This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

138th Sitting 23/05/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.00pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise...

Liz found herself looking at the backs of heads of elderly ladies with tinted hair like a Woman's Institute garden party. There were ornamental borders surrounded by brickwork and in the middle a large ornamental pool with a fountain that was making rainbows in the sun which seemed much more interesting than the ladies who were trivial with their talk and gossip. Liz felt herself drawn to the fountain and became aware of an elemental like a fairy who was introducing her to all the insects. A bee was landing of flowers, pollinating them and Liz felt the importance of all insects. She saw a spiders web and the spider who repaired it every time it got broken and Liz thought of how we lament and cry when something of ours gets damaged or broken. She saw an apple with a little grub inside eating it and that grub would turn into something else. It was the feeling of the old Hindu saying... I am this world and I eat this world. The sense that everything is feeding off everything else and is all interconnected and interwoven. There's no guilt attached to the fact that things feed on each other...

I started off on top of a snowy hill sitting on a sledge looking down at a pathway going down in front of me. People were holding onto me then let go sending me speeding down the hill getting faster and faster. The pathway was lined by tall pine trees and I wondered what might happen if one of these trees fell down across the pathway. Just as I thought that I saw one lying across the pathway and I smashed into it but it just broke in half and I carried on uninjured. Then I saw a great wall of snow across my path but again I just smashed through it causing me no harm. I continued along this pathway and it looked like it was coming to an end and I then found myself in a completely different scene. I was now floating in some sort of a thick liquid below the surface. I noticed bubbles rising around me and decided to grab one and breath in the air within it. As I did this I started to rise so I grabbed a few more bubbles and soon found myself rise up to the surface which was silver. It was as if I was floating in a huge pool of liquid mercury and all around this pool were sandy beaches. I then found I could stand on the mercury so walked over to the sandy beach but when I tried to step onto the sand I sunk down into it. I could walk on liquid but not on solid ground. As I sunk into the sand I found I could see each grain of sand clearly shining like crystals...

I put the music back on and we continued our session...

The room started to look lighter and misty to me at ground level and then rose filling the whole room.
Then I saw bright blobs coming and going.

Liz was drifting in and out of sleep while the music was playing.
She woke up as the last tune was playing and said...

'I got the image again of the eiderdown, this was the symbol of comfort, rest, relaxation...'

Liz then fell asleep again for about 10 minutes.
I got the word 'Neptune'
Then Liz woke up again and continued...

'Have an image of a honeycomb, the hive, it's the cooperation, the cooperative, the super entity and that is the natural way. In our society we assume a state of trust, of cooperation, benign association. The trust is fundamental, trust is allowing the natural state, the natural way to happen unimpeded. There are many climates, many temperaments. There is only one source of consciousness and not one entity can be unplugged from the source. There are blockages, ignorance can be a block, the ignorance that is misconstruing, it is misunderstanding. Not innocent ignorance but wilful wrong thinking, delusion. So an entity wilfully enters the delusional state, allows the delusional state to predominate and propagates the error, the wrong thinking and to readjust and undo this requires conscious effort. It's an energetic transfer but the correct use of energy is ease of flow. The incorrect use results in blockages because the ground state of consciousness, the pure consciousness cannot easily flow through the delusional state, through the blockages. The blockages limit the flow of energy, the transfer. Now because that state is low in energy it is not easy to undo the blockages so it requires an act of will, calling out for help sometimes. The consciousness sees that there is an intent to remove the blockage, a sincere attempt to reverse the misconstruction. Consciousness can work with the entity towards the final dissolution of the error but there has to be sincere voluntary intent to reverse the blockages, to reverse the error, the errors in thinking. Some call this the true humility of a soul in torment. We work as all those who sincerely repent, that is the nature of repentance, is the voluntary act of wishing to undo the errors, to reverse the misconstruction, we can work with that. Now when all errors have been dissolved, repaired and the correct alignment of energy and consciousness have resumed then the truly cooperative society based on trust can emerge and for now your politics are corrupt because so much of human endeavours are based on incorrect alignments misconstruing delusion but once the errors are corrected in thinking and the correct alignment restored the proper functioning of the social organism will take place, natural way of cooperation. For an entity who is thinking wrongly, thinking delusionary, misconstruing their reality there is a blind spot. That entity cannot appreciate the delusional nature of its thinking, it cannot see another way. Only when the armour of delusion develops cracks and the cracks become painfully apparent and the hint of truth makes itself felt, only then can insight into the nature of the delusion begin its work of reconstruction but there has to be destruction before reconstruction and there is a great resistance in the entity, in the delusional state of thinking to destruction, fear, fear of letting go of the delusional state in case there will be nothing left. So this is where the help of those who are freed of the delusional state, the kind help, is needed to soothe and support a tormented soul. The work of deconstruction, of reconstruction is happening now and the pain and anguish of many will reach frantic levels so the peace and the contentment and the healing, emotional state of those who have freed themselves of delusion is vital to encourage and help the final transformation of those souls in torment. These times are foretold and have a limit on them. Times of transition, times of transformation. We cannot allow the delusional state to destroy the world, to destroy the Earth, to destroy the human experiment. We encourage and assist. Thank you all'

Liz came back with a sense of blue, a blue planet.

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

137th Sitting 09/05/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise...

Liz started off amongst tulips looking into their black centres, at the stamens. They were in part of a walled garden leading down to a large flowing river. Liz followed it to the left and it started spreading out into an enormous lake and over the other side of the lake Liz saw someone she knew who had died holding out his hands to her. She was very pleased to see him and then found herself by his side. He wanted to show her something important and it was like white fluffy goose feathers all around them, like eiderdown. The message he was trying to get across was comfort, the importance of being comfortable. Feeling completely at ease and relaxed was incredibly important. Too much of the time we are stressed, full of anxiety. Then Liz found they were on a croquet lawn, people were throwing coloured hoops over skittles and his parents were also there. He was explaining that comfort meant different things to different people as he was playing this very leisurely game in this large green garden. They then went on to a large auditorium out in the forest and there were voices and music coming from the trees and hills. There were lights all around them like an enormous theatre show, they were inundated in it, surrounded by it and he said this was also a form of leisure, of ease, of comfort. It gives comfort to the soul and is to be welcomed and important. They then went up to a higher level of white light and oneness, like being in the eiderdown but in the clouds, a sense of absolute unitedness, connected with everything like everything was one. He said this was a very high form of comfort, ease and leisure. He was stressing the importance of giving in to making sure you were doing what makes you feel completely at ease and comfortable with yourself and that meant you'd be in the right state to be able to expand, to be in the right state of harmony...

I started off following a boy on a bicycle pedaling away along old cobbled streets. I seemed to be connected to him, being pulled along. We were going downhill getting faster and faster when a pair of wings sprouted out each side of the bike and we took off into the sky getting higher and higher until we were in space. We were passing planets and as we got close to each one I got a feeling from it. Some felt calm, at ease, loving and warm whereas others felt stressed, fearful and cold and made me feel uncomfortable as I got close to them. I felt I wanted to help and managed to move some of the calm planets close to one of the stressed ones. I found I needed seven calm planets to circulate a stressed one like moons before the loving energies were absorbed by the stressed planet making it calm and at ease like the others. I then got close to the Earth and sensed a mixture of calm loving energy and also stressed fearful energy and again I wanted to help but found I couldn't. I felt that the Earth was at a point where it could go either way and it was up to those who inhabited it as to which way it would go...

Interesting that we both got situations where calm, loving energy was used to relieve stress.

I put the music back on and we continued our session.

I had my eyes closed and experience a flash in front of my eyes like someone shining a torch.
Then the room started to look light and misty followed by bright blobs coming and going.

Liz saw some shining discs of silver then got an image of her friend Silver with a white horse. She had a connection with Red Cross and felt Silver was here to do some healing.

Liz continued...

'I have an image of bedraggled people like refugees eating a bowl of peaches and cream, feeding the poor, bringing comfort to the poor and dispossessed... I get the word restore because we are restoring the people to their true state of comfort and ease'

'Goldie, golden...'

'I have this Goldie... talks long and walks fast'

Liz was getting hot.
I was cold.

'I've got a lot of random words rushing through like Tybold and grapefruit'

'I have this strange image, a bit like a dream, of a man calling a little girl, calling her to play but she was invisible, I couldn't see her, it was like they were on two sides of a divide, not sure which was which, don't know who they were, maybe the little girl was in spirit and the man was physical or the other way round'

'I just saw a woman with downs syndrome who I used to work with attached to a pretty young girl. She was there in her older form and I just realised it could be the same person. I said to her you don't need to hold onto that old form now, I think maybe she was showing me how she is now, she looked happy, maybe she showed me that so I could recognise her'

'I get the words there is a parting of the ways and that leads to our destiny and I guess the parting of the ways is the letting go of the old form that's out worn its usefulness. That was just a cloak, a garment, an outmoded form and we've progressed to the unmolded, pristine, restored to former glory, with whom we are forever one'

'I see a snake sloughing off its skin'

'The word terrestrial comes with other words like tempest, torment, turbulent, terror, testing, trials and tribulations'

'Direct experience serves to define the characteristics of the soul. These are selected from all possible outcomes, all possible permutations. A bit like throwing a dice but the skill is in the throw, the die is cast. There are moments before it lands where a small gust, a small effort, change or shift can make all the difference. A sense of where it will land or the outcome and if the outcome is not favourable, not in accordance with the fundamental, with the after image, the projected path, a measurement can be taken, a move, a shift of focus, just the right point, it's the skill of the game and that requires a constant checking-in with the projected plan, the desired outcome but to be clear and to have that clarity, to remember, to reclaim the lost image, the lost projection. You see we come with a template, a forecast and to build into that forecast there are many possible points of shift away from, a diversion but to stay true requires mastery of the present. Many fall short because they forget where they're at and what was the projected plan, they lose their way. Checking-in could be taught in schools. Very few understand this possibility and the importance of this checking-in because the majority have forgotten that there was a plan. Each individual comes with some plan, lessons to be learnt, marks to be made, efforts to be made, qualities to express, actions to be undertaken, amends to be made, the overall navigation of the path to fulfil and to bring to life the latent possibilities of this model, every incarnation but sometimes the possibilities are overwhelming and to discern what is most important and possible needs help. Ask, ask for the help and the help will be given. The help is always there when it's asked for wholeheartedly'

'I've got Rose Bush... somebody saying Neddie remembering the white horse... I have a Vivian... Graham said namaste'

Liz asked me to play a tune.

Then I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

136th Sitting 02/05/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 7.15pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise...

Liz started off seeing an archway through to a garden. As she went to go through it, it kept getting further and further away and then Liz found herself going down a long tunnel to get to the garden which seemed to get more and more enclosed as she went through it. It then became like a hospital corridor and the opening into the garden was like transparent plastic strips which she managed to go through and found herself out on a runway of an airport. Liz felt there was a plane there for her but didn't need one as she had an engine on her back and she took off into the sky heading towards some purple mountains in the distance. They were speckled with gold gleaming lakes and buildings. Liz landed on a mountain that had a spiral pathway and beautiful gardens and forests. There was a group of people like pilgrims dressed in white going up this spiral path and Liz joined them. She felt she was one of a large group all chanting together with complete love and harmony and they were all focused on this journey upwards. The landscape spread out and it was now like they were in an enormous grove and there were talks being given on spiritual teaching. They were all given hammocks to lie in and Liz had a feeling of complete rest and tranquillity. She felt she could stay there forever but also knew that when they were ready they would continue their upward journey...

I started off in front of a huge smooth rock with a cave in it that was leading downwards somewhere. I then felt myself being turned around and saw a forest behind me. I felt I had a choice to go into the cave or into the forest, and decided to go into the cave. It was like a narrow tunnel with steps going down and burning candles on the walls lighting them up. The walls looked very green with a kind of moss growing on them and as I went down the thought came to me that it was easy going down so tried to change the direction of the tunnel using my imagination. I managed to get the tunnel to go upwards but had to keep focused on it going upwards otherwise it would start going down again. The colour of the walls changed from green to yellow like sandstone and as I went up it got steeper and steeper. The steps then changed to a rope ladder as I was now going straight up. The sandstone walls started to disappear and I was in a kind of nothingness. The ladder now looked like chrome and I saw an arm reach down to me which I grabbed and it pulled me up onto an open shell like a clamshell then the arm dissolved into the shell leaving me sitting alone. I felt the warmth of the sun as if I was being rejuvenated or charged up by it and I felt I had to just sit there and soak up the energies of the sun...

Once again there were several similarities in our visualisations.

I put the music back on and we continued our session...

I was trying some Buddhist meditations but ended up falling asleep until just before the end of the music CD.

Liz remained awake and began to speak just after the music CD finished...

'Bluebird, two bluebirds... I'm looking at a round, oval window in a hedge. Looking through to an area of scrub, trees, a football pitch, swans...'

'When all is said and done we have the wild nature, we have the wilderness, we have the Earth to come home to, she is our friend, our companion. The Earth and the sky are our friends, our companions, part of our journey to be treasured, to be experienced, to be nurtured, to be enjoyed. When we recover our connection the bluebird will come for us to be with us. We must see again how everything that is useful to us comes from the Earth, is given freely and all of our healing comes from the Earth, we are of the Earth, our bodies, Earth to Earth, dust to dust. It is as if the spirit inhabited a house, that house is Earth and we love our Earth, our house supports us during our habitation, we must keep it habitable for it is a temporary home for our spirit. When the spirit flies free it often looks for its home, for the place for it to land, to recover, to discover, to learn, to experience. It needs its place, its house, its school. When the spirit flies free without constraint it's everywhere and all ways and spacious but then it wants to be focused, to have a place, to have a spot where it can enrich, where it can learn, where it can become more enriched. That place is Earth, this Earth for us. Treasure it, keep it complete, keep it entact, keep it fresh and welcoming'

'There are many today on Earth who have lost the connection, who cannot feel the peace and the nurture, the love of nature and the support of the Earth and they feel lost and alienated in a maelstrom of conflicts, war zones, noise, confusion, pollution, industry and stress with no time to rest their feet on the Earth and to see the stars complete in the night without light pollution. Their place is lost, they're in the Earth but they do not know the Earth and their mother is lost to them. They are lost and they do not want their life very much because they've lost their place, their true place and that is a sad thing, that needs to be restored, that needs healing and the re-connection must be made, must be learnt, re-learnt. It is not a luxury to roll in the grass, to spend time by the lakes and the hills and the sea and under the sky, to camp out, to live in the forest, it is not a holiday or a luxury it is a necessity, it is a fundamental right and a need and that need must be met if life, human life is not to be lost. The full human must have the connection of the birthright, it is the birthright to have your feet on the Earth and your head in the stars. The full human cannot flourish, cannot evolve, cannot fully incarnate if that birthright is denied and lost. When it is lost humanity is lost. Reclaim the birthright of the Earthlings, restore...'

'I see the water lily and its roots are deep in mud of the Earth beneath the water, deep down, firmly rooted and every year the lily opens its petals to the sun, rises up out of the water and becomes a home for the dragonflies and newts and insects. A flower of great beauty, the buds open, the leaves open to the sun and in the winter they die down again to return with the roots deep in the Earth ready to flourish anew with the new sun, with the Spring and the Summer and all the time the connection with the Earth and the nourishment and nutrition from the Earth, deep in the Earth is sustaining the flower, sustaining the flowering and that must be true to the flowering of the human, the strength of the human is rooted in the Earth and rises and grows in the sun. Our wish is for humanity to flower and flourish in the Earth and to reach out and sing to the sun'

'I've got hedgehog or Hedges or Hodges here affirming what was said'

'I sense Mary and Barbara... Richard and a connection with Richmond Park, all affirming this message'

'I have Florence... Florence Nightingale?'

'I get an image like a river, like a river of consciousness, a strand, into which so many people are feeding and have been fed information, emotion. We're being fed by that also, that's feeding the mind and it's accumulative wisdom, not to be sneezed at, not to be dismissed lightly, call it the perennial wisdom. We keep coming back to it, it's the core understandings that have been gleaned from the sojourns on the Earth, the Earth experience'

'Somebody says it's hard to digest all of this... that may go back to the fact that it's not easy to acknowledge that you've set off on the wrong path or you've lost your way. There's a tendency to keep going because to have to retrace your steps and go back to the starting point again is almost like an admission of failure but it's not, it's what the scientist does all the time in going back to the drawing board, redesigning. You have to go back and start from scratch sometimes when you realise that you may have been on the wrong track and that's the valid point of experimentation and learning, feedback. Back to the drawing board is a learning strategy, the deconditioning, the un-learning in order to get a better grip, have a better journey, a better experimental design, you have to do it, no point in carrying on for the sake of it, out of inertia, out of a resistance to change, back to square one, back to step one. That's not a loss, that's recouping your losses. Start from first principles, go back to the root, the starting point'

'Somebody is just saying we all learn from our mistakes... thank you'

I played a tune as Liz came back with it.

Then I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...