This group began sitting in July 2013 as an experiment using the 'Basic Guide' published by the 'Scole Experimental Group' in 1996.

We've changed the way we sit over the years. I am continuing to develop trance mediumship and Liz gives a mixture of evidential clairvoyance, inspired speaking and trance...

Our intentions are to receive information that will help us understand the bigger picture, why we are here, what happens when we die, the mechanics of mediumship and how we can help in raising the quality of consciousness...

...Nick Pettitt

33rd Sitting 08/05/2014

We had the room setup and sat as usual.

At 8.30pm we did the Rainbow Bridge Exercise…

Liz had a good trip, starting off with stepping stones that seemed to go on forever. There were children like fairies changing into butterflies dancing in front of her and they all had golden hair. Ahead she saw an enormous expanse of silvery water with rainbows all over it. There was no need for a bridge as the rainbows made a bridge and the children urged Liz to fly over it with them. This she did, they swooped up and it felt more like gliding than flying. There were mountain peaks ahead and Liz wanted to get to them. As they got near to the mountains the children took Liz to some pastures where there were white goats. It looked a bit like a scene from the Swiss book ‘Heidi’ There was a cave and Peter was there who is somebody in spirit that Liz knows. She felt emotional seeing him there. They talked for a while then his skin changed to a black colour. Liz questioned why and he said it was because she’d made all the children white with golden hair but really they are all colours. Then the children became black skinned and started dancing again. There was a great feeling of freedom and happiness and Liz felt this was the way it should be with children. Peter and the children then brought Liz back…

Rich was walking along a river bank running his hands along the tops of the grass and bulrushes. There was a constant presence of a big eye in the sky above him…

I started off on a pebbly beach where everything looked silver. The bridge was also silver and looked like it was made out of aluminium. I started to cross it and like the last couple of weeks everything started looking brighter as I crossed. I came across some palm trees each side of the bridge and they parted as I walked through them which reminded me of the old TV programme ‘Thunderbirds’ Everything then started to have a Hawaiian feel to it. I saw lots of colourfully dressed ladies dancing around in hula skirts. Then I came up to a black man sitting by a cave who was also colourfully dressed with a kind of flat hat on. The cave looked dark and he invited me to have a look inside where I saw it was bright and the walls looked like gold. He told me it was a place of healing but time was now running out and he said I could come back and explore it another time as there was much more to see inside. He then gave me a gold sovereign to take back with me…

Once again Liz and I seemed to get many similarities between our visualizations.

I then did the opening prayer before putting the music back on.

It immediately got very cold down the fronts of my legs.
I had tickles in my hair and around my right ear and a big blob started to build up in front of me.
I got a fuzzy feeling on my left leg.

Liz had an energetic feeling like uneasiness building up in her abdomen area. It wasn’t unpleasant but just strange.
This was followed by a pulling sensation and feeling of emptiness.
Then Liz saw blobs in the room.

Rich was becoming overshadowed by his guide giving him a very heavy feeling holding him still and unable to speak.

I felt cobwebs over my face.

Liz had the sense of an apex of a roof, like a large letter ‘A’ between her and me and it was darker on her right.
I could just about see this as well and it looked darker on my left.

Liz got an image of a red velvet beret and the name Beryl.
Then she got bag pipes and tartan.

I had a pressure on my right foot.
The room suddenly looked darker to me.
I was seeing white wispy bits and pin-prick lights to my right.
I had the feeling something was flying above me. It looked like a black shadow moving about over my head.

Liz felt touches in her hair and felt emotional.

Liz and I both thought the atmosphere of the room was more calm and gentle this week.
It was now looking lighter to me.
Liz was getting cobwebs on her head.

We reached the half-way point and like last week I turned the music down slightly to better hear any noises produced by the team.
I also kept an ear on Rich as it sounded like his breathing and mouth were starting to be controlled.

Liz and I both got very cold around the legs.
Liz felt she had a presence in front of her.
She got the sense of a badger then saw a gold bangle and shiny necklace.
I had a bright blob in front of me.

I felt Rich’s guide was ready to communicate…

Me… ‘If our friend wants to communicate they’d be very welcome, be nice to hear a few words’

‘I must be brief… Do you have a question for me?’

Me… ‘Have you a name you can give us?’

‘My name is not important’

Me… ‘Okay, well you’re very welcome’

‘I feel some… there is a question for me?’

Me… ‘Will you be working with this circle and be part of the group?’


Me… ‘How will you develop? Will you be speaking through the medium as you are now or are you looking to develop a more independent voice?’

‘We are trying to make an independent voice but for now this is what we are able to do’

Me… ‘How do you find the energies and conditions of the room?’

‘Yes, to us it is just light’

Me… ‘Just light yes… Do you feel it is something you will be able to work in okay?’

‘Ah yes’

Me… ‘Is there anything else you would like us to do to help develop the communication from yourself?’

‘Must find more people… More people is more energy’

Me… ‘Normally we find that, extra sitters, they kind of find us’

‘Yes, this is the way’

Me… ‘Yes okay, so we won’t go out and drag them off the street as it were’

‘No, they will come… Liz you have a question for me?’

Liz… ‘Yes, have you communicated with groups before?’

‘Ha, ha, yes… very many’

Liz… ‘So you’re a seasoned communicator… are you just getting used to the energy of the medium?’

‘No I have known him many lifetimes’

Liz… ‘But in this lifetime, are you just getting used to channelling?’

‘We are always here, it is…’

Liz… ‘How to manifest’

‘Yes but also for Richard to practice more’

Liz… ‘What would you advise, what would be in the medium’s best interest to help him to bring forward communication?’

‘Just to spend time with us, to meditate’

Me… ‘Is that something he could do at home?’

‘Yes, he has been this evening… But there is a question Liz that you have, not about this group or this room but perhaps a deeper question… is there something you always wish to know?’

Liz… ‘Well the truth, ha, ha…’

‘There are many truths’

Liz… ‘What it really is, what it’s all really about’

‘It is all about love… that is all that matters’

Me… ‘Are you able to describe the conditions that you live in now?’

‘You would say I am a traveller. I travel and I watch and I learn and I’ve gained some knowledge and this is what I offer to you’

Liz… ‘What has gone wrong with the development of mankind, that they’ve misconstrued love in such a way?’

‘Nothing has gone wrong. It is sometimes hard for you on this plane to see the bigger picture. Everything is as it should be, it is part of the development of the human soul and all is not straight but sometimes twists and turns but there is nothing to fear, all is good’

Liz… ‘What about the appearance of cruelty and war and aggression, how does that…’

‘This is not an issue of the soul but of the body. It is the nature of things. When you realise that your soul and your body are not the same it will allow you to understand that the body, the stuff of matter, is denser and has a part of this heaviness sometimes what you would call negativity can manifest as cruelty and as war, but always God, there is no separation. You are not your body, you are just light, we are all just light. There have always been wars and there will always be conflict but this is a part of the learning. There are many higher realms than this where these things no longer happen but this is your school and sometimes even though you do not wish to go to school it is in your best interest… I will come again, good night’

Liz… ‘Good night…’

Me… ‘Thank you very much for coming. Look forward to speaking to you again… That was well timed, the music has just finished’

‘All is planned, goodnight’

Rich came back. He told us his guide had been sat with him since the start of the session. He had been unable to speak but he had experienced some of the things we’d reported.
This was the first time he’d communicated through Rich for about ten years so he’d done really well as it was a very good communication.
Rich had remained aware during the communications and felt quite drained for a while afterwards.

The communication had meant a lot to Liz as it reminded her of a dream she’d had many years ago where she’d been given teaching. In the dream she had to write down on a slate the purpose of life and she wrote ‘It’s a school and the lesson we have to learn is love’ She said the communicator felt like an old friend.

Liz then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise…