This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

147th Sitting 10/10/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise...

Liz found herself on a red brick cork screw pathway going one way then the other. She was going alongside a canal and came to a red brick arched bridge. Liz climbed over it and met loads of people coming the other way with bicycles, horses, carts and taxis, a lovely friendly feeling. On the other side was a large market place with a fountain in the middle and a man dressed in white, a teacher. Everybody settled down to listen to him, he was talking about fruits in the market, wonderful marrows and pumpkins. He said these were the fruits of a good life. Everybody brings their best to the market to trade and sell, they don't bring their inferior produce just the best. They represent the work of your life, the importance of preparing the best conditions for growing your best fruit. It doesn't have to be big fruit like pumpkins, it can be small like a sweet tomato, it's the quality that's important. The purpose of your life is to bear fruit that is of excellent quality but all your fruits are acceptable. If your fruit isn't the best you have a chance to go back and try again. Fruits of the spirit...

I was holding onto a large heavy vase full of flowers while walking along a dark cobbled street. I could see people walking the other way either side of me, they looked Victorian. They didn't seem to notice me and as I walked I saw that the vase was dripping. As the water hit the street bright colourful flowers sprung up and I looked behind me and saw a long trail of flowers. Then the vase burst and water went everywhere. The whole scene became brighter and full of flowers, fruit trees and all kinds of plants as the water hit the ground. I saw native people walking amongst the plants eating the fruit and vegetables. All sorts of animals were there even lions and tigers but there was no fear as they showed no interest in chasing the other animals or people choosing instead to eat the vegetation. Everything was living in harmony with everything else, some people were building houses out of the wood from the trees and they were all helping each other. I saw the scene from above and it seemed to spread over the whole world. As I watched it switched back to the dark cobbled streets and then back again. I got the feeling we could take the world in any direction we wanted towards fear and darkness or to love and light...

I put the music back on and we continued the session...

The room seemed to get lighter to me.
I felt a pressure on my left ear and tingling on my legs.
I saw white wispy bits floating around the room then bright blobs coming and going.

Liz got the sense of someone she knew called Mark who died young.

I was drifting in and out of sleep while the music CD was playing.

When it finished Liz began to speak...

'I feel I have somebody with me, he says his teeth feel bad, his shoes don't fit, uncomfortable, feels very old'

'Watching a little mouse... turning into a sugar mouse'

'Cauliflower... like a cauliflower ear'

'Wooden flooring'

'Christopher... Saint Christopher'


'Lamppost... I'm in a street now, zebra crossing, got the feeling I want to cross the road... too much traffic'

'I'm looking at a large lake, ink colour'

'Christopher or Crystal... wanting to go to the land of far beyond like in the Enid Blyton story Pilgrims Progress... There's a lot of obstacles to making a smooth transition'

'What I'm finding is how I can change when I get to the hot dry dusty road. I can create a glass of water to smooth it out, to make it greener. Just have to keep working at it, I think it's getting easier. Feels as though it was turbulent but now it's evening out'

'Now I have sandals on my feet. I'm holding onto something solid like sticks or solid arms of a chair, I feel stable. Now I can sit and watch the lake, it feels quite peaceful'

'I have a feeling there's an uncle here'

'Someone else now, very smooth, pearl... Like a string of pearls, a very different energy, very peaceful. I have a feeling of a lady with white permed hair, feels a bit like a fairy god mother, she's smiling, wherever she is the sun is shining, gives me a silvery feeling, pearl, she helps people'

'Got a Child with a capital C'

'Got a sense of bikes and wheels... got a dripping tap... way to go, way to go... some sort of race track'

'I had an image of a swallow or swift in flight, a sense of effortless flight'

'When all's said and done the path of life never runs smoothly, it's fits and starts, eventually it evens out, you find the way to smooth the path, overcome the difficulties, solve the problem and the more you do this the smoother it gets just takes time and patience but there's always help at hand'

'I have the lines of a poem that seem to feel right for this transition...
The lines of life are various, they diverge and fuse like footpaths and the mountain's upmost ends.
But here we are elsewhere, a garden mends with recompense eternal peace and truth. 
The lady I call Pearl to my right is nodding'

'I'm asking if there's any specific information for you'

'Rupert... keep getting wheels keep rolling... got a tie like a school tie, image of a schoolboy... lamppost, in a town on a corner there's a bank or a pub... school books... chimney pots, a sack, sack material... leather saddles, smell of leather... I'm doing a backward somersault, bending over backwards... croquet lawn, arches. Somebody's drawing something that's going round and round... got the whole world in his hands, Johnny come home... cricket'

'Cauliflower, cauliflower ears, stone deaf... zebra, zebra crossing... Ted... trying to tune a radio... Janet'

'Seem to be looking at a large kitchen in a hospital or school'

'Phyllis... Robin... saw a little cat, tall trees, draft or chess board'

'I'm looking at a watch, perhaps it's time to stop... got a sense of Diana... the name May'

I played a tune as Liz came back.

Then I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...