying the mechanisms, the mechanical nature of these large beasts. It's like a big cement mixer. Now it's like being on a racing car circuit'
'I've got this image of a nest of bird's eggs, a collection, many beautiful things in nature are often destroyed by a strange form of love, love of collecting. Another example of our desire to impale the winged beauty. The fleeting beauty of the world, creatures that live on light. The wonderful mystery of germination of eggs, rare and beautiful perfect things and our desire to control and to grow, to possess. We're destroying them trying to immortalise these transient forms and in impaling them and fixing them we rob them of their light and so it is with the child. Controlling and fixing, impaling and conditioning. Trying to hold onto that, to fix that being, little by little we rob them of their light. To truly love and commune with the essence of a living thing we need to passively observe, to pay attention, to be with, without controlling. To listen, observe, enjoy, to have that detached interest without the inquisitive need to fix and control. To be content to witness the unfolding. We need to let the forms of life reveal themselves in their own way in their own time to allow them to present themselves in their full glory, to pass by, to dwell with us in whatever way they are able to present themselves and to desire nothing more than to witness and in that bearing witness we're filled with love, we acquaint ourselves with the meaning of love, we become immersed in the fabric of love and love is the matrix, love is the fabric, the cloth on which all living forms impress their temporary manifestation. When we become like the cloth, when we immerse ourselves in the cloth we allow those living forms to pass through us to let their essence penetrate us. Love isn't something we do, it's that quality of being, the medium through which the living form presents itself and in that state of being in which we find ourselves, at one with the underlying fabric, we are in love, we do not love but we exist in love and love is the nature of our being. In that state of love, we love and are at one with all things. All things pass through us and we rejoice at their being and allow them to be'
'I have Douglas... I think he is telling me how the sculptor tries to create the form of the living thing and tries to breath into it with love to give it that life, that quality and in that sense the sculptor's art is engaged in an act of love'
'Someone called Robin... and Sally'
'I think all these people are emphasising the point that true art is inspired where the artist has lined themselves with the field of love, with identifying of the underlying power of love. A great work of art has the artist on fire, inflamed. The soul of the artist is quickened, kindled, vibrates with the matrix of love, is resonating and reaching that level. The work will be inspired, we call it true art'
'I just see the fine wire of attunement, the aerial we all have to attune to that vibration'
'We are passengers on the train of life and the beautiful view that we see fleeting past the window we can enjoy, there's many more to come, we can sit back and enjoy. We know that the record of all places that we fleet through, they're recorded, they're there for always, recorded into a fabric, no need to hold onto them. We pass through but the countryside remains the trace of the journey'
'I have the name Rayner or Rain... and Marigold'
'It's as if I'm in the most beautiful meadow, corn flowers, golden children, so many beautiful beings around here with so much to say but the overriding message is that of light and love and beauty and harmony interweaving all the voices into one beautiful symphony with one fundamental sound of ohm. It's as if all the forms coalesce into one great drop, one great pearl, one essential being. That is the great mystery, out of the one comes many and many are one'
'I feel as if I'm being spun now into a cocoon and this is the time to draw back now and say goodbye, thank you friends'
'I've got Janet holding out a white narcissus for Vajralila'
I played a tune while Liz came back.
Then I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...
147th Sitting 10/10/2017
We had the room setup as usual.
I did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise...
Liz found herself on a red brick cork screw pathway going one way then the other. She was going alongside a canal and came to a red brick arched bridge. Liz climbed over it and met loads of people coming the other way with bicycles, horses, carts and taxis, a lovely friendly feeling. On the other side was a large market place with a fountain in the middle and a man dressed in white, a teacher. Everybody settled down to listen to him, he was talking about fruits in the market, wonderful marrows and pumpkins. He said these were the fruits of a good life. Everybody brings their best to the market to trade and sell, they don't bring their inferior produce just the best. They represent the work of your life, the importance of preparing the best conditions for growing your best fruit. It doesn't have to be big fruit like pumpkins, it can be small like a sweet tomato, it's the quality that's important. The purpose of your life is to bear fruit that is of excellent quality but all your fruits are acceptable. If your fruit isn't the best you have a chance to go back and try again. Fruits of the spirit...
I was holding onto a large heavy vase full of flowers while walking along a dark cobbled street. I could see people walking the other way either side of me, they looked Victorian. They didn't seem to notice me and as I walked I saw that the vase was dripping. As the water hit the street bright colourful flowers sprung up and I looked behind me and saw a long trail of flowers. Then the vase burst and water went everywhere. The whole scene became brighter and full of flowers, fruit trees and all kinds of plants as the water hit the ground. I saw native people walking amongst the plants eating the fruit and vegetables. All sorts of animals were there even lions and tigers but there was no fear as they showed no interest in chasing the other animals or people choosing instead to eat the vegetation. Everything was living in harmony with everything else, some people were building houses out of the wood from the trees and they were all helping each other. I saw the scene from above and it seemed to spread over the whole world. As I watched it switched back to the dark cobbled streets and then back again. I got the feeling we could take the world in any direction we wanted towards fear and darkness or to love and light...
I put the music back on and we continued the session...
The room seemed to get lighter to me.
I felt a pressure on my left ear and tingling on my legs.
I saw white wispy bits floating around the room then bright blobs coming and going.
Liz got the sense of someone she knew called Mark who died young.
I was drifting in and out of sleep while the music CD was playing.
When it finished Liz began to speak...
'I feel I have somebody with me, he says his teeth feel bad, his shoes don't fit, uncomfortable, feels very old'
'Watching a little mouse... turning into a sugar mouse'
'Cauliflower... like a cauliflower ear'
'Wooden flooring'
'Christopher... Saint Christopher'
'Lamppost... I'm in a street now, zebra crossing, got the feeling I want to cross the road... too much traffic'
'I'm looking at a large lake, ink colour'
'Christopher or Crystal... wanting to go to the land of far beyond like in the Enid Blyton story Pilgrims Progress... There's a lot of obstacles to making a smooth transition'
'What I'm finding is how I can change when I get to the hot dry dusty road. I can create a glass of water to smooth it out, to make it greener. Just have to keep working at it, I think it's getting easier. Feels as though it was turbulent but now it's evening out'
'Now I have sandals on my feet. I'm holding onto something solid like sticks or solid arms of a chair, I feel stable. Now I can sit and watch the lake, it feels quite peaceful'
'I have a feeling there's an uncle here'
'Someone else now, very smooth, pearl... Like a string of pearls, a very different energy, very peaceful. I have a feeling of a lady with white permed hair, feels a bit like a fairy god mother, she's smiling, wherever she is the sun is shining, gives me a silvery feeling, pearl, she helps people'
'Got a Child with a capital C'
'Got a sense of bikes and wheels... got a dripping tap... way to go, way to go... some sort of race track'
'I had an image of a swallow or swift in flight, a sense of effortless flight'
'When all's said and done the path of life never runs smoothly, it's fits and starts, eventually it evens out, you find the way to smooth the path, overcome the difficulties, solve the problem and the more you do this the smoother it gets just takes time and patience but there's always help at hand'
'I have the lines of a poem that seem to feel right for this transition...
The lines of life are various, they diverge and fuse like footpaths and the mountain's upmost ends.
But here we are elsewhere, a garden mends with recompense eternal peace and truth.
The lady I call Pearl to my right is nodding'
'I'm asking if there's any specific information for you'
'Rupert... keep getting wheels keep rolling... got a tie like a school tie, image of a schoolboy... lamppost, in a town on a corner there's a bank or a pub... school books... chimney pots, a sack, sack material... leather saddles, smell of leather... I'm doing a backward somersault, bending over backwards... croquet lawn, arches. Somebody's drawing something that's going round and round... got the whole world in his hands, Johnny come home... cricket'
'Cauliflower, cauliflower ears, stone deaf... zebra, zebra crossing... Ted... trying to tune a radio... Janet'
'Seem to be looking at a large kitchen in a hospital or school'
'Phyllis... Robin... saw a little cat, tall trees, draft or chess board'
'I'm looking at a watch, perhaps it's time to stop... got a sense of Diana... the name May'
I played a tune as Liz came back.
Then I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...
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