This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

56th Sitting 20/01/2015

We had everything set up as usual this week.
We decided I would turn down the music when Liz began any inspired speaking.

I did the opening prayer at 8.30pm then we did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise.

Liz started going down a narrow track lined with bulrushes leading to a full flowing river. There was a stone bridge to her left but she felt she didn’t want to go left and saw another narrow white convex bridge to her right. It was a metal lattice work bridge with an asphalt path over it. Liz started to walk over it and felt lots of children there, one with golden hair and a brown child ran ahead to lead Liz across. She saw a rainbow arching from where she got on the bridge to beyond where she got off. On the other side she saw rolling green fields and pastures with sheep, lambs and goats and there were shepherds and huts. It looked like a nursery rhyme scene. The children led Liz up into the hills, then beyond the hills along a beautiful grassy path. She looked back and saw the river below, it was a beautiful place. Liz felt she could stay there for ages. She then came to a large grassy clearing with old grey stones and a group of adults like druids in white and grey robes in a circle and they invited Liz to join them. It was all to do with ‘feeding the lambs’ and they told Liz that in May there was going to be a great input of energy and we would have some fruition, we will begin to be feeding the lambs then but this is spiritual food. There’s a gathering of druid like priests and a great force of energy being put into the earth and to the spiritual realms and this great input of energy is for the feeding of the lambs. Liz was told we would be participating in that in May. She then glided back on the rainbow…

I started off in the air held up by two white birds with orange beaks. They lowered me down onto a beach of soft orange sand then I walked down to the edge of the water which looked foamy. Opposite me was an island that I wanted to go to but I saw no bridge so decided to create one by visualising a black line running over to the island and this black line then became a bridge that I crossed over. As I did so I realised the bridge was actually a prehistoric animal with a large body, long thin tail and long thin neck and head. I climbed on at the tail and off at the head. The island was sand and palm trees and children were swinging from the trees. I carried on into the island and saw lots of small ponds. The water was still and clear like a mirror and I knelt down beside one to see my reflection but I also saw another face reflected opposite mine looking like a Buddhist monk in an orange gown. I then looked up expecting to see him opposite me but there was no one there. The refection was still there then when I looked up a second time I saw him sitting opposite me smiling. He began to speak about reality and illusion and how not everything is how it seems. He held out his hands saying feel I am real and sure enough I touched them but when he did this a second time I couldn’t touch him and my hands when through his. He went on to talk about how I had been thinking about this sort of thing and that I was on the right track but had a long way to go and had a lot to learn and experience. It was now time to go and the two white birds returned and flew me back up into the sky…

I put the music back on and we continued our session.

I had a pressure popping sensation in my left ear.
It was getting very blobby in front of me and light around my sides.

I felt a sensation of something like an energy move through me from behind and into the centre of the room.
The room was now looking very dark to me.

Liz was suddenly cold round her legs.  

We were both drifting off for a while.
I got a strange vision of a white boat with a giant light bulb on top of it.

Liz got the name ‘Denise Levertov’ a poet, connected with ‘Hannah’

Liz was inspired to speak…

‘I’ve got an image of gold plates, ornamental round gold plates, a bit like the sun, something to do with a ritual. I’ve a feeling these two women were involved in a ritual, I think Hannah was my grandmother. They said something earlier about the birthday boy, lighting a candle for the birthday boy, one candle. These gold plates I think are for the offering, the plates represent an abundance of offerings, I don’t know if the offerings are poems. I’ve got a feather, white feather and that sense of snow again. I see footsteps, behind the footsteps there’s a circuitous route. They’re going back on themselves leading through this terrain. There’s that grey wolf again and this is the shaman path, I see all these creatures…’

‘I’ve got the ginger bread, it’s like the Hansel and Gretel story, like that sweet house, the distraction takes you off the path, sets up a trap, the honey trap. It’s a caution not to be seduced by being very hungry, it’s a comfort, a safe familiar gingerbread house, it’s a honey trap’

‘I’ve got all these amulets, I got very hot, it’s like looking at these beads, these amulets all the paraphernalia of the shamanistic path but looking beyond there’s a deep pool just going towards the mountains, that’s where you should be setting your sights, this deep crystal pool, the clarity, just don’t get caught up with all that ritual and paraphernalia. It’s the pure clear water that’s to drink. I’m just holding onto that image of the crystal clarity, that great pool of water’

‘I can see the light in the candle stick again. I think you can use the light of the candle flame in the same way’

‘I’ve got David. I’m just welcoming David to the lights, to the candles that have been lit there to welcome him. I’m telling him it’s okay, these lights are to welcome him into his new life, that he’s still alive, it’s another vibratory level’

‘I have an image of servants, ready to serve. It’s the plates, the service, it’s the gold plates of the service and it’s the feeding of the lambs. That’s what’s the significance of the gold plates, gold plates is the golden service, the service of the heart of gold to purify that heart, to get to the crystal waters, the cleansing, the purification’

There was a click that came out on the recording.
On this clip at 8 seconds.

‘It’s only a reflection of the master, the master mind behind the gold plates, an image, the signs are everywhere, there are the hints, the tender reminders that a force and power behind the paraphernalia, behind all images, all the imaginings, all the phenomena, all the magic and mystery. The gold plates of service are a simple reminder of the great pure love, the joy, the abundance, the creative spirit’

‘It’s the yearly reminders, the birthdays, that what is born will die, that behind that is the unborn and in that which is born, which dies is also the unborn. The birthday, it’s to remind that behind all phenomena, changing phenomena, is the reality of the unborn, uncreated, that which is the truth and to have a glimpse of it you have to find your way to the crystal water in the high hills and these are the words… Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord and who should stand in his holy place, he who has clean hands and a pure heart who does not lift up his soul to what is false…’

(Liz was quoting from psalm 24)

‘The years are flying past all at different speeds but they are an illusion, there is no time, all time is one time, all is one. Hannah just wants to remind that the candles of the birthday boy are just to remind of the truth that that which is born dies and that beyond all birth and death is the one, the ineffable, the true light, without name, without form, that which is’

‘It’s Denise Levertov, her book of poems, it’s taste and see and the taste is the drinking of this deep, deep water of life, that crystal water is the water and if you drink this water you drink deeply and never go thirsty again. You have to follow that path into the wilderness through the wild places, the pure places avoiding the honey trap. The austere hills, the mountains where the origin is the waters, untainted, the source, go there and drink’

‘I think I’m being shown there’s a quality to this water, this pathway in this physical reality that registers the essence, this essential truth that allows it to be recorded in the heart, that allows it to be seen more directly, more deeply, to penetrate. It’s an equity of focus that if you get it while you are here it’s lasting, can never be taken away. It’s the opening of the doorway to the never ending stairs…’

The music ended.

Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

During the healing I had seen the two orange beaked white birds again flying around the room in the energy.

Liz felt many presences with her during the session. She felt like a conduit with a circle around her, a vortex of energy.

55th Sitting 13/01/2015

We had the room set up as normal.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm.
Then we started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise.

Liz started off going through a field of golden flowers to the edge of the sea as she had the feeling she wanted to go on a boat. Reaching the sea she found a ramshackle old wooden pier and saw the boat at the end of the pier by a jetty. The boat was called the Rainbow Bridge and looked like a Spanish galleon. A 15th century Spanish gentleman that Liz recognised greeted her onto the boat and when Liz asked where they were going he said to the Islands of Western Scotland, to Iona. When they were there Liz knew exactly where she was heading towards her monk friend who would be in a prayer cell. There were lots of people and goats there and they said this island was a powerhouse. Liz made a prayer in the prayer cell, a prayer of gratitude that someone had been allowed to die on the island, it was their wish. Then all these spirit people that inhabited it said this has always been a powerhouse for prayer, all the islands are. Liz then wanted to go to the holy Island Arran so they all got in the boat and went there to meet more people and goats. They said you know you don’t really have to come here, these islands are in your heart and these are your powerhouses, they are like hubs, spiritual hubs. The music was ending and Liz then took the boat back to the pier…

I started off on a white sandy beach. It was a large expanse of white sand dotted with large round and flat coloured glass or crystals about a foot in diameter, spaced out every ten feet or so. I walked towards some clear water and was aware of a bridge to my left but I didn’t want to go there so went right instead where I found a bridge that looked like it was made from spider’s web or thin strands of glass glistening in the sun. I started to walk over it and as I walked found myself being thrust up into the sky with each step, higher and higher until the atmosphere was black and I found myself floating in space surrounded by stars and planets. I was also aware of things flying around like space craft or large birds then realised they were dragons. I was feeling a bit helpless now so motioned one of the dragons to me, hopped on its back and asked if it would take me somewhere interesting. We flew off and the dragon started doing somersaults, loop the loops and flying upside down as if to impress on me that there was no up or down in space. Then we headed towards a blue planet which I recognised as one I’ve seen in meditations. When we landed it was all rocks and mountains but there was also an Indian feel as I saw Indian type buildings and palaces also men with turbans and long white robes. I walked up some marble steps into one of the palaces and entered a large empty room that had pictures on all the walls. I tried to see what the pictures were but couldn’t see them clearly and the music was now ending so I finished the exercise still in the palace…

We then continued the session…

I had pressure on my forehead.
I could sense light behind me slowly coming round each side.
My forehead was now cold; the rest of me was warm.
My right leg and right arm then went cold.
I saw blobs in front of me.

Liz was aware of an intense black spot, like a button, with a light background in front of her.
Then it disappeared.
She saw flickering cotton wool type shapes.
Then it looked like cirrus clouds or platted rope.

My right leg went very fuzzy and I felt some light touches on it.

Liz now saw what looked like a hammock going across the room side to side.
She said the room looked light at the top and dark at the bottom.

Both my legs now felt fuzzy.

Liz had the impression of vertical string.

We both started drifting in and out of it.

My left arm was cold and fuzzy and it felt like my chair was shaking slightly.
I felt a cool breeze on my face.

Liz began inspired speaking and at first it sounded like some of the words came from her left which is close to the recorder but listening to the recording afterwards didn’t confirm this.
I also thought I heard a noise like wind chimes to my right but again nothing came out on the recording. We do have wind chimes in the room but they are above us.

Liz continued…

‘Cold, cold…’

Afterwards Liz said that she had noticed a sudden temperature drop just before she started speaking.

‘I have the impression of the name Fred…’

‘Scarab… I have an image of a large glass water jug… Pharaoh… I seem to have a large man with headdress… something black and white, don’t know if it’s a snake… hass… just got this shining membrane like your bridge made of spider’s web, spider web membrane, it’s like silk, it’s used for healing… Large stone slabs, I keep getting the Temple of Asclepius, Asclepius it’s the healing… the jug of water… herd of horses…’


‘Tinder box…’

‘Mary Ann wanted to say something about putting the washing out…’

The music ended.

Liz then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…

54th Sitting 06/01/2015

We had the room set up as usual except we now have the magnetometer sensor in the room connected to a lead that runs under the door and to the computer outside. This was done following advice given in the last Mercury Light Circle 18/12/2014.

At 8.30pm I did the opening prayer, turned out the red light and put on the seven minute tune we use for our Rainbow Bridge Exercise which we did next.

Liz found herself paddling in the lapping waves of a silvery sea. She felt she was at a group of islands with a rainbow over them, very peaceful. To her right was a white latticed wooden bridge going from island to island. She saw the silver sea between the rungs as she made her way to an island she felt she knew. There were women with kimonos passing by, almost semi-visible but it wasn’t them that Liz was going to see, she knew it was a man and a donkey in a hut and she found him sitting outside the hut with a hat on smoking a pipe. He motioned Liz to sit on a barrel next to him. Liz knew him as one of her spirit friends called Silver. He was gazing at the sea and was very friendly and warm taking Liz’s hand. He told her that everything that was to be seen was here and he was quite happy being on his own there because he could study everything. Suddenly white bridges were everywhere criss-crossing the islands. He said he watched as people came from all different directions, they were all coming to the same place and there had to be people like him there to greet them. He looked at the patterns in the sky said all the mystery was there in the patterns ever-changing, always things to learn. Then he drew Liz’s attention to the donkey which felt very real, the warmth of its fur, at his side, his friend. He took Liz along the shore showing her turtles and black and white birds. There were all creatures there and these were also to be studied and seen. It was all to do with the mystery of creation, it was all there. He had paints and an easel and also a flute. All these creative things could be weaved into paint. He was also making a three dimensional sculpture out of wires, an intricate knot of all these different ways coming together. He was very creative but sat there being very patient waiting for the inspiration, and the inspiration was all there. When it was time to go he told Liz she was always welcome to come back and would always find her way there…

I started off in a cave and there seemed to be lots of dangling crystals on threads everywhere. I then came out of the cave onto a sandy beach. The sand felt warm and soft and my attention was drawn to it being silver in colour. There were lots of seagulls everywhere and the sea was lapping against the shore. To my left was a narrow white wooden bridge leading to an island. I started to cross and met an old lady half way across then followed her to the island which seemed to be inhabited by elderly people. One was in a rocking chair, one was knitting and they all were busy doing things. I walked further onto the island and saw more seagulls silhouetted against the bright sky and came to a large structure like a light house with a spiral staircase around the outside. I climbed up to the top and heard a voice saying look at the people now. Finding some binoculars I took a look and saw they were all now children playing old fashioned games like hopscotch and marbles. I got the impression they were telling me they could show themselves at any age they wanted as it didn’t matter there. After a while two seagulls flew down, lifted me up by the arms and flew me back to the silver sand…

Once again there were quite a few similarities between both our experiences and interesting that I picked up Silver.

It was starting to look light and misty in the room now to me.
My head was spinning.

Liz got a sudden twinge feeling in her sinuses. Top of her nose left side.

I got the feeling there was light behind me moving round from each side. 
I saw a few wispy movements in front of me.
Then it became wavy, a bit like flames, blue and white.

Liz saw a V shape in front of her, a bit like looking at a feather.

I could see wavy movement each side of me which seemed to be forming into a V.

Liz was getting feelings in her sinuses again.

It now looked light all over to me and there seemed to be wispy movements all over, a bit like looking at net curtains blowing in the wind.

Liz got the number 144.

My arms were cold and tingly.
Then my legs went cold.

Liz got the sensation of a bright white light beaming down towards her from the top of the door.

I felt a tickle on my left foot.

Liz thought the room had become very dark suddenly.
She was cold.

I got an image of a cloths basket and peg bag. I was giving it to someone.
I was very cold around the legs again.

Liz got an image of a little red light flashing, like an alarm clock. (this tied up with a dream she had later that night and confirmed something for Liz)
She then felt a pulling from her left ear and a strong smell of ectoplasm.

I felt several light fuzzy touches on the back of my right leg.
My arms were cold.
I had a pressure on my forehead.

Liz felt she had someone with her who wanted to get through a message.
She spoke quietly and some of the words didn’t pick up on the recording…

‘Lone Wolf… it’s cold… cavernous dark, difficult to get through… tiger stone, tiger eye… I got these men dressed in skins with sledges… bricks… it’s very soft, soft and severity, contrast… the eye of the tiger is the softness and severity… to survive in this world you need the strength and severity of the tiger, this eye close to the track and trail, the soft belly, the softness to procreate, to bond, to befriend, to love… Tracks in the snow almost obliterated, tread lightly…’

Then Liz got the phrase… ‘I work with dolphins’
This made her think about a man she knew who had committed suicide and she then got a link to another person she knew and felt they had brought this man into the circle to help release him from an earth bound condition.

Liz heard a lot of clicking in her ear.

The music ended.

Liz then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

During the healing I had a vision of a hole appearing in the centre of the room getting bigger and bigger like a huge crystal cavern and we were sitting on a ledge around it. Inside I saw dragons breathing golden fire…