This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

112th Sitting 13/07/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm turned out the light and put the first tune on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise.

Liz found herself by a little stream and there were children paddling and playing with coloured stones and gems. She was with them holding onto some of these stones and suddenly realised the nature of the colours in the stones, it was like a code, they were inherent in everything, the same sequence of colours like a repeating pattern, a key that was in all phenomena. It was like suddenly she saw the mathematics behind everything, behind the children and the stream, it was like a dream reality, insubstantial, held together by a mathematical code, an algorithm that was repeated in everything. Liz felt the weight of it, the connections; it was both very light and insubstantial but terrifying in some way. She wanted to close her eyes and sleep on it then found herself in darkness. She could shut it out but knew that the multiple realities were there and she could open her eyes again and then the children were there with bubbles, all the colours had turned into bubbles that were growing and breaking. The whole universe was like a great bubble; it appeared in all its intricate colours and forms and then disappeared again. Liz wanted to go back into the darkness to contemplate, to just be with the underlying reality in the darkness. She felt this tiny thread appearing like a spiral and it seemed to turn round and round and become more intricate, this thread was leading to everything again. Liz realised she could open her eyes and make anything appear like a kaleidoscope, any phenomenal shape or dimensional reality. She could close her eyes again and open them to bring another one into being. They were all there according to what Liz was looking at and she could also cut them out by going to sleep. It was like a sleeping and awakening, it was a troubling existential experience of realising she didn’t know anything somehow, it was all too much, she wanted to sleep on it but it was all still there to ponder on, she could create or uncreate it at will…    

I started off in a children’s playground and decided to go on the roundabout so pushed it round and sat on it looking out at everything spinning past as I went round and round forming a blurry repeating pattern which became quite hypnotic and almost like I was seeing a different reality or looking at this reality in a different way. Then somebody stopped the roundabout, helped me off and walked with me out of the playground. I couldn’t see who it was but had a feeling they were in hooded robes. As we walked we seemed to get bigger, taller and when I looked down it was like a model village beneath me. We kept growing until eventually the Earth was the size of a football and then it disappeared altogether and I found myself in a black void. It was suggested I sit down which I did and then found myself sitting on a wooden chair in a candle lit cave. There were other creatures in their like large cats roaming around. I was given a mirror and asked to look into it. At first I couldn’t see anything it just looked dark then I started to see a succession of different faces coming and going one after the other. I was told that this was how different people perceived me, we think we know what we look like but really everybody sees things in their own way. Even though we are all in the same reality we all perceive it differently…

Once again our two visualisations had many similarities.

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

I soon started to see bright blobs coming and going in front of me.

I had a tickly sensation in my right hand and left foot for about two minutes.

Liz was very hot.
I felt cool and then suddenly felt very cold in my knees.

Liz began to speak…

‘Aeroplanes, turbulence… canvas, canvas bag, there’s shoes in the bag’

The music CD ended and Liz continued…

‘Seem to have airmen talking… they are discussing something, a black box recorder, they’ll find it… taken to a place’

‘Got the name Clive again’


‘The wings of the morning, seems to be a lot about flight and the Pacific Ocean’


‘It’s like looking through a viewfinder on a rifle, it’s got a cross piece’

‘Watching people on the ground’

‘Caliphate, kangaroo court, shoebox, testimony’

‘I’m just asking who’s there to interpret what’s going on, take me up a notch… Gandalf, Gadolfi’

‘Somebody wants to hold the world in the palm of their hand, it’s like going on the fast train, it’s a bird’s eye view. Just like broken pieces of an aeroplane, testimony, tabarinth, monocle, mojo, muppet. Got a uniform with stripes on the arm, aircraft personnel.  I just like to ask what it’s all about, what I’m being shown, some clear information to… light bulb, illuminate, shed some light on the matter, it’s like looking at a map, it’s like a jigsaw all in pieces, terra gold’

‘Somebody wanted to say sorry… very upset’

‘Records, fragments of a letter, looking at a ration book, a licence, getting the word sorry, sorry, sorry… I just want to hold all this in my heart, I don’t know what it is, there are greater understandings, greater beings in whom all these happenings and events are seen and understood and it’s imperative to go to the greater understanding, see beyond tragedies, events, the madness of Earth. These are little dramas, lessons to be learnt, there are ways to realign with the higher purpose and greater understanding. There are those who love and who see and who understand, who hold all in the palm of their hand, in wisdom, in love and in gratitude we align ourselves with them, they are us, they are the greater part of us, be with them, there’s nothing to forgive, in a world in which everything is allowed all is also forgiven, live and let live, that’s all for now’

‘Feel like I’m coming down from a tree of golden apples, I’m coming back to the roots, I’m sitting on the ground and if an apple falls on my head I’ll discover the laws of gravity’

Me… ‘And you’ll have a bump on your head’

‘Got the name Ozymandias from the poem Ozymandias King of Kings…’

Liz slowly came back with it and then I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

Liz was picking up fragments this evening and gave them out as she got them trying not to put her own interpretation on them.
She had remained awake throughout but despite trying to stay with it I had drifted off several times…