This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

137th Sitting 09/05/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise...

Liz started off amongst tulips looking into their black centres, at the stamens. They were in part of a walled garden leading down to a large flowing river. Liz followed it to the left and it started spreading out into an enormous lake and over the other side of the lake Liz saw someone she knew who had died holding out his hands to her. She was very pleased to see him and then found herself by his side. He wanted to show her something important and it was like white fluffy goose feathers all around them, like eiderdown. The message he was trying to get across was comfort, the importance of being comfortable. Feeling completely at ease and relaxed was incredibly important. Too much of the time we are stressed, full of anxiety. Then Liz found they were on a croquet lawn, people were throwing coloured hoops over skittles and his parents were also there. He was explaining that comfort meant different things to different people as he was playing this very leisurely game in this large green garden. They then went on to a large auditorium out in the forest and there were voices and music coming from the trees and hills. There were lights all around them like an enormous theatre show, they were inundated in it, surrounded by it and he said this was also a form of leisure, of ease, of comfort. It gives comfort to the soul and is to be welcomed and important. They then went up to a higher level of white light and oneness, like being in the eiderdown but in the clouds, a sense of absolute unitedness, connected with everything like everything was one. He said this was a very high form of comfort, ease and leisure. He was stressing the importance of giving in to making sure you were doing what makes you feel completely at ease and comfortable with yourself and that meant you'd be in the right state to be able to expand, to be in the right state of harmony...

I started off following a boy on a bicycle pedaling away along old cobbled streets. I seemed to be connected to him, being pulled along. We were going downhill getting faster and faster when a pair of wings sprouted out each side of the bike and we took off into the sky getting higher and higher until we were in space. We were passing planets and as we got close to each one I got a feeling from it. Some felt calm, at ease, loving and warm whereas others felt stressed, fearful and cold and made me feel uncomfortable as I got close to them. I felt I wanted to help and managed to move some of the calm planets close to one of the stressed ones. I found I needed seven calm planets to circulate a stressed one like moons before the loving energies were absorbed by the stressed planet making it calm and at ease like the others. I then got close to the Earth and sensed a mixture of calm loving energy and also stressed fearful energy and again I wanted to help but found I couldn't. I felt that the Earth was at a point where it could go either way and it was up to those who inhabited it as to which way it would go...

Interesting that we both got situations where calm, loving energy was used to relieve stress.

I put the music back on and we continued our session.

I had my eyes closed and experience a flash in front of my eyes like someone shining a torch.
Then the room started to look light and misty followed by bright blobs coming and going.

Liz saw some shining discs of silver then got an image of her friend Silver with a white horse. She had a connection with Red Cross and felt Silver was here to do some healing.

Liz continued...

'I have an image of bedraggled people like refugees eating a bowl of peaches and cream, feeding the poor, bringing comfort to the poor and dispossessed... I get the word restore because we are restoring the people to their true state of comfort and ease'

'Goldie, golden...'

'I have this Goldie... talks long and walks fast'

Liz was getting hot.
I was cold.

'I've got a lot of random words rushing through like Tybold and grapefruit'

'I have this strange image, a bit like a dream, of a man calling a little girl, calling her to play but she was invisible, I couldn't see her, it was like they were on two sides of a divide, not sure which was which, don't know who they were, maybe the little girl was in spirit and the man was physical or the other way round'

'I just saw a woman with downs syndrome who I used to work with attached to a pretty young girl. She was there in her older form and I just realised it could be the same person. I said to her you don't need to hold onto that old form now, I think maybe she was showing me how she is now, she looked happy, maybe she showed me that so I could recognise her'

'I get the words there is a parting of the ways and that leads to our destiny and I guess the parting of the ways is the letting go of the old form that's out worn its usefulness. That was just a cloak, a garment, an outmoded form and we've progressed to the unmolded, pristine, restored to former glory, with whom we are forever one'

'I see a snake sloughing off its skin'

'The word terrestrial comes with other words like tempest, torment, turbulent, terror, testing, trials and tribulations'

'Direct experience serves to define the characteristics of the soul. These are selected from all possible outcomes, all possible permutations. A bit like throwing a dice but the skill is in the throw, the die is cast. There are moments before it lands where a small gust, a small effort, change or shift can make all the difference. A sense of where it will land or the outcome and if the outcome is not favourable, not in accordance with the fundamental, with the after image, the projected path, a measurement can be taken, a move, a shift of focus, just the right point, it's the skill of the game and that requires a constant checking-in with the projected plan, the desired outcome but to be clear and to have that clarity, to remember, to reclaim the lost image, the lost projection. You see we come with a template, a forecast and to build into that forecast there are many possible points of shift away from, a diversion but to stay true requires mastery of the present. Many fall short because they forget where they're at and what was the projected plan, they lose their way. Checking-in could be taught in schools. Very few understand this possibility and the importance of this checking-in because the majority have forgotten that there was a plan. Each individual comes with some plan, lessons to be learnt, marks to be made, efforts to be made, qualities to express, actions to be undertaken, amends to be made, the overall navigation of the path to fulfil and to bring to life the latent possibilities of this model, every incarnation but sometimes the possibilities are overwhelming and to discern what is most important and possible needs help. Ask, ask for the help and the help will be given. The help is always there when it's asked for wholeheartedly'

'I've got Rose Bush... somebody saying Neddie remembering the white horse... I have a Vivian... Graham said namaste'

Liz asked me to play a tune.

Then I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...