This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

163th Sitting 13/03/2018

It was just Liz and me this week sitting for clairvoyance/inspired speaking/trance development.

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 7.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise and then continued into the session reporting our experiences at the end.

15 minutes after the opening prayer Liz began to speak...

'Wherever two or three are gathered together in my name there I am in the midst of them and I've prepared a table before you, for you to enjoy the fruits of your labours, of your goodness. Sit down and eat with me, rise up and walk with me, be free and dance with me. I am wherever you are and wherever you are I am'

'When you are praising my glorious name the praising, the unknown, the unknown that you know deep within, that praise extols the you that I am, the glory of the whole and in praising that which you know not you bring yourself into alignment with the greater whole, with the larger reality, the bounds of which are beyond the beyond, boundless. In our minds the endless realities, interpenetrating spheres. To love with all your heart that which is impenetrable, which is hardly known, which is beyond your understanding, that is love indeed'

'This strength of that desire and that love to be reunited with that larger mystery of the unknown is what allows you to transcend and come into the house of knowledge, the house of knowing, to be reunited with the whole view which is the whole of I, I am'

'That which you call God is your own larger self, is the all, is I am. And your love of God reunites you with yourself, with your true self, with all that I am'

'Though the pillars of the temple of belief are crumbling and for many the word God is an outmoded word, yet for many the reality of that prayer, that cry out to God to extol his name, that is a cry of the soul reaching to merge with the absolute unknown that is also known. That is part of who you are, who I am, intrinsic, built into the fabric of creation'

'God is the ground state of being, is in the depth of the blue sky that you reach up to, is the depth of all that is unknown and that you long to know. God is the word that you give to that natural and inborn movement in you to reunite, to reconnect with the truth of all that you are, all that I am, all that is only partially glimpsed, only partially known, but you shall know'

'I am pleased with the word God, the word God is close to good'

'I am the blue faced dakini, the female aspect of God that you know in many forms. You fly with me in dreams. I whirl you round and round so that you become dizzy and lose your grip of this reality and see through the cracks beyond the veil into the larger reality, into the impenetrable sky. Sky dancer they called me'

The music CD finished.

'The blue faced goddess told me this story, the blue dakini, she said I was naked by this river washing my clothes when the lord came by. He wrapped my body round his thighs three times and out of our union the world was born, all the good things in the world, all the objects, the fruits were born'

'I feel as if someone's putting a cloak around me, bit like a Santa Claus cloak... John... a postman. I ask him what he wants to send, what he wants to do with his parcels of food and clothes... He's saying those of us who remember are never forgotten, I'm thinking of Grenfell Tower, it's resonating with that disaster. John wants to make Christmas happen for all those who are bereaved, all those who lost their children. For the children to make them well, to make them happy he will dress up as father Christmas, they mustn't be sad... Thank you John'

'I've got Francis again, just supervising'

'Somebody's trying to talk through me, a connection with Dorchester'

Me... 'Any idea who that was?'

'Not sure, I think it's a man... an image of selling ice creams... I had a feeling it was my dad wanting to connect with my brother'

'Got the name Phyllis'

'Somebody hunting or shooting in the Cotswolds... rabbit stew... felt like I was there'

'Terrence... terrible misnomer'

'Fruit cake... Gateau'

'Someone's having concerns about little birds, warblers nesting'

'I feel there's a lot of voices here, somebody needs to organise them, not very coherent'

'Violet, got a box of chocolates with her'

'Adam or Adamski, just wants to point out the importance of organisation, structured conversation. An image of building a house in an orderly fashion, brickwork, foundation layers all got to be done in an orderly process, can't put the roof on till you've got the walls, got to allow for the window frames. Have to start from ground up, good foundations, make sure they're solid then you can start building the first layer of bricks and all the utilities that need to be built in, all the communication networks integrated into the structure. We're just at the foundation level, work is going on to get the setup for communication channels to come through in an orderly way, should be able to just pick up the telephone and speak but have to get all the correct wiring and links in place, not quite got there. Important to keep the site clear...'

'His master's voice, it's to do with communication... just let us do the work, don't get in the way, don't worry'

'Pineapple studios, dance studios in London'

'Antiquated system, in our belief system in how to conduct a séance, it's not fit for purpose, was fit for purpose but not now, modern technology'

Me... 'Have they got suggestions for a better system?'

'They are working in a different way, they know what they are doing, just don't want us to interfere. Keep the place tidy, get on with the work. I can see a ladder going up to the roof, steps to the roof. They've found a hornet's nest that has to be cleared. They haven't very far to go, it's not a long job. Repairing some systems. It's all to do with trust'

'I think they're ready to call it a day, they're just emphasising to put the sheet over the building, I think that means to remember to close ourselves down... Work in progress, that’s the message'

'Kiddlington... Delia Macbeth...'

I put a tune on as Liz came back.

Liz was very cold.

We then discussed what we had experienced in the Rainbow Bridge Exercise...

Liz found herself on a large grassy field leading down to a river, it was like a park with people picnicing and Liz walked through them to a bridge covered in rainbows due to a fountain in front of it. She had to feel her way through the fountain to get to the bridge. It was a narrow metal riveted bridge, like a metal corridor and Liz walked over the river to the other side which was like a parkland but with no people but Liz had the feeling lots of hands were helping her over the bridge. In the distance Liz saw a large tent like a roundhouse covered in rainbows. It was wide open at the front and inside was a tall dark woman with long dark hair and a blue face who came to greet Liz and then whirled her around her head, round and round and it was very joyful. Liz recognised her as the dakini and then they were flying through the sky, she was like her spiritual consort and later in the session Liz had felt overshadowed by her which felt powerful and unexpected...

I started off on a rollercoaster going up and down and round and round and then it split into two, left and right and I was both of them. Then that changed into two points of light whizzing around against a black background and I tried to get them to join into one but they repelled each other. Then they became two coins rolling along slots which then became two wheels and then a go-kart with me sitting on it going through a tunnel. It suddenly stopped and I was helped out of the go-kart by two people who had faces like cats. They lead me to a computer and I sat down in front of the screen. When it was turned on I saw me on the screen laughing and I couldn't decide if I was in the computer or sitting at it as my perspective kept changing from one to the other...

This reminded Liz of some of what had come through her during the session.

I then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...