This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

89th Sitting 12/01/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise…

Liz started off walking through a marshy meadow land. There were lots of rivulets around her and white birds, egrets. The water was rushing past and draining into a large area of shining water that Liz was drawn towards. Suddenly a beautiful ship appeared, wooden with masts but white and gleaming like a heavenly ship. There were steps going up and a man dressed in white welcomed Liz onto the ship. It was a warm welcome and she felt she was a guest of honour as she climbed on. The ship moved off and there was a Napoleonic seaman walking about the deck with a wooden leg who took Liz to the rails and let her look through a long brass telescope and she saw land in the distance. It was an island with palm trees and sand, a thick forest and mountains with volcanos. They came to the shore and the white man and Liz got off and turned into birds, then they were flowing, they didn’t have shapes anymore and then became more like dragons and flew to the volcano. It was like fire inside and Liz knew that these were all the elements, the fire here, the earth, the wood from the trees, water surrounding the island and the air, all the elements there. A person then appeared looking like a Native Indian with one feather in his hair. He was like a guardian on this site and it was as if he said the Earth was angry but Liz knew that wasn’t right, the Earth wouldn’t be angry but it was renewing itself, it was trying to restore itself. It had had enough devastation and Liz felt there was going to be a shake-up. The Earth belonged to these original people and this man said he was one of them. The Earth had been given to them and to be in tune with the Earth you had to understand it…

My visualisation took a long time to get going, I couldn’t really see or focus on anything clearly. I kept seeing vague images like the Statue of Liberty, hands coming and going, birds flying around and then I saw a lady pushing a pram. She was Victorian looking and I tried to follow her but she disappeared out the side of my vision. I then realised I was looking through frosted glass which explained why everything was so vague and unclear. I saw the magician Tommy Cooper who was trying to speak to me. I couldn’t hear him but got the impression he wanted me to say ‘Abracadabra’ so I did and then found myself on his side of the glass and the whole scene looked much clearer, brighter and more colourful. I asked Tommy where I was and he joked that he didn’t know, where would I like to be? Then he told me this is where I will be when the time is right. I decided to explore this place and wanted to get some information. As soon as I thought that I saw shelves of books and Tommy told me that books were how I interpreted information but information is really what we experience and it’s personal to each individual. Books are other people’s experiences; it’s like getting it second hand. Only by getting you own experiences will you build up information. He then told me I had to go back now as my focus was in the physical world at the moment and that’s where I needed to be but I could still come back for brief visits. Eventually I would understand that the greater part of me is already on his side…

I put the music back on and we continued the session.

The room began to look lighter and misty to me.
I kept getting the feeling I was sitting at the back of a church looking up the aisle.

Liz began to speak…

‘Had a rather amicable man smoking a pipe and the word Dundee… it’s as if this man was in the sea… he seems to have sandy coloured hair’

‘Keep coming back to two sisters… got the name Diligence’

Liz was getting very hot.

She continued…

‘I seem to have a lady and a man, Victorian… Uncle Frederick, Freddie… just aware of one pointing a walking stick, it’s actually like a magic wand with a star on it’

‘Seem to be wrapping something up, more like in a basket, like a florist, maybe a basket worker, long reeds or stems… just reminded me of the baby in the bulrushes’

‘Everybody’s war, everybody’s window on the world, everybody’s looking out of the window and there’s like silver tea spoons. I’ve got the feeling of somebody saying we’re all in it together’

‘Badger, a picture like Badger in Wind in the Willows’

‘I’ve got this star, like Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, like the magic wand. The star, somebody’s waving it, it looks like fireworks, sparklers… A word like crazy, crazy paving, crazy Jane, crazy’

‘Somebody wanted to be serious but the seriousness formed a ridiculous image like a giraffe’s head and mouth, long neck with a funny expression a bit like a camel’s face, a funny serious, like somebody would say seriously though, seriously though you reap what you sow. It goes back to everybody’s war, we’re all in it together but if you want out you have to look to the star, it’s where your aspirations are’

‘I see it’s the Freddie Mercury star, there’s a lot of forgiveness there, there has to be a lightness of being, can’t be too serious all the time…’

‘I see these deep wells, wells of degradation but actually you can see the star shining in the water there and as you look down into the well there’s that water in the bottom and if you can catch the gleam of light it’s a reflection of the star that can pull you out of the well, call it the well of despondency. Star light… Well as in I wish you well, farewell, I have the story of the three wells… well, well, well. Fair weather may follow you and follow your star’

‘The spiral stairway, these old boots launching off it, going up and up and up breaking out through the hatch at the top into the light. It’s like a light house and the lamp is at the top. Know the way; it’s like a cork screw’

‘Seven… seven cities, seven levels, seven times seven... I get the words take me home, home is the tower, it’s like a seagull in flight, soring, free of gravity, light…’

‘I’m going nowhere and where I always am, I’m here, I haven’t left, I’m home, I was lost and now I’m found’

‘Furlong is a mile in any language but what yard stick can I use when everywhere is everywhere and here. No measuring tool, all places are one place which is here. I sowed the golden grain so we can all reap the harvest. Love in a mist, that’s my flower’

The music ended.

I asked Liz if she had any more to say and she said…

‘Nothing but a jar of pickled herrings’

Liz still felt several people about… Bernadette, a nun in a deep blue robe and she sensed her dad around, it was just a feeling he was there.

Once Liz was back with it she did the healing exercise, closing prayer and closing down exercise.

I had fallen asleep a few times during the session.
Liz thought she might have dropped off once but remained mostly awake throughout.