This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

82nd Sitting 13/10/2015

We had the room set up as usual and Liz sat with the cabinet open throughout.

I did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned the music on and put the light out.

We did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise…

Liz started off looking over a wall of a bridge into a stream where there were a pair of white swans. As she looked at them she changed into a swan and took off flying southwards towards the sun. As she got closer and closer to the sun the golden light suddenly engulfed her and she became part of that light which then seemed to change into a chandelier full of crystals with many lights in it. Liz then realised the chandelier was over an enormous regal room and there was an investiture going on. Then she found herself with a crown on her head like a royal monarch of some sort being crowned and as she walked forwards in this room on the carpet she suddenly found herself at the Sea of Galilee and there was Jesus and John the Baptist baptising people. Two people took Liz by the arms and she was dunked under the water coming out as a new child. She then sat on the bank with a line of new born people. It was as if a whole new life was about to start but they were all waiting to be born. They were naked and Liz wondered what clothes she should wear. There were some sheep in the field with golden fleeces which was suddenly spun into wool, this golden yarn which seemed to lead back to the sun and out of this they made a cloth for clothes. Liz asked… Why do we need clothes? And the answer was that in order to be seen by each other in this world they had to clothe themselves in something to make themselves visible since they had senses to see and the right cloth was this cloth of gold…  

I started off walking with a tray containing cups of tea. It was quite dark but I could just about see where I was going and could feel I was on carpet. Eventually I came up to a table and put the tray down on it. As I did that everything lit up and I could see seated around the other side of the table were six dwarfs and they all took a cup and started drinking. Then a chair appeared from behind me so I sat down and became aware that the dwarfs were now waiting for me to speak but I couldn’t think of anything to say. I felt hands on my shoulders as a man appeared behind me and then I began to speak but it wasn’t me speaking it was the man speaking through me. The dwarfs were asking questions and didn’t seem to be aware of the man behind me. Everything started to look fuzzy and I found myself drifting upwards to the ceiling, leaving my body. I looked down at myself speaking and the man behind me then noticed a semi-circle of people behind him, and more semi-circles of people behind them all connected with hands on the shoulders of the person in front seemingly going on for ever. They were all adding to the communication as I saw waves of light energy pulsating through them towards me. Eventually I came back down into myself and opened my eyes. All the people behind me had gone and the dwarfs were looking happy having had a good conversation and questions answered. There was now a cup of tea in front of me which I drank as the dwarfs got up, thanked me and left…

I put the music back on and we resumed our session.

I felt a pressure around my right ear.
It was looking lighter and misty in the room to me.
I saw a few white wispy bits coming up from the floor.
Then lines of yellow followed by a bright blob in front of me.

Liz was sensing a lot of bright light like peripheral light surrounding a canopy while the central point seemed dim and distant.

Liz was getting hot.

Liz began to speak…

‘Audrey… Rope ladder, rigging and Jack… I think Jack is the man with the moustache I saw… I asked Audrey if there’s anything she wants to say and I just get this sense of a steering wheel on a boat or a yacht. She’s turning it to the right, she seems to be directing it, going round and round, feels like she’s on holiday, wishing her a good journey. I get the feeling of black and white check like a chequerboard. I was looking at something beige and blue through a window, not sure what it was or if it was connected with Audrey… bit of a pinch, don’t know what that means, the pinch it’s cramped… I got prisoner 894, I wonder if the pinch refers to being confined. I just feel I want to tell Audrey the world’s her oyster, she can go wherever she wants now, she’s got control of the boat, it doesn’t have to go round and round in circles, not confined to one place’

‘Got an image of skittles in a game of bowls being knocked over’

‘Delorean or Dora… it’s like I’m looking down a long road… cousins’

‘Cressida and cartwheels’

The music finished.

Liz continued for a while…

‘I’ve got many creatures like an underground stream, people… sense of a big archway like a bridge, an archway that people are passing through… horses hair, hair of the horse…’

Liz was still feeling a bit out of it so I played one more tune while she came back.

Liz then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and closing down exercise…