This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

76th Sitting 04/08/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

At 8.40pm I did the opening prayer, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise…

Liz started off on a pebble beach cut into a grass bank of a fast flowing river. To her right was a flat wooden bridge like two wide railway sleepers stretched over the river. Liz walked over it and could feel the warm smooth wood under her feet. On the other side she walked onto wonderful springy grass studded with colourful wild flowers looking like jewels going up a hill side. Liz climbed up to the top of the hill, she wanted to go where the rainbows were but hadn’t seen any yet. At the top it was a great vista looking over more hills and countryside with snow topped mountains in the distance. She saw rain and snow clouds over the mountains like weather fronts, a wonderful mix of shadows, light and colours. Liz then felt a presence overshadowing her and she saw there was a cross on the hillside. She got the words of the hymn… ‘There is a green hill far away…’ She felt the footsteps leading up the hill were the way to the cross and she felt her arms going out to the side identifying with the figure of Jesus, the Christ, the suffering and she didn’t want it, she wanted the rainbows, she wanted the ease not the difficulties, this slow torturous path of service but she felt that was the way she’d been going and had to go. Suddenly Liz felt the cross was turning into a staircase and she walked up it, going up and up into the sky. The steps were almost golden. It went through the clouds and Liz couldn’t see where she was going. She lost all sense of time and place but she kept climbing blindly. Eventually she went through a hole in the clouds to a wonderful golden lake full of liquid gold and she just wanted to immerse herself in it and swim. She fell backwards into it. It was as if she had come to the place of rainbows but it was gold, like the sun in water, it was beyond description but felt like she had finally found what she was aiming for…

I started off standing by a large airplane and decided to board it so climbed up the steps and into the side door. When inside it looked like I was in a rib cage and I felt I was inside a giant living animal of some sort. The seats were wooden benches so I sat down on one and watched the other people coming in. They were a mixture of colours and nationalities and soon filled up the inside of this plane or creature. When the door closed we were plunged into darkness as there were no windows. I could feel it accelerating and taking off and then found myself tuning into the eyes of this creature and could see what it could see. We were very close to the ground flying through long silver grass then went higher out of the grass into a brilliant blue sky and over vivid countryside. We flew over a large lake that seemed to be dotted by whirlpools. As we climbed higher we came to a snow topped mountain and flew round it a few times. I could see other planes also flying round this mountain. Next we headed out to sea and I noticed the sky was turning red and the sea seemed to be boiling sending steam into the atmosphere creating a thick fog. It got so thick I couldn’t see anything again and we appeared to be flying blindly. Eventually the fog cleared and we landed back where we had taken off. The door opened lighting up the inside and I got off with the others and saw more people waiting to board for their trip…

Interestingly we both experienced travelling blindly.

I put the music back on.

The room now looked misty to me.
I saw a few flashes and pin-pricks above me.

I had a kind of floating feeling.
There were bright blobs in front of me.
I had pressure on my right ear.

Liz got the word ‘Haliborange’
Neither of us knew at the time but it is the name of a vitamin tablet.

I had a pressure on my left ear.
I got a feeling of something shooting through me from head to feet and then my feet went cold.

Liz had a pulsing on her left forefinger and pins and needles in her head.
She became aware of watching people weaving branches, making a lattice work.

Liz began to speak…

‘I have this web, it’s like gossamer, like a net curtain, delicate, like a fisherman’s net, fishers of men, between the two isles… deep sea divers bringing up pearls… nuggets of wisdom… outward expression of the distillation of experience’

‘Bright corn, ready to be harvested, bright grains… experience, harvest… I think we misrepresent experiences, this newspaper façade of images, of information, of pageant, stories, very superficial, sort of running on the surface noise, it’s like mining for gold, panning for gold, big sieves, amongst the mud, the grains and the grains when sifted out of raw debris an ounce of gold… pounds of debris and an ounce of gold’

Liz was getting very hot.

‘I’ve got silicon or silverman… a sense of silver coins… Sydney Silverman, I think had a connection with abolition of hanging… I have the name Mavis or Maisy… I got the image of a hangman’s rope in connection with justice, silver scales… I just have the feeling of the struggle in this life to bring through these values, justice, all these things they seem to have to be fought for… again like gleaming droplets of gold amongst all the mire, pearl in the depths, to extract these, to bring out the essential in this mire of profanity which can be the mental noise of human existence is difficult to sustain, to sustain the effort, to clarify, to hold the vision, it needs to maintain the focus, that intention, once you’ve grasped the shining quality to hold on to the vision, to pursue it because it will lead to the truth’

‘Panacea… Panacea is something that will solve all problems and illness… Haliborange’

‘I’m wanting to ask what it’s like to die, the next step. I have this feeling of this great sea of molten gold like stepping into the sea with the sunrise on it, the sun as it’s rising it’s spreading its gold over the whole sea, is like a molten furnace of gold and just the brightness and the wonderful goldenness is homing in and immersing me and you can surrender to it. It’s the ultimate transition of Narcissus, from the I to the not I, yet still I, I am’

The music ended.

Liz had dropped off at the beginning of the session for a while and I had dropped off several times.

Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

During the healing I got the feeling the door was open and people were going up and down a corridor outside. It felt like a hospital…