We had another Thursday afternoon Zoom meetup.
Liz was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG
Liz did the opening prayer and then I sat first.
After a couple of minutes I started to be controlled and the communication began...
‘There are many levels of understanding, many ways to understand each piece of information that is presented to you. The world is a place full of information and beyond that world information comes in vast quantities. For you are supported, you are fed by a larger information system that has created you, that has formed you, that has given you the environment in which to play your part. Nothing is further from your mind than the greater reality, the larger information system that surrounds you, for this supports your every thought. You as an individual are adding to your own thoughts but they start, they begin, they are born in that larger information system. You use words to clothe your thoughts, words that are insufficient in projecting that meaning. The information that is given to you does not come in words, it comes in a knowing energy, a recognisable energy that fits you like a glove. For you were born into that energy and you have grown up and shaped that energy in your own unique way creating an individual character that has a life in a physical reality. That individual character continues to live beyond the physical reality but from that character a new character will grow, will branch out and begin a new life. Many lives build up a supporting energy, something which holds you together. All of your lives have been lived and have been recorded but the important part of those lives, the growth that was achieved, has added up, has created the energy that supports you, for that energy changes life after life and it is you who is creating that energy by the way you live, by the way you react to the life that you live, situations that are drawn towards you and the experiences that you have. Nothing is lost, everything is recorded for without that recording you would cease to exist, for that recording is a history thread that takes you back to your roots. Pull up those roots and you will be no more, but those roots are firmly embedded and will live on like life itself, continually changing, continually evolving and together all of life will develop into so much more. You as an individual need not worry for you have done this before and you will do it many more times. Just live your life, enjoy your life, try to bring happiness to the lives of others and you will see how beneficial life is to you and to all who you meet. There is no need to look back, for the fruits of your labours lay ahead and will be discovered when the time is right... thank you, thank you my friend’
I soon felt back with it, then Liz tuned in to see what would come through...
‘Got a name Phillip and cartoon characters... I think it’s your dad coming around but he’s reminding me of Prince Phillip. He’s looking older with white hair. He's giving me a sense of Egypt, looking at the Sphinx or one of those large entries into a tomb, a very narrow crack, that’s the connection with royalty. Getting this feeling that every man is a king at that point, the same as the old pharaohs going through that crack, that open doorway. It's just you, ruler of the world, you can change things at will. A black cat, now that’s changed into a little puppy dog with a collar. It's like preparing a magic show, you can do anything. Got Miss Pink or Miss Pinkie, a puppet in a TV show, Miss Piggy. A set of dominos, one looks like a three but it’s a double six’
My dad had many magic tricks and I seem to recall one that had an Egyptian theme with camels and pyramids. I’m pretty sure he would have had a Miss Piggy too that he used in his children’s shows when the Muppet Show was popular on TV. He seems to be describing his experience of dying and entering the spirit world, likening it to entering an Egyptian tomb and being able to do real magic now without the use of tricks.
‘Friends Meeting House’
This has a connection with my dad’s mum.
‘I’m feeling him behind the wheel of a car, taking me to a nature reserve, birds nesting, windmill, he’s got his binoculars out, scanning the skies, lots of crows or rooks, that’s where he felt most at peace, his reservoir, the reservoir’
This sounds more like me than my dad as I often drive to Arlington reservoir with my wife and we see lots of birds and have talked about getting some binoculars. We find it to be a peaceful place. There isn’t a windmill there but that is the name of my road.
‘Image of silk stockings, somebody putting a silk stocking on their leg, pulling a stocking up’
For the last year of his life my dad had to wear surgical stockings.
‘You can go from one transition to another and now I’m feeling him in his boiler suit doing his man’s job, fiddling with taps and nuts, machine parts and spanners. He’s showing me all these different people, facets of himself. Back to the archway, when you go through that door you can be a king, it’s like you’ve got a free platform, entering a transition stage where anything is possible and the art is to control it so it doesn’t control you, you get some handle on it. The black cat and the little black dog with a red collar are with him. He wants to connect because he wants to let us know, it’s the most important revelation, how close he was to reality as a magician but this is like the real thing. He’s reminding me of the stepping out of the box and that’s what it is, stepping out of the box, the box of the normal constraints and beliefs and it’s a bit overwhelming, a bit scary because of the potential. It's like you have to know, to reassure you but also to assure you. He’s connecting me to my image of Rupert Bear who went on these magical adventures with his little Chinese friend’
I think he’s talking about being in the spirit world again.
‘Taking me back to the reservoir, the trees and the birds, the stillness and that was the place of observation and contemplation. Furrowed fields, ploughed, the seeds are there but they haven’t grown yet, they are all around. The farmer with his seed, sowing and the trusting, he almost has a certainty that the seed will grow, develop into a full plant. The preparing of the ground was the important thing, that fallow field resting, the soil is good and brown, a good earth connection. He’s saying I am the farmer sowing the seed, he’s in his blue boiler suit driving a tractor, there’s no magic wand about it. He’s showing me the telegraph wires, wire network, communication wires over the field where the seeds are being sown. The communication of the fruits when they are ripe, the communication of the process, it’s a learning process. We are communicating the whole process not just the end result and it’s important to know how it’s done, where it starts, the whole process. If you think of just scattering seeds without preparing the ground and think it’s that easy you won’t get very far. They are saying none of it is wasted, none of what we are doing is wasted. It's not easy, it’s labour, it’s work and effort. But that field that is perfectly prepared and fertile, the farmer can have, or we can have confidence in what we wish for, the fruits of this labour will develop, will grow to full fruition. He’s put a scarecrow in the field to keep the crows away, Worzel Gummidge. He’s just leaning out of the tractor’s window looking with satisfaction. He’s showing me a money box like a red tin post box, saying it’s important to put a portion of your wealth, your money aside to save up for this work. It's like an investment, this work, this labour, it’s a labour of love for something you want, and you’ve been doing that and he’s urging you to keep putting the pennies in. There’s a tendency to spend it on sweets but spend it on notebooks, serious stuff. He’s put on a schoolmaster's coat with a mortarboard, he does like buffooning around a bit. I'm feeling that once he went through that crack, he’s got free licence to play all these parts, these roles’
I think this week he wants to be more philosophical and his humour is coming through.
‘Now I'm getting a daisy so I feel Travis is behind the scenes somewhere. With Travis I’ve got galloping horses contrasted with talcum powder. Getting the words Christian leanings from Travis’
Travis was connected with the church before he became interested in mediumship.
‘It’s strange but I got an image behind that flashed, and I recognised it, of Sophie’s mum, I must contact Sophie, I hope she’s alright but she just flashed onto the screen. I know her dad is on the other side. I wonder if Nevil is wanting to contact Roberta? I've got a big letter H, a riding jump. I'll ask for healing’
Afterwards Liz phoned Sophie and asked her if her mother (Roberta) had been ill. Sofie said that she had had an accident. She fell and broke her shoulder blade, and it wasn't diagnosed correctly for three weeks, and she was just given a sling. She ended up having to have an operation, and it was all very traumatic. She reacted badly to the morphine, and the nurses thought she had dementia, and put her in a dementia ward. She is only just recovering from it all.
‘Something to do with a frogman’
Frogmen connect Liz to an accident, I’ll let her explain...
The frogman I recognised as connected with a Mercury Experiment session (4.4.19) where I picked up the cantilever Bridge engineer warning about a bridge collapse, with a speedboat crashing into it, and men in frogmen like outfits in the water. Four days later there was a news item in the Metro (8.4.19) about a bridge collapse in Brazil, with a boat crashing into it, and people and cars falling into the river, and frogmen searching for bodies. I have all the news cuttings from it, and the original transcript of the session. Very evidential. So, I connected Frogman image in my mind with an accident. I talked about the collapsed bridge connection with frogmen at the end of my reading, as we were chatting, and I was still partly connected to spirit. And that made me think of an accident. Although I didn't say it at the time, I wondered if maybe there had been a car crash or accident of some nature, in which Roberta was involved. But it was interesting the roundabout way that 'spirit' had of getting that info into my mind via the frogman connection. This is interesting because it shows that in my mediumship my intellectual mind or cortex is still operating at a super-conscious level and recognising and unravelling the images and messages. It's rather a tortuous process. It is as if spirit is sifting through my memory banks and mind for congruent images to communicate their meaning. Why such a devious route is used when the word 'accident' would have been so much easier. But I quickly connected 'frogman' to accident. Which is why I was amazed when I learnt that Roberta did suffer an accident. It was very confirmatory for me that spirit was communicating via my mind. Also, that accident was a fall, and the frogmen were in the river because people had 'fallen' off the bridge.
Liz thanked everyone for coming and making themselves felt.
She did the healing exercise and our closing down exercise...