This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

110th Sitting 29/06/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
We started with the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Liz found herself standing in a great expanse of golden water. The sun was making it golden like an early morning sun. Liz knew she didn’t have to go anywhere as she was connected with this sun and at the same time was connected to an island which was the centre of everything. She was also at the same time in her woods where the marsh marigolds were. It was if she was in a number of places and the connection was the sun, and Jove, Jupiter and Jehovah were all one. It was like she was taken up into the sun’s energy and the sun became a being. She was introduced to the being which was an elderly man, pink cheeked with golden white hair and spectacles, very jolly and smiley. A jovial Jupiter he reminded Liz of someone she knew, joviality was the key. The whole feeling was not to be too serious, not to take oneself too seriously, it was all a game and fun and that was okay. Liz questioned why she was seeing this being like this and realised it was just her archetypal interpretation, it could have been anything. The being then showed Liz the lambs and they were frolicking around, having fun and then Liz saw a Godlike being surrounded by monkeys and the message was that we human beings in our present stage were like monkeys and the being looked benignly at the antics and the squabbling and chaos and devastation these monkeys were causing with their mischievousness. We think of ourselves as evolved but to these higher beings we’re just like monkeys but it’s okay they have us under control. The importance is keeping the connection of this sun energy because that’s the source of our strength. It’s a very small part of a much larger puzzle, the picture is much larger, we’re unaware of the extent but the sun is our connection to it…

I started off remembering a dream I’d had a few nights ago where I’d been sitting at a desk in front of a mirror which had a small red light shining out from the centre and I’d noticed how the reality I was in kept changing each time I moved in front of the light. This was as much as I could remember from the dream so I decided to continue it and stared directly into the red light to see what would happen next. I then found myself getting sucked into the mirror and going down a tube at great speed head first. It was a bit like lying on a toboggan and I seemed to be passing historical events as I went. Suddenly I stopped, the tube disappeared and I found myself standing on the ground. I tried to see where I was but my eyes wouldn’t focus on anything at first, then slowly I started to see things and noticed a strange looking tree that reached up into the sky out of sight, it had no leaves, just twisted trunks. Then I saw a pyramid about one metre tall and as I watched, it disappeared into the sandy ground. Next I saw a silver stream flowing with liquid mercury. I put one foot in it and it felt cold. When I took my foot out it had a coating of mercury which had set making my foot look like it was chrome plated. I was pleased with the look so dipped the other foot in too. I then jumped over the stream and found myself on a surface like the sides of a matchbox, my feet making sparks as I ran across it. I had to stop when I came to some curtains hanging down in front of me. There was a gap in the middle which I peered through to see people sitting looking up at me like an audience in a theatre. I was drawn towards a lady with a big hat and she held some old fashioned glasses to her eyes to see me and said… ‘What are you doing here, we’re not ready for you yet, go back immediately’ With that I felt myself shooting backwards past all the things I’d seen and ended up back at the desk in front of the mirror but I was pleased to see I still had silver feet…

I put the music back on and we continued the session…

Once again I soon noticed flashes behind my closed eyes but I didn’t see them with my eyes open, instead I saw wavy white images moving around the room followed by bright blobs coming and going.
I felt a strong pulling from my forehead towards Liz and this made me feel very tired. I then struggled to stay awake for the rest of the session, drifting off several times.

Liz started to speak…

‘Mrs Edith Gaskell just popped into my mind and a connection with Ealey in Cambridgeshire, Cambridge cathedral. She says she was something to do with politics… a connection with cough mixture… Drummond Smith, Anglican Church wardens, they looked after their gurks’

The music ended.

Liz continued…

‘A signpost pointing to Sudbury… restoration drama, kettle drum, coming of age, considerable expense, gravel, grey, I have all these lovely colours, they’re all sun-washed like happy colours, stripy deck chair material like a faded rainbow, Mrs Gaskell, craft, Crowborough. A sense of their being a family… happy family dramas, settings, the sort of family like Virginia Woolf wished to depict in her novels, just a faded age gone by, just like the stuff of dreams. Just get a sense of the impermanence and fleeting nature of all these things we take very seriously, very involved in them but they’re like fading dreams. It's a bit of an effort to disentangle, like undoing knitting, the stiches just slip off the needles, it all unravels, just get the unravelled yarn, it can be made into a new garment. It’s of little consequence, all seems to be big drama, big issue at the time… don’t dwell on it, so what’s the message? It’s just like painting pictures, you’ve got a canvas and you paint a picture but you can then just white it out, start all over again. You can remember the first picture and maybe some of the others, some of them are good and some not so good, the point is you don’t have to go on painting, there’s other things to be done, the sort of things you don’t even think about while you’re painting these pictures because it’s like you’ve just been shown to paint in one way, it’s a rather narrow genre, style, well you can try different styles but it’s all just based around the canvas and paints, you don’t think that there may be lots of other types of ways of expressing, other ways of creating, of delineating, other ways of behaving, being. You don’t think about it at the time, now it’s suddenly like a song, music you’ve never heard, a whole new arena, whole new experience, whole new way of being. You never thought, never crossed your mind but it’s wonderful, it’s like a lid that’s been taken off, like as if you’re a pressed flower and suddenly the juices have been put back and you’re whole again, the juices of life and you’ve become a flower where you were desiccated, dried up, pressed, compressed, one dimensional, suddenly you’re filled and whole and what you really are. How can you convey the fullness? It’s as if someone’s never sung before, suddenly found a voice, a song and the octaves; it’s not just one octave it’s hundreds and thousands soring in this song and shadows what we thought was love, pale insignificance compared with the vastness of the arms of the universe, of the universal. They spoke of God’s love but whoever on Earth experienced even a fraction, a spoonful of the true nature, the taste. So the message is don’t believe what you are told, what you think, don’t put too much weight on your imperfect understandings, tread lightly, let go and all will be revealed in the fullness of time, not of this Earth but this Earth is a launch pad, a train, a space rocket, into such unheard wealth adventure, don’t be afraid to step off the train and into that landscape in the fullness of time… Thank you Edith, is that all? It’s enough for now…’

‘I’ve got a lot of ladies here, Mary… another time maybe… I think I’ll call them ladies of the ladder, they’ve climbed… I’ve been trying to climb up to them… They say behind every great man there’s a good lady and many of these ladies have been hidden in convents or in house wifely rolls, knitting circles, hidden but their true nature can only be known after… Francesca, Deirdre… It’s a sort of sisterhood. You wouldn’t think that they can have such influence but I think we have to thank them for coming because they carry us still… It’s a good feeling… People that are quietly praying for us, that are supporting us hidden behind the scenes but their strength and their inner wisdom is guiding, subtly infolding us, trying to help, hidden help so thank you all…’

Once Liz was feeling back with it I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…