This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

68th Sitting 26/05/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz was feeling very tired this week after a busy day working and travelling. She was thinking about sitting another day but felt she should be okay to sit.

I did the opening prayer at 8.40pm.
Then we did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise.

Liz found herself crossing beautiful wickerwork bridges across pools of lilies to an island where she saw a little Japanese pagoda temple with beautiful flower bushes around it including yellow roses. A Japanese lady in a beautiful yellow kimono invited Liz to join her. She was making a tea ceremony to sit and have tea with her all done very beautifully and in silence. It was jasmine tea and she said it was very important for stilling the mind. It felt to Liz as if outside this little island there were wolves and terrible things going on, a wild world, but here was an oasis of calm. Liz then got an image of people skiing and abseiling, doing dare devil things and the lady said this was another way of being in the present. That was the thing, it was a teaching about stilling the mind and being in the present but for some people this heightened activity also brings you into the present. She then went on to explain that playing the piano or having a skill, something artistic or beautiful that you can focus on also brings you into the present and stills the mind, this was very important. Then the lady got an enormous piece of white linen and wrapped it around Liz like a cocoon. It was silk and Liz felt like a silk worm sheathed in silk. The lady asked Liz what she was going to turn into, she was being given the opportunity to metamorphose, change into something. Liz wanted to change into what she really was, a human being but the lady was challenging Liz as to what it was she really was. Then Liz went into a dream and there were images of birds and butterflies and Liz got lost in it, she wasn’t sure what she really was and the last image she got was holding a baby, a mother and baby…

I started off walking across wet flat sand on a beach towards the sea. When I reached the sea I found I could walk on it without sinking and just kept going until all land disappeared. It was just me walking on the sea and all I could see was sea in all directions. I carried on then spotted an island up ahead. As I got closer it appeared smaller than I first thought and when I reached it it was about one metre across. It then occurred to me that the island was really much bigger and it was me that had increased in size. With no points of reference except the sea I hadn’t noticed. I concentrated on trying to reduce my size again which seemed to take a lot of time and effort but eventually I was normal size again and walked onto the island. It was grassy with lots of trees and teeming with people wandering around aimlessly as if in their own world. They didn’t seem to acknowledge each other or see me but just kept walking around through the trees. I noticed they all looked to be from different periods in time from Stone Age man to modern times. I tried to talk to some of them and get their attention but they all looked straight through me. I then found what looked like a tall radio mast in the centre of the island and I could see strands like laser beams coming down from the top and connecting to each person on the island. They were all getting twisted together as the people walked about in different directions. There was an official looking man sitting at the bottom of the mast who saw me and looked surprised that I was there. I asked him what was going on and he told me that this island was like a library of all my previous lives on Earth. He said it was very important to keep each character and all its memories alive. These memories could be tapped into by mediums and anyone who was able to connect with this place. He went on to say there were islands like this for everybody. I wanted to ask more but ran out of time…

We continued with our session. I played one tune then like last week we continued in silence.

I picked up a hissing sound in my right ear then I got it in both ears for a few minutes.
I felt a pressure around my left ear like something was being pressed against it.
Then my whole head and ears felt fuzzy for a few minutes.
My legs were very cold below the knees.

The atmosphere was bright and bobby to me.
I saw white wispy bits swirling about.

Liz drifted off then fell asleep.
She remained asleep for the rest of the session.

After Liz fell asleep the room appeared to get darker to me with a few flashes and pin prick lights moving around.
I got a strong image of yellow and purple flowers in containers.

I drifted off briefly and came back with a dream memory of floating up to the ceiling in the room near the wall above where Liz was sitting. I was having a conversation with Liz but remember little of what was said except that Liz had just received some sort of mediumistic message and I was asking her if I could get the same. Liz said I could but had to run something along the wall first, a bit like striking a match along the side of a match box.

Towards the end of the session I got an image of an elderly lady with long hair and very thin bony hands to my left looking at Liz. I felt I knew her but couldn’t place her. Her face then morphed into an eagle and moved towards Liz disappearing into a cloud.

We the CD ended I called Liz back.
She didn’t recall any dreams or messages and still felt very sleepy.

Liz then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise.

We’re still not sure if sitting without music is beneficial or not to the sitting. We’ll try it again next week then try something else.

We decided that in future if either of us felt particularly tired we would move the sitting to another day.
Liz had felt something was going on as she slept but was unable to bring anything forward tonight.
It’s possible I was tuning into her dreams when I drifted off and floated up to the ceiling…