This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

24th Sitting 19/02/2014

This week we swapped days from Thursday to Wednesday.

We had the room set up as usual and as always started the sitting with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise at 8.30pm.

Liz started off amongst plants and foliage at the edge of a lake covered with water lilies. The bridge was to her right. It was small, made of metal, convex shaped and painted white. It had a white mesh surface and the sides were like spokes of a wheel, all painted white. The bridge led to an island which had another bridge on the other side which was long straight and wooden. Liz felt this would lead her to where she needed to go. The island was full of water birds, flamingos, turkeys and lots of plants and bird boxes. Liz rushed across the island then across the second bridge where she saw lots of rainbow bubbles in the lake and in the air and found a beautiful place like a school building on the other side. She was greeted by children including a blonde curly haired girl who she recognised as a childhood friend called Jenifer Baker. She looked a little bit sad and was being looked after by a lady Liz had seen before, with her hair in a plat but it was now brown and she gave Liz her name, Freda. (This doesn’t tie up yet with what I got last Monday in the MLC) She told Liz she’d like her to work at the school where they were giving love to the children. Liz noticed the bubbles again and each one had a whole world inside. Then Liz got into one of the bubbles which brought her back to her side depositing her with a splash in a lush frilly leafed lettuce…

I also started off amongst plants. Mine were yellow like rapeseed and as I walked towards the bridge they got taller, or maybe I was getting shorter!!! They were soon taller than me as I walked along a narrow path through them. There were other pathways leading off the path but I chose to stay on it as I knew it led to the bridge. I came out onto a beach and the bridge which was wooden, short and painted white was to my left. I could just about see the other side before I started to cross. The sky above it was lit up by a beautiful sunset. I felt like I was a child and wanted to run across the bridge. As I crossed I saw a group of Chinese ladies with parasols. They were doing a kind of dance as they walked swaying from side to side. One lady was being carried in a chair and she lent down and handed me a book saying this was the first of many books that I would receive. I got the feeling the book contained much knowledge and after bidding the ladies good bye I took a peek into the book as I walked back to my side but found it hard to focus and read the words. I got the impression this book wasn’t going to give me any easy answers and I still had to work at getting knowledge from it…

I did the opening prayer and put the music back on.

My legs were getting very cold.
I saw a few pin-pricks above the table.
Liz saw a green light to her right.
I had the impression of a dim beam of light coming down from the ceiling onto the table, like a spot light on a stage.

I saw wispy bits in front of me and blue mist each side.
I got an image of an elephant in front of me waving it’s trunk from side to side.
Then Liz also got the sense of an elephant in the room.
I got the tune in my head ‘Nellie the Elephant’

I felt a tingly feeling on my eye brows and eye lids.

Liz got the sense of a character Dido from a book her uncle wrote called Under Plum Lake.
Then she got the word Violet and the sense of a deep crack between tall grey rocks going down a canyon, like a crack between worlds going into another reality. Liz wasn’t sure if Violet was a person’s name or possibly ultra-violet, beyond physical.

I had a fuzzy feeling on the right side of my head.
I saw a big blob in front of me with shooting stars within it.
I felt a light touch on the back of my right hand and something brush against my eye lashes.
Then I saw blue/green wavy streaks of light.

I felt touches in my hair and a fuzzy feeling on my right foot.
Then I got a fuzzy feeling on my left shin which seemed to wrap around my leg.

Liz got an image of a Moses basket.

I felt something brush against my nose.
I saw a few flashes above me and the room started to look light and misty.

Liz felt she had lots of people with her. They were people she had known when on this side and they were giving her personal messages. She got the feeling they were working with us, they were pleased we were doing it and told her we have wonderful opportunities to learn.

I felt a light touch on my right hand finger and a cool breeze on my face.

I got a vision of a large metal tea pot.
It reminded me of one used at a garage I worked at about 30 years ago. I couldn’t get it out my mind and kept thinking about some of the characters there, particularly a big guy known as Jumbo. (Another elephant connection)

Liz was feeling very hot.
She got the impression she was becoming a bird, a peregrine falcon, soring into the sky.

I got another touch on the back of my right hand fingers and a cold fuzzy feeling on my right hip.

The American/Indian tune came on and we resumed our Cross Experiment again.

Like previous weeks I got brief glimpses of a small black cross but my vision was soon filled with bright flame like blobs. I did see a dark hill build up and thought I might see a cross on that but didn’t.

Liz got the feeling the upright was becoming clearer but the horizontal was just like nodules, looking more like an icon, a cross with a circle on it. The horizontal branches were not yet formed, like buds. Then it turned into the many armed Avalokitesvara. Liz then thought of a Ganesha statue she used to have which was an elephant god and looked like a cross.

My feet went very cold and felt heavy.
It felt like someone was standing on them and it got very cold in front of me.
I got a name, Simon.
I now felt freezing cold all over, like I was in a swirling cold mist and I felt a few cool breezes.

Liz felt she was in a dense fog but her temperature was ambient.
She felt prickles on her head.

I got the phrase Brass Monkey.
Then I got an image of the three wise monkeys making me think of an ornament my Gran used to have.

I saw a salmon colour mist to my right.
Liz thought she could see it as well.

During the last two tunes I drifted off a bit and kept getting the number seven. It was something to do with seven states of awareness and I was hearing that we are in them all at the same time but only aware of one at a time but with practice we can become aware of being in more than one at the same time. I heard each one separates its self from the other by its own shadow.

When I told Liz she said it very much tied up with a dream she had had about colours, the difficulty that there are colours behind colours and we need to hold onto the white light and keep the earth connection.

The music CD had ended and Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…

23rd Sitting 13/02/2014

We had the room set up as usual and started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise at 8.30pm.

Liz began with a small brown river. She had lots of children with her and got the feeling she was a child as well. They were all dipping their bare feet in the water. The bridge was small and made of concrete, convex curved with a soft asphalt covering. Liz took the children over the bridge. The other side wasn’t like an earthly landscape it was rainbow like with purples and strange colours. It looked like a beautiful fairy tale with fairies and other children there. Liz met a tall lady with blonde hair in a plat wrapped in a coil round her head. She was like a nurse maid and took the children off Liz. Behind her was the person Liz felt she had come to see dressed in a wizard’s hat and cloak. When Liz saw his face she realized it was her dad making her feel warm with emotion. He took her to a wooden cabin where he removed his hat and cloak saying he didn’t need them, they were just for the children. He said he was there with the rest of Liz’s family. He gave her permission to do this work for spirit he knew it was good and was all in favour of it now; he wanted Liz to carry on. When on this side he would never have considered the subject, it was very taboo then. He said that all the children in Liz’s family come to visit him there and he pretends to be a wizard.
Liz could hear the music coming to an end and had to run back…

I started off on a bank with no grass, just smooth brown mud with cracks in it like it had been sun-baked. I had bare feet and could feel the heat in it. I climbed up rough wooden steps to get onto the bridge and I was worried about getting slinters in my feet. The bridge was made of concrete and was very long with lots of arches supporting it like a viaduct. As I walked across, the surface beneath my feet became smoother and slowly changed into smooth marble. It looked grey and mottled but as I went further it changed to pure white. I then saw the other side was all white including the people who had white robes on. Then they removed their robes to reveal rainbow coloured clothes and the whole scene changed to a kind of rainbow land, full of colour. There was what looked like kites trailing rainbow coloured strands of ribbon darting around in the sky and lots of twinkling things like fairies were floating down.   
I realized the music was about to end so ran back to my side…

We noticed quite a few similarities between our two visualisations when we talked about them afterwards.

I did the opening prayer and put the music back on.

I had a pressure on my forehead and tightness around my chest.
Liz could feel entities crowding into the room.
The energy of the room felt strong to both of us.

Liz was aware of shimmering forms in the dark over and in front of the table.
I saw them as well but mainly to each side of me. Some were darting across my vision from side to side.
Liz described them as like silk and I concurred.
To me they looked like strands of silk hanging down and dancing around like flames. Then the atmosphere changed to misty vertical waves.

Liz got the impression of a horizontal rainbow stretching across the room.
She saw fleeting dim torch lights.
I was now seeing horizontal waves.

I saw a yellowish mist close to my eyes.
Liz felt a pricking sensation on her left eye.
I felt touches on my right foot and the right side of my head.
I was very cold down my right side.
Then I got a pricking sensation on my left eye.

Liz saw a mist building up in the room.
Then she saw what she described as a round wheel with a very crenulated edge, like a flower design. She could only see the left half of it. It was a bit like a doily but she felt it was made of stone.
She then perceived arches in the room, like cloisters.

I was seeing steaks of light coming and going like shooting stars.
I felt a vibration under my right foot.
The room was looking very misty to me.
I was seeing a few flashes in front of my eyes.

I felt something in my ear.
My legs and the top of my head were cold.
Liz felt very cold all over.
She got the name ‘Carol’

I felt two thuds on the floor with my right foot but didn’t hear anything.
I saw dim torch lights to my right.
I felt a fuzzy feeling on my cheek bones and the backs of my hands. Also a fuzzy feeling pressing down on the top of my head which felt like it was going into my scull.
There was a tickle on my left arm which felt like something under my sleeve.

We started our Cross Experiment as the American Indian tune came on.
We both decided to relax, do nothing and let the cross come to us.

Liz didn’t get anything except right at the end an upright, solid 4x4 stake going right through the middle of the room.

I saw a small golden cross at the beginning leaning to one side. It was pulsating with light coming out of it and the light eventually filled my vision, obscuring the cross. It was dazzling making me close my eyes then I briefly saw a black cross silhouetted against the light.

The room soon returned to darkness after our experiment.
I felt something in my hair.
I heard a slurp type noise to my right but Liz didn’t hear it.

During the last two tunes I drifted off and saw a row of black and white photos and drawings of people in a semi-circle around me. One stood out and the face looked animated. I saw it was my granddad smiling at me.

We were both feeling very cold at the end when the tunes ended.

Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise. 

22nd Sitting 06/02/2014

We had the room set up as usual and started with our Rainbow Bridge Exercise at 8.30pm.

Liz began in a large wide valley. The river seemed distant and meandering. The rainbow stretched from one side of the valley to the other. The bridge was bamboo and Liz saw many Chinese people wearing triangular conical hats. A little Chinese girl with short black hair came running towards her, took her hand and wanted to lead her over the bridge to meet her mummy and family. They met a tall lady on the other side. She was very friendly and introduced Liz to the family. They were sitting round a table having tea. The table was covered in lotus flowers and water lilies, pink, white, gold and yellow. Coming out of them were what looked like needles or aerials? They told Liz they were like stamens with pollen and the pollen would spread, this was the seeds we were spreading. Liz associated them with pure thoughts, purity. These flowers were very important and Liz was given one to bring back. She felt they were our connection, our transmission with spirit. It was like the stamens were full of seed to be disseminated…  

I started off sitting on a bench looking down at the river. Then I got up and walked down a stony, shingle path to the bridge. At this point I realised I was wearing long white robes and I used a long stick to help me walk. I remember feeling unstable as the robes got tangled around my feet. The bridge was made of wood, roughly built and didn’t look particularly solid but I decided to walk over it. Half way across I saw knights on horseback coming towards me and on the other side I could see a castle on a hill. My attention was drawn to the flags flying on it, white with red crosses like English St George flags. There was no communication between me and the knights and after a while they turned to return to their side and as they did this their horses sprouted wings, taking off and flying them to the castle…

I felt a lot of pressure on my forehead during the Rainbow Bridge Exercise and it was making me feel light headed. I had trouble speaking as Liz and I described our experiences.

I then did the opening prayer and put the music on still feeling very light headed.

The feeling I get is always different to what I experience when sitting in the cabinet on Mondays. It’s more like I’m being affected by the atmosphere and energy in the room whereas in the cabinet I feel more controlled by entities. I’ve so far never felt controlled or feel I want to give communications in our Thursday sitting.

Liz reported something crawling over her head.
She felt strong presences in the room.
She saw small lights close to her flashing on and off, looking like the luminous tabs on the table.
She had a tight feeling around her solar plexus.

The room started to look light and pinkish each side of me.
I saw wispy bits and flashes in front of me.

Liz thought it looked misty blue in the middle of the room.
She saw a light falling down in front of her.
She got the name Brenda. She’s had this name before and feels she wants to communicate.

I was getting the impression the room was filled with twirling silk ribbons.
It was looking darker everywhere to me.

Liz was aware of a lot of light to her right. Like a strong light shining down on her.
She then saw the room fill up with blobby shapes, some moving slowly, others darting around.

I picked up a smell that came and went, a bit like a fish and chip shop smell.
I had a fuzzy feeling on the back of my right hand and finger.
My legs were very cold.
I was seeing lots of blobs floating about, and then it went light and misty.

Liz got the impression of lots of tall houses, a French village, they all had shutters.

Liz sensed a feeling around her throat like a choker necklace. She saw it as a contraption with needles going into her throat. She said it didn’t feel uncomfortable but felt her throat was being opened up. She felt someone wanted to talk through her. They wanted to say something but didn’t have any words.

I suggested that if any words came into her mind she should try and verbalise them.

I felt another fuzzy feeling on the back of my finger and felt something in my right ear.
It looked light to my right, a primrose yellow colour.

Liz got an impression and verbalised what she saw…

‘Billy is holding this golden ball. He came through as William but then said Billy, Billy, he’s got a golden ball and he just wanted to let you know. He says he’s not the fellow in the bowler hat but I actually think he is… He’s just playing. Now he’s transmogrified into Joseph and his multi-coloured dream coat, he’s just playing, a bit of an actor. But the golden ball is real, not an ordinary ball like an orb. More like real gold, its real gold’

I got a touch on my left foot.
Then I got the Fish and Chip shop smell again.
Liz had a strong ectoplasm smell and said the room was kaleidoscoping, changing shape and size.
She felt a tickle under her foot.
She saw a few moving lights and felt pressure on her head.

The American Indian tune came on which meant it was time for us to resume our ‘Cross Experiment’

As we started I briefly saw a thin black cross come and go but soon my vision was filled with bright blobs of light looking like flames in front of me. I had trouble keeping my eyes open, they wanted to close. As the tune ended the room returned to darkness.

Liz was trying to create cross threads as if weaving and she could almost see at one point the upright part of the cross. She tried to hold onto the image of the upright stamen she saw earlier. She got a thin line but it felt very dynamic moving right across the room horizontally and then vertical from top to bottom. Then she saw a shadowy three dimensional cross but not clearly. She didn’t get hot this week.

I was now cold all over.
Liz thought the room looked bright.
I thought it was dark.
I got the Fish and Chip shop smell again briefly and a tickle on my right foot.

We both drifted off during the last two tunes.

Liz found herself in an anteroom of a large house. It was like a long corridor. She seemed to be working on her memoirs making her think of Winston Churchill.

I saw a photo album opened up with a photo of a white horse. I was shown a distinguishing mark on the horse but couldn’t remember what it was afterwards. I turned the page of the album and there was a page filled with signatures and messages but again I couldn’t remember what they were afterwards.

The music ended and Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise by which time we were both feeling totally back with it.

Liz had felt at times during the sitting the team wanted to speak through her but felt her own mind and thoughts getting in the way and blocking it.
This is something I’ve experienced and I’m sure other developing trance mediums feel the same when starting out. I told her to think of it more as a joint communication, her and spirit, at this stage and not to worry about what is said…

update 01/02/2014

We didn't sit on 30/01/2014 as we had a sitting with Liz in the cabinet instead but will be back on Thursday 06/02/2014...