This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt


Liz is on holiday at the moment but the Mercury Experiment will resume in early October...

47th Sitting 18/09/2014

We had the room set up as normal.

At 8.30pm we started with the Rainbow Bridge Exercise…

Liz found herself in a place where she used to live. She was amongst bluebells and followed a stream along to a bridge which goes over a railway and leads to her old home. It was originally part of a convent where the nuns had run it as a home for adults with learning disabilities. Liz has a very deep connection with this place and still owns a workshop and garden there. Liz was told quite clearly that the workshop is a place of power and she was thanked for keeping it. Love is the connection and Liz could see it as it was when it was Saint Mary’s convent with a church tower. Liz was told she should go there when she has a few days off soon; it’s a place of prayer, power and direct connection. The prayers that go from there are powerful prayers and its Liz’s heaven on earth.

(Liz was having trouble speaking as if she had someone trying to control her and she felt she was being pushed back and was getting very hot)

I started off standing in a fast moving river just before it went over a waterfall. I had a surf board under my arm so climbed on it then shot over the top of the waterfall. Fortunately I had a parachute on my back so landed safely in the river below then continued downstream on the surf board dodging rocks as I went. The river then calmed down and the rocks became grass banks. I climbed up onto one of the banks then saw a large stone bridge looking more like a viaduct with a row of arches. I started to walk over it to about half way where a ribbon across it stopped me. Two black Alsatian dogs appeared from the other side and sat in front of me and then a third dog, a white Alsatian with a wicker basket in its mouth came towards me. I took the basket and saw it was filled with stones then got the impression the stones would come in useful in the future and took them back to my side as the dogs returned to theirs.

(Liz and I have just started some psychometric experiments with stones)

I did the opening prayer then put the music back on.

I had a pressure on my forehead.
Then a feeling like my face was changing shape and dissolving.
I felt light touches down the right side of my face.

The atmosphere was looking grey and misty to me and I saw waves of light going from right to left.
My stomach was gurgling.

Liz was drifting off.

I heard a name ‘Peter’
I felt a pressure on the back of my right leg.
There was a pressure round my right ear and a slight pulling from the back of my neck.

Liz felt she was being overshadowed and her mouth was being moved.
She got the impression she should say ‘welcome’
I suggested she say whatever words came to her as this could develop into a trance communication.

Liz then started to say words. It was inspirational speaking but at the same time she was drifting slightly out of it and her voice got softer and slurred at times which meant some of what she said I couldn’t hear and didn’t come out clearly on the recording. What follows is the clearer communications…

‘Shauna… skirts of the earth they’re so beautiful… the great distance, the blue, the green and the white… it’s the one earth… we’re holding onto the unity… get the name Gordon, from our perspective it’s all a playground…’

I felt a touch and a light tug on the left arm of my jumper.

I drifted off for a few minutes then came back with vague memories of electrical instruments. 

Liz now had a Scottish presence with her and continued…

‘A highland kilt, beret, bag pipes… a lot of concern, the clans… they’re saying one island, no change… something about Culloden, these are the old battles… it’s a universal perspective, looking through a telescope puts things into perspective, gives you a bigger picture… dancing on the graves, the old battles…’

‘Looking at this wall, it’s Hadrian’s wall… I’m just seeing the mountain, Caledonian mountain rising up out of the sea, this great… all joined up, once it was all joined, the whole continent, there was… like a great buffalo, like a great animal coming out of the sea, this great body of land open for all, shining, gleaming, great mountain ranges, volcanic, granite… who does it belong to? The whales and the dolphins… they have more sense… monkeys squabble… great dragon rising up out of the sea, sleeping, gleaming, should all be cherished as one earth, one great ball, hold in the hands… not to be carved up, not to be divided, to be shared… it’s like a string of pearls, all the islands of the earth, all the tracts of land held by a thread, all joined… all one earth… this playground was given to all, this theatre and the diamond sky, it’s safe, run a fence around it, a net, Indra’s net…’

‘It’s the theatricals of this species in our theatre… it’s not to be taken too seriously… shadow plays… this is like a black diamond, multi-faceted stone… penetrating reality, behind them the flashing lights, this is the surface play, the shadow theatres… it might not seem it for the mortals caught up in it…’    

‘If you look at them under a microscope they seem very fixed, that resolution, but without the microscope all things are visible… for those under the lens, to them it’s every day, it’s real, it’s well defined…’    

Liz got a connection with the original Mercury Circle…

‘Brenda and Joan… little bit of alarm, startled… stepping stones, it’s progressing, making one step at a time, it’s good…’

‘Feels like the rug’s been pulled from under me, feel quite giddy… it’s like being wrapped in a carpet, it’s alright it’s a magic carpet, I can fly away…’

Liz then got…

‘Chocolate cupcake’

She was shown an old fashioned train time table from the 50’s with a hard back cover and then an old telephone.
She asked who was on the telephone and got ‘Doris’

I asked if she knew anything about Doris and she said...

‘Blond or white curly hair, permed, make-up, blue twin set’

Liz said the word ‘tenebris’

The music ended.

Liz was still feeling a bit giddy and like she was wrapped in cotton wool.

Once back to normal Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

During the healing I got the image of sparkling water droplets showering down from above. Then fresh green grass was sprouting up from the floor and I saw black and white cows in the room…

46th Sitting 11/09/2014

We had the room set up as usual.

At 8.30pm we started with the Rainbow Bridge exercise…

Liz started out with a waterfall coming from under the bridge and the river was turbulent and full of rainbows. She crossed the bridge and on the other side it was like a deep forest of fir trees and lots of spider webs with rainbows in them. She decided to fly over the forest and turned herself into a crow flying up into the clouds which had a pinkish tinge as she continued up further into the light. Liz felt there were great arms pulling her up and she saw beings like angels with white wings in an enormous nest lined with swan’s feathers. In the middle of the nest was this great golden egg and inside was a glowing light, which was the emergent light. A man appeared with black hair and blue eyes telling Liz she shouldn’t be taken in by appearances, they were all phantasms and could appear as anything. She should look behind all the appearances, behind it was the truth, and the truth was the light. She should not worry about appearances and the phenomena, nothing should be taken at face value, don’t believe what you see, look behind. Liz then flew back to her side…   

I started off in a white room and kept hearing ‘It’s all dusty, dusty, dusty…’ As I looked around the room I saw it was dusty then I noticed a TV set in the corner which was switched on and had a forest on the screen. I walked up to it for a closer look and put my head into the screen then found myself actually in the forest. I began walking through the forest coming to a clearing then down a grassy bank to a river. I saw a bridge which I began to cross getting about half-way then feeling I shouldn’t go any further. A man on a donkey approached from the other side looking a bit comical as the donkey was far too small for him. He seemed a jolly character, was wearing a multi-coloured turban and jokingly said ‘Welcome to paradise’ then handed me a slate and chalk. He told me I should use it to ask any questions by writing the questions on one side and then the answer would appear on the other side. The music was now ending so I thanked him and returned to my side of the bridge…

I did the opening prayer then put the music back on.

I was feeling light headed and felt I was drifting upwards.
The lower half of the room looked lighter to me.

Liz thought the atmosphere looked frothy and curdled.

We both reported seeing fleeting lights around the room.
The atmosphere seemed electric.

I saw waves of light coming and going.
Liz saw movement of shapes in the room and bursts of light.

I got a fuzzy feeling on my right leg.
It was now looking darker and speckly to me.

Liz got the impression of something like a dog jumping up at her touching her chin.

Liz then felt it would be better if we sung along to the music which we did for a while.

I noticed light to my right.
I had a tickle on the right side of my nose, on my chin and then under my left foot.
There was now a blue/grey glow to my right.

Liz had a strong pulling from her navel.

I felt cold all down my right side.
Then I became cold and tingly all over as if something had merged into me from my right.
I tried to become one with it then drifted off for a while.
Both my arms rose up and my hands came together as if praying.
I kept getting the word ‘Balance’ then ‘all things are important, all things should be balanced in life’

Liz also drifted off.
One of her arms lifted up off the arm of the chair then folded inwards.
Liz got the impression the space changed and everything became crystal clear.

I was now seeing what looked like puffs of smoke coming up from the floor.
I felt something coming out my nose.

Liz had a strong pulling from her navel again.
She got the word ‘Yellow’
Then she got ‘Terrence’

The room was looking lighter again to me as if a light was glowing behind me.

We both suddenly got very cold.

I drifted off again and became aware of a line of light connecting my forehead with Liz’s forehead.
I decided to try and get a telepathic link then felt like I was an eagle flying above a jungle type landscape then suddenly I was in a crude home-made canoe paddling like mad up a river. Then I got the word ‘Fractus’
I later told this to Liz but alas she couldn’t recall having any similar thoughts. 

The music ended.

Liz then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

I got another vision this week while Liz was doing the healing exercise. I saw the walls, floor and ceiling become a crusty brown colour and as Liz was drawing coloured elements from below I saw them as various fruits filling the room then realised we were sitting in a huge fruit pie!!!