This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

121st Sitting 15/11/2016

We had the room setup as usual except for the table which is now much smaller and with a square top.

I did opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Liz found herself walking between two borders of multi-coloured pansies. They led to a stream from a lake and as Liz looked at the water she suddenly became aware of Rupert Bear and he seemed to be flying and beckoning Liz to follow him. As she followed she seemed to merge with him and then changed into a bee. She saw through the eyes of the bee which looked like a prism with loads of rainbows, it was like the reality had broken into several different rainbows. She then became not a single bee but part of a whole hive of bees, a colony, and was aware of the hive around her, an enormous honey comb. Liz was also aware of the presence of the queen bee who told her of the mystery and paradox of being one and many at the same time, the unification in multiplicity idea. It was like a mystery unfolding in which Liz knew she was single but also many at the same time, she was all of these bees but they were all one and embodied in the queen. The queen then showed her Rupert Bear again and Liz was told that he represented her investigative nature and that you can be in two realities. The thing about Rupert Bear was he had his pals like the little Chinese girl and the scientist but although he lived on the ground he also flew in the air and found his way into other realities, the reality in the clouds, and he could live on two levels. Also Rupert and his pals were ultimately playful in their explorations and Liz saw the significance of Rupert to herself, the childhood. Liz was then able to turn back into a bee and returned to this reality as she wished…

I started off flying above the clouds on the back of a giant eagle, watching all the beautiful colours as the sun reflected on the clouds. I felt I wanted to go down through the clouds but the eagle stayed above them for a while then swooped down into them. As we went through them the eagle dissolved and disappeared and it was just me now flying through the clouds. When I came out the other side I saw hundreds of outstretched arms waiting to catch me. It was like a long line of people walking through a mountainous area dressed in robes looking like a biblical scene. I came down and they caught me and put me on my feet. I then noticed that I too was wearing robes and so I decided to join them on this march through the mountains. I noticed they kept looking up as we walked and then saw more people coming down from the clouds and joining them, making the line longer and longer. I could see something in the distance on the top of a mountain and we were heading for that. When we got there I could see it was an old man sitting in a chair and we all sat round him as he appeared to fall asleep. Then a white mist started to come from him like ectoplasm and it formed three columns which then became three materialised men. They didn’t look fully physical or solid, more etheric. People then started to walk up to them and the materialisations laid their hands on each person’s shoulders. When it was my turn I walked up to one and as he put his hands on my shoulders I suddenly became etheric myself and the materialisation became more solid and physical. He told me I was now seeing my spiritual self and said that this was something I could now do, I could switch between the two but whenever I do so one will always appear more physical than the other…

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

The room soon started to look misty to me.
Then I saw bright blobs coming and going.
I got an image of a candle flame and behind it were two hands held together as if praying but I couldn’t see a person.

Liz began to speak…

‘I’ve got Heidi or Harriot… canister, canister of something, charms… a sense of the Heligan Gardens in Cornwall… the name Lark’

‘Golden ladder’

‘A sense of train tunnels, train coming out of the tunnel… you don’t have to worry about a thing… something rocking the boat is all sorted, is like elastic, stretches and bounces back, got a lot of give’

‘I can see cherry blossom on the trees’

‘I’m being shown something that looks like an antiquity or something, archaeological dig’

‘The moors’

‘Seventy-two spotted dalmatians, a grand piano, Chopin’

‘Caterpillar, lots of legs, more like a millipede… Terence’

‘Intertwined column bines, two bines coexisting, intertwined. One of them is green and the other a bit yellow’

‘Got the sense of a tobacco pipe, Highlands, Scotland. Being shown a bowl of Quaker Oats, seismic shift, what is it, a shifting consciousness’

‘Got Spaghetti Junction, keep getting crossfires, Sarah, Gordon, gollywogs or gallywag, Gallimore or Galloway or Google. A soap, star studded soap, TV, a remarkable record, an aviator. I seem to have come up against a wall, very fast, a brick wall, crash. Gordon seems to be connected with Sarah, a ski jump, terrible twos’

‘I just got a sense of the beautiful pastures on the other side. Billy goat gruff, crossing the bridge to the beautiful pasture, living happy ever after’

‘I have the sense many wise ones have passed this way, green fields of paradise. Back to Heligan Gardens, beautiful trees, every tree has its story’

‘I seem to be looking at pound notes, currency’

‘I seem to be looking through a telescope, I can see a name but can’t get it, Sunwess… it’s like a group of people with their eyes to the heavens and looking down microscopes, exploring inner and outer space’

‘I think the white rabbit has had enough, that’s enough for now… I just asked what’s causing the storms and got haywire, a bit of chaos, a shake up, they say just hold tight and it will settle’

I played a tune to help Liz come back with it.

While the tune was playing Liz got the words Nexus and Johnny. She still felt a bit zonked and had been drifting in and out of it during the session.

I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…  

120th Sitting 08/11/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

I did opening prayer at 8.40pm turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise.

Liz found herself with daffodils at the edge of a beautiful shining lake surrounded by trees and a sea of golden daffodils going on and on into the distance. It reminded her of Wordsworth’s ‘I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud’ poem. There was a castle in the distance and Liz found herself spinning over the top of the daffodils in what felt like a space craft looking down at crop circles where a large heart shape was being formed. The craft was a bit like a drone and a bit like a dragonfly, it was hard to describe and felt a bit like being a dragonfly. Liz went higher and higher and the daffodils got smaller and smaller until she found herself in a penetrating blue sky. She’d got into a new perspective and the word essential came in, she was with the essence of what is that quality of the experiential reality. She was in and with this beautiful autumn sky, it was as if she was going out into space but it was an inner space as well as an outer space. There seemed to be distant globes like the sun and the moon and Liz thought of the beauty of our blue planet. These heavenly bodies seemed to be distances apart but she was spinning through them. She then thought of Yates’ words in his poem ‘The golden apples of the sun and silver apples of the moon’ it was as if the quality, essence and taste of the apple was in these heavenly bodies. Liz then found herself in an essential consciousness experience, as if she’d come to a barrier or as edge that she had to cross. She crossed it into a new reality and found herself with a group of beings that were out of focus, they were like white blobs and Liz was one of them in a circle. They seemed to be a quality of consciousness that was love and exhilaration like a beautiful community of beings and it also had the quality of ice cream. Then Liz found herself in another group of beings that had the quality of water, all different forms of water, waterfalls, ice, pools, sea, moving water, the quality of shining water everywhere. Liz felt there was a landscape there but it was out of focus, she could only get the feeling and goodness of all these things; she was a baby in it. She was here and there and felt she could be in these two realities at once but one of them was out of focus…

I started off on the top of a grassy hill surrounded by sheep, very bright glowing sheep. I noticed that those that were in the distance were the same size; it was as if I had no perspective. Suddenly from nowhere a pair of thick rimmed glasses appeared and I put them on which corrected my vision; the distant sheep were now just white dots. I wanted to move somewhere and tried to walk through the sheep of fly above them but found I was stuck on this grassy hill. A chair then appeared behind me so I sat on that as the sheep moved closer and sat around me as if waiting for me to speak to them. I couldn’t think of anything to say but as I looked out at this mass of sheep I was surprised to see a few lions amongst them which didn’t seem to bother the sheep. Then lots of other animals appeared and soon the whole place was full of every animal you could imagine all unafraid and living in harmony together, none of them were a threat to each other. One of the sheep then told me that this is what it will be like when the human race manages to raise its vibration. At the moment the way we perceive the animal kingdom is a reflection of how we are now and when we learn to live in peace and harmony we will see that reflected in the animal kingdom…

Once again there were a few similarities in our visualisations. Interestingly we both visited a more loving harmonious reality, Liz by going through a barrier and me by putting a pair of glasses on.

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

I soon started to see bright blobs in front of me.
One changed into an eye, the eye of a whale, and then the eye of a dolphin.

Liz started to speak…

‘I have the name Jacob… got a reference to Neddie… stardust, sprinkling stardust… tele… telegram, teleport, testing… terminus, terminal’

‘Got an image of a foot, it’s like there’s four turns’

‘I’ve got a name like Florence’

‘I have a man in a mackintosh, middle aged man, almost like he’s got a tartan hat on, Scottish association… Keep getting testing, test… Looks like a jockey’s hat now... The man I’m seeing now is a bit like a mixture between Sherlock Holmes and Nigel Farage… seems to tie in with Jacob or Jacobean, Jacobite, it’s like he’s holding a magnifying glass’

‘Got a picture of parrots’


‘Typeset printer, like Letraset, stencils’

‘Got this wise owl, looks like a bookend’

‘It’s not seen as a sign of weakness but a sign of strength not wanting to fight. The pen is mightier than the sword, the weapon is words, somebody is writing… Take arms with a pen not the sword’

‘Somebody called Pumpkin, pet name’

‘The word testing seems to have changed into testosterone’

‘A captain, captain’s hat on, looking through binoculars’

‘Got the name Hugh Cudlipp, newspaper man’

The music stopped and Liz continued for a while…

‘Got this rubber stamp, rubber stamping ideas, something to do with the press, freedom of the press. There’s someone trying to get a message through, something to do with freedom of the press, freedom of ideas, expression, feels like a blackout. I had a feeling of a prize winning documentary coming out’

‘Keep getting the word test… taste, principles, must have principles, press without principles, the dregs, the principles of truth, not hype, a truthful press, a great arm in the fight for freedom and justice, democracy’

‘Danger… like red writing splashed over, censor. Sophia. Words are powerful tools, words like incisors can cut through, reality check, words are like weapons, words must be used wisely, the wise owl. Words are being wasted and thrown around now, they’re not being used in a targeted, tasteful, truthful… they’re squandered. Tell the story, tell it exactly, truth doesn’t need to be dressed up, distorted. Tell it true, let it speak for itself, let the words sing so they say it again, don’t be afraid to use words wisely, economically, targeted to tell the truth as it is’

‘I’ve got this enormous white rabbit, like the rabbit that led Alice through the looking glass into the other world and I think that the true words can help to lead you through the looking glass into the real world, another dimension, larger reality, altered perception and help shift the paradigm’

‘I get the words of the poem from Omar Khayyam…

Ah love could thou and I with fate conspire,
To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire,
Would not we shatter it to bits and then,
Re-mould it nearer to the heart’s desire.

…and my feeling is the power of words can help to effect this change, choose wisely, thank you’

I put a tune on to help Liz feel back with it, and then I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…

119th Sitting 01/11/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.20pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Liz found herself walking on a brown dusty road with brilliant blue sky and endless yellow fields of corn either side of her. It was leading to a vast spread of water which also seemed endless and she found herself standing at the edge in awe just looking at the blue of the water and the sky. In the distance there was an enormous white galleon and Liz felt she had to get out to it. The water was warm, she swam out to it and then it was as if she was on the back of a turtle. Liz climbed up onto the galleon where it seemed as if there was nobody there, it wasn’t real somehow and she thought ‘What am I doing here?’ then found herself in a brown study with books around her. She thought of the name Darwin and then remembered she’d seen the name Rainbow Warrior on the side of the galleon which was to do with Greenpeace so this ship had something to do with survival. There was a youngish man with long brown hair lounging in this study reading the books and talking about the importance of scientific discoveries and the diversity of species and how there is an endangerment of them now, they all need loving and caring for, all the creative things that have developed and evolved are threatened by our lack of care for them. Liz then realised that the research she was doing was a very small part of the larger puzzle, the thing was to protect and enjoy and appreciate the diversity of life forms and that we were custodians somehow and the study of the interconnectedness of all these things was very important but somehow Liz felt that the chief importance at the moment was the understanding of the endangerment of many of the life forms we know through our neglect and interfering…

I began walking and having to step over ropes that were about one foot off the ground and spaced about three foot apart. The atmosphere was dark and I couldn’t see what the ropes were attached to, they just seemed to be hovering off the ground. I was getting tired of stepping over the ropes and decided to turn to my left so I could walk between the ropes but found it impossible to do so, I tried to turn right but couldn’t do that either, all I could do was keep going forward. Then the ropes started to get higher off the ground and soon I found I could walk under them as they rose above my head. After a while I found I could go no further, the ground had disappeared and it was as if I stood at the edge of a cliff with a shear drop in front of me. I was unsure what to do but felt I must go on so jumped and shot downwards. As I did so the atmosphere became lighter and I saw that the cliff face was covered in lush green grass and as I thought that the whole scene turned through 90 degrees and I was now flying above this grassy land below me. I became aware of more ropes between me and the ground crossing each other like a huge net and there was another one above me stopping me from going up or down. Then it became dark again and as I flew I brushed against more ropes that were dangling down in front of me. I managed to grab hold of one and started climbing up it until I reached what I thought was the ceiling but it felt like grass and as I thought that the scene rotated again, this time through 180 degrees and I found myself sitting on the grass. It became lighter and I saw the rope next to me stretching up into the sky towards the sun. As I sat there I saw more ropes coming out of the grass, growing like trees up towards the sun…

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

I soon started to see bright blobs in front of me. One seemed to come very close and turned into an eye and I saw it was an eye of an elephant.

Liz remained quiet then began to speak just after the music had ended…

‘Got a strong sense of Aslam gold and that connection leads me to the golden lamb which again is the Christ, the Christos. I feel like I’m walking between names of people, lining up and there are clothes hangers empty of clothes, taken off the clothes, the drapes, so what do you have left? …it’s the naked truth’

‘I have Brian’

‘Star, starling, those shapes they make, those great ballet dances, the spirals, the shapes, the permutations, it’s a dance of relationship. The starlings are delineating the pattern of connection’

‘I have the image of Aslam again, the green eyed lion looking straight into the sun, the sun source of energy, our connection to the sun, whether we like it or not we’re caught in this translucent web. That energy is part of a larger pattern, many suns and their nodes, the suns are like nodes, a great carpet, the suns are like hubs, the intersections of many threads like a spider’s web the resonations through one thread resonate through the whole network, a super-sensing that resonates with the furthest stars attuned to the slightest tremor from all the corners of the universe so that every page of the chapters of our book is resonant. There’s a fundamental word that was sent out at the beginning of time, this time’

‘Not a sparrow falls that your father in heaven knows of it. There is nowhere to hide when the sun of all suns, the evening’s warmth permeates all of creation; this light instils every thread, every twig, every leaf, every fibre…’

‘Those green eyes gaze through the capillary of networks into the heart, into each and every heart in who’s heart we are fixed for ever. There is nowhere to go to be outside the love of God’

‘May the lord bless you and keep you. May the lord cause the light of his countenance to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the lord lift up his face upon you and grant you peace’

‘I feel as if words are being poured into me, it’s as if the gates of heaven have opened and a great chorus of hallelujahs cloaked in the language of many images are flying out, cascading, all the beautiful words that have been spoken, they were the sound of praise, a glory of creation, rejoicing, singing and dancing’

‘So what is man but the mouthpiece of the lord, a portal for praise, a gift to the sun, a telescope for gazing at the stars? Man is born to be the meaning of the world, a transducer of truth, of secrets, knowledge, of the golden imagery of the sun. The sun is broadcasting a stream of information sifting through the hourglass of human form to be transcribed, to be deciphered, to be danced’

‘One word to sum it all up is hallelujah… ha-le-lu-jah’

‘Linda, I’ve got Linda saying something about eyes, we’re being watched, millions of eyes on us. She says we are a tantalising spectacle, that’s a good one… My friend Cedrick, I have a sense they are all here, all our friends but it’s as if they’re on a ship and they’re sailing away now waving goodbye, and there’s Pat... I think we’ve come to the end so thank you all, goodbye and God bless’

I played a tune to help Liz feel back with it.

Then I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and closing down exercise…