This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

77th Sitting 25/08/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise…

Liz started off on a mud-flat and there was an enormous red tower in the middle like a light house. She felt she had to climb it so went inside where there was a spiral leading to the top. It was like the inside of a gourd, shiny, highly polished. Instead of sliding down like a helter-skelter she slid up it. At the top was a platform where she found she was amongst the clouds and there were wonderful rainbows in the clouds. Liz decided to dive into one of these clouds as it looked like a marshmallow.  She wanted to fly with the clouds so turned into a sea gull enjoying flying over the sea but she knew she had to get somewhere, somewhere quite mountainous. She thought at first it was Tibet but then realised it was Holy Island and Samye Ling. Liz found herself in an enormous red temple like the inside of a Tibetan temple. She was listening to the sounds of the gongs and horns. An ohm was resonating through the universe and she realised she was back in the cave on Holy Island in what she calls the navel of the World, the centre of the World and Liz had the feeling she had had before when she’d been there, a vision and revelation with the words… ‘There’s nowhere to go to be outside the love of God’ and she’d seen the colours there, the colours often used in the Tibetan Thangka paintings, pea green, orange, red and blue. She felt very in-touch with the depth of that tradition that all phenomena are seen as products of the mind as dreams. This reality, this phenomenal reality is a dream…

I started off sitting in the cabinet and stood up, parted the curtains and walked out into the pitch black room. I seemed to be walking on pieces of sheet metal making a noise as I walked. I felt things dangling from the ceiling brushing against my face and then I saw pin pricks, wispy mists and all the phenomena we normally see in our séances along with rainbows stretching across the room. Then a trumpet came flying by and I felt breezes. I decided to grab hold of one of the dangling things and found it to be a rope so I climbed up it and went straight through the ceiling and into the room above. I found myself in the middle of a circle. The room was light but I couldn’t see the source of the light. I felt the circle was made up of people or entities of some sort but just saw them as mist all joined together making a continuous circle of mist. As I stood there in the middle I felt a pulling in all directions out towards the circle making me expand towards and into the circle until I was one with the circle. I could see my physical body from all angles at the same time like a panorama. The circle then became a sphere and part of it went through into the room below. I got the feeling that this was the spirit team that worked with us showing me themselves in a way I could understand. I looked at the base of the sphere and saw it was dripping into the room below as if representing the information they were able to get through to us…

I put the music back on and we continued with the session.

It was looking lighter in the room to me, particularly at ground level.
It looked uniformly dark to Liz.

Liz saw some moving white lights coming and going.
I saw white wispy bits swirling around.

I got a few images of faces, none that I recognised.
I felt the room was full of people.
Then I got a bright blob in front of me that lasted a few minutes.

Liz had an image of someone with a crown on their head looking like an upside-down chandelier.  

I got an image of a Buddha floating round the room.

Liz was feeling cold.
I felt warm.

Liz had the sense of an enormous still lake with a mirror like surface. She watched it.

As the last tune was playing Liz began to speak…

‘Daisy… silk embroidery, working with clothes… a slightly pungent smell like a grass, daisies, crushed daisies… It’s like walking on eggshells… like the skin of the World, this shiny surface, feeling this shining surface, this skin like a polished mirror and the inside is like the inside of the eyeball… When I ask them what does this image relate to? I was told the World… There’s a sense of the syllables, the sounds… there’s too much to tell… An instruction has been given but the words and meanings have been hidden but they are there for all to see, to hear… held within this daisy flower, very simple… I’m shown that having these places of power, hidden instruction is given, is revealed in the form of visions, in the form of seeing, hearing, and these teachings are for everyone to be shared. Don’t dismiss them idly, understand that they are the whisperings of truth… sound being the vehicle for instruction and the dissemination of truth, sound in all its forms, vibration on the surface, the still surface reflects it, the eyeball of the World’

The music had ended.

Liz had been in a slightly altered state for most of the session but remained aware.            

Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…