This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.
We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...
Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...
...Nick Pettitt
190th Sitting 07/02/2019
This week we had Liz wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG Machine with five electrodes attached to her brain.
This was connected to a computer which was covered but still gave out a small amount of light.
I did the opening prayer at 7.45pm and put the music on.
We did the Rainbow Bridge exercise then continued on into the session...
After ten minutes Liz began to speak...
‘Got the name Diana... it’s to do with love of little children, the future of the world and they need help with their programming just like a computer engineer, the software expert helps, ironing out problems with the setup of the programmes that you want to operate. So good parents lay a foundation and help to setup programmes that will help the child to grow and function in the fullness of their potential, in the fullness of their own life plan. To have that fully functioning mind, computer mind is essential and a religion, a spiritual basis on which to act out of which to execute your programmes, your life stance, your way, can be a great asset when it’s taught, when it’s provided in the right way, when it’s provided through a deep spiritual understanding and base. But whatever religion, whatever spiritual base you choose to facilitate your child’s correct programming, that child will have the framework, the context in which to make their choices, their decisions to frame their understanding, their operation in the world. That will ease their path, that will allow them to function fully, easily. Each child is a magical machine, is a miracle, is an unknown potential, a clean book but there have been many programmes loaded in the past, many miasmas, many memories that need easing, that may need to be re-contextualised with new programming for the growing child as a wide space that’s open to the full context, the universal psyche. A path with clear guidelines helps to orientate the child in their new pathway, in their new programme without being torn apart by fragments of old programmes. Strong clear guidance, strong clear spiritual support helps the child to grow in a healthy way. Without that support the influence of so many sub-programmes and confused voices, confused influences can sway the child into old memories, old pathways that are not productive. To support and raise a child is a vocation... calling... many are called but few are chosen. From all the great panoply of light the great masters, the great spiritual guides, the mandalas of infinite light, the great teachers, the great wise ones, it all comes down to the little family, to the infant in the stable, to the simplest life, the life in which adults nurture a child and give that child a childhood underpinned by spiritual values and of happiness and peace’
‘It’s not about riches, it’s not about expensive lifestyles, it’s not about the glittering jewels it’s about the simple joys, the simple pleasures, the simple lessons, the time and the space spent together, being with people you love, the connectedness. The family in the mud hut, the family living in the forest, the family living in an igloo and the small townhouse can be as happy as a queen in a palace and perhaps happier. The things that have meaning in life are the love lessons, being together, being held in the attention of another, in the care of another, in the sharing, the giving, the teaching, in the simple pleasures, the sunset and sunrise, the stars and the skies, the flowers, water, wind in the trees, waves of the sea. You do not need expensive cars and big houses, exotic holidays, rich food to be happy’
‘I was deeply unhappy but I learnt the lesson that was most important for me, that love is the greatest gift you can give and receive... She has shiny frills with buttons, they were fun but not important, a simple dress was fine. To be naked under the stars, to wear the night sky is a greater blessing than all the frills and costumes. I've walked from the unreal to the real. I understand what is worth and what is worthless. Love is the only currency and the only real food, the only sustenance. When you have love you don’t seek after fripperies, you don’t seek after those things that don’t satisfy. When you are cut off from love you fill that aching space with fripperies, with food that doesn’t satisfy, with distraction, with distortion, with objects, relationships that are meaningless, with activities that are vain and lead to exhaustion. The golden ring is a symbol, that communion with love’
‘See a little black spaniel. It's got very long ears, it’s only small. It’s morphed into a slightly different dog, can’t recognise the breed, with slightly curly hair’
‘Someone with the name Pilar, she’s a small lady, I think she’s from Spain. She's quite dark but her hair is light and short. She’s a country girl and she’s living in the mountains, quite poor, wearing working clothes. I think she was kicked by a cow, she had a bit of a battle with a cow. I think she had a hard life. There were happy times she enjoyed like the apples, growing things, dancing and singing, and the animals but sometimes it was too much. She got caught up in her chores, in difficulties. She’s resetting herself now. She's resetting it so it’s a happy life but in fact it was at the time often wretched, overburdened and a bit cruel, but she’s resetting it now, it’s like she’s going back and doing it differently, trying to recreate it to see how it could have been and this is how... it’s like looking at a picture book where you’ve coloured something in but you’ve made a bit of a mess of it, it jars, doesn’t look quite right so you turn over the page and you start again because you can see where it went wrong, what colours clashed, where you crossed the border, where you didn’t fill it in neatly enough, where you smudged it. You do it again more perfectly and then you see it’s a very lovely picture, you see how it could be and then you can choose that, you can scrap the one you didn’t like. Pilar’
‘Got this feeling of a very old Chinese man with me, little bit of a beard and straggly hair and a cap. He's laughing. He's got a stick. He just wants to throw the stick away, what stick, I don’t need a stick. He is painting, he is a haiku master, he is showing me it is the Tao teaching, thank you. Oh... I have a strong emotion of someone, it is him, one of my teachers on the inner plane. I call him Lao Tse. He said he was walking with me. These lessons are very simple, very pure. He's with us, one of our teachers, one of many, like a great great great great grandfather. This thought of simplicity is beginning to penetrate the world and many of the young are reaching for it, are wanting to return to the simpler life, natural way, untarnished by civilisation but strengthened and supported by the inner spirit, inner spirit that guides, that allows true growth, that allows water to flow freely, that allows the wind to blow freely and the rain to fall freely and the sun to shine freely, the flowers to grow freely, freely, freely. When I cry I cry, when I laugh I laugh, when I have nothing to say I say nothing’
‘I’ve got the image of the Ten Green Bottles, like the song’
‘I like this it’s like seeing this great big mandala, like a great splendid crystalline display, a phantasmagorical, all of civilisation, pageant, resplendent with jewels like a crown but at the very centre is a small, naked child. It's like the saying... unless you become as little children you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven... it’s harder for a rich man. He said the crashing of thunder delights me more than all the drama and dance and the pageantry of the theatre’
‘Somebody is here singing Ten Green Bottles’
Me... ‘Little One used to sing that in Syann’s séance in Brighton’
‘Well, we should suffer little children, ha, ha... Yes, I had a Little One earlier on, I thought it was a little girl, dark hair with a fringe, cheeky’
Me... ‘I think Little One still speaks through Debi in Brighton now’
‘Mary, Mary quite contrary...’
‘Got a feeling like a Pegasus, like I'm being lifted up on a great white horse, flying...’
The music CD ended.
‘I think we’ve come to the end, thank all the spirits for their presence’
Me... ‘Yes, thank you all for coming’
‘Edith... Auntie Eady...’
Liz asked me to play a tune to help her come back.
We then recalled our Rainbow Bridge Exercises...
Liz started at a very muddy bank of a river. People and children were sliding down into the river, it felt so messy and noisy and Liz just wanted to be lifted up over the river. She then felt herself being drawn up into this great cloud of light, it was like a diadem, a great mandala, like one of the Tibetan paintings, enormous and ornate, full of people and deities, it was like being lifted up into the crown jewels. Liz saw a lady, she looked like the ice maiden or snow queen, covered in crystalline light. Then she came to a throne with a great teacher or god on it. The scene changed and Liz was sitting in a small hut with a family. Brown people with red headdresses and it just felt really simple and lovely. The man was teaching the children, giving them lessons. It was quite a contrast but Liz felt this was where it was at, simple but pure and it felt like the true human realm...
I started off in the dark. I could just about make out a bridge in front of me and then behind it a sunrise but it was all white, getting brighter and brighter. The bridge was silhouetted against the light as were trees either side and I started to walk across the bridge towards this light. I walked into it and became the light, a feeling of liquid light full of people floating around. A lady was looking at me as if to say what are you doing here then a man led me to some others who were pleased to see me and welcomed me. I stayed there for a while before turning to go back and I sensed people saying I could return whenever I wanted. As I walked back into the darkness, I saw blobs of this liquid light on my clothes dripping onto the ground and I looked round to see a path of glowing drips behind me leading back to the light...
I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...
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