This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

103rd Sitting 27/04/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Liz started off on a steel wire suspension bridge but then drifted off and came back with no more memories. She felt that things had been going on but couldn’t remember them now…

I started off in a fish tank dancing and conducting along to the music. I saw giant gold fish swimming around me not taking much notice. I wondered why I was there and decided to get out so moved towards the edge of the tank but as I did so the edge moved further away from me and no matter how fast I went I couldn’t reach it. I looked up and saw the surface of the water but again it remained out of my reach as I sped towards it and the same thing happened when I headed for the bottom of the tank. I then got the idea I should maybe do nothing, stop rushing around and just close my eyes and relax. I then got the sensation I was slowly moving upwards and I could see it getting lighter behind my closed eyes. When I opened them I was on the surface of the water and the sky was dazzlingly bright. I looked around and saw people in small boats drifting around. They were dressed in old fashioned clothes from maybe the 1700s. I then realised I too was in a boat and I asked one of the people close to me where I was and he said he didn’t know and all the other people then came close and they didn’t know where they were either. They all agreed that they thought they were probably dead but couldn’t understand what they we supposed to do now. I suggested we should all use our minds to try and move into the bright light above us so we did and as we did so two arms came down from the sky and lifted us all up. Each person went their separate way and I ended up in an empty waiting room. Nothing appeared to be happening and I saw a list of names on the wall including mine and next to it read ‘Not ready to be here yet’ and as I read that I found myself back in the fish tank again…

Liz had drifted off again so I put the music back on to continue the session…

I was soon seeing a few bright blobs in front of me and felt a pressure around my right ear.

I remained mostly awake but drifted off for short periods.

The music ended.

Liz then began to speak…

‘It’s started; Indra's net hanging with cobwebs and glistening, thousands and thousands, hearts. It’s a heart and it starts as the smallest speck then it’s a network of capillaries’

‘Heart felt… and I have all these gardening gloves, hard up… It’s the human spirit lost in its maze of cotton wool fibres, elaborate lies and misapprehensions. A human spirit still nestled there like a bird, trapped, heartfelt, it’s the calling. Now I see the gardening gloves, offer the work to liberate the human spirit, to release the bird, the bird of paradise from its cocoon. Need to cut away the long webs of delusion, of lies, of misapprehensions, trimming, teasing, unravelling. It’s served its purpose, its purpose was to isolate, to contain, containment vessel to slow down, to deliver. Why would you shield the human spirit, entrap, because it’s allowed for a transformation, for a curing, alchemic. In the crucible of the human heart, heartfelt, the cries, birth pangs’  

‘I have old Mrs Monroe, she’s a wise lady, she’s seen the suffering, the children’s crying, wipe away the tears. She says Christ came to show the path of forgiveness, the path of deliverance, path of redemption and the path of the heart. I have heard more cries, Marie Ann. There is no greater sacrifice that to give your life in love for your fellow men, to love, to help, to ease the confusion, to wipe away tears. It’s the way out of the snare’

‘Caroline, Violet…’

‘Tenebris, I’m talking shadows, in the shadowland when we look down there’s another world. It’s the shadowland but the time of light is coming, the cobwebs are clearing, it will come. We say liberate the human spirit, release it from its entrapment, get rid of the old schools, get rid of the institutions, deceit, open up the way for a new learning, learning a new paradigm. Feed my lambs, not with lies but with the heartfelt response to the cries’

‘Where are you going world, you need to ask which way’

‘Now do you want to ask?’

Me… ‘Yes I was wondering would it be beneficial to this physical reality if the majority of people understood the larger reality and understood where they were going to go when they died and that physical reality was just a small part of the larger reality where we are for this short time or would it be better if we are all kept in the illusion that this is really all there is in life and just to make the most of this life while here?’

‘The first… the first obviously but also important to treasure this incubation period, the incubation period for the soul. It’s a very special time and opportunity but it is best to see it in its context because the human spirit, the soul, needs to be born again, needs to immerge, not to entrap itself permanently. Of course it’s not permanent because change will happen inevitably but to see the larger picture is very important to bring an end to the suffering that has accompanied the incubation period. Is that understood?’

Me… ‘If the majority of people knew that they were going to move on from this physical world would they still keep their focus in the physical world and use it as a school for learning or would they be thinking more about what was to come?’

‘No, it’s possible to do both, to realise the transitional nature of this period, this reality but also recognise the importance of immersion in it without getting lost and entrapped and forgetting the larger reality. It’s balance, it’s the answer to the suffering, the suffering that’s caused by the ignorance of the true situation, the delusion creates suffering’

Me… ‘Do we not learn through suffering, is this not something we need to experience?’

‘Suffering is the result of ignorance and delusion and the learning is to let go, is to understand the source of the suffering and to liberate oneself, to immerge. It can have a refining effect in so far as a scourer can polish a rough gem and so the suffering experienced by the incorrect understandings and inappropriate responses can act as a scourge and an urge to refine. So in a sense it’s a learning devise and the end result is liberation of the human spirit. It’s like a crucible of transformation but it’s the pathway that was a difficult pathway to have been chosen, nothing is lost, all experience is valuable. We know how the alchemist turned base metals into gold, so it is with the human spirit but suffering is not the only pathway for some suffering can have a cleansing, a purging, and out of the suffering a new perception can immerge of what is real with the larger reality in which we all exist, the truth’

Me… ‘Do you think we are moving towards a time when more people will understand the larger reality?’


Me… ‘Is it something that is going to happen soon or is it many hundreds of years away?’

‘It could be sooner, it could be later but the threshold is approaching. It can be delayed, there are choices, there are situations but there’s help. We, the larger reality, what you call the larger reality, is working to shift the threshold and bring it closer so it could be sooner or later but that is the trajectory we foresee. There are those in spirit who weep to see the human spirit so entrapped and long for the liberation and pray and work with humanity to achieve this. There are those in spirit who love humanity, who long to help our brothers and sisters, our family, our friends, our self, we are all in it together. There are many who have broken through the web of delusion but who still stand by to help the brethren immerge, who wait for the rest to follow, do you see?’

Me… ‘Yes’

‘Because until we have all hatched as a whole we can’t progress, the next step awaits but the whole has to immerge because we are one another so those who have immersed are longing for the day, the liberation of all souls and like the midwives we wait for the delivery of our brothers and sisters and our great mother, she is assisting. We are enfolded in a hierarchy of being in a never-ending ring of love beyond the wildest imaginings. We are part of a community of beings and being held in the embrace of ever larger realities, all one, all immerging, each part dependent on the rest. You are not alone’ 

Me… ‘As I understand it, myself, the individual on this physical world is just part of a larger self and the larger self is beyond the physical world. Is that what you are, a larger self beyond the physical world?’

‘Both, all of that is true’

Me… ‘So do you have a smaller part which is in this physical world?’

‘Yes, in Liz, Elizabeth, in Nick, Nicholas, both of you, both of us, we are you, you are we. We are more than you, you are more than you. The boundaries blur and you have seen that the illusion of separate identity as you expand your vision, your awareness, your perceptions, those boundaries and individual cognition melt away. My thoughts are your thoughts, your thoughts are my thoughts and there are thoughts that belong to all’

Me… ‘During this evening’s session I drifted off slightly and I suddenly found myself in conversation with somebody talking about the sitting that was happening, just a brief moment. As soon as I realised I was there I suddenly came back here again and lost the link. It was almost as if I’d drifted off into my larger self that was communicating with Liz’s larger self perhaps?’

‘That’s how it works’

Me… ‘But as soon as I realised that I came away and back to where I was’

‘We’re drifting in and out’

Me… ‘I suppose with practice we can get ourselves out of the physical world and join you while we are still in the physical world’

‘Yes, and in this situation, this sitting, that is facilitated because it’s a dedicated time space in which you are allowing for that possibility. The mere fact of permitting, allowing, honouring this opportunity helps the larger consciousness to facilitate. If you were closed to it and so full of scepticism and doubt and non-belief and resistance then the larger consciousness couldn’t do anything, would find it very difficult to make itself known. Here we have resonances from many communications with which we are connected in this context and I have Fatima Medjugorje where the vail of disbelief has been lifted so the great love has been able to shine through and the calling from your brothers and sisters who’ve broken their shackles, who are waiting to help you all to transition, to break free. We’re calling and calling and there have been certain contexts in which we’ve been heard. You’ll notice that when we have surfaced, managed to call loud enough to be heard this has often occurred within a context of a religious framework which although sometimes a critical and a sceptical of miracles has never the less supported and provided a framework within which we’ve been able to manifest and usually through the young and innocent, the open and unassuming. Religions aren’t all bad; they have a place to provide a context but the fruit of the spirit as the true spiritual essence of religion will verify the fruit of the spirit is love. If the message is love, to assist, to help, to support, to evolve humanity then it will be known that it’s the larger consciousness speaking and not the entrapped and warped human spirit. When the message is hatred and destruction and division then this has nothing to do with us but everything to do with the entrapped and suffering human spirit, the unliberated. It is not the free speech of the higher consciousness but the limited distorted ramblings of a partial and entrapped and deluded consciousness that has not evolved sufficiently as yet and you see this at present in your world’

There was a pause…

‘The story of Goldilocks and the three bears and if you remember Goldilocks came to the cottage while the bears were out walking in the woods. She visited them in their domain and found she could fit with the smallest very comfortably but when the bears returned and they saw that Goldilocks had been tasting their porridge, sitting in their chair, lying in their bed and found her there, their response was a rather human response and they frightened her and chased her away while she took fright but because they didn’t welcome her, they looked to see how she’d broken some of their precious bits and pieces which is, if you see Goldilocks in the place of spirit entering in the human domain and the response of love it can meet resistance and that resistance can frighten spirit away temporarily. In the story Goldilocks runs away terrified but the larger consciousness of course isn’t terrified, doesn’t run away, it’s just shut out temporarily but it will try again. So for humanity look for that unexpected visitor and welcome that visitor even if it slightly disrupts the normal way of life, disarranges the bed, breaks a bit of furniture and takes rather a lot of the food. Be open to the possibility that that visitor brings a ray of sunshine. That’s a symbol of the Goldilocks, the Goldilocks is like the sun, is like a sunbeam entering into a dark cottage and we humans have been living like animals in many ways. So the true human enters into the animal like humanoids’ sphere and if it’s allowed can help to transform wild and inhuman beings into human beings by love’

Me… ‘That’s very well put’

‘So I think with that we should close our session now’

Me… ‘Okay, you’ve done very well’

‘Thank you, thank you for listening again’

Me… ‘Very interesting, I’ll look forward to writing it all up’

Liz was starting to come back…

‘I have Diana and Diana was a Goldilocks, she broke a few chairs and upset a few bears…’

Once Liz felt fully back with it I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…       

102nd Sitting 20/04/2016

We had the room setup as usual.
I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the first tune on while we did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Liz started off on a large cobbled area, a market place, it was belting down with rain, lots of people around with umbrellas and the rain was flowing down in gullies and streams to the river which was very swollen, a flood area. Everybody wanted to get over it to the other side and found they could invent different ways of getting over it. There were wires with a slope to them and some people hooked their umbrellas over the wire and slid across. Some people took a running jump or flew over; some people went over with helium balloons while Liz just leapt over. It was wet and muddy on the other side and Liz found herself with a tiger. It was warm and friendly like a cat and she felt comfortable with it. It let her climb onto its back and went racing off through this swampy jungle, up a mountain to a clear area with wild scrubland and rocks. Up above them was a jade coloured pagoda and Liz wanted to go there. The tiger took her very quickly on a spiral route to it where Liz dismounted and went inside. At this point she slipped into a dream state and couldn’t fully remember or bring back what she experienced. She remembered people there and some were dying or already dead. She thought there was a master or teacher there and the experience was something to do with the body dying…

I started off standing with a top hat on the ground in front of me. I picked it up and looked inside expecting to see a magician’s rabbit but it was empty so I put it on. As I did so either the hat got bigger or I got smaller as it went right over me and I ended up standing inside this enormous top hat in complete darkness. Then I saw windows light up as if someone was turning the lights on in rooms around this hat and then ladders appeared from each window coming down towards me. I decided to climb up one of the ladders and crawled through the open sash window into an empty room. The walls were pink and as I stood there a door opened and Freddie Mercury entered with a grin on his face. He said I had a very vivid imagination and I was not to worry about whether these visualisations came from within me or from outside of myself as it doesn’t matter. What is important is the value of the experience you get from it. He said it was the same with mediumship communications and inspirations; you can never be entirely sure where they come from but as long as what comes through has value to you or to others and helps with their understanding then that is all that matters. Freddie said that even in the physical world much of what we experience is imagined or created by us, it’s like playing a big game and the more rules you make for yourself with your own beliefs the harder the game becomes. Forget the rules and just enjoy life, have fun, as long as you think of others, don’t hurt anyone and live positively you will enjoy the game…

Before I put the music back on Liz had a strong feeling of an African wooden mask, a ritual mask, mahogany coloured.

I was sensing flashing in the room.

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

Then Liz said…

‘Some people have to die to be reborn… that’s the initiation rites. It takes place in adolescence. With some people it’s a new person that comes through’

‘I got a name like Xerxes, lots of beads and feathers, something like a phalanx, a warrior… Staying, staying at home, a stately home… California, California gold rush… I’m going through a series of life times… A poisonous snake… Eglantine, a connection with Keats’ house and Fanny Brawn’  

‘I got Big Feather wanting to tell me about some animal thing, got paw prints… An image of me on my belly, not sure if it’s on the ground or in a canoe, a wooden canoe… Seem to be like a big turtle and the eggs… that’s it, the canoe is like a shell, its body armour, it’s everything…’

The music finished and Liz continued…

‘When you are reborn you are given the body armour, you are animal. It’s a narcotic you’re given and that you die almost and you play a new part, you’re reborn. Big Feather… Acting out these symbols because at that stage in life these are very important transformations, it’s as though you call it psychosis, there’s no understanding of other realities, other ways of being. These are early beliefs, early rites of passage but they’re baked into the soul and carried on. Protective thought forms in the psyche so when some people are drawn towards their animals they are living that psychic connection but don’t realise that we’ve become the animal. You’ve got your horse lovers, your dog lovers, your cat lovers, your reptile lovers, proxies, a living proximal to their animals. When we became the animal you have to understand these psychic transitions because they are part of the human psyche, they are remembered. Xerxes phalanx is a pack of wild wolves, you don’t know the half of it and the warriors will tell you, mad with the blood loss, you follow the lines of behaviour and you see how far back they go. So to become fully human you have to transition yet again, transition from the animal, so it’s a new growing to be done, a new initiation and that was the symbolism of the crucifixion, a new dying, he overturned the tables, he sacrificed connection with the animal to become fully human. What does it take to die again, death to the animal man, the half animal? We love and understand to grow up hence the use of narcotics, we attempt to die…’

‘Fade far away, dissolve and quite forget what thou amongst the leaves hast never known, the weariness, the fever and the fret, here where men sit and hear each other groan, where palsy shakes a few sad last grey hairs, where youth grows pale and spectre thin and dies…’ (Ode to a Nightingale, John Keats)

‘He was a surgeon who died early. A surgeon tries to cut out the animal, cut away the devises that have been used to transition, to make whole, to become human, to heal but it’s like trying to tinker with the exoskeleton but it’s the inside that needs to morph, it’s the psyche that needs to morph like inside a chrysalis the old body, the old psychic body goes to sleep, not with narcotics though but with the will to transit with a conscious will to align with the cosmic human, with the sun. The son of God has been called and to allow the reshaping of the psyche, to allow the reformation, the resurrection of the psyche and then the nightingale, the bird of paradise, the firebird, the angelic breaks out of the dormancy, breaks out of the exoskeleton to become truly human. It’s a process of trust and allowing, an inner knowing. The right cradle has to be prepared for the rebirthing and that cradle is prepared by those teachers who have transitioned and those who are ready now to transition will be drawn to those teachers and they will find a cradle of trust and knowledge in which they can safely transit with all blessings with all joy, with all peace… We’re through now, thank you for listening’

As Liz came back she had an image of a silver snake skin.
Interestingly a few minutes earlier I had drifted off slightly and got an image of a man holding a large snake that was about to shed its skin.

Once Liz was back with it I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…  

101st Sitting 13/04/2016

We had the room setup as usual.
I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the first tune on.
Then we did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Liz started off on a river with lots of long rowing boats, a bit like canoes but with masts and they were all different colours. Liz was getting distracted going into a dream state with snatches of conversations that she couldn’t quite remember; she felt there was a lady with her. Liz eventually managed to get to the other side of the river where there were white coated researchers and doctors waiting and glad to see her. They wanted to take Liz to a place like a hospital, a birthing place and there was a lady there giving birth. Liz was told about these new babies being born now, they were trying to implant memories in them to make it so they would remember where they had come from and remember their mission just to make it easier for them because we seem to be flooded in so much noise it’s very difficult for people to remember and reconnect with their origins and their purpose. Liz was told to look after these babies, we in this generation have been preparing the nest for them, and all this information that’s going out is like the nest in which they can grow, it’s all there to feed, support and nurture them…

I started off inside an old style phone box. It kept changing colour from red to green to gold. I was unsure whether to or not pick up the phone. I tried to look outside and see where I was but it was just mist outside. Eventually I decided to pick up the phone but all I could hear was crackling like white noise with the occasional word coming through but nothing I could understand. Then I noticed black cables like tentacles starting to spread out from the base of the phone box in all directions as if trying to find something to connect to, getting longer and longer. They then seemed to each connect to a blue disc or sphere and when they did I started to hear music through the phone like a church choir. The phone box then took off getting higher and higher. The mist disappeared and it went black as if I was in space. All the black cables joined together forming one thick cable like a tail with one large blue sphere on the end. As I looked around I saw other phone boxes with people in, floating with tails and each had a different colour sphere on the end. We all came together forming a circle and then a bright white light appeared in the centre of this circle which as I watched became a new born baby in a kind of basket. Then hundreds of white doves flew down and took the baby and basket up higher in the air as all of the phone boxes descended back down to Earth, landing on a grassy field…

Once again there seemed to be many similarities in our visualisations.

I put the music back on and we resumed the session…

I felt a pressure on my forehead and around my right ear.
I had a pulsing vibration on my left ankle.

I started to see bright blobs coming and going.

I felt a tickle on the left side of my forehead and then it felt like something running down the left side of my face.

The music ended and I said that now would be a good time to communicate and that I wouldn’t ask questions until they told me they were ready.

After about two minutes Liz began to speak…

‘There’s more clarity now… Child care, arrangements being made, it’s the big push to get these children, to inject them into the world frame… five fingers five toes, it’s to do with embodiment, embodying information, the human vessel is an embodiment of geometry, mathematical music, harmony. The human vehicle has to have time to sing, to resound, to reverberate in a clear space. It’s a lens, a very fine instrument for focusing universal energy information. When it’s fine-tuned we can burn the message into the heart, activate the codons, actualize memories. The seeding of two or three can have a cataclysmic effect, a doming effect, just takes a pure signal coming through, can help to reset, recalibrate millions… Raven is there… You can ask questions if you wish now…’

Me… ‘Okay, often when we start this session we do the Rainbow Bridge Exercise and we find that we both have similar experiences, maybe interpret them in our own way. We’ve been noticing this more recently and it seems to be above chance. I wondered whether you could explain what was going on’

‘Two instruments resonating, being played simultaneously, two different instruments are playing their own version, the harmonies of the same tune. One wind, one breath strikes two instruments simultaneously’

Me… ‘So where is the wind or breath coming from?’

‘The cosmos, the greater intelligence, the universal matrix’

Me… ‘Is that the same as what is happening now with this communication, is that coming from the same place?’

‘Indeed, we seed information, we seed thoughts, ideas. Some call this matrix God but that’s a very limited concept for the reality of what is the creative forces’

Me… ‘How do you see this matrix?’

‘See is a very human term’

Me… ‘Maybe I should say how do you perceive this matrix?’

‘Being the matrix, everything, the inner and the outer, embodiment, disembodiment, everything, all beings, everything that is, is generated, inspired with, by, for itself which is matrix that’s a concept for something that’s beyond the conceptual framework that we operate in, beyond all words but words come out of it. We seed realities, we are also the fertile ground of the seeds so within what you call God is the male and female, the active and passive, the duality within one and this is held in the holding mind, the mystery, matrix is a mystery, we come from the created level though within us is the totality of all understandings, understanding is yet partial though within us is the limitless knowing, yet our understanding is limited because the level at which we speak is seeded reality, is partial, transitional’

Me… ‘During the session I often find myself drifting off to sleep for short periods. Is this something I should try not to do or is it beneficial for the overall development of this circle?’

‘It’s part of the development but it’s important to maintain the awareness between times, to maintain a sense of presence, so coming back to know that you’ve been and where you’ve been can be helpful, so remembering the purpose, the intention to attune and communicate and listen because in those brief interludes there maybe information. It’s like a muscle being tested, relaxed and then stretched’

Me… ‘Normally when I fall asleep for short periods I don’t bring back any memories of dreams but tonight there was one point where I came back and felt that I’d been sitting in a large theatre with lots of seats and other people with me and the medium was sitting on the stage. We were all observing what was going on’

‘That’s a very good representation of where you are in those interludes so the work is still proceeding and our meetings are still advancing and developing. So good that you bring back the imprint to remind you that this is just one phase of our work together but likely the muscle working to have optimum flexibility, alternate between tension and relaxation, the vibrating string goes through a cycle’

Me… ‘When I bring back images like that it gives me the impression we’re not just working in this reality together but we are in other realities at the same time’

‘That’s true, we operate on multiple levels’

Me… ‘Is that something that you are more aware of from your vantage point at the moment?’

‘Indeed, yet there are still levels that are yet unknown’

Me… ‘Are you speaking as a group of entities this evening?’

‘The awareness of the group is working through me as a vessel. There is an awareness of some individuation echoes, certain members of the group come forward… Brother Michael… This group acts by inspiration and this is the breath that we spoke of. It sets the reverberations, ideas. There are long term plans, the probabilities, the future moulded slightly, shape, direction, seeds being sown are facilitators. We put things in place, suggest, nudge, shift the probabilities. We see the larger picture so we can urge those that are more receptive to actualise at the right time. Nothing is guaranteed. When we talk of seeding and the children we talk of potential, we talk of an arrow that has been fired. So much has gone into that moment of the firing, the preparation of the bow, the string, training of the archer, the eye sight, the practice. Getting the arrow to hit its target is a lot of work but in reality it’s not just one arrow but many. With the right teacher the probability of a sufficient number of arrows reaching the target is increased’

Me… ‘So what is that target you’re aiming for?’

‘The target at the moment is realisation of the full embodiment of the human being, the attunement, the development according to the solar plan to relay light which is also love, for the love of life to be kindled in the human heart, the opening of the heart. This work has been going on for long but has met with obstructions, some difficulties, it’s gone off target for a while but we have a window of opportunity to reinstate the original development plan and that’s now so we’re working on it but it all involves the receptivity of those already embodied to rekindle the love element, to rekindle the original memory, to be open to the solar influence, we call it the sun, we call it the lion, the Christ, it has many names… I have the feeling that brother Michael wanted me to contact Vanessa’

Me… ‘Do you have a message for her?’

‘To try and steer a clear path, to rise above the confusion, to hold the oars, to set the sails straight, to sail straight to the sun. I sense she’s being pulled from many sides. To set sail and hold firm and to be a boat woman, to be a guide, he wants her to be a guide, she holds the pole, she has the ability to lead, to drive, to carry people across. She’s working with the seeding, she has work to do with the new children, she can help them to find their way across, remember… I have the image of a rose, a beautiful pink rose but the message is it’s not without thorns. I can hear the song “Oh My Darling Clementine” I’m going to ask if anybody wants to say anything, wants to make themselves aware. Keep getting the name Deborah, Deborah Payne and some sense of bread or brewery… I saw fire engines… A black cat keeps appearing… It’s like I’m watching a television, looks a bit like the coronation or from around that time… I think Phil is showing himself, saying hello to Susan. He was a very proud father and now he’s grown, a sense of spreading. I have the sense that having been an individual his identity has spread, it’s encompassed many, the sense of him being a father but now encompasses many, enormous, feels a bit Hollywood, like coming from the television to the big screen. I have the rose and thorns again and think we should end there with this beautiful rose as a reminder for us that roses do have thorns…’

Liz didn’t get the falling sensation at the beginning or the serpent at the end like last week. She felt it was more inspirational speaking and not so much channelling this week.

When Liz first started speaking I had been drifting off and woke with a flash of bright pale blue light across my whole vision and saw there was something like a black dot within it. It also gave me a feeling like an electric shock.

When Liz was feeling back with it I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and closing down exercise…

100th Sitting 06/04/2016

We had the room setup as last week and used the shorter music CD.
This will now be our usual setup unless we decided to change it again.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the first tune on.
We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation.

Liz started off on a pavement, on the kerb. There were puddles on the road and as Liz looked up she saw umbrellas everywhere, the road was filled with people holding umbrellas. As Liz tried to cross she was swept along in this sea of umbrellas and as it progressed the road petered out and seemed to merge into a dessert landscape, endless sand. She then saw pyramids which as she got closer looked more like white ziggurats. Liz was drawn towards them and she felt hands drawing her up the steps to a doorway that was engraved with patterns and signs. The hands pulled Liz through the door and she was suddenly in this absolutely cool space full of darkness and stars. It was like a sense of infinity, the whole universe all around her, an incredibly strange feeling like falling in a well. Liz then found herself in a school with children looking up at the stars and appreciating the infinity from the perspective of the Earth and then looking through a telescope like a scientist. There seemed to be a message in this and it was like there are so many ways to appreciate infinity. The children were being shown the appreciation of infinity through caterpillars and other creatures and looking at the trees and nature, a sense of exploration. It was as if every bit of learning we do is a learning of appreciation, a response to the great mystery of the universe, of infinity. Liz found herself back in the road of umbrellas but she knew that the hands were always there to pull her up and remind her and help with the understanding. Standing under the universe but it was all inside her…

I started off floating amongst white clouds; they were everywhere and looked like white candy floss. I wanted to know what they felt like so touched one of them and it burst and disappeared like a popped balloon. In its place was a man who looked like he was from India with a turban sitting cross legged playing some sort of wind instrument, floating in the air. I touched another cloud and again it burst this time leaving a large dog in its place like a Great Dane and then another one burst after I touched it leaving a white horse. Then all the clouds started to burst without me touching them and soon I was surrounded by hundreds of people and animals all floating in this void. I then noticed we all started to become connected by a thread which then pulled us all together forming one huge mass of people and animals which then turned into a bright white light like a star. Even though I was a part of this I seemed to be observing it from outside and I could see other stars surrounding it. They too became attached to this star by threads and were pulled into it forming one massive bright white light floating in this void. I tried to see it in more detail and as I looked I saw it was made up of all these strands of connection and I could also see all the people and animals who appeared to be oblivious that they were there as they were all going about their normal everyday Earthly activities, walking, working, reading and I saw Liz walking along the seafront looking at the sea and I even saw myself at home working on the computer and other people I recognised all going about their daily lives unaware that they were all connected and part of this bright white light…

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

I soon started to see silver/blue blobs floating about in front of me.
I had a pressure on my forehead which came and went during the session.

Liz became very hot.

I felt a few tickles in my hair.

Liz was now feeling cold.
I also felt cold.

I was seeing a few dim flashes around the room.

A few minutes before the music finished I felt a change of energy in the room.
It looked brighter, more charged and felt very dense.

When the music came to an end I verbalised that we would now sit in silence and anyone was welcome to communicate.

Liz then said…

‘I feel like I’m falling’

After a pause I asked…

‘Would it be okay to ask a question?’


Me… ‘Okay, you’re very welcome. When the medium sits she feels a lot of presences around her, people she recognises. I’m wondering if you could explain what it is she’s experiencing when this happens?’

‘Memory… Right now the process is incomplete… time, next time… Memory is a song unsung, available to all, tapestry, field. Memory of the future, memory of the past, memory is the mirror, faces, memory is the mirror learning to see who you are, these people are always present, you can tap into them, glimpses, they are just connecting cords to strands, resonances. Sometimes the strands light up, become visible suddenly, it’s a resonance, tuning in to the song unsung so then it can be heard again’

Me… ‘Are the people that make up these memories aware that they are being remembered or have they gone on to do other things and are not connected to these memories?’

‘They are not what you think; they are both there and not there, both remembering their memories and forgetting them. They like echoes, they can hear as you sing their song, they too can hear and they may, they can be pulled into alignment. They are always there but always not there, always in many places, hard to describe being one and many. There are times, through a benefit of retrieval of the memory, it can be rekindled with part of the entity that inhabited it so yes and no. Yes you can frame it like that, yes those people are there, the people as they were at a time when you may have known them or before you knew them but they are also elsewhere so yes and no, they’re one and many, many and one, not only there but everywhere. So it’s useful to describe the memory in its clothing of familiarity but the love behind the memory is the active ingredient. Those that pass with great love and stretch out through all times, those of great love is like a very well-played, easily resonant string of a harp, it’s the one that always sounds, the one that even a breath of wind can activate, so sensitive, so responsive. Those are the faces, those are the people, those are the aspects of memory, the one to be reinhabited to let you know, to remind you of the love, to make you hear the unsung song which is always love and they come with that message, with that purpose, with that meaning, it’s their nature, it’s the connection. The only purpose of these presentations is to let you know that love has survived, that love is’

Me… ‘When you speak to me like this is it one person that is speaking or are you part of a team?’

‘It’s a memory speaking, the speaking is the universal words from all of us through the medium, or this one medium who is one and many, who is connected to all. The words belong to all of us but through the channelling the flavour is mediated through the channel’

Me… ‘Do you feel that the way we are sitting now is the best way for this development of communication or is there anything we can do to improve the way we sit?’

‘More spaces of silence, more patience, to allow the transformation. There has to be a shifting and it’s not always complete, not allowed enough time for completing. It will get quicker, it is already getting quicker but if you intervene too quickly the progress remains partial. With a little more patience we can allow for a complete transition’

Me… ‘So should I wait for more words to come through before I start to ask my own questions?’

‘That may help, that may be helpful’

Me… ‘Yes that makes sense’

‘Needing to reflect in already specific signals to the altered state, these are physiological changes that sign post the beginning of the readiness’

Me… ‘Maybe it would be a good idea if I wait for you to ask me to ask questions. That way I’ll know you’re ready’

‘That would be sensible’

Me… ‘Okay I’ll do that in future, that will give you time to settle in and make all the necessary adjustments’

‘That would because the medium is not quite sure what is happening’

Me… ‘You are still doing very well, very pleased with the results’

‘There is a serpent, a serpentine influence in the human mind and the desire to know definitively things that cannot yet be known and that impetuous desire for definitive knowledge curtailed the natural development of knowing. There is much uncertainty, unpredictability in a very probabilistic shifting creative reality. To pin it down can abort its optimum development process. That’s happened, that is happening all the time because of impatience, the desire for certainty, it’s been bred into the human intellect, it’s evolved in that way but it’s not fixed, it can be loosened like unloosening the hair. That will lead to a renewal, a regeneration, reshaping... “Ah love could thou and I with fate conspire, to change this sorry scheme of things entire, would we not shatter it to bits and then remould it nearer to heart’s desire” (from The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam) …but we fixed it trying to find the serpent prematurely, too soon, too inpatient’

Me… ‘Maybe there are no certainties?’


Me… ‘I guess we have to learn to live happily with uncertainties and understand that we cannot know everything. We can get glimpses and ideas of things but it’s all very fluid, nothing is set in stone’

‘That’s true and you take the image of the butterfly lover that becomes a collector and his butterfly ends up pinned on a board. It wasn’t that he didn’t love the butterfly, he loved it but he wanted to hold it, to capture it, to keep it in one state and now he has it but it’s not flying there but the uncertainty holds in it or is held in love, it which is the matrix and that holds everything and even the temporary fixing, even the errors, even the mistakes, they are all part of love and there’s nowhere the human race or any being, or any reality any created aspect can go to be outside that love which is all. So the fear of the individual aspect that becomes fixed through its fear of uncertainty, its desire to be definitive, the fear is then that it is outside of that free flowing, free flying love and doesn’t know how to get back, but it’s there, it’s never been lost, it’s the unfixed. Become patient and in the fullness of time all will be revealed that’s meant to be revealed, will be self-revealing…’

There was a pause.

‘I’ve been with the little mother at Medjagorje. I’m glad to be with you now. Messages for many and for Sister Angela, you might know me as John’

Me… ‘Okay, would you like me to refer to you as John from now onwards?’

‘Sometimes, not always, but now’

Me… ‘Now you are John. Are you somebody I would recognise?’


Me… ‘Are you somebody that the medium would recognise?’


Me… ‘Are you coming through as your character on the Earth plane?’

‘Yes, that’s the connection, there’s a memory’

Me… ‘Do you have any memories of when you were on the Earth plane that you can talk about at all?’

‘Medjugorje, and the great love of the mother, the miracles, the devotion. These phenomena reminders resurfaced to link the human spirit again, to remember that they are all part of love, that it has never left. We’ve come now to the end and a message to relay to one and all that love enfolds the Earth in all beings for ever…’

Me… ‘Thank you for that’

As Liz started to come back she had a strange feeling of a serpent moving through her arms and hands, she couldn’t move for a while. She felt she was getting re-embodied as she came back.

Once Liz felt back with it again I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and closing down exercise.

Afterwards Liz felt that John was probably John Walsh someone she had known and who was connected with the Edgar Cayce Centre

Update 04/04/2016

Liz has published a book on Amazon which comprises extracts from The Mercury Experiment transcripts throughout 2014 and 2015 available through this link... Mercury Musings

99th Sitting 30/03/2016

This week we went back to having Liz in the open cabinet, me opposite her and the table in the middle.
We again used the shortened music CD as we planned to continue the sitting in silence.

I did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the first tune on.
We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Liz found herself in a red brick tunnel like an aqueduct, an underground tunnel and she had to go through it to get across a river. It was very narrow like a rabbit hole; full of earth and Liz had to burrow into it. The next thing she knew she was laying in the earth surrounded by daffodils on the other side of the river. Above her was a white robed figure who told her these daffodils were the lent lily and Liz then realised this was Jesus. He asked why it had taken so long for her to come here; he’d been waiting for her. Then an enormous green van appeared, they got in the back of it and it was driving them between places. He told Liz that this was the place for planning and design. It goes everywhere but it’s between places. It’s for you to be able to plan and receive instructions. Liz looked around and there were tables and instruments for measuring. He said this is where you plan things and work things out, it’s a place you can always come to, it’s between places and it’s important to withdraw yourself to this space where we can inspire you and give you the ideas, it’s taken you a long time but you’re working with us now, you don’t have to worry about where the money’s coming from or how to do it just listen to our instructions and our ideas and inspiration then make your plans and bring things into being. Liz then found herself back in the woods where she wanted to be and he said this is your place but the green van was the salvation of the Earth, the salvaging, the renewal, the Earth cleaning division…

I started off looking over a five bar gate. At first I couldn’t see anything, just white, and then slowly a field appeared in front of me with black and white cows eating the grass. Then I saw the hedges around the field and then other fields beyond going on and on into the distance. I was then aware of a rainbow in the distance going from left to right and I felt I wanted to be underneath that rainbow so visualised myself there looking up at it sitting in an arm chair. It was raining but it wasn’t water it was like pieces of silver paper coming down. It became night time with a full moon which lit up these pieces of silver paper and I watched them as they started to form a shape, a creature with wings and when it became clearer I saw it was like a biblical figure, the face looked like Jesus with long hair and he had wings like an angel and a halo over his head. I asked who are you? …and the reply came …The angel of the lord. I then asked why are you here? …and he said …I’m not just here I’m everywhere but because of what you are doing in your circles, raising your vibrations and working towards love it can create an image of me and I can help you with the circle’s development and the development of yourselves towards becoming love…

Interestingly we both appeared to have met Jesus this week.

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

I soon started to see bright blobs moving left to right.
I felt a sensation on my left ear like something pinching it and a few light touches in my hair.

I remained fully awake throughout the session.
Liz lost consciousness a couple of times while the music was playing.

The music ended.
I verbalised that the music had ended and we would now sit in silence and that they were welcome to come forward and communicate.

Liz began to speak…

‘I’m still in daffodils and have a bicycle wheel, spokes of a bicycle wheel, a very linear tool for getting from A to B…’

After a pause I asked… ‘Could I ask a question?’


Me… ‘When we pass over from this the physical life, as I understand it we can choose to come back again, reincarnate in the physical, but I was wondering what other choices we have if we don’t want to do that?’

‘There are many places, many opportunities other than the physical Earth plane and these can be accessed and seen after death and there is choice, there is no compulsion to return, experience is ongoing’

Me… ‘Are there other physical realities that we can incarnate into if we choose to?’

‘Many… and some are already familiar’

Me… ‘How are they familiar?’

‘Accessed in-between waking, accessed from previous interludes in the afterlife. All realities are already known and contained and open for exploration. Consciousness filters memory and experience. The filter is shifted and then the unknown becomes known again’

Me… ‘When we do our closing prayer we send our thoughts and healing to those people that have passed from the physical but find themselves confused and sometimes trapped in the physical. I was wondering how do our thoughts and healing help them?’

‘Reminders like the flashes, echoes, triggers, resonances… consciousness can get stuck and needs a re-boot, a little jiggering to realign, to shift. An energy of thoughts from you or from others can help to trigger a shift. The energy is increased if the intent and the focus is strong. The power of the thought can increase the force and enable the shift. Regular sending of energy via thought can help, can amplify build-up and it can resonate with others who are also sending thought, they can be drawn to add their thought, so the energy is amplified and the shift can take place, it’s all vibration’

Me… ‘Are there many that find it difficult to pass over from the physical world to the spirit world?’

‘No, this is a natural transition and it is rehearsed many times during life, during the physical existence. The transition, awakening from sleep is like a rehearsal. No, for many it’s natural but for some, a few, they are stuck and that’s where help is needed’

Me… ‘What causes them to become stuck?’

‘It’s a habit, a fixation, a choice not to let go, to cling, fear, attachment. For many as they get close to death or the time approaches, letting go is natural but for some a habit of clinging is very strong and takes a little shift like the wind in the tree to release all the apples. It’s the holding on. It will happen naturally because a person tires eventually of the clinging and the holding and begins to yearn for something new’

Me… ‘Could the same thing happen when coming from spirit into the physical? Could a consciousness not want to leave the spirit world and come into the physical?’


Me… ‘and is there a way in which we can help in that situation’

‘To understand the fear, the reluctance, the ambivalence and it can be seen in almost physical posture, gesture, the child and adult turning away from the world, shielding themselves, half present half not, sometimes an impairment. Not fully incarnating can take different forms, psychological and physical but love and understanding can ease the passage of a person through their difficult incarnation and sometimes a person will leave early without completing the full span of their life. Some spirits do feel they’ve made a very big mistake’

Me… ‘Is that feeling felt in the larger part of that consciousness or is it just the consciousness that is incarnated in the physical?’

‘It’s all the same ultimately… Many, many seeds are shed from the trees and some germinate and thrive and some germinate but dwindle and some don’t germinate at all. It’s a lot of serendipity, chance but also factors of time and space and place but it all evens out and opportunities come again, see how fruitful the trees are shedding seeds, the opportunities each year, each spring each autumn. The seed that fails to thrive returns to the earth into the compost to form the nutrition of food for those that are thriving and will flourish and they in their turn are producing new seeds and out of that seed falling in the space, the same space in which our failed seed gave its life a new seed may fall again and thrive. The spokes of the wheel, the wheel turns and turns but there’s nowhere to go because it’s all now, it’s all one. Coming going is from a higher perspective evolution; we all live in each other’

Me… ‘That’s a very interesting way of putting it, we’re all helping each other, helping each other to grow and I suppose by helping each other we’re helping ourselves’

‘Nothing is wasted, everything is recycled… From the point of view of the individual things look black and white, success and failure. From an enlarged perspective it’s all happening stochastically, I am here there everywhere existing all places, all times, every success my success, every failure feeding that success, every experience is my experience, nothing is wasted, I’m everywhere in all times in all places. It’s only from the smaller perspective that this linearity of time and space, individual existence arises. From the enlarged perspective I am you, I am all, all happening in me now… nothing wasted’

Me… ‘It’s difficult for us to understand that while living in this physical world. We get glimpses of it occasionally when we think about things and in nature when we see things evolve but most of the time we feel very much individual and separated from other people’

‘You’re all held in me and in me all are held and the holding is me and the me is the holding, the me is you and the me is he and it and she and they and us. In the whole of my being success and the failure, right and wrong merge, all are aspects from the limited perspective. I am seeing gradually in so many different ways and my eyes are your eyes but my seeing has to be greater. You will come to see with my eyes that are all eyes. Unpenetrating myself, suffusing with light the intricacies of my own being, your own being, all being. There’s a flickering of the light, eyes open and closed, the flutter. Awakening is a mysterious and gradual process…  Imagine that each part of your body from the smallest molecule to the largest system like the brain or lungs were to become fully conscious, aware of itself, its functioning and its part in the whole. At present it functions in an unconscious way, imagine each part developing complete consciousness, each part of a physical system and then it changes, it breaks up and dies and then starts up again, an embryo. The process of becoming conscious in every part of this wonderful creation is a joy but also an agony, easy and difficult’

Me… ‘Does each part see itself as a separate part?’

‘At first’

Me… ‘Would it then learn to recognise itself as one?’

‘As the light increases, as the inner illumination and consciousness strengthens awareness expands to reveal the interconnectedness, the true relationship and those consciousnesses can merge so it grows to encompass from the one part to the many so it can retain its sense of its individual part but also its relationship to the whole and can partake of the consciousness of the whole but it can also choose to close its eyes and sleep, it can choose to withdraw its consciousness but conscious and unconscious are just two sides of one coin and conscious and unconscious like dark and light are held in the beingness of being that is beyond our understanding. Being and nonbeing, all in all and empty, empty and full’

Me… ‘Thank you for those words and very interesting answers to my questions’

‘Thank you for your questions… ‘

Liz slowly came back…

‘I’m left with the picture of the unicycle, the wheel going round and round, one wheel, one place, it’s like the sound of one hand clapping’

Liz thanked all her spirit friends that she had felt around her.

I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…