This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

160th Sitting 13/02/2018

It was just Liz and me this week sitting in the usual way with Liz as the medium developing clairvoyance/inspired speaking/trance.

We have now decided to sit for physical mediumship and phenomena with Patrick every other week in the same way as we did last week.

I turned out the light and put the first tune on and we started with the Rainbow Bridge Visualisation Exercise at 7.35pm...

Liz started off in a street with people passing her and there were boxes of wall flowers. She went down some steep steps to get to a broad river with people swimming and swans. There was a metal bridge with steps leading up to it and as Liz walked over it a horse reared up in front of her and she hugged it as if it was a human, she then climbed on its back and rode to the other side where it was more peaceful and natural with a rainbow haze over it, un-Earthly colours. She felt there were people she knew and teachers there. The horse took her to a white temple hidden in the trees. Liz dismounted and was led through a grey wooden door into a cell or hut. There was a lady in a grey cloak with a hood, Liz couldn't see her face. She was rocking a wooden crib with a baby. Liz sat opposite her, held her hand and felt she was sad but Liz didn't understand why she was there...

I found myself on Eastbourne beach walking on the sand towards the sea. A bridge suddenly appeared from the other side stretching over the sea to the sand but it was just two poles with struts between them like a ladder. I found it hard to balance as I walked over it and then some hands appeared to steady me. A big dog appeared from the other side jumping up at me putting its paws on my shoulders and I hugged it. Then I held onto its lead and it led me to the other side where I saw people I recognised who had died. I asked them what they were doing now and they tried to explain that what I saw was just a small part of them, a part they had played and they were now so much more...

Interestingly we both met an animal that we hugged and it took us to the other side.

I did the opening prayer and we continued with our session.

After about five minutes Liz began to speak...

'I have the words of the mother... dressed in the grey of service. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. This is the true message for every mother for every mother brings forth a child of God. Every mother has a holy and divine mission and role in bringing forth and upbringing the child, the baby. The babe in the cradle is the image, the icon of the whole of the last 2000 years and yet the holiness of the child and the holiness of that mission has not been at the forefront of human psychology. The very special relationship between the mother and the child and the very special service as a mother in raising that child to become an adult has been underestimated, undervalued, the naturalness of that bond has often been broken. Society has favoured paternity, society has regarded children as the property of the father, of the state, of the nation, fodder for the war effort, for industry, wealth making for the rich. The babe in the cradle has not been seen as the wonderful opportunity to bring forth the Christ, the love, the fulfilment of the human destiny and that is the true role of every child that is born and the most important mentor in that process is the mother. There must be a new teaching, a new way of understanding this and the education of mothers and in the education of children. So there shall be no more... in sorrow shall ye bring forth children, that's not right, that has been the experience for many and that is not the way. Enjoy and with the protection of the universe you shall bring forth the holy child, the child of the universe. Let the mother's role be sanctified'

'I have the father's role... the father's role is to support the love of the mother and the child. The father's role is to facilitate the mentoring and the growth of the child with the mother. To make safe the birth, to provide the cradle, to enfold with love, a devotional work of raising the child to become a full and loving adult. I gave my love a cherry that has no stone, I gave my love a baby with no crying'

'I believe that I am speaking from the flames... Ladybird ladybird fly away home, your house is on fire the children are burnt, in the flames of Grenfell Tower. Those in positions of patriarchy, of support, have failed in their care to nurture and support all and every family and child no matter their income race or creed. They allowed our children to die in a fire that could have been avoided had they given proper protection, had they prioritised that the families, the holiest of holies, that families and children are worthy of protection. That thinking has not been in the forefront of the leaders of many. It is left for the mothers, the lost opportunity, the human life is difficult to achieve and grow to fulfilment is their opportunity. Sad... but the errors in thinking for the deficit of love, the failure of care... We ask for healing for the Grenfell mothers and their children, and for the fathers... Thank you'

'I have an Alicia... She's taking me into a room full of books on shelves and taking out a book about bush babies, large eyes. She loves animals, she's rejoicing in the nurturing of all small things, animals, creatures. See her in a forest. She's reminding us all of love for all creatures, love in many forms, wherever you shall love, nurturing the creatures of the Earth, it's a service and a natural function for a human being to love and support, a joy and fulfilment with loving even the small animals that one can have a relationship. The mother's love can come out in the nurturing of small animals, that is also a holy task. I see her as a young woman devoted to animals, she just wants to remind us that that is also a very high form of service and a holy mission. Those that support and nurture throughout the world are working with love and fulfilling a holy mission, the service and care of others is always a holy mission. The care and support of all life on Earth, and of all the Earth the rocks and the stones and the waters and the very soil of the Earth is a holy mission. Wherever you shall love and care and nurture and respect that is your true function and the true holy mission of the human being on Earth. Those who love objects of art, literature, buildings, constructs and put those above the care and love of human beings and other living creatures are in error. All those artifices, all those constructs are designed to support and to nurture the living things and the Earth and should not be worshipped and their love should not be put before the living beings of the Earth and remember that the very rocks and stones, the water the sand the dust the soil is your due concern, what you build out of these things are your artifices, your artefacts in the support of the Earth and the living creatures of the Earth. They are not to be loved and worshipped above the Earth and the living creatures of the Earth. The Earth and the living creatures of the Earth are your due concern and your due function of support. Build only to support, create art only to support those we love'

'We've heard the weeping and complaints of the mothers, we have heard the gnashing of teeth and the lamentations for centuries, and you haven't learnt the lessons. Now is the time for change, now is the time to truly learn to change the priorities. Now is the time to open your hearts and hear the lamentations and let your heart break but only the broken heart can truly heal and renew itself. We ask for healing for your hearts so that no more shall you hear the lamentations of the mothers and the cries of the children and the beating of the breasts of the fathers, and the Earth sighing and heaving and the oceans troubled and poisoned. We ask you to open your hearts and to heal the role of the mothers'

After a couple of minutes Liz felt back with it.
She felt there had been several different people with her trying to get a message through, they were getting closer.

I'd got an image of a spider or stick insect when the talk was about animals.

I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...