This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

143th Sitting 29/08/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.00pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise...

Liz started off with a dull industrial metal girder bridge over a muddy river but she wanted a rainbow bridge and to reach out to spirit. Liz then felt there was a cable car and she got into it but instead of going over the bridge it went up and up. She found herself alone in a white lift going up through layers of rainbow clouds with drops of water all around. It stopped and Liz got out into a wax crayon drawing of a scene, rather crude and two dimensional. It showed Liz that the reality she was looking for was a drawing, an imagination and not a very good one. Then it turned into Aphrodite coming out of the shell, one of the paintings of the old masters. Liz found herself in a great sea and she was the Aphrodite, like being born out of this shell and it was three dimensional and beautiful. The feeling of the shell-like nature, the pearl was all around her. Then that changed again and Liz was flying, rising up, an incredible feeling of freedom. Born out of the shell, free to expand. She became a bird and joined a flock of birds flying home, migrating to their true home. As she flew things became clearer and clearer, a crystal clarity and she felt this was what she needed. The home coming into this crystal state...

I was standing in a dark colourless field when a giant golf tee came out of the ground reaching higher and higher towards the sun until the sun was sitting in the cup of the tee. I saw a bright light travel down the stem of the tee down to the ground and then the whole scene lit up with brilliant colours and light everywhere, more colourful than this world normally looks. I put my hand on the tee and felt the energy making me brighter and more colourful too. Then I saw people coming out of the trees that surrounded this field and they joined hands with me forming a growing spiral of people around the tee. The chain got longer and longer until the whole Earth was circulated by people and animals all joined together giving off this wonderful light and colour. It occurred to me that this tee was in my and everybody else's imagination but it was real and we could imagine touching it whenever we felt down or negative and it would lift us up making us more positive and we could share and send this light around the world...

I put the music back on and we continued the session...

I soon started to see wispy lights moving around the room then bright blobs coming and going.
At one point it felt like I was under the sea looking up at the bottom of a ship or a whale.

Liz got the name 'Red'

Then as the music CD finished Liz began to speak...

'Terence, Terence Stamp again, seem to be going down an avenue of trees, like palm trees... High-fidelity... Camaroo or kangaroo... Testing... Wise owl... Fortnum and Mason... Valery or gallery... An archaeological site, kitchen ware, crockery... I asked where is this place? It's Jericho...'

'Someone with too much makeup, afraid to be dull... Seal skin fur... Fashion, using animal products, I got the name Marga... Tinder box, strike a light, peculiar sense of a candy striped, candy twist... Feeling someone very concerned... Decoration... Ostrich egg...'

'Mephistopheles, an actress, Bernard Shaw'

'None of us are here long enough, long enough for what? Enough to drain every ounce, every last dreg of life. The worst feeling is to die without having lived fully, without having tasted, long for the flesh. It's such a brief sojourn but there's nothing quite like it, can't let go of it easily, especially the sense of disappointment of not having grasped, a need to take it by the horns to be fully immersed'

'It's a nightingale, has to be constantly alert to the rare beauties, the extraordinary beauties. The extraordinariness of the everyday, to not take it for granted. Feel the pulse, taste the flesh. See the flame, feel the fire. Make the most of the opportunity, drink it to the dregs'

'A hornet...'

'The eye of the tiger, yes there are dangers but you can remain alert and you can surpass, surmount the dangers and the obstacles, nothing to fear'

'Be secure in the assurance of the incarnate engine, learning to master this engine, can surmount, transform, endure, vanquish'

'I've got the words to a song... It will take more than a pack of wild horses pulling your wagon to keep you from me...'

'I get this sense of a strong desire to create and to live and to love, to grasp the metal, grasp the bull by the horns, grasp the opportunity. Someone wants to affirm life without regret because if you don't live you have the regret after. Opportunity missed. Perhaps another chance, the person wants another chance if this is possible. If there's enough good will in the universe a fervent wish to live incarnate can be granted but make sure you recognise the gift, the gift you have been given. Don't waste it, don't live a half-life in the dim light occupied with things that don't matter, trivia, look for the quintessential'

'Got the name Madelyn or Magdalena, thank you'

'Got a wolf, a werewolf'

I played a tune while Liz came back.

Then I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...

142nd Sitting 15/08/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise...

Liz started off in front of a large gleaming lake surrounded by daffodils which made her think of Wordsworth's daffodils poem. Over the other side of the lake was a bridge made of gleaming metal, looking like a rainbow as it reflected the light and on the other side of the bridge Liz saw a lady she had known who was greeting her, reaching out her hands towards her with so much love. Liz realised she didn't need to cross the bridge but could just fly over, it was the bond between them that drew her over. The lady showed Liz she had been creating what looked like an enormous candle stick that went higher and higher, a bit like a totem pole or umbilical cord or a bean stork. They started to go up it in an anticlockwise spiral to find themselves on a plateau of leaves, another level. It was like being on top of a forest canopy. They were in a circle of people mirroring a circle of people on the ground in the woods below. It was the connection of the spirit level and the physical level. They then continued up the spiral to join another circle of people. Liz recognised several people there who had died. They were all people who loved beauty but also had a sense of social responsibility, equality, needing to share the resources of the Earth...

I started off surrounded by huge plants, giant leaves and grasses. I tried to push my way through making myself a path but then the plants seemed to be forming their own path ahead of me so I carried on along it. Then the path split into two and I chose to take the left path but as I followed it I found I was aware of following the right path at the same time. These two paths also split into two making four and again making eight and so on until I was aware of following hundreds of paths at the same time. Eventually all the paths came out to the top of a waterfall where I then became the water and felt myself cascading down into a huge lake below. I felt the energy of the water and heard the deafening noise and then it went quite as I was now the huge lake and all the creatures within it. It felt like I was experiencing evolution as some of the creatures developed legs and crawled out onto the land to evolve into other animals and humans...

I put the music back on and we continued our session...

I soon started to see bright blobs coming and going and had a sensation of pressure over my left ear.

Liz had the sense of a red wolf.

The music finished and I sensed the atmosphere change, it seemed to get lighter.
I felt a tickle on my right foot.

Liz started to speak and I got an image of a tunnel between me and Liz, narrow her end and wide my end like an ice cream cone.

'I've got a white feather... an interlude, just connecting things like a hyphen'

'The deeper levels, penetrate the spaces, the clear waters, the empty glass'

'Hold on to the empty space, the void, and let that space widen until you've penetrated and become absorbed so you too are clear space, an empty vessel. Wait to feel the iridescent sheen of the rainbow, allow that to create for you a new world, to become like a ladder, a pathway, a connecting link into the new dimension. Though at first everything may seem jumbled and blurred allow the image to settle. Be aware that your eyes are not of any use to you in this new space. New senses must develop so don't expect to see with eyes or hear with ears. Allow the reality to approach you, to manifest itself for you in whatever way it will. Be open to however it presents, allow it to find you. Caught in the delusions of tangled matter you have been used to using your will power to direct attention to strands, to facets without seeing the whole. In the delusion of matter you see in a very partial way, interpreting and directing attention. In these spaces, in this new dimensionless reality that selective sensing is not needed, is not appropriate, allowing the reality to form in you to present itself, to be open, to receive without interpreting. Allow whatever comes to be okay, to be what it is without defining it. Experience and feel it, allow it to sing to you, allow it to feel you, allow it to present itself'

'So, for example you have an ice cream cone but it is not, that’s the old image, what you are experiencing is a sweetness on the tongue, a sense of sweetness. You have the young puppy jumping up to lick your face, what you have is an old image. What you have is the joy of greeting, the joy of reunion, a feeling. What you have isn't an Alice band, a diamond tiara, that's the old image. What you feel is the grace and beauty of a young being. If I come to the edges of reason that's okay to jump off, the edge of the great chasm beyond sense, beyond reasoning and free fall. You can allow the air, the matrix to support you. Without reason you will not be hurt, if you free fall you will be found, your finding will be appropriate at the right time. All explanation is intrinsic, it's all there, the needing to know is a temporary phase specifically connected with the differential nature of the sensing, the interference, the partial screening, the diffraction grating of the mind, the sense of needing to join up all the dots because of the nature of the sensory apparatus and the selective selection in the physical plane. Knowing comes to you as you free fall, as you open yourself to the space, to the chasm, to the matrix. Knowing is a part of your being, you open to the knowing, you open to knowledge, it is there, you don't have to find your way to it, it finds you, it presents itself to you when you are an open space, when you become totally transparent to knowledge. Knowledge can fill you, it's in the nature, it's written into the fabric of reality which you are also, knowledge is written into you. There are no conclusions to be drawn. There is no conclusion to a flower, its seeds are inherent and lead forth into the universe of flowers and flowering. Within the seed is the flower and within the flower is the seed. They are all held within the all we are... I have the name Diana... that's all for now'

I played a tune.

Liz got... 'Keep forming a temporary respite'

I then did our healing exercise, closing prayer and closing down exercise.

Interestingly much of what Liz said added to the answer I got from my question about meditation at my solo sit on 10/08/2017.