This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

133rd Sitting 14/03/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

I did the opening prayer at 7.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We did the Rainbow Bridge visualisation exercise...

Liz found herself standing in front of a very fast flowing deep river watching the lights reflected on it from the moon and stars and surrounding buildings. She became aware of white stepping stones but they were deep down in the water and Liz wondered how she could cross the river without going under water. She then saw plastic fairy figures on the water and scooped them up throwing then across to the other side. Liz then decided she would try to cross on the stepping stones even though it would mean going under the water, she felt this was meant to happen and as she went deeper and deeper she became aware that she was in contact with all the roots of trees spreading out like being on a forest floor. Liz felt this was the level where you have contact with the universal unconscious, the Earth's unconscious and she was aware that around her were all these little creatures like elves, faries, knomes and butterflies and they all had their part to play. Liz then became aware of the importance of having feet on the Earth and the importance of cobblers in fairy stories making shoes because the feet are important, through them we feel the vibrations of the Earth. The faries were making music with panpipes and string instruments and this music was important as it was another connection with the Earth energies. We need to be in touch with that deep level of the elementals because they are at the elemental level, the deepest level of the Earth. Then Liz saw that the stepping stones were bending round to the right and as she followed them she saw in the distance a tall white tower like a temple stretching up out of the Earth, a spiritual accent...

I started off seeing a coach and black horses. It looked like a hearse, big glass windows and had glass steps at the back leading inside. I went in and there was one seat facing forward so I sat on that and then the horses started to move off along a twisty, narrow country road. There were people at the side throwing flowers that landed on the roof, like large daisies. The horses then changed colour to white and started to take off up into the sky. The scene then changed, I saw a toddler boy like what I had seen at the end of our Mercury Light session last Thursday. He had all the daisies in his arms and arranged them in a circle around us. Then a big glass bubble rose up from the daisy circle encasing us in this glass dome which then suddenly burst and we found ourselves in a cartoon reality full of children and cartoon characters playing and the toddler ran off with them. I then found myself looking at the reality as if it was on a TV screen and there were other people with me who seemed to be connected with the children. They told me this was the reality that children went to when they die, it had been created by them and they could stay there as long as they wanted until they were ready to move on...

I put the music back on and we continued the session...

It started to look flickery in the room to me and looked lighter each side of me.
I saw a few dim lights moving around.
I got an image of a pair of slippers and a toy dog.

Liz began to speak...

'I've got the word oval... made me think of Oval House near Brixton, an art centre for young people'

'I'm aware of a young man being sick in a bowl or wash basin'

'I have a sense of flat roofs like in Middle Eastern country. I'm aware of a long line of young men being asked their financial status, a sense of them being questioned. They were dressed like the young man that was being sick in the bowl'

'Sativa or Satvah'

'Got a large telegraph pole, lots of lines coming off it'


'Barbara of Seville'

'I asked for a message, I just got this image of a dove, bird of peace, with an olive branch in it's mouth, or mistletoe'


'Telegraph pole, newspapers, the whole information network... I'm asking who's in charge of this information network and I got some nightmarish figures like in Marilyn Peake's novels, they look like trolls and a white sheep, a sinister sheep'

'I see this mirror spread out over the Earth, a mirror like in Snow White, the mirror the Queen looks in and says... Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? The mirror does show the truth but not the truth that you want, not the truth that you believe but the truth that's maybe unwelcome because you may believe you are fair and beautiful but the mirror may show otherwise. I see a very fine line and it's going from the very bottom right up to the top, beyond the clouds, the fine line that takes you to truth. It's like a very strong but very fine line that you can follow like a discernment and that's the quality of what is true and not true. It's the spiritual quality of discernment, to be able to discern what is true and what is not true, the false from the truth. You have to have this connection with the beginning and the end like an overview. We're being shown a lot of untruths, a lot of images, a lot of unwelcome information that may not reflect the truth. To know what is true and what isn't requires this discernment, this fine connecting line between Heaven and Earth, between the mundane and the absolute, the differentiated and the undifferentiated, to know the beginnings and the ends, the opposites and the togethers, it's the fine line of wisdom. Wisdom is discernment, the judgment, it's a hair breadth, it's so fine, it's like Occam's razor, a knife edge, it's the in-between. You will be asked... Is it true that all men are born equal? And you begin with saying let's look at this, it may be and it may not be and you look at the assertion and you look for instances where men are not born equal, some have no legs, no mental faculties, no common sense and others have great gifts and intelligence and physical prowess and you say well that doesn't seem like equal but then you say in what sense? In what other sense could they be equal? So you go on looking. A fool might say oh yes that's true but that would be just a belief because has he really looked, has he used his mind to discern whether there is truth in that statement, what is the case? If you put your hand in this water at zero degrees centigrade your hand will be cold, will freeze. Is this true? And you have to check, you have to discern. It may be a case for a lot of people that there maybe anomalies, maybe there is someone who can put their hand in and it won't be cold, it won't have the same effect. We have the diamond wisdom and that's the many faceted aspect of truth like in a prism. You can split the light into many colours and each of them is an element of the white light, each of them is true but the whole truth is when they all come together, the whole truth can be split into many facets of the truth, to know the whole truth we have the whole diamond. We have partial knowledge, partial understanding and the wise man knows this, knows that he doesn't know. He has to fathom the truth, he has to discern, he has to sift the false beliefs from the actual experience of how it is. How it is shifts, it is not fixed, is there anything that is fixed? Knowledge itself is evolving so from the mortal point of view the truth may change, may evolve. What is true today may not be true tomorrow. A keen mind, a creative active mind moves with the times, is constantly reassessing, re-evaluating, refocusing, refiltering. It's not static or stagnant but the many minds in the world are fixed, they're holding on to old outmoded ideas and beliefs. They're not in the present, they're not vital, they're deadened, dull, content to be fed the false images from the mirror of the trolls without understanding, without interrogating. You have to interrogate the mirror, what is it I am seeing? Am I the fairest in the land? Is someone else fairer than me? That may or may not be true, the magic mirror may be lying. Test it, check it out, don't believe without evidence, without discernment. Trust your own ability to find the wire, the line, the tap, the infinitely fine line, the razor edge. Intuitive wisdom to see what is as opposed to mirage, reflections, mirror images, the face behind the mirror, the face behind the face, the space behind the space. Look for the gaps, the intrinsic properties, taste the full flavour, savour the full scent, appreciate the full touch, resonate with the full sound, see with the full vision, use all these faculties and the deep inner vision, the intuitive vision. Use what you are given and more will be given and if you don't use it you loose it and it withers and dies, you become dull. There are many that are born and it is as if they haven't been born at all, their lives are on hold, they have not fully incarnated, they haven't fully become human, they haven't grasped the full opportunity and they've wasted their time content to feed on lies, content to believe in the mirror images that are fed to them. So pause in your lives and take stock and ask yourself what is true in all this. Is there truth and what is it to me, what is my truth, what do I truly know and if you are asked a question is this the case? don't say yes, don't say no, say maybe and then look because if you jump to the yes or you jump to the no you have fixed that truth one way or the other before you have jumped to the in-between and looked from all angles, from all perspectives, all possibilities. So wiser to stay a while with maybe and consider and test and contemplate... That’s the beginning of wisdom' 

'I have Simeon, he's dark haired, a large man, dark curly hair'

'I sense these lovely minds, these vital minds around, these people who are alive and full of enthusiasm and vitality, live minds. It's good to have them, when you meet those people you know you are in good hands, they have an inner light and it radiates'

'I come back to the Oval again, an art centre where people of all ages are encouraged to explore and create using imagination, dance, theatre, poetry, music... blessings'

Me... 'That was very interesting what you said about truth, it's something I often think about myself'

'Thank Simeon'

I played a tune to help Liz feel back with it.

Then I did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...